Thank-you for joining us. Your host will be with you shortly The Body Type Nutrition Academy 2015 The Body type Nutrition Academy 2015 Sugar, Insulin, Energy Expenditure and you. Not a day goes by in the nutritional industry where a finger isn’t pointed or blame laid squarely on a food, food group or behaviour. Learning outcomes » Understand the concept of the calories in vs calories out » » » Model and the basis for the counter arguments as to how this might be oversimplification Appreciate the ways in which athletes manipulate carbohydrate for performance and recovery Understand the arguments for and against high and low carbohydrate diets Appreciate the changes to metabolic rate in relation to dietary choices CICO Calories in – Calories out Thermodynamics The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system is constant; energy can be transformed from one form to another, but cannot be created or destroyed. Metabolic States REE / TDEE and the ‘metabolic fire’ First, some definitions » TDEE – Total daily energy expenditure » Resting energy expenditure People argue for or against fasting, juice diets, high protein diets and in particular ketogenic diets having a “metabolic advantage” are referring to something we discussed last talk. Calorie-for-calorie, can a person in a different metabolic state, have a higher resting energy expenditure. Does a person in ketosis expend more energy than a person not in ketosis? LETS DO SCIENCE! Ketogenic low-carbohydrate diets have no metabolic advantage over non ketogenic low-carbohydrate diets Carol S Johnston, Sherrie L Tjonn, Pamela D Swan, Andrea White, Heather Hutchins, and Barry Sears Thermodynamics Revisited Can we change our energy requirements? Substrate efficiency? RMR? » Energy requirements of the body fall into four components: » Resting energy expenditure (REE) or BMR (e.g., energy required to sustain basic cellular function) » Thermic effect of food (TEF) – the amount of energy required to process and digest food » Activity energy expenditure (AEE) – the amount of energy expended by exercise and non-exercise movement (NEPA and EPOC) » The sum of all of these factors is referred to as Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) Effects of Dietary Composition on Energy Expenditure During Weight-Loss Maintenance FREE Cara B. Ebbeling, PhD; Janis F. Swain, MS, RD; Henry A. Feldman, PhD; William W. Wong, PhD; David L. Hachey, PhD; Erica Garcia-Lago, BA; David S. Ludwig, MD, PhD Describing weight gain. Calories in calories out is old hat – TDEE > Input is correct. While it is mathematically true that someone who has gained weight has consumed more energy than they have expended, using CICO / Thermodynamics doesn’t help fully explain the situation and is overly simplified and does not take into account many other processes. Application of Studies The Sears study Back to the studies Ketogenic low-carbohydrate diets have no metabolic advantage over nonketogenic low-carbohydrate diets1,2,3 Carol S Johnston, Sherrie L Tjonn, Pamela D Swan, Andrea White, Heather Hutchins, and Barry Sears Are there fat burning Foods? Or are there “enhanced fat burning states” ? Let’s Discuss this…. Low Carb for faster loss? Bottom line: » There is sufficient clinical evidence to suggest that carbohydrate restriction may increase TEE in subjects, though there is great variability across studies » The bigger question is if ketosis does so to a greater extent than would be expected/predicted based on just the further reduction in carbohydrate content. » In other words, is there something “special” about ketosis that increases TEE beyond the dose effect of carbohydrate removal? The Biochemical basis of sports performance – Maughan/Gleeson 2002 The low carb advantage? Why is anecdotal evidence so strong? » » » » » Muscle Glycogen stores and hydration Low intensity activity and failure to know how to train Sedentary population and over-consumption The mentality of simple rules and no-brainer bans Weight loss composition over X weeks for faster initial weight-loss in the uneducated » Tactics employed by diet clubs » Weight gain on high carb diets prior to loss? LB Krupp, NG LaRocca, J Muir-Nash, AD Steinberg The fatigue severity scale: application to patients with multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus Neurobiology of muscle fatigue – Roger M.Enoka et al, Dept of physiology and exercise and sports sciences, tuscon arizona But Sugar is Evil? The devil is in the dose. Academy call #5 – Carbohydrates and Insulin Academy call #6 – TDEE / Metabolic variation Academy call #18 – Protein Intakes in athletic populations Academy call #22 – Reverse dieting Academy call #11 – I.F and Autophagy What is The Body Type Nutrition Academy: » A 2 year multi-stage course on nutrition, performance, health, body composition and supplement use » » » » Aims to take your nutrition knowledge to the next level Will give you the ability to deal with ANY client This webinar is an example of the practical academy (12 month) there is also the Foundation Academy (pre practical Academy) and an Advanced Academy (after the practical academy) This Academy starts at 10am on April 1st, are you going to join us for a year of incredible learning? What are the benefits of The BTN Academy: » Taught via online webinars just like this one EVERY week » Taught and supported by 7 expert coaches » Access to a members area, so if you miss a call, all the videos, audio files and handouts are stored for your learning convenience » Access to a forum so you can discuss each weeks topic amongst yourselves and with the coach teaching that subject » Includes a course folder which is sent to you in the post - Access to our members area giving you discounts off other courses, companies, and other cool stuff » Access to the monthly research review to aid your learning and keeping up with the scientific literature - Gest lectures from hormonal health experts Nutri Q&A At 10am, April 1st, an email will be sent to this waiting list with a link to sign up, if you want to be part of the next BTN Academy, make sure your name is on this list....