Skills and Techniques- Badminton

Skills and Techniques- Badminton
KC 3- The development of skill and the
refinement of technique
Motivation, Concentration and Feedback
Once you have considered your stage of learning,
methods of practice and principles of effective practice, it
is useful to study how Motivation, Concentration and
Feedback affect your performance.
Motivation is your level of desire to succeed when learning or
practicing a skill/playing competitively etc. You MUST be
motivated in order to improve your level of performance.
Your aim is to optimise your motivation for the performance
you are working on.
Some performers are capable of motivating themselves
Other performers rely on encouragement
Being motivated enables the performer to be self driven
to listen to instructions and act on it, it helps the
performer to be self determined/give of their best/come
from behind/respond to immediate problems/competitive
challenges/not worry if mistakes are made and re
channel focus.
Internal Motivation
This is your own ‘internal’ level of desire to succeed
You want to be the best in the class/Glasgow/Scotland
 You are able to maintain practice sessions as you have a
desire to improve. This is particularly important if you have to
practice many times over a week.
 You will have taken part in activities in the past and decided
not to pursue them because your interest was not high
 If you are interested in your own work you are far more likely
to make progress. In order to succeed you require high levels
of internal motivation, fitness and skill.
External Motivation
This occurs when your involvement in an activity is for reasons
apart from simply participation e.g. earning money though
 Everyone has an optimum level of motivation. You have
probably been in situations where your fear of failure or desire
to do well has adversely affected your performance. Top
performers become proficient at motivating themselves to the
optimum level required for a special performance.
 How could you motivate yourself during practice sessions?
Target Setting- Make targets achievable so that confidence is
high. To remain motivated continually reset targets once you
have achieved your goal.
 Always have something to aim for!
To perform to a high level you need to pay part attention to some
cues and full attention to others. This is a major feature of
performance in all activities.
Your level of concentration must be compatible with the demands of
the task. In most activities you cannot pay full attention all the time,
therefore, you heighten your level of concentration at special times
so that you are alert and pay less attention at other times. This is
especially the case with activities that have a pronounced start/stop
pattern of play e.g. racket sports
Your stage of learning will also affect what you need to concentrate
on. Beginners have to focus their attention on performing the skill
e.g. PAR, whilst elite/skilled performers are able to pay attention to
other areas of their performance e.g. opponents
court position, shuttle placement etc.
Concentration enables the performer to
 Focus on instructions and demonstration to ensure they fully
understand how to execute and apply the skill correctly
 Ensure bad habits are not formed or can be eradicated
 Enables the performer to perform their role and apply their skills
 Enables the performer to read play, make effective decisions and
adapt to the immediate situation.
Feedback is information you collect about your performance.
There are different types of feedback. The types you use depend
on your ability, the type of task you are completing, the type of
skill performed and the nature of the activity.
Feedback is essential for performance improvement.
It helps you to plan improvements to your performance
It provides reinforcement about the successful parts of your
It should be positive and is most effective if it is clear, precise,
accurate and given immediately after the performance. For
example, a time out in basketball.
Feedback and motivation are linked. You are more likely to be
motivated to do well if you receive positive feedback on your
Feedback cont.
The main types of feedback are
Internal (Kinaesthetic)
Internal Feedback
This type of feedback concerns movement awareness (the
feeling of different parts of the action)
You receive internal feedback about the action through
control, balance, co-ordination and timing you felt when
executing the skill. As a result you will develop a feeling and
awareness of what a good performance is.
Beginners are unable to process feedback internally as they
are unaware what the correct movement patterns feel like.
Automatic performers know immediately whether or not the
action has been executed correctly. Consider the examples
on the following slide.
Internal Feedback
When Tiger Woods drives the ball he can collect his
tee without watching the outcome of the drive. He
knows from the feeling of the action when he has
made the correct connection with the ball and that it
will land on the fairway.
When David Beckham takes a free kick he begins
celebrating before the ball has crossed the goal line.
He knows from the feeling of the action he has
made the correct connection with the ball and that it
will result in a goal.
When Chris Patterson takes a kick he can begin
running back to his own half without watching the
flight of the ball. He knows from the feeling of the
action he has made the correct connection with the
ball and that he has scored a conversion.
External Feedback
This type of feedback comes from an external source. This can include:
 Coach/Teacher Feedback
Video/Dartfish/Photographs (Visual/Quantitative/Qualitative)
Match Analysis Sheets
Observation Checklists
Scatter Diagrams
Knowledge of Results
Knowledge of Performance (Verbal/Visual/Written/Qualitative)
External Feedback
Coach/Teacher Feedback (Example)
“You successfully achieved 7/10 OHC. When performing these
OHC, Preparation and Recovery stages were performed
exceptionally well. By contacting the shuttle with a straight arm your
performance would be improved further.”
Scatter Diagram (Example)
I could clearly see from the diagram that out of 20 Drop Shots
played only 9 landed before the service line. 6 made contact with the
net, 3 were played out of court and the remaining 2 were played
over the service line.
Knowledge of Results (Example)
From the 5 full court badminton games I played I won 3 and lost 2.
My 3 wins were comfortable and I narrowly lost my other 2 games.
My scores were as follows: 3 wins 21-11, 21-14, 21-9
2 losses 19-21, 18-21
External Feedback
The type and timing of the feedback you receive can depend on
certain factors
Stage of Learning (Examples)
 Preparation Stage- Qualitative/Quantitative immediately after the
action has been performed. Positive and small amounts focussed on
technique. This helps prevent bad technical habits developing.
 Automatic Stage- Qualitative/Quantitative after a pressure practice
has been completed. Focus on shuttle placement, consistency,
tactical elements and minor changes to technique that could
improve performance by a fraction. More detailed feedback can be
processed at this stage.
Nature of the Activity
 Badminton/Tennis- Stop/start activities, therefore, feedback can be
provided on a regular basis during the game. There are small breaks
in between each point which allows coaches to relay information to
the performer.
 Basketball- Each team is allocated a specific number of timeouts.
Coaches can call a time out at key points in the game to make
tactical changes.
 Football/Rugby- Although feedback can be provided at half time, the
pattern and speed of play can be quick and constantly changing.
Therefore, analysing your own/teams performance in detail tends to
take place after the game.
Complete Homework task 6 for Friday 12/12/08