Living and Learning in a Global Community Innovative Schools Virtual University Housekeeping Paperless handouts- coming Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach Co-Founder & CEO Powerful Learning Practice, LLC President 21st Century Collaborative, LLC Driving Questions What are you doing to contextualize and mobilize what you are learning? How will you leverage, how will you enable your teachers or your students to leveragecollective intelligence? . Lead Learner Native American Proverb “He who learns from one who is learning, drinks from a flowing river.” Sarah Brown Wessling, 2010 National Teacher of the Year Describes her classroom as a place where the teacher is the “lead learner” and “the classroom walls are boundless.” 6 Trends for the digital age Analogue Tethered Closed Isolated Generic Consuming Digital Mobile Open Connected Personal Creating Source: David Wiley: Openness and the disaggregated future of higher education Shifting From Shifting To Learning at school Learning anytime/anywhere Teaching as a private event Teaching as a public collaborative practice Learning as passive participant Learning in a participatory culture Learning as individuals Learning in a networked community Linear knowledge Distributed knowledge Connected Learning The computer connects the student to the rest of the world Learning occurs through connections with other learners Learning is based on conversation and interaction Stephen Downes What does it mean to be a connected learner with a well developed network? What are the advantages or drawbacks? How is it a game changer? Photo credit: Alec Couros Dispositions and Values Commitment to understanding gained through listening and asking good questions related to practice Perseverance toward deep thought by exploring ideas and concepts, rethinking, revising, and continual repacking and unpacking, resisting urges to finish prematurely Courage and initiative to engage in discussions on difficult topics Alacrity to share and contribute Desire to be transparent in thinking Inclination toward being open minded Dedication to the ongoing development of expertise Creation of a culture of collegialitybelieving that "None of us is as good as all of us" and that the contributions of all can lead to improved individual practice Willingness to be a co-learner, cocreator, and co-leader Willingness to leaving one's comfort zone to experiment with new strategies and taking on new responsibilities Define Community Define Networks A Definition of Community Communities are quite simply, collections of individuals who are bound together by natural will and a set of shared ideas and ideals. “A system in which people can enter into relations that are determined by problems or shared ambitions rather than by rules or structure.” (Heckscher, 1994, p. 24). The process of social learning that occurs when people who have a common interest in some subject or problem collaborate over an extended period to share ideas, find solutions, and build innovations. (Wikipedia) ...has been defined as a group of interacting people living in a common location. What are the characteristics of distributed learning communities? In the digital age, common location is not as important as common interest. Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2010 Community... A Definition of Networks From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Networks are created through publishing and sharing ideas and connecting with others who share passions around those ideas who learn from each other. Networked learning is a process of developing and maintaining connections with people and information, and communicating in such a way so as to support one another's learning. Connectivism (theory of learning in networks) is the use of a network with nodes and connections as a central metaphor for learning. In this metaphor, a node is anything that can be connected to another node: information, data, feelings, images. Learning is the process of creating connections and developing a network. In connectivism, learning involves creating connections and developing a network. It is a theory for the digital age drawing upon chaos, emergent properties, and self organised learning. cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009 Making connections (It’s not what you know, or who you know- but do you know what who you know- knows? ) Source: Wikipedia “Understanding how networks work is one of the most important literacies of the 21st Century.” - Howard Rheingold Open Networks If ... information is recognized as useful to the community ... it can be counted as knowledge. The community, then, has the power to create knowledge within a given context and leave that knowledge as a new node connected to the rest of the network’. – Dave Cormier (2008) Practitioners’ knowledge = content & context Professional Learning Communities The driving engine of the collaborative culture of a PLC is the team. They work together in an ongoing effort to discover best practices and to expand their professional expertise. PLCs are our best hope for reculturing schools. We want to focus on shifting from a culture of teacher isolation to a culture of deep and meaningful collaboration. FOCUS: Local , F2F, Job-embeddedin Real Time Communities of Practice FOCUS: Situated, Synchronous, Asynchronous- Online and Walled Garden Personal Learning Networks FOCUS: Individual, Connecting to Learning Objects, Resources and People – Social Network Driven Do it Yourself PD as Self Directed Connected Learners Communities Of Practice DIY-PD Personal Learning Networks F2F Teams "Rather than belittling or showing disdain for knowledge or expertise, DIY champions the average individual seeking knowledge and expertise for him/herself. Instead of using the services of others who have expertise, a DIY oriented person would seek out the knowledge for him/herself." (Wikipedia, n.d.) Community is the New Professional Development Cochran-Smith and Lytle (1999a) describe three ways of knowing and constructing knowledge that align closely with PLP's philosophy and are worth mentioning here. Knowledge for Practice is often reflected in traditional PD efforts when a trainer shares with teachers information produced by educational researchers. This knowledge presumes a commonly accepted degree of correctness about what is being shared. The learner is typically passive in this kind of "sit and get" experience. This kind of knowledge is difficult for teachers to transfer to classrooms without support and follow through. After a workshop, much of what was useful gets lost in the daily grind, pressures and isolation of teaching. Knowledge in Practice recognizes the importance of teacher experience and practical knowledge in improving classroom practice. As a teacher tests out new strategies and assimilates them into teaching routines they construct knowledge in practice. They learn by doing. This knowledge is strengthened when teachers reflect and share with one another lessons learned during specific teaching sessions and describe the tacit knowledge embedded in their experiences. Community is the New Professional Development Knowledge of Practice believes that systematic inquiry where teachers create knowledge as they focus on raising questions about and systematically studying their own classroom teaching practices collaboratively, allows educators to construct knowledge of practice in ways that move beyond the basics of classroom practice to a more systemic view of learning. I believe that by attending to the development of knowledge for, in and of practice, we can enhance professional growth that leads to real change. Cochran-Smith, M., & Lytle, S.L. (1999a). Relationships of knowledge and practice: Teaching learning in communities. Review of Research in Education, 24, 249-305. Passive, active, and reflective knowledge building in local (PLC), global (CoP) and contextual (PLN) learning spaces. Virtual Community A virtual space supported by computer-based information technology, centered upon communication and interaction of participants to generate member-driven content, resulting in relationships being built up. (Lee & Vogel, 2003) Dynamics of Different Network Types Community of Practice Project Teams Informal networks Purpose Learning Sharing Creating Knowledge Accomplish specific task Communication flows Boundary Knowledge domain Assigned projector task Networking, resource building and establishing relationships Connections Common application Commitment to goal Interpersonal or discoveryacquaintances innovation Membership Semi - permanent Constant for a fixed period Links made based on needs of the individual Time scale As long as it adds value to the its members Fixed ends when project deliverables have been No pre-engineered end Looking Closely at Learning Community Design 4L Model (Linking, Lurking, Learning, and Leading) inspired by John Seeley Brown This model is developed around the roles and interactions members of a community have as participants in that community. Kollock’s 4 Motivations for Contributing 1. 2. 3. 4. Reciprocity Reputation Increased sense of efficacy Attachment to and need of a group Reputation What's the motivation of behind these people actually interacting and participating? … people want to share with the community what they believe to be important …. and they want to see their name in lights. They want to see their little icon on the front page, their username on the front page, so other people can see it. Celebration Celebration cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2010 Connection cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2010 Communication Collaboration Connection Collaboration Communication User Generated Content Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2010 Celebration “Twitter and blogs ... contribute an entirely new dimension of what it means to be a part of a tribe. The real power of tribes has nothing to do with the Internet and everything to do with people.” cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2010 Internet tribes “A tribe needs a shared interest and a way to communicate.” “The internet eliminates geography. This means that there are now more tribes: smaller tribes, influential tribes, and tribes that could never have existed before.” ~ Seth Godin cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2010 Tribes cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2010 Is learning simply about gaining knowledge...? cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2010 ... or making connections? The New Third Place? “All great societies provide informal meeting places, like the Forum in ancient Rome or a contemporary English pub. But since World War II, America has ceased doing so. The neighborhood tavern hasn't followed the middle class out to the suburbs...” -- Ray Oldenburg Motivations • Social connectedness • Psychological well-being • Gratification • Collective Efficacy The Social Web is built here, from love and esteem Connected Learning Communities provide the personal learning environment (PLE) to do the nudging Level of engagement Levels of engagement Become an expert Become a mentor Write a blog Ask a question (with attribution) Comment (with attribution) Register Comment (Anonymously) Browse, search, learn (Anonymously) Type of engagement Strategize a community exercise Presence Sharing Reputation Identity Conversations Relationships Groups “Strategy is knowing what not to do” Michael Porter Self Presence Sharing Publish? Reputation Activity Purpose/ Passion? Identity Groups Planning? Collectively Rate? Relationships Co-Creation? Caretakers? Rules & Repercussions Conversations Community Degrees of Transparency and Trust Join our list Join our forum Join our community Increasing collaboration and transparency of process Groups Norms Conversations You have to find a way to spare the group from scale. Scale alone kills conversations, because conversations require dense twoway conversations. [Dunbar] found that the MAXIMUM number of people that a person could keep up with socially at any given time, gossip maintenance, was 150. This doesn't mean that people don't have 150 people in their social network, but that they only keep tabs on 150 people max at any given point. Simple (hard) Steps • Have a compelling idea • Seed • Someone must live on the site – Community manager or you • Make the rules clear (and short) – Tools not rules • • • • • • Punish swiftly and nicely Reward contributions- celebrate often Spread the work out Collective Norms Apologize publicly, swiftly and frequently Community platform and Web 2.0 spaces A Good Facilitator/Coordinator? Community Leader Facilitation and Coordination of a CoP includes: • monitoring activity • encouraging participation (facilitation techniques) • felxible action plan • reporting CoP activity – metrics, evaluations • monitoring success criteria and impact • behind the scenes • managing CoP events A Facilitator/Coordinator cultivates the community Metrics Building an environment to support collaborative working Find and connect with experts Find and connect with your peers Threaded discussion forums, wikis, blogs, document repository News feeds Event calendar News and Newsletters Tech Enhanced Learning 21st Century Teaching and Learning Your community’s life-cycle Level of energy and visibility Sustain/Renew Grow Start-up Close Plan Discover/ imagine Incubate/ deliver value Focus/ expand Ownership/ openness From: Cultivating Communities of Practice by Wenger, McDermot and Snyder Let go/ remember Time Characteristics of a healthy community Our basic experimental design… Seek out 20 schools/districts willing to invest some time in exploring the challenge of 21st Century Learning. Ask the schools to identify small teams of 5-6 educators who are ready for this exploration. With the support of our PLP Community Founders, Directors of Community Development, Cohort Community Leaders, Cognitive Coaches, PLP Fellows, Experienced Voices, and team leaders we begin that exploration together. Powerful Learning Practice Delivery Model Workshops Two all day workshops that build capacity, community and develop 21st Century skills. Elluminate Live meetings where teams meet, listen and then reflect in small groups. Professional Learning Teams Job embedded teams who meet f2f and work towards scale and alignment of 21st C skills with school improvement goals VLC Where we deepen understanding, network, share resources and grow as a community of practice. Collaborative Tools Wikispaces and Diigo Twitter Elluminate NING Facebook Slideshare Flickr YouTube Evernote “Collaboration with others in my district and learning new tools was the best part of PLP. Connecting with other teachers in my district for new ideas and connecting with other schools for new ideas made PLP the best PD ever!” ~ Science teacher in WNY Organic Collaboration School Teams meet face-to-face Experienced Voices from around the globe Virtual Academiescross cohort Leadership Boot Camps Critical Friends Legacy Projects “I enjoyed meeting with other schools from around the world, hearing and sharing what they are doing in their districts and regions. It opened my eyes to what we are not doing in my buildings and what needs to be done in the future.” ~Garry Stone, WNY Superintendent Team Action Research Projects Your team will work as a Professional Learning Team to co-create a project: Develop a creative PD plan to share what you have learned over the past year with the rest of your school or district. Develop a 21st Century curriculum project that is constructivist in nature and leverages the potential of emerging technologies. Action Research Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2010 "The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence. It is to act with yesterday's logic." - Peter Drucker