Redefining openness: a vision for Open Practices Gráinne Conole, The Open University, UK Keynote, EFQUEL Conference, Lisbon, 9th September 2010 + Orientation Focus Open, social and participatory media A vision of openness – Open Practices Designing and using OER Olnet OPAL Open Educational Resource Practices (OEP) Definition Derivation The OPAL OEP quality cube Social inclusion Innovation Quality Open, social and participatory media Media sharing New tools/practices are leading to new forms of learning and teaching Blogs & wikis Social networking Sharing Communicating Web 2.0 Virtual worlds Shift from: Web 1.0 – content repository and static information Web 2.0 – user generated content and social mediation Networking Interacting A typology of new technologies Technology Examples Media sharing Flckr, YouTube, Slideshare, Sketchfu Media manipulation and mash ups Geotagged photos on maps,Voicethread Instant messaging, chat, web 2.0 forums MSN, Paltalk, Arguementum Online games and virtual worlds WorldofWarcraft, SecondLife Social networking Facebook, Myspace, Linkedin, Elgg, Ning Blogging Wordpress, Edublog, Twitter Social bookmarking, Citeulike, Zotero Recommender systems Digg, LastFm, Stumbleupon Wikis and collaborative editing tools Wikipedia, GoogleDocs, Syndication/RSS feeds Bloglines, Podcast, GoogleReader (Conole and Alevizou, 2010), Review of Web 2.0 tools in Higher Education Redefining openness… Design Courses design & shared openly Peer critiquing Delivery Use of free tools & resources What is/will be the impact Repurposing of an increasingly open Open mediated technologically practices Networkinglearning environment Inquiry in learning and teaching? Sharing Research Sharing of research data Collective intelligence Evaluation Critical reflection Also see Alex Couros, Edmedia, 2010 Digital skills (Jenkins, et al., 2008) Play Visualisation Performance Negotiation Appropriation Simulation Multi-tasking Networking Distributed cognition Transmedia navigation Collective intelligence Judgment Basic definition The open provision of educational resources, enabled by information and communication technologies, for consultation, use and adaptation by a community of users for non-commercial purposes (UNESCO 2002) Broader definition Learning resources Courseware, content modules, learning objects, learner support & assessment tools, online learning communities Resources to support teachers Tools for teachers and support materials to enable them to create, adapt and use OER; training materials for teachers Resources to assure the quality of education and educational practices (UNESCO 2004) Pedagogically rich OER models Level of granularity ‘Atomistic’: based around learning objects (Merlot) ‘Holistic: aligned to course structures (MIT) Format Simple, primarily text-based Rich multi-faceted multimedia Pedagogy Relatively neutral Embedded A vision of transformation Beyond content – focus on activity and use Learners as self-directed and autonomous More of a focus on sharing, refinement, iteration, critical reflection OER as a potential catalyst to transforming educational practice Improvements in social inclusion, quality and innovation The reality gap Paradoxes Technologies not fully exploited Little evidence of use of OER Predominance of ‘old practices’ Media sharing Blogs & wikis Reasons Technical, pedagogical, organisational… “Lack of time, research vs. teaching, lack of skills, no rewards, no support….” Solutions? Virtual worlds & online games Models and frameworks Learning design Pedagogical patterns Open Educational Resources Social networking Exploring/applying “openness” Delivery Use of free tools & resources Design Courses design & shared openly Open Research Sharing of research data Evaluation Critical reflection Open Design Open Research X-Delia Open Evaluation Open Delivery Cloudworks A space for sharing and discussing learning and teaching ideas Application of web 2.0 practice Examples for teachers & learners to share/discuss A space for collaboration & communication Helps develop skills needed for engaging with new technologies’ Title Author Core Tags Location Discussions Improvements Olnet: Open Learning network From producing open resources to use of open resources •Build capacity •Find evidence •Refine the issues Network Research Fellowships Conole, McAndrew & Demtriadis, Forthcoming Learning analytics: gather & representing data Conference, Canada, February 2011 Conole, McAndrew & Demtriadis, Forthcoming OER Teacher A Creates Design Learner A OER Design Deposits Chooses Learner B Deposits Uses Uses Repurposes Teacher B & deposits Quiz + beginners route Quiz + advanced route From resources to practices The OPAL vision Focus on the practice around OER rather than the resources Better understanding will lead to improvements in the quality of OER and more innovation Open Educational Resource Practice OEP constitute the range of practices around the creation, use and management of OER with the intent to improve quality and innovate education. 22 Abstracting dimensions of Practice Approach 60+ case studies of OER collected Dimensions of OEP derived Derivation of the OEP cube model Validation Spotlight on OER on Cloudworks EDEN workshop OER activity on Cloudworks Ongoing online consultation process Validation: OER activity on Cloudworks 27 Cloudscapes and 13 Clouds evaluated Kinds of activities Reviews, events, debates, other Intentional, practical, social Types of Clouds Instructional, informational, archival Notes, resource aggregator, project descriptions, discussion & debate spaces, interviews Alevizou et al. 2010 Emergent issues from OER research Motivations for sharing and incentives for participation Financial sustainability and licensing jurisdictions OER tracking, usage patterns and users motivations Quality and credentials Effectiveness metrics Types of research and dissemination of empirical results Linking research with policy and practice The OEP cube model THE DIMENSION: What? THE CONTEXT: Where? Strategies and Policies Barriers and Success Factors Tools and Tool Practices Skills Development and Support Macro level (society) Meso level (organisation) Micro level (individuals) MATURITY: How well is it established? Initial (not yet started) Managed Defined Optimizing (embedded / advanced) CONTEXT 26 Refining the dimension Partnership Models Strategies & Policies Business Models Sustainability Strategies Barriers and Success Factors CONTEXT QA models 27 Barriers Success Factors Tools Tools & tool practices Tool Practices Skills Development & Support Digital Literacy Support structures and processes 12 skills of evolving digital literacy Henry Jenkins CYBERLEARNING REPORT Maturity View INITIAL (not yet started): Process unpredictable, poorly controlled and reactive MANAGED: Process characterized for projects and is often reactive. DEFINED: Process characterized for the organisation and is proactive (Projects tailor their process from the organisation’s standard) OPTIMIZING (embedded / advanced): Process is measured and controlled, the focus on process improvement CONTEXT 28 The cube model 29 Levels Macro-level: Societal Meso-level: Organisation Micro-level: Individual OER embedded in strategy Adapted from diagram by T. Koskinen Institutional OER repository Uses and benefits Three uses Benchmarking Guidance Reflection and comparison Benefits Guides users in understanding how to think about the key issues. Flexible enough to cover the multiple stakeholders Sub-cubes provide practical illustrative examples Useful as a mechanism for institutions to selfbenchmark 30 Mapping the case studies 31 Micro Meso Macro Strategies and policies Personal motivations and goals Institutional strategies and policies in place Embedded in national policy and funding Barriers and success factors Tension between research and teaching Lack of appropriate structure Lack of funding or rewards Tools and tool Use of web practices 2.0 tools to discuss OER Institutional OER repository National repository available Skills development and support Institutional Hewett OER workshops on projects and OER OCW Peer review and discussion Final thoughts A vision of OEP for inclusion, innovation & quality Learning and the context of learning have changed We need new approaches to learning and teaching How can we harness increasingly sophisticated tools and OERs? How can we support innovation in the use and reuse of OER? Will openness enable or restrict social inclusion? What are the quality implications in an increasingly open context? How can we ensure research better informs policy and practice? Sources Mash ups Molecule Periodic table Music sheet One world World of warcraft Questionmark Yin-Yang image Imperial collage second life island Personal Inquiry project E-Portfolios Sources OpenLearningInitiative Molecule Periodic table Music sheet One world World of warcraft Questionmark Crystal ball Sources iPhone eBook readers