INTRODUCTIONS What is your name? What is your role professionally or in the community? What is the mission that guides your work? Or what do you see as the purpose of your work? What is one trend you see emerging for the youth of St. Joe County? and What are your words? FUN FACTS ABOUT SYSTEM OF CARE Began 28 years ago and initially applied to support children with serious emotional disturbances Evolved over time Any population of children Who require an array of services and supports From multiple entities 1983 – recognition that interagency involvement was critical 2003 – President’s New Freedom Commission reaffirmed principles of SOC and introduced PH approach DEFINITIONS 1986 – A comprehensive spectrum of mental health and other necessary services which are organized into a coordinated network to meet the multiple and changing needs of children and their families Primer – a broad flexible array of effective services and supports for a defined multi-system involved population, which is organized into a coordinated network, integrates care planning and management across multiple levels, is culturally and linguistically competent, builds meaningful partnerships with families and with youth at service delivery, management and policy levels, has supportive management and policy infrastructure and is data driven. SAMHSA DEFINITION A coordinated network of community-based services and supports that are organized to meet the challenges of children and youth with serious mental health needs and their families. Families and youth work in partnership with public and private organizations to design mental health services and supports that are effective, that build on the strengths of individuals, and that address each person’s cultural and linguistic needs. A system of care helps children, youth and families function better at home, in school in the community and throughout life. FAMILY DRIVEN AND YOUTH GUIDED Families have a primary decision-making role in the care of their own children as well as the policies and procedures governing care for all children in their communities, states, tribes territories and nation. Young people have the right to be empowered educated and given a decision-making role in the care of their own lives as well as the policies and procedures governing the care of all youth in the community, state and nation. INDIANA STATE DEFINITION OF SOC The local and regional community takes responsibility for building a comprehensive system that leads to sustainable success for youth and families. The system is characterized by: • Respect, compassion and values throughout the system; • Efforts to be responsive and tailor effective services and supports to the unique, whole person; • Services and supports are created and maintained based upon community data by multiple, varied stakeholders who • work in committed, visible partnerships characterized by honest communication, a shared philosophy and approach and shared resources; THE IMPACT OF TRAUMA BINDS OUR SYSTEM Definition Event(s) are Experienced by individuals as harmful and have Effects that are adverse and lasting On-going significant trauma has a negative impact on developing brains. Children and youth behave in ways that are adaptive to them and inappropriate/criminal to adults Adults in systems can unintentionally re-traumatize young people When the conversation shifts from Mental Health to trauma, what happens for you? A TRAUMA INFORMED SYSTEM Realizes the impact of Trauma Recognizes signs and symptoms Responds through policy and practices Resists re-traumatization PRINCIPLES Safety Trustworthiness Peer Support Collaboration/Mutuality Empowerment, Voice and Choice Cultural, Historical and Gender Issues GRANT ACTIVITIES OVER THE 6 MONTHS Digital Stories Family and Youth Summit Provider Summit Law Enforcement Training Web Design Evaluation SO HOW WILL THIS HAPPEN? What is the process for getting the work done? Who is not here? What is the pace of the work? (Hint: Fast) What will we call thing thing? A VISION Indiana SOC Vision All young people, surrounded by supportive adults, achieve wellness, engage in their community, and together, promote wellness for generations to come (Proposed) St. Joseph County Trauma Informed SOC Vision A connected and compassionate St. Joseph County: Children, Youth and Families thrive MISSION (PROPOSED) The TI SOC (or other catchy name) is both a physical and virtual network of services and supports that consistently use a trauma informed, interdependent and coordinated, approach, understands and meet the needs of children, youth and families so that they reach their self-defined potential. WORKGROUPS Collaborative Leadership Group (this is you) 1. Family and Youth Engagement 2. Workforce 3.Social Marketing 4.Evaluation and data CONTACT INFO Elizabeth Waetzig Change Matrix, LLC ewaetzig@changem 574-217-7561 www.changematrix. org Emily Robinson Oaklawn Emily.robinson@oak