Publishing in ISI Journals

Workshop Details
Date : 10 March 2010
Time: 9 – 4:30 pm
Research Capacity
Venue: To be confirmed
Name : __________________
Publishing in ISI Journals
Designation: _____________
Department: ________________
(10 March 2010)
Faculty: ____________________
Limited to 25 participants
Office Phone: _______________
Mobile Phone: ______________
Email: _____________________
Submit Registration Form to
For more information, contact Dr
Hong Kian Sam, Research Capacity
Enhancement Unit, RIMC
R e s e arc h an d In n ovat i on
M a n ag e m en t Ce n t re
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
R e s e arc h an d In n ovat i on
M a n ag e m en t Ce n t re
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
The Workshop Series
Welcome to the Research Capacity
Enhancement Workshop Series
conducted by RIMC, UNIMAS. This
workshop series are meant for early
career researchers and academics
looking to develop their research
career. In this workshop series, you get
to learn on writing successful research
grants, various research methodologies,
data analyses with the aid of computers
and using the computers to prepare
quality reports and presentations.
Above all, you will get to meet fellow
researchers, make friends with
colleagues from various fields, and
share experiences.
Publishing in ISI
Participants will learn how to improve
their chances of publishing in rigorously
reviewed international journals. The
workshop will focus on the British
Journal of Psychology, which is edited
by the workshop facilitator, Peter
Mitchell. The journal was established
more than 100 years ago and has
published classic articles by Piaget,
Bartlett, Eysenck, Broadbent, Gibson,
Cattell, Watson, Kohler and many
others. The workshop will give the best
advice on joining this elite group by
publishing in the BJP.
The topics covered in this workshop include:
Learning how to use ‘Editorial
Manager’, a web-based submission
Finding the right match between the
article and the journal.
Conducting research that will achieve
high impact
Writing a cover letter to the editor
The workshop involves a lecture on the history
of the BJP, followed by practical guidance on
the process of submitting an article using
‘Editorial Manager’. Tips are provided on how to
improve your chances of getting the submission
accepted for publication. In a practical session,
participants will improve their ability in
preparing an article for submission.
About the Workshop
Peter Mitchell is Professor and Director of
Studies in Psychology at the University of
Nottingham Malaysia Campus, based in
Semenyih, near Kuala Lumpur. Previously, he
was head of the School of Psychology in
Nottingham UK. He has published around
100 scientific articles in leading international
journals, has published six books and he is
editor of the British Journal of Psychology.
He has served as Chair of the Developmental
Section of the British Psychological Society
and as Chief Examiner for the Economic and
Social Research Council UK PhD studentship
competition. Before joining Nottingham
University he worked at the University of
Birmingham, University of Oxford, University
of Wales and University of Warwick. He also
served as visiting professor at McGill
University in Canada.