AP Environmental Science

AP Environmental Science
Riverbend High School
*Start your AP science experience in 9th grade!*
*You can earn college credit, and be on track
to take AP Biology your sophomore year!*
What is environmental science?
• An Interdisciplinary study
Sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences
History: learning from our environmental past
Policy: environmental laws and regulations
Math skills: math is often the language of science, so we
work on problem solving skills
APES Topics
1. Earth Systems and
2. The Living World
3. Population
4. Land and Water Use
5. Energy Resources and
6. Pollution
7. Global Change
What does it take?
• Reading
– College level textbook
– Independent reading, note taking,
and reading-checks
• Study time
– Expect to spend an hour a night
reading, preparing, studying for
this course
• Discussion
– Talk about the issues!
– Current events—environmental
science happens EVERY DAY!
What does it take?
Study skills
Test-taking skills
Self-advocacy skills
Math skills
Organization skills
Time management
• AP College Board Exam in May
Summer 2015
• AP Bridge Program
– Dates/times TBA
– Two weeks before the start of the school year
• Get to know your classmates
• Get a head start on all that reading!
Instructor information:
Gini Greenlaw
Course Information: