Lecture 6. Formation of the Moon, Absolute Ages, Radiometric Dating


Lecture 6. Formation of the Moon, Absolute Ages,

Radiometric Dating

reading: Chapter 4

Pre-Apollo Hypotheses for Formation of the Moon


Fission Hypothesis

Moon once part of Earth, somehow separated.

Rapid spinning, cast off outer layers.

Possibly separated from the Pacific Ocean basin.

Composition resembles Earth’s mantle.

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Capture Hypothesis

Moon formed somewhere else in the solar system.

Gravitational field of the Earth caught it.

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Condensation Hypothesis

Moon and Earth condensed in place individually from the solar nebula.


Giant Impact Hypothesis

Planetesimal or planet struck the Earth just after it formed.

Ejected large volumes of hot material into orbit.

Disk of ejected matter formed, condensed into the Moon.

Observations of the Moon

What did Apollo find?

- age of the moon is 4.5 Ga (same age as the solar system).

- Moon rocks dry (contain very little water, or other volatiles ).

- Moon is less dense than the Earth

Moon 3.3 g/cc

Earth 5.5 g/cc

- Earth has a large iron core, Moon does not.

- Moon has same ratio of oxygen isotopes as the Earth.

- Moon is unusually large compared to other moons.

Rejecting Hypotheses


Fission Hypothesis

Earth would have had to spun much faster - not likely.

Moon lacks volatiles - water, Pb, Au.


Capture Hypothesis

Moon would have to be traveling very slow - unlikely.

Moon would have very different composition - not seen.

Moon lacks volatiles - water, Pb, Au.

Moon lacks a core.


Condensation Hypothesis

Moon is too large 1/4 Earth’s diameter.

Most other moons thought to have formed this way are small.

Moon lacks volatiles - water, Pb, Au.

Moon lacks a core.


Giant Impact Hypothesis

Explains lack of volatiles, size, composition, lack of core.

Giant Impact Hypothesis

Mars sized, grazing impactor.

Melted the surface

Ejected molten crust and mantle into space.

Molten material formed a ring of asteroids.

Asteroids accreted to form the Moon



….. simulation so… how old is the Moon and the Earth??

Sedimentary Rocks

Erosion (wind, water, chemical) produces sediment

Sediment grains carried & deposited in different location


- often form flat layers

- made of sand, silt, mud

- can trap organisms or their remains - fossils

Fossils can be:

- tracks - physical traces

- chemical traces

- morphological traces

- macroscopic or microscopic

Igneous Rocks

Molten rock that cools and solidifies

- if it erupts on the surface: lava

- if it is below the ground: magma basalt

Mg and Fe rich

Hawaii granite

Si rich

Cascades, Sierra Nevadas

Metamorphic Rocks

Sedimentary or igneous rocks

Have been heated to high T or subjected to high P

- not quite enough to melt

- minerals in the rock change

- often see original layering

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marble gneiss

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deformed shale

Rocks Contain Minerals

augite/clinopyroxene garnet & clinopyroxene quartz SiO

2 calcite CaCO


Atlas of Igneous & Metamorphic Rocks

origin of the solar system

Geological Record / Rock Record

oldest rocks on Earth - end of heavy bombardment rise in oxygen plate tectonics?

first multicellular fossils






present billions of years ago:






Hadean - Greek God of the underworld

- abundant impacts

- life??

Archean - “ancient life”

- minimal evidence of life

- microbial life

oceans and ‘continents’ different

Proterozoic - “earlier life”

- appearance of oxygen

- gradual increase in oxygen

- multi-cellular life (algae)

Phanerozoic - “visible life”

- multi-cellular animals

- plants

- fungi

- colonization of land most eons defined arbitrarily except for the Phanerozoic

The Phanerozoic

3 eras in the Phanerozoic:

Paleozoic - “old life”

- 543-248 Ma

- origins of multi-cellular animals

- origins of plants

- colonization of land

- C, O, S, D, C, P

Mesozoic - “middle life”

- 248-65 Ma

- time of the dinosaurs

- T, J, C

Cenozoic - “recent life”

- 65 Ma to present

- age of the mammals

(Ma = millions of years ago)

Absolute Ages Through Radiometric Dating

Before the 1950’s ages were all relative.

Radioactive isotopes are unstable, spontaneously decay to stabler elements.

Parent Daughter

238 U 206 Pb

40 K 40 Ar

87 Rb 87 Sr

26 Al

14 C

26 Mg

14 N


4.47 Ga

1.25 Ga

48.8 Ma

700,000 years

5,730 years

238 U time

Half-life = time for half of the starting material to decay to the daughter element

Amount of 206 Pb in the rock depends on:

- amount of starting 238 U and 206 Pb

- time

238 U +

206 Pb

Radioactive Decay

Is a probabilistic process.

Any particular atom will have a 50% chance of decaying during the first half life.

1 µg 40 K (parent)

0 µg 40 Ar (daughter)

1.25 Ga

1/2 µg 40 K

1/2 µg 40 Ar another 1.25 Ga

1/4 µg 40 K

3/4 µg 40 Ar another 1.25 Ga

1/8 µg 40 K

7/8 µg 40 Ar

Radiometric Dating of Rocks

Measure the amount of 40 K and 40 Ar in the rock.

Assume all 40 Ar came from 40 K (this is reasonable -

Ar is a gas not normally found in rocks).

Calculate the age, calculate the # of half lives: current amount original amount


( ) t/t half (amount of radioactive material in the rock)

Can use different parent-daughter pairs depending on your sample.

14 C only useful for objects <50,000 years old.

238 U only useful for the oldest rocks on Earth.

Chose the pair with the most parent and daughter contents.

Note that the Age = date that the mineral in the rock formed.

Radiometric Dating of Rocks, cont.

Note that the Age = date that the mineral in the rock formed.

Is this method useful for sedimentary rocks?

Age of the Solar System

Determine radiometric age of the oldest rocks in the solar system.

4.55 ± 0.02 Ga

4.6 Ga Meteorites

- left from from accretion

- carbonaceous chondrites (86% of stony meteorites)

- minerals formed during the process of accretion

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4.5/4.4 Ga Moon

- oldest minerals on the moon

- when the moon formed; minerals crystalized from molten material

Age of the Earth

Oldest rocks are ~ 4.0 Ga.

Heavily metamorphosed.

Older mineral grains in sedimentary rock are 4.4 Ga ( zircon mineral grains, ZrSiO



Rock ground, grains separated.

Put under SHRIMP = sensitive high-resolution ion micro-probe

Zap with a ions to vaporize a bit of the mineral

Separate out the atoms with a mass spectrometer bent magnet

Count 238 U and 208 Pb (plus 204 Pb, 206 Pb, 207 Pb)

Estimate original Pb content, calculate how much has decayed (age).

Is the Earth younger than the solar system?

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Earth is an Active Planet

Water, erosion, plate tectonics.

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Lecture 7. The Hadean Earth, heavy bombardment, origin of the atmosphere and oceans

reading: Chapter 4
