Terri Mozingo's Vitae[1]

Terri Mozingo
Curriculum Vitae
DOCTOR OF EDUCATION, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Educational Leadership, 2002
Dissertation: Semi-Autonomous Work Teams in Industry: High School Possibilities
Six-Year Certificate: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1993
MASTER OF EDUCATION, North Carolina State University, Curriculum and Instruction, 1983
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE, Fayetteville State University, 1976
Superintendent (02 011)
Intermediate Grades (01 024)
Principal (02 012)
Reading (01 190)
Curriculum Instructional Specialist (01 113)
Social Studies (01 78 400)
North Carolina Middle School Association’s Central Region Central Office Administrator to Watch
Promoting and Supporting a Data-to-Action Culture
North Carolina Association of Educators Excellence in Equity Award
Challenges of Urban Education and Efficiency of School Reform
“Semi-Autonomous Work Teams in High School”
Safe Schools: Best Practices and Lessons Learned
Central Office Executive Academic Award
Professional Experiences K-12
2011- Present
Durham Public School District – Durham, NC
Assistant Superintendent, Research and Accountability
District and Community Profile
The district includes 56 schools and enrolls approximately 32,300 PreK-12 students from more than 90 countries. More than
100 languages are spoken and the school district is one of five in North Carolina with a Hospital School. The system has
approximately 4,600 employees, 2,300+ teachers and an operating budget of more than $400 million dollars including state,
federal and local funds. Three hundred yellow buses transport more than 16,000 students daily covering three million miles
annually. Teacher salaries range between $29,750 - $65,440. The school district is the eighth largest in North Carolina. The
Durham school district serves a community of approximately 287,000 which is 33% Black, 13.5% Hispanic and 42.3% White.
Approximately 42.1% of Durham adults are college graduates and 28.9% of the children live below the poverty level.
Serves as the leader for accountability, data analysis, grants, program evaluation, research, state testing, and surveys. Leads
five direct reports and four indirect reports. Oversees department budget of approximately $1.0 million. Provides leadership,
data, supports and services to internal and external stakeholders to improve the school district.
Provided data for the 2013 Data Summit to help district leaders set improvement goals for the district and schools.
Provided data of successful schools and teachers for the Academic Services Team to benchmark for best practices.
Identified specific focus schools and grade-levels using data for the Academic Services Team to target supports and resources.
Produced data for the media briefings, strategic plan, schools, board committees/meetings, executive leadership and county officials.
Led the creation of data reports, such as: subgroup performance results, mobility and stability trends, gender gap results, charter
school performance results, African-American Males, and third grade reading results to inform planning and course of action.
Provided teacher effectiveness ratings, teacher working conditions survey results, and student perception results to the Area
Superintendents to develop goals for their respective schools.
Provided the Early Warning Tracking System results for schools and the Student, Family, and Community Services Team to
determine specific support for students identified as at-risk of failure or dropping out of school.
Presented data for the development of the Design for Accelerated Progress to place schools into tiers for additional resources.
Led the development of the district data dashboard and school-level scorecards to support the Board’s performance goal of attaining
and maintaining excellence in all key management and operational areas. The tools provided the public information and results.
Led the creation of the District’s Stakeholder Customer Satisfaction Survey representing 24 departments. Designed the Department
Improvement Plans for the departments to use as a planning tool for setting goals, measures and action steps.
Provided data for the Superintendents’ Closing the Achievement Gap community group to establish goals and priorities.
Trained central office leaders, principals and teachers to use value added data to improve teaching and learning.
Developed a Program Evaluation Process to inform district planning and assist the superintendent/Board in setting fiscal priorities.
Initiated a process to secure grants and resources for the district, schools and classrooms.
Assigned staff to either the elementary, middle or high school network teams to provide coordinated and rapid services to schools.
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Terri Mozingo
2011- Present
Durham Public School District – Durham, NC
Assistant Superintendent, Research and Accountability (continued)
Initiated expectation to train schools in state and local assessment security guidelines, procedures and requirements.
Developed Standard Operating Procedures as part of the strategic plan to ensure effective and efficient systems.
Initiated a Data Use Agreement Form in compliance with the federal and district guidelines for confidential data requests.
Instituted a process for applying for and receiving grants and additional resources for schools.
Created the Research and Accountability Weekly Newsletter that includes critical information for the district staff and schools.
Redesigned the department’s external website page for improved communication to various stakeholders.
Implemented an internal process to verify data and document sources in reports provided to various stakeholders.
Initiated a Testing Security Audit to identify strengths and continuous improvement areas.
Developed a Listening, Learning and Leading Transition Plan upon entry into the department.
July 2010 – August 2011
Durham Public School District – Durham, NC
Area Superintendent, Middle School Curriculum, Instruction, & School Improvement, Academic Services
Served as the Area Superintendent for ten middle schools and one 6-12 school. As part of a new organizational structure to
provide targeted and focused service and support to all schools, four existing roles were re-designed as Area Superintendents
for Curriculum, Instruction & School Improvement. Redesign at the elementary level included two Area Superintendents, one
Area Superintendent for middle schools and one for high schools.
Trained principals/assistant principals in using data to develop effective schedules for student success.
Designed and led principal and assistant principal leadership network academies.
Assisted principals with planning, implementing programs and resolving issues.
Held goal setting principal conferences and conducted performance evaluations.
Provided supports and services for schools to achieve priorities under the Design for Accelerated Progress where schools were
placed into performance tiers.
Served as sponsor for four middle schools as part of the district’s Plan Management Oversight Council (PMOC).
Collaborated on the design and implementation of the 2011 - 2014 Four-Year Strategic Plan: One Durham. One Vision.
Reviewed “Petition for Fulfillments and Charters” supporting the district’s strategic plan.
Served as project sponsor of a team to develop a feasibility report: Smaller, Themed Learning Environments in partnership with
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).
Served as a member of the internal SACS CASI: District Accreditation Project Work Team.
Led the middle school principal selection process with a site-based and personnel selection team.
Sponsored two Tier I Schools in becoming future Schools- to-Watch in collaboration with the N.C. Middle School Association & the
National Forum to Accelerate Middle Grades Education under a School Improvement Grant (SIG).
Reviewed budgets, school-based allocations and processes for hiring middle school staff.
Initiated the development of a Research for Proposal (RFP) for an Online Integrated Assessment System.
July 2007 – July 2010
Durham Public School District – Durham, NC
Chief Academic Officer, Instructional Services Division
Served as the Chief Academic Officer of Instructional Services Division and provided direct leadership to five Assistant
Superintendents: Elementary, Secondary, Exceptional Children, Research, Development and Accountability and Student
Services. Supervised one Senior Director, one Director, one Coordinator and evaluated 12 principals. The following
departments comprised the Instructional Services’ Division: Advanced Academics, Business and Community Partnerships,
Career and Technical Education, Educational Technology, Elementary Curriculum and Instruction, Secondary Curriculum and
Instruction, Programs for Exceptional Children, Research, Development and Accountability, Student Support Services, Title I,
Educational Technology, Media Services, and Professional Growth and Development. Worked with staff and budget analyst to
establish and monitor a department budget of approximately $41 million dollars.
Led district-wide implementation of individual School Scorecards in 2007-2008 to measure performance outcomes.
Refined Instructional Services' Plan Management Oversight Team (PMOT) in 2008 for continuous improvement, accountability, and
successful implementation of the district goals.
Worked with the Board of Education, superintendent and research staff to develop the district’s first Data Dashboard in 2008-2009
to maintain excellence in key instructional and stakeholder areas.
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July 2007 – July 2010
Durham Public School District – Durham, NC
Chief Academic Officer, Instructional Services Division (continued)
Initiated the first State of the System Annual Performance Management Report Fall 2009. DPS met seven of the 12 instructional
goals in 2008-2009. There was an increase in performance composites for grades 3, 5 and 8. More schools met AYP and the
percentage of students enrolled in the Academically Intellectually Gifted Program increased.
Initiated six department project plans in 2009-2010 to support the district goals, to establish performance targets aligned to a
baseline and to develop targets beyond the baseline.
Participated in more than 75 Superintendent’s Executive Leadership Team quality performance onsite school reviews.
Completed the Reform Governance Leadership in Action Training from 2007-2009 in collaboration with the Superintendent, Chief
Operations Officer and the Board of Education. Seminars included developing a mission and vision, developing goals, creating core
beliefs, leading Board meetings and designing constituent service processes. The seminars also focused on developing a Theory of
Action, developing reform policies, holding management oversight workshops, designing a data dashboard, developing school
scorecards, creating forums to improve communication and building civic capacity.
Led the Performance Management Instructional Oversight Workshops for the Board of Education as part of their Reform Governance
Leadership in Action Training. Presentations were aligned to the vision, mission, goals of the district and the Boards’ Theory of
Action  Meet the Challenge: Manage, Empower, Energize and Transform.
Led the continuation of the Central Office Support Team Model (COST) wherein all schools were assigned to a six-tiered system for
differentiated support, resources, accountability, and performance empowerment.
Provided leadership for the implementation of a K-12 academic coaches literacy model throughout the district to provide jobembedded professional development in the area of literacy and behavior management.
Secured resources for the creation of campus curriculum leaders to support mathematics and science instruction.
Initiated a “Whatever it Takes: Accelerating Literacy in Durham Public Schools” literacy audit by a national team of literacy experts.
Provided resources to support the implementation of the double-dose literacy model and the purchase of a diagnostic reading
inventory aligned to the lexile reading ranges.
Used findings from the districts' over age data in grades 8-10 to create an educational model designed to support students who
were not on track to graduate. The district received a School Improvement Grant to establish and start the Academic Recovery
Center, August 2010.
Oversaw development of a district high school completion plan to ensure more students graduate from school within four or five
years. The DPS’ four-year cohort graduation rate has ranged from 68.8% in 2005, 66.3% in 2006, 63% in 2007, 64% in 2008 and
69.8% in 2009 with a goal of 72% for 2010.
Approved the planning and implementation of a Museum School at Y. E. Smith Elementary.
Co-led with a Board of Education member the Instructional Services Committee of the Board.
Approved a two-year plan with Education Trust for transforming the role of school counselors in all grades.
Celebrated recognition that Rogers-Herr Middle School was named Schools-to-Watch by the National Forum to Accelerate Middle
Grades Reform.
Collaborated on Hillside New Technology High School being selected as part of a $2.5M grant funded by Bill and Melinda Gates to
become a demonstration site for best educational practices.
Provided information to the review team for Burton Elementary to receive their Primary Years Certification.
Led the implementation of a Chinese program at Burton Elementary School with a middle and high school link for families.
Collaborated on establishing budgets and priorities as part of the annual budget process.
August 2005 – June 2007
Durham Public School District – Durham, NC
Associate Superintendent, Instructional Services Division
Served as the Associate Superintendent of Instructional Services and provided leadership to four Assistant Superintendents:
Elementary Curriculum and Instruction, Secondary Curriculum and Instruction, Research, Development and Accountability
and Student Support Services. Supervised the Career and Technical Education Director. The following departments
comprised the Instructional Services’ Division: Advanced Academics, Career and Technical Education, Elementary Curriculum
and Instruction, Secondary Curriculum and Instruction, Media Services, Research, Development and Accountability, Student
Support Services, Textbooks and Title I. Local, state and federal budgets for Instructional Services were approximately $37.5M
during 2005 – 2006 and $38.6M during 2006 – 2007. Operating district budget exceeded $315M between 2005 and 2007.
Initiated Plan Management Oversight Team (PMOT) in Instructional Services to monitor progress, identify areas of need and
celebrate progress. Staff created several project plans with goals, focus areas, milestones, budgets, and timelines.
Designed the Central Office Support Team Model to provide technical assistance, support, oversight, and flexibility to schools within
six performance tiers.
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Terri Mozingo
August 2005 – June 2007
Durham Public School District – Durham, NC
Associate Superintendent, Instructional Services Division (continued)
Participated in onsite school reviews with the superintendent, deputy superintendent, assistant superintendents, and the
principals’ leadership team to review data, determine areas of need, provide customized support and recognize progress. Schools
in higher tiers held showcase meetings with the oversight team.
Worked with staff and medical partners to expand City of Medicine Academy at Southern High School (Fall, 2006).
Served as the project leader with two other school districts, Chapel Hill-Carrboro and Orange County Schools, to design the Middle
College High School Program at Durham Technical Community College for 11th and 12th graders (Fall, 2006).
Worked with the North Carolina New Schools Project Team to develop two STEM Schools: New Technology High School and
Southern School of Engineering (Fall, 2007).
Oversaw development of the Performance Learning Center High School in collaboration with Communities-in-Schools (Fall, 2007).
Planned for the W. G. Pearson Middle School to open Fall 2008.
Provided resources for the Early College High School at North Carolina Central University.
Approved the Framework for Action Plans and onsite monitoring to improve two low-performing high schools that are no longer
designated low-performing: Hillside High School and Southern High School.
Secured approval from the Board of Education for increasing enrollment, particularly among least identified groups of students in
honors courses, advanced placement courses and tests, and the International Baccalaureate Program.
Approved the development of a comprehensive implementation plan for each Title I elementary school.
Secured funding to expand the online instructional management system to include more courses and grade-level overviews,
instructional calendars, sample lessons, instructional videos, web-links, student activities, professional resources and materials for
middle and elementary schools.
Secured consultants to train senior staff, department leaders, and others in the curriculum alignment and walk-through process.
Expanded Advancement Via Individual Development (AVID) as a support system from 940 students in 2006 – 2007 to include 1400
students in grades 9-12 and this expansion included students in grades 5-12.
Led the development of attendance procedures, guidelines and parental letters to align to state and local policies.
Initiated the district's High School Completion Plan to reduce the dropout rate, which addressed: attendance, truancy, behavior,
suspensions, credit recovery, transition forums, instilling hope/vision and tutoring.
Expanded Truancy Court in the middle and high schools to improve attendance, behavior, and reduce the dropout rate.
Secured funds and support for an “Evening Academy” at Southern High School and to support students who were in need of a few
credits to graduate.
Celebrated the recognition that Carrington and Shepard Middle Schools were named Schools-to-Watch by the National Forum to
Accelerate Middle Grades Reform.
Participated in sessions with the Board of Education as they began the development of their vision, mission, goals, beliefs and a
Theory of Action – MEET the Challenge! MEET = Manage, Empower, Energize and Transform!
Attended the first Business Advisory Council meeting in 2007 as a forum to advise the superintendent of issues of importance to
Durham business leaders.
Approved budgets for more than 20 central service departments.
August 2004 – June 2005
Durham Public School District – Durham, NC
Assistant Superintendent, Secondary Curriculum & Instruction, Instructional Services Division
Led five district departments: Middle School Curriculum and Instruction, High School Curriculum and Instruction, Student
Support Services, Research, Development and Accountability and Textbooks. Combined local, state and federal budgets
represented approximately $25 million of the total operating department budget of approximately $250 million.
Worked with national experts to train cabinet, district and schools in the curriculum alignment and walk-through processes.
Initiated development of the online instructional management system to include course and grade-level overviews, instructional
pacing calendars, sample lessons, instructional videos, web-links, student activities and professional resources. This was a webbased program to support teaching and learning anytime and anywhere.
Helped to initiate the development of locally designed, subject specific assessments to guide instruction and inform planning.
Teachers were hired to help develop and edit locally designed assessments in collaboration with the curriculum directors and
Supported and evaluated the Josephine Dobbs Clement Early College High School (ECHS) Principal. The ECHS program is on the
campus of North Carolina Central University (grades 9-12).
Secured funding and support for a textbook coordinator position to improve the acquisition, distribution and fiscal accountability of
textbooks and other resources. Supported the purchase of an online textbook tracking system to improve accountability.
Saved more than $25,000 in textbook orders by locating and shifting resources between schools and developing processes for
tracking purchasing, distribution and losses of materials.
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Terri Mozingo
August 2004 – June 2005
Durham Public School District – Durham, NC
Assistant Superintendent, Secondary Curriculum & Instruction, Instructional Services Division (continued)
Led the initiation of scheduling for grade-level and intensive instruction in the middle schools to support students.
Provided resources for the high schools to transition to the block schedule.
Collaborated on the district-wide implementation of Professional Learning Communities with four other school districts.
Oversaw implementation of a system for counselors to identify and support students who exhibit high-risk factors.
Led the implementation of the PSAT/SAT/AP potential results for placing students in higher-level courses with specific support.
Required all 11th graders receive a Planning for College Guide to help them successfully transition and succeed.
Established standards for offering Algebra and Geometry in four lower-achieving middle schools to achieve equity.
Implemented AVID successfully in six schools and these schools became certified in the AVID principles.
Worked with staff to develop line item budgets and re-directed funds to support specific district initiatives.
Engaged in a process of reviewing local, state, and federal budgets for district and school specific improvements.
July 2001 – July 2004
Charlotte Mecklenburg School System – Charlotte, NC
Assistant Superintendent, Middle School Curriculum & Instruction, Instructional Services Division
Worked as Assistant Superintendent in the largest NC urban school district serving more than 140 schools, approximately 127,
000 students PreK-12, 15, 000 plus employees, over 85 languages spoken with an annual system budget of more than $1.1
billion. More than 13, 000 students were enrolled in ESL and 45.5% of the students in the district were on free/reduced lunch.
Provided instructional leadership to 32 middle schools and specific oversight of three K-12 departments: Media Services,
Health and Physical Education and Textbooks. Local, state and federal budgets for the seven areas totaled more than $50
million. Every middle school showed growth in reading and math at every grade level in 2001 – 2002 and 96% of the eighth
graders met the promotion standards.
 Provided resources to help staff create instructional tools such as instructional calendars and focus lessons for schools.
 Updated the online, district-wide instructional tool to include resources aligned to local, state and national standards for teachers.
Implemented school-based equity standards for purchasing materials/resources, and scheduling.
Led the K-12 literacy textbook adoption process for the entire school district.
Implemented the comprehensive reading model to include components of an effective reading program.
Led the development of middle school reading and math parent activity packets.
Secured more than $600,000 to support a diagnostic reading assessment and comprehension/vocabulary resources for schools.
Aligned team's work to the Balanced Scorecard Continuous Improvement System for achieving priorities.
Served as Co-Project Manager for the Middle School Academic Excellence Project Charter supporting 32 middle schools.
Achieved targets and milestones outlined in Middle School Academic Excellence Project Charter.
Updated Plan Management Oversight Committee, Rapid Support and Joint Staff of progress and needs.
Worked with regional superintendents and staff to develop an instructional tool for monitoring program fidelity.
Developed plan for the textbook department to improve fiscal accountability, efficiency and customer service.
Served on the district’s planning team for Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) and the Council on Accreditation and
School Improvement (CASI).
Provided leadership support to the 32 middle school principals.
Implemented a monthly professional leadership academy for assistant principals.
Presented best practices and successes to the College Board, Great Council of City Schools and within the school community.
Conducted evaluations of staff and served on the Superintendent’s Cabinet.
Worked with associate superintendent and budget staff to develop department and line item budgets.
Served on the Superintendent’s Budget Advisory Taskforce.
Requested an audit of the textbook department to improve services, accountability, efficiency and fiscal accounting of the $12+
million dollar textbook budget.
July 1998 – June 2001
Charlotte Mecklenburg School System – Charlotte, NC
Coordinating Director, Middle School Curriculum & Instruction, Instructional Services Division
Worked as a Coordinating Director of Middle Schools in the largest NC urban district serving more than 120,000 students,
PreK-12, 18,000 plus employees with an annual budget of more than $1.0 billion. Responsible for providing instructional
leadership for 32 middle schools and seven middle school areas: Literacy, Math, Social Studies, Talent Development, AVID,
Extended-Year and one K-12 Department: Multicultural Education. Local, state and federal budgets exceeded $30 million.
Every middle school showed growth in reading and math at every grade level in 2001 – 2002.
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Terri Mozingo
July 1998 – June 2001
Charlotte Mecklenburg School System – Charlotte, NC
Coordinating Director, Middle School Curriculum & Instruction, Instructional Services Division (continued)
Led development of curriculum guides, instructional calendars and sample lesson plans in four areas: literacy, math, social studies
and talent development. Led staff in integrating differentiated strategies within the resources.
Worked with staff to create A+ focus lessons to use as warm-up reading and math activities in select schools.
Oversaw the development of mini-assessments in reading and math for schools to use in planning for intervention/acceleration.
Developed Middle School Academic Excellence Project Charter to support CMS’ Balanced Scorecard Objectives.
Served as Co-Project Manager for the Project Charter’s Service Integration Team for executing reviews, eliminating problems and
identifying quick wins.
Ascertained support for a Middle School Academic Excellence Project Charter budget of more than $400,000.00.
Met milestones outlined in Middle School Academic Excellence Project Charter.
Created a comprehensive reading/math plan for universal instruction and intensive intervention for students.
Initiated a reading diagnostic assessment tool and provided professional development.
Worked with the Extended Year Department to plan and implement programs for expanded learning opportunities.
Led the development of an advisory curriculum for middle schools.
Oversaw the development of a checklist of effective strategies in math, reading, science and social studies.
Led effort to schedule more than 2,500 students into Algebra, Geometry and higher-level Language Arts classes who were
scheduled in regular classes. This was known as Project Acceleration. Monitored participation and progress.
Provided leadership for the development and implementation of the middle school Talent Development/ Gifted Program.
Secured resources for schools to increase their Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) classes in grades 6-12.
Worked closely with the College Board and school counselors to implement pre-AP/AP/SAT strategies in middle and high school.
Provided onsite rapid and responsive support to 32 middle schools to improve student achievement.
Served on the committee that planned the Superintendent’s Leadership Institute for Principals.
Assisted with planning “Improving Teaching and Learning through a Cultural Understanding Retreat” for the district.
Worked with national expert to facilitate the implementation to block scheduling and instructional strategies training.
Provided leadership for a High Achieving Middle School Institute.
Oversaw the development of Curricular Updates for middle school principals and assistant principals.
Provided resources for Math in the Zone for teachers to create lessons together and to learn from each other.
Worked closely with the chamber, local universities and other community groups.
Made presentations to the Board of Education, Joint Oversight Committee and other groups.
Worked with the associate superintendent and budget staff to develop department and line item budgets.
Engaged in a process of budget review, prioritization, and reduction.
Principal/ Assistant Principal Leadership Experiences
1990 – 1991
Vance County School District – Henderson, NC
Principal, Henderson Middle School, Grades 6-8
Vance County School District – Henderson, NC
Principal, Henderson Junior High School Grades 7-9
1987-1989, Wake County Public School System – Raleigh, NC
Assistant Principal, East Garner Middle School, Grades 6-8
1983 -1987, Wake County Public School System – Raleigh, NC
Assistant Principal, Enloe High School, Grades 9 – 12
Project Director/ Department of Public Instruction Leadership Experiences
1993 – 1994, Durham Public School District, Durham, NC
Project Director, Hillside Model High School and the Triangle J Council
1996-1998, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, Raleigh, NC
State Assistance Team Leader/Member, Low-Performing Schools Project
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1991-1993; 1994-1995, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill – Chapel Hill, NC
Triangle Workforce Information Group (TWIG)
1991-1993 Northern Telecom, Incorporated, Research Triangle Park, NC
Training and Development Intern
Business / Parent Involvement Leadership Experiences (continued)
Spring, 1981 Parent Involvement Coordinator
Wake County Public School System
Teaching Experiences
Spring 1983, Chapel Hill-Carrboro Public School District, Chapel Hill, NC
Reading Teacher, Chapel Hill High School
1977 – 1980, Shaw University, Raleigh, NC
Reading Teacher, Division of Developmental Studies/Upward Bound (part-time)
1977-1979, Wake County Public School System, Holly Springs, NC
Reading/English Teacher, Southern Wake Optional High School (Grades 9-12)
1979-1981, Wake County Public School System, Raleigh, NC
Title I Reading Teacher, Daniels Junior High School (Grades 7-9)
1977-1979, Wake County Public School System, Raleigh, NC
Title I Reading Teacher, Aycock Junior High School (Grades 7-9)
1976-1977, Kinston Public School System, Kinston, NC
Title I Reading Teacher, Kinston High School (Grades 9-12)
1975-1976, Wayne County Public School System, Goldsboro, NC
Math/ Reading Teacher Assistant, Goldsboro Middle School South (Grades 6-8)
Terri Mozingo