美国旅游信息化管理与服务前沿 智慧旅游,云计算,网络旅游信息系统和社交媒体的兴起 周宗清,博士 尼亚加拉大学(Niagara University) 电子商务研究中心 主任 尼亚加拉大学酒店和旅游管理学院 终身教授 电子邮箱:zhou@niagara.edu 南开大学,厦门大学MTA培训 2013 12/12/2013 1 自我介绍 The author of the first textbook on Ecommerce and Internet Marketing specifically for hospitality and tourism industry, a book adopted worldwide for classes related to Ecommerce and Internet Marketing. Create the first Internet Marketing course for tourism major in the world. A frequent speaker on this topic 南开大学,厦门大学MTA培训 2013 12/12/2013 2 自我介绍 尼亚加拉大瀑布 南开大学,厦门大学MTA培训 2013 12/12/2013 3 自我介绍 尼亚加拉大瀑布 南开大学,厦门大学MTA培训 2013 12/12/2013 4 自我介绍 尼亚加拉大瀑布 南开大学,厦门大学MTA培训 2013 12/12/2013 5 自我介绍 尼亚加拉大瀑布 南开大学,厦门大学MTA培训 2013 12/12/2013 6 自我介绍 尼亚加拉大瀑布 南开大学,厦门大学MTA培训 2013 12/12/2013 7 内容提要 I. 美国旅游信息系统包括了什么 Galen R. Collins (1992) Pauline Sheldon (1997) Zongqing Zhou(2004) II. 美国旅游信息化管理与服务前沿: 智慧旅游 云计算 网络旅游信息系统和社交媒体的兴起 南开大学,厦门大学MTA培训 2013 12/12/2013 8 内容提要 (续) III. 美国酒店和餐饮业信息系统新潮 PMS(Property Management Systems) 和POS (Point of Sale ) IV. 消费者客户端设计应用案例(地理信息系统的应用) Foursquare 和 Smart Watch 南开大学,厦门大学MTA培训 2013 12/12/2013 9 美国旅游信息系统包括了什么 Galen R. Collins : (1992, 2003) Hospitality Information Technology: Learning how to Use it Pauline Sheldon : (1997, 1999) Tourism Information Technology--- the transportation, travel intermediary, hospitality and entertainment sectors of tourism Zongqing Zhou: (2004) E-commerce and Information Technology in Hospitality and Tourism 南开大学,厦门大学MTA培训 2013 12/12/2013 10 美国旅游信息系统包括了什么 1. 产业信息系统 (根据对旅游的定义) Suppliers Carriers Travel trade intermediaries Destination marketing organizations (DMOs). Suppliers: facilities: lodging, food and beverage attractions and events: natural resource, climatic, cultural, historical, ethnic, and accessible Ground transportation: car rental, taxi and limousine, bus, and other related services support industries: retail shopping, tour guiding, and recreation 南开大学,厦门大学MTA培训 2013 12/12/2013 11 美国旅游信息系统包括了什么 Carriers companies providing transportation to the destination--airlines, railway, bus, ship and ferry companies Travel trade intermediaries that suppliers and carriers use to get their services to customers-- retail travel agents and tour wholesalers Destination marketing organizations market their cities , areas, regions, countries, states or provinces and countries to travel trade intermediaries and individual and group travelers 南开大学,厦门大学MTA培训 2013 12/12/2013 12 美国旅游信息系统包括了什么 2. 网络与无线信息系统 Ecommerce and online travel services Cloud technology Smart Tourism 3. 消费者客户终端信息技术 Smart communication devices Smart watch GPS-related devices Smart phones Smart payment systems (cards) Smart computing devices Smart communication programs 南开大学,厦门大学MTA培训 2013 12/12/2013 13 THE MYTH S AND REALITIES OF TOURISM INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Smart tourism (or etourism, big data tourism, digital tourism, sustainable tourism or simply IBM’s salesmanship---the Smarter Cities Business? ) Cloud computing: personal data and business data handling is and will be the biggest and greatest source of health and power and determines the quality of the tourist experience. 南开大学,厦门大学MTA培训 2013 12/12/2013 14 SMART TOURISM---WHAT IS IT? I. Historical perspective IBM introduced Smarter Cities five years ago (2008) as a division of Smarter Planet, the company’s sustainable development initiative. IBM projects that Smarter Planet’s revenue will reach $10 billion by 2015. 南开大学,厦门大学MTA培训 2013 12/12/2013 15 SMART TOURISM---WHAT IS IT? At the first Meeting of the UN World Tourism Organization's (UNWTO) Tourism Resilience Committee, which convened on 28 January 2009, in Madrid, Spain, participants discussed the need for the sector's short-term response to the economic down-turn to be aligned with long-term commitments to sustainable development, poverty alleviation and climate change mitigation. Speaking at the meeting, UNWTO Assistant Secretary-General Geoffrey Lipman called on member States and the sector to strive for “smart tourism,” which he defined as clean, green, ethical and quality at all levels of the service chain. He underlined that the green economy approach is well suited to the tourism sector, noting that many green tourism jobs could be created 南开大学,厦门大学MTA培训 2013 12/12/2013 16 SMART TOURISM: WHAT IS IT? II. My Friend, Yunpeng Li’s perspective (首都经济贸易大学) A city can be defined as ‘smart’ when investments in human and social capital and traditional (transport) and modern (ICT) communication infrastructure fuel sustainable economic development and a high quality of life, with a wise management of natural resources, through participatory governance. (wiki media) The use and application of technology in the tourism sector.(http://www.smarttourism.org/ Smart tourism is the use of cloud computing, networking and other new technologies, with the portable terminal via the Internet / Mobile Internet, making use of tourism resources, tourism economy, tourists, and other aspects of the information, so that tourists can keep information in a timely manner to arrange and adjust their travel plans.(Baidu wiki) 南开大学,厦门大学MTA培训 2013 12/12/2013 17 SMART TOURISM---WHAT IS IT? Smart tourism is the application of innovation and integrated innovation of IT in the tourism industry to meet the tourists‘ demand for personalized, high quality, high satisfaction with services, and tourist resources and the integration of social resources sharing and effective use of systematic management of change (demand-driven; Prof. Lingyun Zhang) Issues with these definitions Technical application Tourist demand Resources reused Fundamentally lose the essence of smart tourism 南开大学,厦门大学MTA培训 2013 12/12/2013 18 SMART TOURISM---WHAT IS IT? Dr. Li’s definition Smart tourism is that tourists individuals in the process of tourism activities serviced by the ubiquitous tourist information service. Ubiquitous tourist information services led to the tourist information flow reconstruction, the tourism business reorganization , and the tourism organizations optimization, caused a fundamental change of tourism management, tourism marketing, tourist hospitality. Dr. Zhou’s Definition: A strategic concept based on utilizing intelligently collaborative information networks of organizations, services and agents connected by a seamless flow of information to achieve efficiency and sustainability for the purpose of satisfying the traveler’s needs and wants and enhancing the traveler’s tourism experience. 南开大学,厦门大学MTA培训 2013 12/12/2013 19 SMART TOURISM---WHAT IS IT? Current research and development in China Scholars: Smart Tourism Research Center, Beijing Tourism College (Lingyun Zhang); Southeast University (Yangshan Huang,) Government : promote “Model Cities” such as Zhenjiang, Nanjing, Dalian, Ningbo Enterprises: companies such as Digital China and Huawei investing on smart tourism development projects. 南开大学,厦门大学MTA培训 2013 12/12/2013 20 SMART TOURISM---KEY COMPONENTS? Key words in my definition Strategic concept (concepts have to be operationalized to become “variables”, that is, “practices” or “projects” Networks (using technologies such as wireless, the Internet, cloud computing, smart devices, etc.) Organizations and agents (travel suppliers, carriers, intermediaries, DMOs and government agencies) Flow of information (24/7, real time, accurate, intelligent and seamlessly and borderless) Efficiency and sustainability (data mining, big data management, social responsibility, environment and natural resources protection and preservation) Traveler’s experience (pre-trip planning, en-route, onsite and post-trip evaluation, documentation and sharing) 南开大学,厦门大学MTA培训 2013 12/12/2013 21 SMART TOURISM---RESEARCH POTENTIALS? Macro-level Destination planning and design Network structures Logistics of information flow Economic and social impact of smart tourism Solutions for security and privacy issues in the use of technologies for smart tourism Micro-level; See the previous slide (all aspects of the individual conponent) 南开大学,厦门大学MTA培训 2013 12/12/2013 22 CONCLUSION It is important to know what tourism information technology (TIT) involves: the ultimate goal of TITis to use IT for increasing tourism business’ efficiency and enhancing the traveler’s experience while protecting environment and natural resources for sustainable development and growth. Tourism information system may be classified into three areas: Enterprise information systems The Internet and the wireless infrastructure Consumer applications Smart Tourism is a strategic concept promoting efficiency and sustainability by the use of IT. 南开大学,厦门大学MTA培训 2013 12/12/2013 23 QUESTIONS? 南开大学,厦门大学MTA培训 2013 12/12/2013 24