Specialist Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Assessment Children and Young Person’s Referral Form Name: Error! Reference source not found. D.o.B.: Error! Reference source not found. NHS Number: Error! Reference source not found. Please tick the appropriate box: Service requested Provision only Assessment and Provision Consultation Area Is your patient registered with a GP in: East Sussex West Sussex Surrey Brighton & Hove Other If “other” please state: : Please Note: - Prior to submission of this referral form you are required to: ensure that your client meets the Specialist Service Criteria which can be viewed on our website - By submission of this referral form you have agreed with our joint working model, including provision of support/ training to the client and their network of support - If your referral is to access the “provision only” service, please fill in sections 1-3, 12 and 13 only. - You can either print this form for completion and post it to the address at the foot of the page or save this form on your computer, type the required information in the grey boxes and securely e-mail it to: SC-TR.ChaileyAACservice@nhs.net 1. Personal information 1.1 Client Information Male Gender Female Home address Post code Home telephone &/or Mobile Preferred method of contact e.g. Email GP’s name GP’s address 1.2 Referrer Name Address Telephone Email (Please provide your nhs.net email where possible) 1.3 Please give details of professionals involved Next of Kin Name: Telephone: Relationship: Address: Aware of the referral?: Speech and Language Therapist Name: Occupational Therapist Name: School: Address 1: Telephone: Aware of the referral?: Telephone: Aware of the referral?: Telephone: Teacher/key contact: Aware of the referral?: Telephone: Address 2 (if relevant): Teacher/key contact: Aware of the referral?: Other Role: Telephone: Name: Aware of the referral?: Key person/s for supporting the client with AAC Name: Address: Aware of the referral?: Name: Address: Aware of the referral?: Please state who is the best person to liaise with should we need to organise an assessment. Name: If details are not provided above please give details here: Role: Telephone We will send the appointment letter to the client and the referrer. Is there anyone else you would like us to invite to the appointment? *please ensure the client/ their parent or guardian consents to these people attending the appointment 2. Expectations 2.2 What does the client & their family hope to achieve from this referral? (Please be specific) 2.3 As the referrer what are your goals of intervention? 2.3 What tasks do the school expect this child or young person to be able to do using AAC that is currently difficult for them to achieve? If you have selected the “Provision Only” and meet the criteria to request this service please go to section 11. 3. ……………….. Diagnosis Any further diagnoses/significant medical history that may be relevant for assessment 3.1 Please describe any cognitive/ behavioural issues that could impact upon assessment/ provision. The information in this section should include areas such as motivation, memory, attention, following instructions and ability to learn new skills. 3.2 Please let us know if there are any visual, hearing, or other sensory difficulties Yes 3.3 Please let us know if there are any tissue trauma or pain issues Yes No If “Yes” please provide more details: No If “Yes” please provide more details: 3.4 Please describe the client’s posture and any changes in movement, quality of movement and/or tone; including range of movement, amount of physical effort required, spasticity etc… Please comment on the client’s physical abilities and voluntary movement in the following areas; Head/chin Right Left Eyes Arms Hands Knees Feet 3.5 If access is an issue please provide us with a video of the client using any Low/High Tech communication aid, accessing their computers or any other AT device. Please refer to video guidelines for support. Access is not an issue and this is not applicable Access is an issue - Video was attached to the referral or will be sent/ has been sent separately - I am unable to provide a video If unable to provide a video please state your reasons: 3.6 Please list any other clinics e.g. posture/seating clinics attended in the last 2 years and any relevant outcomes 3.7 Are you awaiting any equipment that may affect the assessment e.g. seating system or spinal jacket that may be used for functional activities during the course of the assessment? 3.8 Are you awaiting any medical interventions that may impact on the outcomes of this assessment? 3.9 Please list any relevant medication that your client is currently taking. 4. Seating, Positioning and Mobility 4.1 In which seating does your client carry out most of their functional activities? 4.2 To your knowledge in which position does your client function best? 4.3 Please describe how the client moves around, both inside and out? 4.4 If a powered wheelchair is in use, please give details to indicate how the chair is controlled e.g. joystick, switches? 5. Communication 5.1 Speech and language formal/informal assessments Please provide the following information and submit the reports from any formal/ informal assessments if available. Date Type of test Results 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.2 How does the client communicate a reliable “Yes” and “No”? If not reliable please state. 5.3 Please indicate which methods of communication are used. Please make reference to speech, body language, facial expression, gesture, eye pointing, vocalisation, writing, symbols, picture, photographs, and drawing objects as appropriate. Please describe “how” below Gain attention Yes No Express wants/ needs Yes No Make choices Yes No Refuse/ decline Yes No Protest/ Resist Yes No Ask questions Yes No Provide information Yes No Repair conversation Yes No 5.4 Is signing used? Yes No If “Yes”, which sign language is used? 6. Cognitive and Language Skills Is the child or young person operating at ‘P levels, or is there evidence of significant delay in the areas of Literacy, Numeracy, Language Comprehension and Expressive language? If yes, complete all sections of the profiles in sections 6.1 to 6.4: If no, please complete the boxes in summary of student’s abilities and concerns relation to the child or young person where you think it applicable 6.1 Numeracy (Please tick all that apply) Engages in joint attention with adult (for example number songs, stories, games) Shows an interest in number activities with adults Shows an awareness of number activities and counting rhymes and songs Follows a sequence of pictures or numbers Joins in with familiar number rhymes, songs and games Shows an awareness of contrasting quantities (for example, ‘one’ and ‘lots’) Understands one-one correspondence (for example, matching cups to saucers) Demonstrates an understanding of ‘more’ (for example, more cups are needed) Demonstrates an understanding of ‘less’ (for example, which bottle has less water) Picks out described shapes from a collection Recognises differences in quantity (for example, which group as more or less) Can indicate ‘one’ or ‘two’ Joins in rote counting to 5 Makes sets of up to 3 Joins in rote counting to 10 Recognises numerals from 1 to 5 Joins in rote counting beyond 10 Continues to rote count onwards from a given small number Recognises numerals from 1 to 9 and relates them to sets of objects Understands ordinal numbers (first, second, third) Estimates a small number up to 10 In practical situations can respond to ‘add one’ or ‘take away one’ Please summarise how the child or young person demonstrates the skills listed in Section 6.1. For example, this could be by pointing to flash cards, eye-pointing on an E-tran frame, using a switch to scan and select. If the child or young person is making a selection, for example from cards on an E-tran frame, please state how many choices are presented and how much support is given. For example, they can identify which number comes ‘next’ in a given sequence by eye-pointing to the correct number from a choice of 4. Please summarise how the child or young person joins in with number rhymes and so on. For example, this could be signing or using natural gestures. Summary of student’s abilities and concerns related to numeracy: 6.2 Literacy (Please tick all that apply) Engages in joint attention with adult (for example, songs, stories, games) Shows an interest In books and stories with adults Understands how books work Shows an interest in looking at books Recognises environmental print Matches letters and short words Associates pictures with spoken word when being read to Realises text conveys meaning Recognises connection between spoken words and specific text when read to Predicts elements of a narrative (for example, what comes next) Understands conventions of reading (for example, following text from left to right) Applies phonic rules when attempting to decode words Blends sounds to make words Reads a number of familiar words or symbols Writes (or types) emergently When asked to spell a word, gets first phoneme correct When asked to spell a word gets first and last phoneme correct Makes phonetically plausible attempts at spelling words Can spell words with some accuracy Can produce other single words Groups letters and leaves spaces between them as though writing words Forms short phrases Can produce sentences Recognises at least had the letters of the alphabet by shape, name or sound Can produce single key words (for example, their name) Please summarise how the child or young person demonstrates the skills listed in Section 6.2. For example, this could be by pointing to flash cards, eye-pointing on an E-tran frame, using a switch to scan and select. If the child or young person is making a selection, for example from cards on an E-tran frame, please state how many choices are presented and how much support is given. For example, they can identify which number comes ‘next’ in a given sequence by eye-pointing to the correct number from a choice of 4. Please summarise how the child or young person joins in with number rhymes and so on. For example, this could be signing or using natural gestures. Summary of student’s abilities and concerns related to numeracy: 6.3 Comprehension (please tick all that apply): Reacts to a range of people, familiar and unfamiliar Reacts when sees familiar objects Reacts when people speak Shows an anticipation of a familiar activity or event Reacts to new experiences and activities Reacts to own name Recognises some photos Demonstrates understanding of names of familiar or motivating objects or activities Recognises some pictures Recognises some symbols Can sort objects into categories Demonstrates understanding of names of familiar people Shares an activity with someone else Understands what they do has an impact Demonstrates an awareness of others Reacts to changes in tone of voice, facial expression and body language Tracks sounds or visually interesting objects Recognises some objects Can sort symbols into categories Can point or look to tell or label, for example ‘Where’s the dog?’ Can match symbol/picture to picture/symbol Can match object to symbol or picture Demonstrates understanding of cause and effect Recognises some signs Is the child or young person able to: Understand sentences with 2 information carrying words, for example “Where is the boy’s hat?” (Choices required for underlined words) If applicable, please give an example: Understand sentences with 3 information carrying words, for example “Where is the boy’s red hat?” (Choices required for underlined words) If applicable, please give an example: Understands some prepositions If applicable, please give an example: Understands some negatives If applicable, please give an example: Understands some questions If applicable, please give an example: Please summarise how the child or young person demonstrates the skills listed in Section 6.3. For example, summarise an activity where you are confident the child or young person understands the meaning of the language used. Do they rely on this being a regular event or do they understand the language in a new activity? How much support do they need from signs or objects or pictures or symbols; do they understand the signs or objects or pictures or symbols when you do not say the word when showing the objects or pictures or symbols? How do you know that they understand the language or the representation of (object, picture or symbol)? Does the child or young person demonstrate their understanding with facial expression, gesture, body language, yes or no response, pointing, eyepointing? Which sign and which symbol system does the child understand? Summary of student’s abilities and concerns related to understanding of language: 6.4 Expression (please tick all that apply): Shows intent to communicate by looking at, reaching for or touching Can hold gaze on a person or object in question Moves gaze or attention between person and abject in question Shows pleasure when communication attempt is successful Shows displeasure when communication attempt s not successful Can initiate interaction Can sustain interaction Motivated to communicate Consistent yes response Consistent no response Can communicate clear likes and dislikes Able to use some signs Can look at ‘empty hands’ with different labels for choices Uses objects to communicate Uses pictures/photos to communicate Uses symbols to communicate Uses written words to communicate, relies on the communication partner saying the words as they show or point to the object, picture, photo or symbol A non-preferred/don’t like/blank offered alongside Can communicate spontaneously Can combine symbols with prompt Can combine symbols without prompt Uses communication book (please include example pages with this referral) Can gain attention Is the child or young person also able to: Use single symbols If so, how are these presented, how many at a time, how big? Use vocalisations If so, how are these presented? Which of the following language functions does the child or young person use? (Please tick all that apply): Expresses wants Expresses dislikes Greets Gives information Directs person or activity Comments Reasons or negotiates Expresses likes Requests something Requests more Describes something or someone Asks questions Repairs misunderstandings Expresses feelings Please summarise how the child or young person demonstrates the skills listed in Section 6.4 For example, this could be pointing, touching, eye-pointing. Are unfamiliar communication partners able to understand the child or young person’s communication? Which sign and which symbol system does the child or young person use? Please give an example of when, where, with whom and about what the child or young person is best at communication. Summary of student’s abilities and concerns related to expressive language: 7. Current and previous experience of using technology and/or consumer electronics 7.1 How familiar is your client with technology? for example client was using/ uses a computer, iPad, smartphone, Environmental Control System, etc… regularly. Please include if the client uses/d a computer, smart phone, iPad, iPod, Tablets or Environmental Control and other technology. If this technology is no longer in use how long ago it was used. If your client is not familiar with technology is someone regularly available to support them? Yes No N/A Please state name and relation to the client 8. Current and previous experience of using low and high tech AAC Please give details and evaluation of resources that have been used in the past and are currently in use for the child or young person. (Please complete all that apply): Resource (specify what/where used/what for) None Paper or low tech communication book/boards/activity sheets Low tech writing aids Used Previously Summarise how this is being used currently Computer/laptop/tablet Light tech digital speech output (e.g. Go Talk) Speech recognition (for computer software) Hi-Tech Augmentative and Alternative Communication system Free iPad/tablet based resources that are noncustomisable Other iPad/tablet based resources that have been customised for the child or young person Word prediction Curriculum software relevant to request need (e.g. Clicker or ChooseIt!) Alternative access (e.g. joystick adapted mouse or switches) Access setting on computer hardware (e.g. filter keys, onscreen keyboard) 9. Interests and activities 9.1 Please describe/ outline the client’s interests and activities. Please include an outline of the client’s routine activities 10. Additional information 10.1 Is there anything else you wish to add which would help us to get a broader picture of the client’s abilities? 10.2 To your knowledge are there are any health and safety or safeguarding issues that we need to be aware of? Yes No If “Yes” please contact us to discuss this in more details. Please refer to our guidelines for advice and examples. 11. Request form for communication aid (“Provision only”) This section of the form is to be used by therapists with extensive experience of AAC. Please check our list of available equipment through provision only. If you already have a specific communication aid in mind for your client, please fill in the details below: 11.1 What AAC options have you considered and/or discussed with your client? 11.2 Please state your clinical reasoning for choosing this device and vocabulary package i.e. app? 11.3 What low tech AAC will be provided as a backup where applicable? 11.4 How will your client access the device? Where your client’s physical needs are likely to change (e.g. rapidly progressive conditions) or if you have any concerns relating to access please consider discussing the case with us, or use our assessment service to ensure their changing needs are met. 11.5 Please include details of the aid and accessories to be ordered in this section. (If mounting to a wheelchair is required an assessment will need to be carried out.) 11.6 If the device you are requesting is keyboard based e.g. lightwriter please select the appropriate option. QWERTY Keyboard ABC Keyboard 11.7 If your request is for an iPad, iPhone or iPod please provide the client’s email address that is associated with their iTunes account so that the relevant app can be gifted to the account. 11.8 Do you require training for delivering the device to the client? 12. Yes No Referrer I understand that this referral is the first stage in the application process for support from the Chailey Heritage Specialist AAC Service and submission of this form does not guarantee that support will be provided. If this application is successful, I understand that the client may require additional equipment and on-going human resources, such as community therapist support, Care Assistant time or technical support, which will not be provided by the Chailey Heritage Specialist AAC Service. Print Name: Date: Monday AM Referrer Client/Carer/ Family PM Tuesday AM PM Wednesday AM PM Thursday AM PM Friday AM PM