Chapter 4 Encountering the Wombat - Write-a-Book-In-A-Day

The hectic girl with a broken foot and
a furry wombat
Team number 5:
Angelina Page
We team five want to acknowledge our
school Australian Christian College Moreton
and Mrs Ramsey for this opportunity to
write a book and share it with our friends at
Brisbane Children’s Hospital.
Copyright Australian Christian College
Moreton ©
The hectic girl with a broken foot and
a furry wombat
Chapter 1 School Truancy
Chapter 2 At Hospital
Chapter 3 Hectic Times
Chapter 4 Encountering the Wombat
Chapter 5 Meeting Katie Campbell
Chapter 6 Lesson Two
Chapter 7 Skipping School is Not Cool
It was a very hot day in Queensland, it
nearly reached 40o. Candy found swimming
very fascinating, she loved the feeling of the
nice cool water on her warm skin, so she
decided to skip school and go swimming at
Woodford pool. Woodford pool was an
awesome pool, they had a slide and some
areas to sit and sunbake, it was too hot to
sunbake though.
Candy was in such a hurry, she quickly got
dressed and ran to do her laps. While she
was running there was a medium green
bouncy ball, she did not see the bouncy ball
and slipped on the wet floor. Candy really
hurt her foot, it started to go a weird colour
and looked funny, she cried and called for
help. After a while someone heard her and
came and called the ambulance. When the
ambulance got there they asked her where
her mum was. Candy told them she had
skipped school to go swimming and that her
mum was at work and would be very mad.
Candy gave her mum’s number to the
ambulance and they called her mum, when
her mum got there she was very mad at
Candy. But when her mum saw how much
pain she was in she knew she had learned
her lesson.
Chapter 2: AT HOSPITAL
Candy was in pain, crying all the way from
the pool to the hospital. Her foot was
starting to swell, it was badly hurt. Her
mum was very angry but felt sorry for her.
In the hospital the doctor gave some
panadol to help Candy not feel the pain and
to relax, then the nurse put an ice pack on
her foot and after 20 minutes she started to
feel a lot more comfortable.
In the afternoon the nurse took her for an xray, and the results were very bad, HER
BONE WAS OUT of place, she had to have
surgery next day to fix her foot. She was
very scared, but she was happy because it
would be better after surgery, and her mum
would stay right beside her. The surgery
was okay and a few days later she went
back home.
Candy way resting at home with her plaster
on and she felt cantankerous. She felt itchy
and curious about the plaster.
Now that Candy had discovered that it was
fun to stay in bed, she had a really hectic
Candy played her favourite game called
pearls paral on her iPhone. Then she got to
listen to music, she even got to watch
movies, eat lollies and call her friends, she
forgot all about her homework. She was not
interested with her math assignment that
was due in few hours. Candy went to school
and she still had a plaster and crutches as
well. When the teacher asked for it she did
not have it done, so the teacher gave her
more work and less time. The work was
hectic, there were lots of equations and
fractions. Candy finished her assignment by
midnight and was very tired, the next day
she had to visit the podiatrist.
She woke up and had breakfast. She went to
school and forgot about her appointment
with the podiatrist. She had math in the
morning, her teacher asked for the
assignment that was now due. She walked
to her bag and she opened her bag and
looked for her assignment. She looked and
looked. She could not find it. Panicking, she
walked to the teacher and said I do not have
my math assignment please, please let me
ring my mum, she will give you my
Candy’s teacher called her mum and her
mum brought in her math assignment.
When Candy’s mum came in she took Candy
home, as she remembered she had an
appointment with the podiatrist at the
Chapter 4: Encountering the Wombat
When Candy went in for her appointment,
she saw a wombat. Candy got very scared
and tried to run, but she couldn’t because
her leg was broken. (Ever since she was
little, Candy had been terrified of wombats
because they reminded her of the bears she
had seen on the internet). Dr Jayce called
out, “It’s okay, it will not hurt you!” Candy
stopped and turned around.
“Oh my goodness, I can’t believe there is a
wombat here.”
“It’s okay, the wombat is here because my
friend could not drop him off at the vet
because he had to help another animal,”
explained Dr Jayce. “The wombat is named
Johny English.”
“Hello Johnny English,” said Candy, still
shaking. The wombat gave a small grunt.
“Dr Jayce, what is wrong with this poor
“His nose was burnt in a bush fire, and his
leg was also broken when a tree fell on it.”
“Oh, how bad for that poor animal!”
exclaimed Candy.
Candy was feeling a little bit better now that
she had a furry friend who was in a similar
condition to her. She wasn’t alone in this
troubled world.
The doctor said that it was time for Candy’s
appointment. When the doctor checked her
foot it was really good but the doctor said,
“You need to keep the cast on for four more
weeks until it is better and the stitch is
healed up.” Candy felt good about this
because in four weeks her foot would be all
better and she would be able to swim again.
She was so excited to swim again.
Candy limped to the door of the Podiatrist
clinic. “Goodbye Dr Jayce, I will see you next
appointment. See you later, Johnny
English!’ Johnny gave a very happy grunt.
After four weeks she could take the cast off
and swim again. She was very happy when
four weeks were over and she celebrated
with a swim. After she finished swimming
she had lunch and something to drink. The
girl’s mum picked up Candy.
Chapter 5 Meeting Katie Campbell
You would think that after all that Candy
would have learnt her lesson but no it was
going to take a big more than a broken leg
for it to sink in.
That night as Candy was resting her leg and
watching the news on TV with her Mum she
saw that Katie Campbell was in town. She
decided in her own mind then and there
that she would skip school again and go to
the Woodford pool and get Katie’s
autograph. She didn’t tell her mum.
The next day she told her mum that she was
going to school but instead she skipped
school and caught a bus to the Woodford
Swimming Pool.
At the pool there was a large crowd and
news reporters everywhere. She struggled
to get off the bus but it was even harder to
get through the crowd.
As she was pushing her way through the
crowd she slipped on some pool water and
fell down into the pool. She was drowning.
It was impossible to swim with a big cast on
her leg.
She opened her mouth but it filled with
water. She started to panic. Her life flashed
before her eyes and she knew that the end
had come. When all of a sudden she felt
strong arms lifting her up. The next thing
she knew someone was yelling at her, “can
you hear me, squeeze my hand if you can.”
Candy vomited up all of the pool water she
had swallowed. When she finished coughing
she realised that the person kneeling over
her was none other that Katie Campbell
herself! Rescued by her swimming hero!
“Can you autograph my cast please?” she
begged as the ambulance officers put her
onto the stretcher. Katie tried to sign the
cast but it was too wet and the ambulance
officers were in too much of a hurry to take
her to hospital.
Chapter 6 Lesson Two
The waiting in hospital was painful because
she knew that her mum was not going to be
happy. The minutes ticked by but seemed
like hours as she imagined what it would be
like to be grounded for the rest of her life.
She got a surprise though when her mum
arrived and she was crying and rushed up
to her and gave her a big hug. It didn’t take
long for mum’s mood to change though.
“Why did you do it? You silly, silly girl! I’m
not letting you catch the bus ever again and
you are grounded forever!”
“But mum I won’t get to go to my sleep
over!” “Well you should have gone straight
to school” yelled mum. “I am so sorry mum,
forgive me, please, forgive me!” pleaded
Candy. “I need help to make good choices!”
“I’ll help you alright! I’m going to call the
school every day to make sure that you get
there every day!
Chapter 7 Skipping School is Not Cool
Just as Candy was about to argue with her
mum there was a commotion outside the
ward. Suddenly one of the nurses came in
and said, “Candy there is someone outside
who would like to see you.” “Who is it?” said
Candy. “I don’t think you would want to see
her smiled the nurse.” Candy felt a surge of
exhilaration as it dawned upon her that she
was about to get a visit from the one and
only Katie Campbell. “Is it Katie Campbell?”
“Do birds have wings?” the nurse smiled.
“Shall I let her in?” “Yes please!” Candy
A moment later the nurse returned with
Katie Campbell and someone she was not
expecting…Johnny English the wombat!
Katie said, “I’ve heard you are a great
swimming fan and a great swimmer Candy
but skipping school is not cool! You got
lucky today kiddo. Do your mum and I a
favour though and be smart. I didn’t get this
far in swimming by just doing the fun stuff. I
had to push past the pain and sometimes do
things that I didn’t want to do. You have to
be like that if you want to be a real champ!
Can you do that for me?”
“If you sign my cast. It’s dry now.”
Katie took the Nikko and began to write on
her cast. “What does it say?” she asked her
“It says ‘contract: I have promised Katie
Campbell that I will go to school everyday
and if I do I will have a free ticket to Tokyo
2016 Olympic swimming races.”
Candy made a decision right then and there
that she would go to school every day for
the next two years at least!
A story about a girl who loves swimming
more than school but learns the hard way
that skipping school is not so cool.