THE MASON DIXON CHAPTER AMERICAN TRUCK HISTORICAL SOCIETY The Hood Scoop Allen Fisher — Editor for Life November 11, 2015 Just a reminder of our November 18th meeting, location and time are the same. This will be our last meeting of the 2015 year. How time flies, looking forward to next year. I did not attend the Tri-State Show so Mark can fill you in on that event. I did attend our September 9th meeting; I would like to thank the members for supporting my request to fund a coal miner’s memorial statue here in Western Maryland. Coal was once a booming industry here in Western Maryland, I can recall back in the early seventies seeing countless trucks hauling coal to the Williamsport power plant just off old Rt 68. Thanks to the EPA that plant is now closed. There are only a handful of coal operations left here. The new trend is adorning our mountain tops with giant windmills, so the next time you hit that light switch hope the wind is blowing. Yes, we have already had our first SNOW up here, October 17 th. As you park that old road relic for the year don’t forget to check the anti-freeze and add fuel stabilizer. Also, make sure there are no holes for the mice to make that truck cab their home for the winter. You know what that will smell like come spring. In closing I would like to thank those that contributed to the Veterans Dinner at the Tri-State show. Please keep all of those serving our country worldwide in your prayers this Veterans Day and this holiday season. I wish all a good Thanksgiving, a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year Allen HARE PRESIDENT’S NOTES FROM THE SQUARE OFFICE I have a long report this time so let’s start with our last meeting on September 9th. The following were in attendance: Mike Augustine, Jimmy Alexander, Jack Boglitsch, Dick Claycomb, Allen Fisher, Kevin Fisher, Bill Fulmer, Mel Fair, Angie Harris, Wayne Harris, Dan Herbst, Pat Herbst, Doug Jones, Donnie Kemper, Walt Lang, Norman Lingenfelter, Owen O’Hare, Randy Picket, Dick Schaffer, Mike Uphold, Marianne Uphold, Mark Vassallo, and Doug Weller. Randy reported the we are solvent and all bills are paid. Jimmy Alexander line up help for the Tri-State show. The membership voted to donate funds to the Coal Miners Memorial in Western Maryland. The Tri-State Show: 260 trucks, GREAT weather, a FANTASTIC meal by the Ruritan and the Tri-State Fundraiser / ATHS Life Membership Raffle was a complete success. The two winners are Jackson Fowler who is the grandson of Henry Fowler, President of the Baltimore Washington Chapter and yours truly. I bought 20 tickets starting in May and the winning ticket was the last one I bought at lunch time on Saturday of the show. Over 70 tickets were bought between 5 people. I have already started next year’s raffle and sold 24 tickets at the Fall ATHS Board Meeting in Salem, OR. I will have tickets with me at our next meeting, THE FESTIVUS, and the Winter ATHS Board Meeting in Kansas City. Below is the information for the Raffle. Tri-State Fundraiser / ATHS Life Membership Raffle The Tri-State ATHS Antique Truck Show which is the Mason Dixon, Shenandoah Valley, Susquehanna Valley, and the BaltimoreWashington Chapters are holding a raffle to raise additional funds to support the charitable donations that have been supported by the show for the past ten years. The raffle is a life membership to the American Truck Historical Society. TWO WILL BE AWARDED! The raffle will consist of 250 tickets at Ten ($10) dollars a ticket and will be drawn on Saturday, September 24, 2016 at 3PM at the show in Winchester, VA. The winner need not be present to win but all information on the ticket stub must be filled out. For more information or to purchase tickets you can reach me at 301-606-2568 or e-mail - or send a check made out to: ATHS Tri-State Antique Truck Show to Mark Vassallo PO Box 518 Damascus, Md 20872-0518. Include Your Name, Address, Phone # and e-mail address. Your stub will be sent to you. The ATHS Fall Board Meeting was held in Salem, Oregon on October 8,9,10. On Thursday we toured the Oregon State Fairgrounds (site of the 2016 National Show), the Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum, and the Pacific Northwest Truck Museum. Both of which may be tours for the 2016 Show. On Friday I sat in for Mel on the Convention Committee, there were two presentations for the 2019 West Coast show. The two locations were Reno, Nevada and Yakima, Washington. At the Saturday Board Meeting the director of SPAAMFAA (Society for the Preservation & Appreciation of Antique Motor Fire Apparatus in America) was introduced to the Board. SPAAMFAA has signed a Ten Year agreement and is moving for Hershey, PA to our Kansas City HQ. This will benefit both organizations as we both are old truck groups and will combine resources. The Board voted on Reno Nevada for the 2019 Convention and Show. Bylaw revisions are taking place to remove the Managing Director title, rewording of corporate membership and amendment verbage. The next Board meeting will be in Kansas City the last weekend in January 2016 The last item I have is one issue that will not go away and that is dues. The policy of the ATHS and the bylaws of the Mason Dixon Chapter state you must be an ATHS member to be a member of the local chapter. Dues for the year are due by the Festivus in January. The chapter has to submit a list of members to the ATHS by the 31st of January of each year. This is when the ATHS audits membership to see if the chapter members are ATHS members. We will no longer carry members that are past due on their dues. Below is a list of names of Club members who are not current on National dues. Regardless of your club dues status if you are not current on your National dues by December 31, 2015 you will be dropped from membership. Robert Alberti, Louis Alberti III, Wes Belcher, Reginald Bobbitt, Christopher Gillis, Laurence E. Johns, Randy Lilly, Rob Moore, Norman G. Reniere, Ron Schertiger, Charles Stevens. 2016 Mason Dixon dues are due. Please send a check for $10 payable to the Mason Dixon ATHS and mail it to: C. Randall Pickett, 1421-A ST Michael’s Rd. Woodbine, MD 21797 If you are not current on Mason Dixon dues please send a check for $20 (2015 & 2016 dues) payable to the Mason Dixon ATHS and mail it to: C. Randall Pickett, 1421-A ST Michael’s Rd. Woodbine, MD 21797 There will be a list of names in the next issue who are past due on chapter dues. If you are unsure please call Randy at 443-474-0211 In closing please submit any show dates for the Calendar of Events. More places to see OLD TRUCKS. God Bless America Mark Vassallo, President **********Calendar of Events********** Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Dinner Meeting at Barbara Fritchie Rest. 6:30 PM Dinner, 7:30 PM Meeting, 1513 West Patrick Street Frederick, MD 21702 Thursday, November 27, 2015 Thanksgiving Day. Eat Turkey, watch football, Work on OLD TRUCK. Friday, December 25, 2015 Christmas Day. Open boxes that have more OLD TRUCK parts inside. ******************** 2016******************** Friday, January 1, 2016 New Years Day. New Year’s Resolution, Same as last year. Do more work on OLD TRUCK. Sunday, January 17, 2016 The Festivus at the Alexander's 1 Pm to ? RSVP to 301-845-4709 10884 Haughs Church Rd Keymar, MD 21757 Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Dinner Meeting at Barbara Fritchie Rest. 6:30 PM Dinner, 7:30 PM Meeting, 1513 West Patrick Street Frederick, MD 21702 Fri March 25th 6 to 9 PM & Sat March 26th 9 to 3 PM, 2016 Shenandoah Valley Steam & Gas Engine TOY SHOW Boyce Volunteer Fire Company Hall 7 Greenway Ave, Boyce, VA For Info call Chris Collis at 304-839-7011 Saturday April 2nd 2016 9:00-4:00. Sunday April 3rd 2016 10:00-4:00 Old National Pike Chapter ATCA Show 7313 Sharpsburg Pike (Rt. 65) Boonsboro, MD 21713 Washington County Agricultural Center Wed to Sun, April 20 – 24, 2016 Spring Carlisle Swap Meet Carlisle Fairgrounds 1000 Bryn Mawr Road Carlisle, Pa 17013 Sunday, May 1, 2016 23nd Annual Mason Dixon Show Gladhill Tractor Mart 5509 Mt Zion Rd Frederick, MD 21703 Intersection of US 340/15 & Mt Zion RD Info: Mel 301-401-0424 Wednesday, May 18, 2016 Dinner Meeting at Barbara Fritchie Rest. 6:30 PM Dinner, 7:30 PM Meeting, 1513 West Patrick Street Frederick, MD 21702 Saturday, May 21, 2016 Shenandoah Valley Chapter ATHS Show Lawn Party Grounds, Green Street, I-81 exit 240, Bridgewater, VA Info: Glenn 540-292-1058 Thurs – Sat, May 26-28, 2016 ATHS National Convention & Truck Show Oregon State Fair & Expo Center Salem, Oregon Friday to Sun, June 3 – 5, 2016 Ford Carlisle Swap Meet Carlisle Fairgrounds 1000 Bryn Mawr Road Carlisle, Pa 17013 Friday/Saturday, June 17/18, 2016 ATCA 37th Annual National Meet in Macungie Macungie Memorial Park Route 100 Macungie PA Friday to Sun, June 17 – 19, 2016 GM Carlisle Swap Meet Carlisle Fairgrounds 1000 Bryn Mawr Road Carlisle, Pa 17013 Sunday, June 26, 2016 @ 1PM. Club Picnic at Doug Jones Garage 9120 Downsville Pike Williamsport, Maryland Info/RSVP Doug 301-223-6898 Friday to Sun, July 15 – 17, 2016 Mopar Carlisle Swap Meet Carlisle Fairgrounds 1000 Bryn Mawr Road Carlisle, Pa 17013 Wednesday, July 20, 2016 Dinner Meeting at Barbara Fritchie Rest. 6:30 PM Dinner, 7:30 PM Meeting, 1513 West Patrick Street Frederick, MD 21702 Friday to Sunday, July 29th, 30th, and 31th, 2016 Shenandoah Valley Steam & Gas Engine Show Ruritan-Clarke County Show Grounds 890 West Main Street, Berryville, VA For Info call Charlie Gray at 540-550-0804 Fri to Sun, Aug 5 – 7, 2016 Truck Carlisle Swap Meet Carlisle Fairgrounds 1000 Bryn Mawr Road Carlisle, Pa 17013 Wednesday, September 14, 2016 Dinner Meeting at Barbara Fritchie Rest. 6:30 PM Dinner, 7:30 PM Meeting, 1513 West Patrick Street Frederick, MD 21702 Thurs – Sat, September 22-24, 2016 12th Annual Tri-State Antique Truck Show Stonewall Ruritan Club / Frederick County Fairgrounds Route 11 off I-81 exit 321 Clearbrook, VA Info: Scott 540-478-4389 or Jimmy 301-845-4709 Wed to Sun, Sept 28 to Oct 2, 2016 Fall Carlisle Swap Meet Carlisle Fairgrounds 1000 Bryn Mawr Road Carlisle, Pa 17013 Wednesday, November 16, 2016 Dinner Meeting at Barbara Fritchie Rest. 6:30 PM Dinner, 7:30 PM Meeting, 1513 West Patrick Street Frederick, MD 21702 Thursday, November 24, 2016 Thanksgiving Day. Eat Turkey, watch football, Work on OLD TRUCK. Sunday, December 25, 2016 Christmas Day. Open boxes that have more OLD TRUCK parts inside. ******************** 2017******************** Sunday, January 1, 2017 New Years Day. New Year’s Resolution, Same as last year. Do more work on OLD TRUCK. The Officers and Staff of the Mason Dixon Chapter are: President-Mark Vassallo 301-606-2568 Vice President-Doug Jones 301-223-6898 Secretary-Allen Fisher 301-689-3576 Treasurer-C. Randall Pickett 443-474-0211 Show Chairman-Mel Fair 301-401-0424 Hood Scoop Editor-Allen Fisher Hood Scoop Publisher/Webmaster-Mark Vassallo Hood Scoop Printer-The Staff of Central Maryland International Truck Past Presidents of the Chapter: David Alexander Jim Alexander Allen Bond Fred Craig Allen Fisher M. D. Miller Buzz Payne Dick Schaffer Dues and Membership The policy of the ATHS and the bylaws of the Mason Dixon Chapter state you must be an ATHS member to be a member of the local chapter. On the issue of dues, dues for the year are due by the Festivus in January. The chapter has to submit a list of members to the ATHS by the 31st of January of each year. This is when the ATHS audits membership to see if the chapter members are ATHS members. We will no longer carry members that are past due on their dues. The Hood Scoop is published on the first week of the odd month when possible. Deadline for submission to the Calendar of Events and For Sale / Wanted is the third Friday of the even month. Submit to: Allen Fisher @ 570 Beall School Road Frostburg, MD 21532 or to Mark Vassallo @ P. O. Box 518 Damascus, MD 20872 or by e-mail at Any duplication or retransmission of this newsletter is encouraged! FOR CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR TO RECEIVE THE HOOD SCOOP VIA E-MAIL PLEASE CONTACT Mark Vassallo @ P. O. Box 518 Damascus, MD 20872 or by e-mail at The Mason Dixon Chapter of the American Truck Historical Society sole purpose is to collect and preserve the history of antique trucks and the industry. We also support organizations that help those in need. The Mason Dixon Chapter will not discriminate on make, model, year, color, or condition of any antique truck or its operator! Old Trucks are FUN WEB SITE -