Week 3 – Assessing Risk Risk Analysis Process Technical & systematic process Examine events Focus on causes, not symptoms Determine interrelationships Document impact in terms of probability & consequence Analysis Phase May actually start during identification process Availability of experts As a natural by product of interviewing, etc. Define likelihood or probability ratings Define ratings for severity of consequence Establish assessment matrix RM Execution Phases Assessment Phase Primary objective – Identify & analyze program risks To control the most critical risks Id factors that contribute most to achieving desired results Id factors to use in setting cost, schedule, and performance objectives Problem definition stage Assessment Process Basis of most RM actions Quality of the assessment determines the effectiveness of the RM program Tools are available but no one tool has all the answers Definitizes probability & consequence of potential events Identify Risk Drivers Compile potential risk events Describe in detail to understand significance & causes Are events that have significant impact to program Adverse Consequence Significant Opportunity Address Root Sources of Risk Assess processes vs acceptable best practices Consider cost, schedule & technical impacts Use Willoughby templates in DoD 4245.7 Templates describe an area of risk Specify technical methods for risk reduction Correlate with acquisition phases & milestones Primarily applicable during development Willoughby Templates Risks in Acquisition Process Templates address risks by common DoD program elements Discussion of risk Outline for reducing risk Relates to program phase timeline Industrial process for design, test & production of low risk products Process-Oriented Assessment Program critical technical processes Evaluate program baselines Against current & historical data Critical paths Process constraints Critical inputs from outside program Process Metrics Track process of developing, building & introducing the system Meeting established milestones Variances from baselines Earned value Parametric comparisons Details of critical path, constrained process items Dependencies beyond program scope Product Focused Assessment Address risk by program output Utilize WBS breakout Constraints of master schedule Interfaces with other programs/products Use independently or in conjunction with process analysis techniques Product Metrics Track development of the product Measures of effectiveness & performance Progress in meeting requirements Test & analysis results Ability to produce & deliver Availability of resources Comparison to past experience Areas for Assessment Cost Assessment Use probability distributions Define distribution & range by WBS element Use Monte Carlo simulation to assess & aggregate Utilize expert opinion Address performance and schedule causes of cost risk Ranges & Distributions Risk Element Scrap/Rework (Firm Fixed Price negotiated) Schedule Delay (Level of effort Labor) Meet Performance Reqmts (new technology) Total Impact: Min Most Likely (2,000) 10,000 Max 12,500 -24000 0 24000 0 2000 20000 Simulated Value Rationale 10,774 Min: potential underrun in scrap/rework rates Most Likely: Expect current rates to increase 1% Max: Exceed scrap/rework rates by 25% (13,364) Min: complete 1 week early Most Likely: Meet negotiated schedule Max: Exceed negotiated schedule by 1 week 3,263 Min: no add'l testing Most Likely: 1 day add'l testing Max: 10 days add'l testing 672 Distributions Statistics Forecast: Total Cost Impact Summary: Display Range is from -30,000 to 50,000 Entire Range is from -20,864 to 47,999 After 10,000 Trials, the Std. Error of the Mean is 112 Statistics: Trials Mean Median Mode Standard Deviation Variance Skewness Kurtosis Coeff. of Variability Range Minimum Range Maximum Range Width Mean Std. Error Value 10000 14,069 13,993 --11,164 124,630,124 0.00 2.68 0.79 -20,864 47,999 68,863 111.64 Percentile 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Value -20,864 -628 4,351 8,035 11,203 13,993 16,966 20,181 23,762 28,667 47,999 Schedule Assessment Extension of Critical Path Method Define duration ranges & distributions for scheduled activities Use analytical techniques to identify schedule drivers Address external schedule impacts Assess probability & magnitude of an overrun Schedule Assessment Min Most Likely Max Simulated Value AA 90 100 120 115.5 Min: 10% challenge of program estimates AB 72 80 85 72.9 Most Likely: program estimate AC 45 50 60 56.6 Max: worst case scenario AD 67.5 75 95 79.4 Task Total A 305 324.3 Rationale Cost-Schedule Containment Chart Modeling & Simulation Physical, mathematical, or logical representation of system or process Implementation of a model over time Use data or expert opinion to select PDF (probability density function) Preferred for assessing cost or schedule risk Which Distribution to Use? Which Distribution to Use? More Modeling & Simulation As Virtual Prototyping Replica of a system flow Duplication of a physical product Representation of a process flow May be the only way to verify or validate design or process, or assess risk Before Using any Model Verify Validate Functions as designed Represents the system it models Accredit Is acceptable for the special purpose Exercise By study group, identify how you would verify, validate, and accredit these simulation methods Group 1 – Virtual simulation Group 2 – Constructive simulation Physical & electrical system representation Ex: Built-in training Represents the system & its usage Ex: Mock-up Group 3 – Live simulation Uses real operators & equipment Ex: Operational tests You have __ minutes for this exercise. Be prepared to discuss your results. Establish Rating Criteria From empirical data if possible Significance based on expert opinion Else, define rigorous qualitative measures Polling program & industry experts Variance from best practices Accepted rating definitions Best Practices example Low Medium Little or no anticipated impact Normal mgmt attention should control at acceptable level May cause some impact Special action & attention may be required High Likely to cause significant impact Significant additional action & attention would be required Concurrency Impact Overlap between program phases From combining phases / activities Schedule adequacy Assess with best practices or historical data Overlap in DT&E, Production DT&E % Complete >67% 33% - 67% <33% 0% Concurrency Risk Low Moderate High Very High Developing Measurement Scales Qualitative analysis Ordinal scales Defines a relative relationship Quantitative analysis Numerical methods Calibrated ordinal or cardinal scales May be linear or nonlinear Qualitative Scales Levels defined by experts Criteria used coordinated with PM Early definition avoids bias Reflect relative relationship between risk /consequence levels Absolute value on scale not known Not valid for mathematical manipulation Ordinal scales Generally reflect ranked data Difference between scale values is unknown, and not necessarily constant Misleading if scale is defined numerically Mathematical operations: Are at best meaningless At worst: misleading Quantitative Scales Reflect measurable relationship between risk /consequence levels Cardinal or validated ordinal scales Valid for mathematical manipulation Tendency to use for calculating a ‘risk value’ Empirical data Simulation & decision analysis results Qualitative vs. Quantitative Depends on several factors Information available Nature & phase of program Available resources – personnel, schedule, budget Availability of experts Generally qualitative at first, then quantitative as needed or feasible Probability Ratings Use empirical data if available Otherwise, use expert opinion, etc. Important to know if scales are ordinal Probability Level What is the Likelihood the Risk Event Will Happen a Remote <10% b Unlikely 10% to 35% c Likely 35% to 65% d Highly Likely 65% to 90% e Near Certainty >90% Consequence Ratings Define for technical, schedule and cost Assessment Matrix Define overall risk ratings Prioritization Multi-Voting Technique Each team member receives votes equal to ½ the number of risks Team members vote for risk items they think have the highest priority Risks are ranked according to the vote Benefits v. Biases ? Borda Ranking Method Ranks risk by criticality based on identified criteria Rank by impact of consequence Rank on probability of occurrence Borda count used to rank risk by criticality Impact Frequencies Risk # 1 2 3 4 5 Conseq Critical Serious Serious Critical MInor Conseq C.freq Critical 2 Serious 2 Moderate Minor 1 Negligible Prob 60% 100% 90% 60% 40% C.rank C.rank P.rank Borda Cnt Borda Rnk Per Matrix Probaility P.freq 91-100% 1 61-90% 1 41-60% 2 11-40% 1 0-10% P.rank Rank Consequence, Probability Risk # 1 2 3 4 5 Conseq Critical Serious Serious Critical MInor Conseq C.freq Critical 2 Serious 2 Moderate Minor 1 Negligible Prob 60% 100% 90% 60% 40% C.rank 1.5 3.5 5 C.rank P.rank Borda Cnt Borda Rnk Per Matrix Probaility P.freq 91-100% 1 61-90% 1 41-60% 2 11-40% 1 0-10% P.rank 1 2 3.5 5 C, P-rank = 1/2 [ 2 (# risks @ higher levels) +1 + # risks @ current level ] Determine Borda Count Risk # 1 2 3 4 5 Conseq Critical Serious Serious Critical MInor Prob 60% 100% 90% 60% 40% C.rank 1.5 3.5 3.5 1.5 5 P.rank 3.5 1 2 3.5 5 Borda Cnt Borda Rnk Per Matrix 5 5.5 4.5 5 0 for N total risks, Borda Count = ( N - C.rank) + ( N - P.rank) Highest count is most critical Borda v. Matrix Rank Risk # 1 2 3 4 5 Conseq Critical Serious Serious Critical MInor Prob 60% 100% 90% 60% 40% C.rank 1.5 4 4 1.5 4 P.rank 3.5 1 2 3.5 5 Borda Cnt Borda Rnk Per Matrix H 1 5 H 0 5.5 M 3 4.5 H 1 5 L 4 0 Borda Rank = # risks with a higher Borda count Risk Matrix Negligible P\C L 0-10% L 11-40% L 41-60% M 61-90% M 91-100% Minor L L M M H Moderate L M M M H Serious M M M M H Critical M H H H H Assessment Documentation Goal: communicate to customer, program management, team Define aggregation criteria Voting method Summary level Process, e.g. WBS break out Area of risk – cost, schedule, performance By criticality Impact & Rating Criteria Risk Aggregation Summarize Rank Frequency P\C Negligible 0-10% 11-40% 41-60% 61-90% 91-100% L M H Minor Moderate Serious Critical 1 2 1 1 Minimum impact; minimum oversight required Some disruption; may need additional attention Unacceptable; major disruption likely; priority attention required Order Risks by Borda Count Risk # 2 1 4 3 5 Conseq Serious Critical Critical Serious MInor Prob 100% 60% 60% 90% 40% C.rank 4 1.5 1.5 4 4 P.rank 1 3.5 3.5 2 5 Borda Cnt Borda Rnk Per Matrix 5.5 0 H 5 1 H 5 1 H 4.5 3 M 0 4 L Aggregating Results Define reporting format that communicates the best Group by phase, product, WBS, … Order by color, Borda count, … Information provided Description, relationship to requirements Action required Risk owner, … Aggregation Results Common Failures in RM Process Definition phase too focused on activities Unclear relationships or motives Need detail on motives, timelines, resources Between organizations, analysis methods, models In identifying sources of uncertainty, risk, consequences Addressing commonality between issues Links, interdependencies Document RM process flow to clarify Next Time: Risk Handling, Monitoring Read: Risk Management Guide section 5.7 Project – Part II Submit a paper copy of results with your final exam. 1. Explain how to map risks on your class project into the integrated master schedule you prepared for the mid-term exam and Provide a cost-schedule containment chart with a description of the steps you took along with intermediate calculations you made to construct the cost-schedule containment chart, Or, use MS Project (or similar tool) to calculate optimistic, expected, and pessimistic project cost and schedule estimates. Modifications to your mid-term schedule and task loadings are allowed. (12 pts) 2. Provide a comprehensive trade study for your class project that makes use of program performance measures (technical, cost, and schedule) for decision criteria. Explain how risk considerations were included in your trade study. (12 pts) 3. Provide a risk management process flowchart suitable for presentation that has been tailored for the projected life cycle of your class project. (12 pts) 4. Provide briefing charts (in addition to #3) suitable for orientation and training of project personnel on the procedures in which risk management would be conducted on your project. (14 pts) Mid-term Closed book, closed notes Turn Part I of your project in with your exam paper You have 90 minutes for exam. Any questions?