Metalib - South Dakota Library Network

South Dakota Library Network
MetaLib Management Basics
IP Ranges / Proxy Servers
South Dakota Library Network
1200 University, Unit 9672
Spearfish, SD 57799
© South Dakota Library Network, 2012
©Ex Libris (USA), 2011
Modified for SDLN
Version 4.x
MetaLib IP Ranges / Proxy Servers
Portal Administration
From the MetaLib Main menu, select Portal Administration to display
the General tab
MetaLib IP Ranges / Proxy Servers
Navigation Bar
Click IP Addresses in the navigation bar
MetaLib IP Ranges / Proxy Servers
IP Addresses page
MetaLib IP Ranges / Proxy Servers
Introduction – IP Ranges
The IP Addresses page allows administrators to assign default
profiles to unsigned users that access the MetaLib User Interface (/V).
For example, users that access the UI from within the campus network
receive a default profile of <Portal>-<LNG>-IN, while others receive
the profile <Portal>-<LNG>-GUEST.
MetaLib IP Ranges / Proxy Servers
IP Addresses page
This page contains the following sections:
•Create a New IP Range — allows you to add a new IP range for
the specified institution
•List of Defined IPs — displays the list of IP ranges that are
defined for the specified institution
In addition, you can perform the following actions on each IP
<E> — Modifying an IP Range
<D> — Deleting an IP Range
MetaLib IP Ranges / Proxy Servers
Creating an IP Range
•Select an Institution from the drop‐down menu on the IP Addresses page
•In the Create a New IP Range section, use table below to enter the fields
•Click SUBMIT to create the IP range
•The new IP range displays in the List of Defined IPs section
IP Range
This field defines the start and end IP address of the IP range. The
following rules apply to IP ranges.
Each IP address must be of the following format, where
<nnn> is 0 to 255:
An IP range cannot overlap an address of another IP range.
This field assigns the default profile to the IP range.
This field indicates whether a proxy server is used for the range of
IP addresses. Select one of the following options:
No Need for Proxy
Use Proxy Server
MetaLib IP Ranges / Proxy Servers
Edit an IP Range
•Select an institution from the drop‐down list on the IP Addresses page
•From the List of Defined IPs section, click the <E> action that displays
next to the range that you want to edit
•The Edit IP page displays
•Use table on slide 7 to update the fields as needed
•Click SUBMIT to save your updates
•Otherwise, click CANCEL to return to the IP Addresses page
MetaLib IP Ranges / Proxy Servers
Delete an IP Range
•Select an institution from the drop‐down list on the IP Addresses page
•From the List of Defined IPs section, click the <D> action that displays
next to the range that you want to delete
•The Delete IP Range dialog box displays
•Click OK to delete the selected IP range
MetaLib IP Ranges / Proxy Servers
Introduction – Proxy Servers
Institutions with proxy servers can configure their proxy servers to
work with MetaLib via the Management Interface. Proxy servers are
used in the following ways:
•To link to the native interface of resources using HTTP access
•For MetaLib searches in remote resources
From the Proxy Management screen , you can perform the
following actions:
•Add a new proxy by clicking the ADD PROXY button, which displays
the Proxy Details page
•Edit an existing proxy by clicking the E button next to the proxy that
you want to modify
•Delete a proxy by clicking the D button next to the proxy that you
want to delete
MetaLib IP Ranges / Proxy Servers
Intitutional Settings
From the MetaLib Main menu, select Institutional Settings to display
the General tab
MetaLib IP Ranges / Proxy Servers
Navigation Bar
Click Proxy in the navigation bar
MetaLib IP Ranges / Proxy Servers
Proxy Management page
MetaLib IP Ranges / Proxy Servers
Configuring Proxy Servers
MetaLib supports the use of proxy servers for the following purposes:
•To allow users to link from MetaLib to the native interface of resources via the
institutional proxy server. This means that MetaLib forwards URLs to the siteʹs proxy
server so the proxy server can redirect them to the target resource
•For performing MetaLib searches via a local proxy server. This is especially
important in a consortia environment, where the MetaLib server is located in one of
the institutions of the consortia. In such cases, searches can be channeled via the
relevant local institutional proxy server, enabling vendors to identify the institution
from which searches are performed. Use of a proxy server for the link‐to‐native
interface purpose can be controlled at the resource level by setting the proxy server
flag in the IRD record and also by IP ranges. The use of a proxy server for search
purposes can be controlled only at the resource level.
NOTE: The use of the search proxy server in MetaLib is supported for the
HTTP based resources only.
MetaLib IP Ranges / Proxy Servers
Configuring Proxy Servers
To access the proxy details page, click the ADD PROXY button or the E button
next to a specific proxy on the Proxy Management page to add or modify a
proxy configuration, respectively.
MetaLib IP Ranges / Proxy Servers
Configuring Proxy Servers - Parameters
For each proxy, add the following parameters if they apply to your
•Status ‐ A/I (Active / Inactive)
•Used for ‐ Link to Native or Search
•Filters ‐ IRD_SELECTIVE, IP_SELECTIVE, and LOCK (see slide 17)
•Hostname:Port ‐ Maximum length 200 characters
•Username ‐ Used for EZPROXY
•Password ‐ Used for EZPROXY
•Verification ‐ Verification of the password parameter
•Notes ‐ Maximum length 200 characters
MetaLib IP Ranges / Proxy Servers
Configuring Proxy Servers - Filters
IRD_SELECTIVE: The proxy server should be used selectively. In this case,
the system checks the flag in each IRD record to determine if the proxy should
be used. The proxy server is used only if the Proxy Server Flag is set to Y in
the resourceʹs IRD record for link to native interface using the proxy server, or
if the Search Proxy Server Flag is set to Y in the resourceʹs IRD record for
search using the proxy server.
IP_SELECTIVE (used only for Link to Native proxies) This indicates that the
proxy server is used selectively. The system checks the IP of the user. The
proxy server is used only if the user is outside the IP ranges defined in the
./vir00/tab/ proxy_<institution>.config table.
LOCK (used only for Link to Native proxies) This indicates that the users
should be directed to the proxy server for the resources they are authorized to