2014 COLLARENEBRI CENTRAL SCHOOL ATTENDANCE POLICY COLLARENEBRI CENTRAL SCHOOL HIGH STREET, COLLARENEBRI NSW 2833 PHONE: (02) 6756 2204 FAX: (02) 6756 2260 EMAIL: collarenb-c-school@det.nsw.edu.au VERSION – MARCH 2014 Collarenebri Central School POLICY DOCUMENT CONTEXT ........................................................................................................................................................................... 2 RESPONSIBILITIES .............................................................................................................................................................. 2 Parents/Carers ..................................................................................................................................................... 2 Principal ............................................................................................................................................................... 2 School staff........................................................................................................................................................... 3 APPROVED LEAVE AND EXEMPTIONS FROM SCHOOL ...................................................................................................... 4 PARTIAL ABSENCES ........................................................................................................................................................... 4 Late Arrival ........................................................................................................................................................... 4 Early Leaver .......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Year 11 and 12 ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 APPENDICES Appendix A - Staff Responsibilities Flowcharts ............................................................................................................... 5 Appendix B - Absence Procedures Flowcharts ................................................................................................................ 7 Appendix C - Resources used to compile this document ................................................................................................ 9 Appendix D - Electronic Attendance Register Codes .................................................................................................... 10 Appendix E - Examples of Notes to Explain Absences .................................................................................................. 12 Appendix F - Teacher Script for Initial Phone Call ......................................................................................................... 13 Appendix G - Letter Home asking for Explanation of Unexplained Absences .............................................................. 14 Appendix H - Personalised Attendance Plan ................................................................................................................. 15 Appendix I - Negotiated Attendance to Full Time Attendance Plan ............................................................................. 16 Appendix J - Student Attendance Checklist .................................................................................................................. 17 Page 1 Collarenebri Central School Attendance Policy CONTEXT Regular attendance at school is essential if students are to maximise their potential, and encouraging regular attendance is a core school responsibility. Schools, in partnership with parents, are responsible for promoting the regular attendance of students. While parents are legally responsible for the regular attendance of their children, school staff, as part of their duty of care, monitor part or whole day absences. The school attendance register should reflect the highest professional standards. This policy has been written in accordance with relevant NSW Department of Education and Communties (DEC) Policies and Guidelines (listed in Appendix C, page 9). RESPONSIBILITIES Parents/Carers Parents/Carers are responsible for: 1. Enrolling their children of compulsory school age in a government or registered non-government school or registering them with the Board of Studies NSW for home schooling; 2. Ensuring that their children attend school regularly; 3. Explaining the absences of their children from school promptly and within seven days to the school; and 4. Taking measures to resolve attendance issues involving their children. Principal The Principal is responsible for ensuring that: 1. Students are enrolled consistent with the requirements set out in The Enrolment of Students in Government Schools: A Summary and Consolidation of Policy (1997) and the Memorandum Enhanced Enrolment Procedures (DET Intranet only); 2. Attendance records are maintained in an approved format and are an accurate record of the attendance of students; 3. Staff record accurately the attendance of each student in each lesson in and outside the classroom; 4. All attendance records, including details of transfers and exemptions, are accessible to the regional director, home school liaison officer and other personnel nominated by the regional director, Audit Directorate or nominated by the Director-General; 5. Documented plans are developed to address the needs of students whose attendance is identified as being of concern prior to referral to the Home School Liaison Program; Page 2 Collarenebri Central School Attendance Policy 6. The school education director or their nominee (HSLO/ACLO) is provided with regular information about students for whom chronic non-attendance is an issue and for whom school strategies have failed to restore regular attendance; 7. School staff are trained to implement school attendance policies and procedures and that personnel with delegated responsibility for maintaining attendance records are supervised; 8. Parents and students are regularly informed of attendance requirements; and 9. All cases of unsatisfactory attendance and part or full day absences from school are investigated promptly and that the attendance flow charts (Appendix A, page 5) are implemented. School staff School staff are responsible for supporting the regular attendance of students by: 1. Providing a caring teaching and learning environment which fosters students’ sense of wellbeing and belonging to the school community; 2. Recognising and rewarding excellent and improved student attendance; 3. Maintaining accurate records of student attendance; 4. Implementing programs and practices to address attendance issues when they arise; and 5. Providing clear information to students and parents regarding attendance requirements and the consequences of unsatisfactory attendance. School staff are responsible for ensuring that: 1. Attendance is recorded each period or lesson by all staff; 2. All reasonable measures are taken to contact parents promptly and within two days of an unexplained absence occurring (contact may be made by verbal request to student or parent/caregiver, SMS, email, absentee slip or telephone call); 3. In the case of students participating in course work or school activities away from the school site (such as work placements), an accurate record of student attendance at other sites is obtained at the conclusion of each school week; 4. Verbal or written advice is promptly obtained from parents regarding unexplained full or part day absences (Parents may not be aware that their child has been absent from school and will expect to be informed promptly if unexplained absences occur. Collarenebri Central School will request this information from students or from parents verbally, via an absentee slip, via telephone or email, then by a letter. The Principal may also request a parent interview); 5. Records of written, electronic and verbal explanations from parents are retained. Written explanations must be dealt with as per roll call teacher flow charts (Appendix A, page 5); 6. Staff are aware of their responsibility to alert the principal or staff member responsible for monitoring attendance when a student’s pattern of attendance is of concern, or if no explanation is received from the parent or carer; and 7. Chronic non-attendance, continual fractional truancy and persistent lateness are recorded on the school’s monitoring system and referred to the Principal. Page 3 Collarenebri Central School Attendance Policy APPROVED LEAVE AND EXEMPTIONS FROM SCHOOL The Principal or their delegate has the authority to grant: a) leave or sick leave to students whose absences are satisfactorily explained as being due to illness or another approved reason (see Appendix D, page 10) ; b) an exemption from school attendance for periods totalling up to 100 days in a 12 month period for any one student; and c) part-day exemptions from school for periods totalling up to 100 days in a twelve month period. PARTIAL ABSENCES Partial absences from school are recorded as legal absences and must be explained by parents/carers in the same way as full day absences. Late Arrival All students who arrive after 9.00am require a note of explanation or verbal explanation and must sign in at the front office, where they will be issued with a late arrival slip and will then proceed to class. HT/AP will contact the parents of students whose partial absences from school are an ongoing concern. Early Leaver All early leavers must provide a note of explanation to the front office on the morning of the absence at the latest. Students will be issued with an early leaver slip to allow them to leave class at the organised time, and must sign out of the front office when leaving the school. Students returning to school after a partial absence must sign back in at the front office, where they will be issued with a late arrival slip and will then proceed to class Year 11 and 12 Senior students are required to attend school as per this Attendance Policy and full time attendance is compulsory. Attendance for senior students may vary due to individual patterns of study, and the Principal may authorise flexible timetables where appropriate. Year 11 and 12 students on flexible timetables will be issued with a Leave Pass to allow them to sign in and out at the front office using the Late Arrival and Early Leaver procedures (above). Page 4 Collarenebri Central School APPENDICES Appendix A - Staff Responsibilities Flowcharts ROLL CALL TEACHERS One teacher per roll call Teachers mark the roll each morning via Student Management. NOTE RECEIVED FROM PARENT On a student's return from an unexplained absence, ask the student for a note of explanation from a parent/carer and/or provide student with note to be comlpeted by parent/carer. Note reviewed and approved by the roll call teacher. Absence is coded appropriately in roll, ensuring the date and details of the explanation. The note is signed and dated, and is submitted to the front office each day via the roll call teacher's folder. VERBAL EXPLANATION RECEIVED FROM PARENT Absence is coded appropriately in Student Management to reflect the explanation, ensuring the date and details of the explanation are recorded in the comments section. EXPLANATION NOT PROVIDED BY PARENT After three (3) or more unexplained absences Any student with 3 or more unexplained absences in a fortnight (not necessarily consecutive) will receive a phone call home from a roll call teacher to ask for an explanation for the absence Roll call teacher issues an absence reminder note for the the parent/carer to complete. Staff member codes the absence appropriately in roll and records the phone call details. HT/AP notified of ongoing attendance concerns ADMINISTRATION (SASS) Weekly •Process late arrivals /early leavers •Produce absentee sheet and demail to staffrooms ASAP after roll call •Enter bulk absences Term •File notes to explain absences received from roll calls teachers each day •Send out letters for previous months absences remaining unexplained > 7 days Fortnightly Daily Page 5 •Send out letters for unexplained absences for Term Collarenebri Central School APPENDICES DEPUTY PRINCIPAL CURRICULUM AND WELFARE (NATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS) Students identified by roll call teachers. Fortnightly attendance review by Deputy Principal Parent contact for students below 80% attendance or late more than 10 times per term Refer to / liaise with HT/AP/Principal and Learning Support Team. Phone call to parents to congratulate students with 90% or more attendance. Letters sent out for 95% attendance. Attendance awards to be presented at fortnightly whole school assemblies for students with 80% attendance. PRINCIPAL & ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL/HEAD TEACHER REVIEW Student is flagged as an attendance concern in Student Management. Week 7 each Term HT/AP generates list of as risk students with less than 80% attendance where most absences are unexplained At risk list will be given to the Learning Support Team and discus each case individually. Principal will complete a mandatory reporter tree; educational neglect HT/AP will make home contact with students on vetted list and records details in Student Management. HT/AP will make referrals to the School Counsellor Student can be placed on an Attendance Monitoring Book to be signed by HT/AP or Deputy Principal each day Student can be placed on a Personal Attendance Plan if appropriate Ongoing Attendance Concerns Student attendance has not improved by HT/AP Review the next school term Principal invites parents into the school to complete a Personal Attendance Plan (PAP) or Negotiated Attendance Plan (NAP, with approval from District Office) Plan is enacted and monitored by HT/AP & Deputy Principal The student is referred to the School Counsellor Page 6 If student attendance does not improve they are referred to the Home School Liaison Officer All processes are ongoing Collarenebri Central School APPENDICES Appendix B - Absence Procedures Flowcharts Late Arrival (after 9.00am) WITH NOTE OR PHONE CALL from Parent/Carer explaining the reason for the absence Sign in at front office. Provide note WITHOUT NOTE OR PHONE CALL from Parent/Carer explaining the reason for the absence Sign in at front office Provide slip to teacher to enter classroom Partial absence coded as Explained in eBS4 Student issued with Late Arrival slip Request student provide explanation from parent the following day Provide slip to teacher to enter classroom Partial absence coded as Unexplained Record partial absence in class roll (see chart below if absence is for school business) Record partial absence in class roll (see chart below if absence is for school business) Phone call to parent/caregiver if student has persistent unexplained late arrivals Student issued with Late Arrival slip WITH NOTE OR PHONE CALL Early Leaver from Parent/Carer explaining the reason for the absence WITHOUT NOTE OR PHONE CALL from Parent/Carer explaining the reason for the absence Provide note to Front Office before 9am on the day of the absence GRANTED WITH APPROVAL FROM EXECUTIVE STAFF ONLY Absence coded as Explained Provide slip to teacher to exit classroom Student issued with Early Leaver slip and advised to sign out at office when leaving Sign out at Front Office Retain slip until end of day Provide slip to teacher to exit classroom Absence coded as Explained Sign out at Front Office Issued with Early Leaver slip Record partial absence in class roll (see chart below if absence is for school business) Retain slip until end of day Record partial absence in class roll (see chart below if absence is for school business) STUDENT ABSENT FROM CLASS Check Absentee Sheet to see if absence is explained Whole Day Absence WITH NOTE from Parent/Carer explaining the reason for the absence Note provided to roll call teacher before absence date Absence coded as Explained in eBS4 Note provided to roll call teacher after absence date Absentee sheet produced and emaile to all staff by end of Period 1 daily WITHOUT NOTE from Parent/Carer explaining the reason for the absence STUDENT PRESENT IN CLASS Notify HT/AP or Deputy Principal if student present in class, but absent on Absentee Sheet - Do not record absence in class roll Absence coded as Explained in eBS4 Note provided to roll call teacher after absence date Record absence in class roll (see chart below if absence is for school business) Absence coded as Explained in eBS4 DAY AFTER UNEXPLAINED ABSENCE FORTNIGHTLY END OF TERM Send letter to listed parents Send out absentee letters for absences remaining unexplained for over 7 days Send out absentee letters for unexplained absences for Term Responses coded as Explained in eBS4 DAY AFTER UNEXPLAINED ABSENCE Give student Absentee Slip requesting explanation from Parent/Carer Page 7 Responses coded as Explained in eBS4 Responses coded as Explained in eBS4 WHO IS RESPONSIBLE? Parent Student Front Office Roll Call Teacher Class Teacher Principal/AP/HT Collarenebri Central School On School Business APPENDICES 6 students or less attending Absence(s) entered into eBS4 prior to absence date, coded as Explained > School Business > "Reason" (Teacher) 7 students or more attending Details of absence and list of attending students provided to front office before the absence date 6 students or less Work Experience or Work Placement Study Periods (Yrs 11 - 12 only) Absentee Sheet produced and delivered to staffrooms in Period 1 daily Absences entered into eBS4 prior to absence date, coded as Explained > School Business > "Reason" (Teacher) Absences entered into eBS4 prior to absence date(s), coded as Explained > School Business > "Reason" (Teacher) FOR PARTIAL ABSENCE(S): Sign in and out at Front Office when leaving and returning Absentee Sheet produced and emailed to staffrooms in Period 1 daily Check Absentee sheet for school business absences. Mark as present in class roll FOR PARTIAL ABSENCE(S): Absentee Sheet produced and delivered to staffrooms in Period 1 daily Sign in and out at Front Office when leaving and returning Check Absentee sheet for school business absences. Mark as present in class roll Check Absentee sheet for school business absences. Mark as present in class roll SET DAYS 7 students or more List of attending students provided to front office before the first absence date Absences entered into eBS4 prior to absence date(s), coded as Explained > School Business > "Reason" (Teacher) Absentee Sheet produced and delivered to staffrooms in Period 1 daily Check Absentee sheet for school business absences. Mark as present in class roll FLEXIBLE or ROTATING DAYS Student to explain absence to roll call teacher or front office via note or phone call. Explanation prior to absence where possible, or as soon as possible after absence Parent returns permission note for student to spend study periods at home Principal authorises student to leave school for study periods Leave Pass issued showing periods student is allowed to leave school grounds Carry Leave Pass at all times when off school grounds Show Leave Pass to sign in and out at front office when leaving and returning Page 8 Absences coded as Explained > Flexible > Study period WHO IS RESPONSIBLE? Parent Student Front Office Roll Call Teacher Class Teacher Principal/AP/HT Collarenebri Central School APPENDICES Appendix C - Resources used to compile this document 1. Education Act (1990) (sections 21B to 26) The following DEC links can only be accessed by staff with Intranet access: 2. School Attendance Policy (2010) 3. Enrolment of Students in Government Schools: A Summary and Consolidation of Policy (1997) 4. Memorandum: Enhanced Enrolment Procedures (2006) 5. Student Attendance in Government Schools - Procedures (2010) 6. Exemptions from School - Procedures 7. Student Attendance in Government Schools: Common Leave Pass 8. Guidelines for Supporting Student Attendance (2011) 9. Student Attendance in Government Schools: Guidelines for the Phone Intervention Program 10. Attendance of Aboriginal Students Page 9 Collarenebri Central School APPENDICES Appendix D - Electronic Attendance Register Codes EXPLAINED ABSENCE CODING FOR OASIS (only to be used with note/phone call from home or notification from staff) EXEMPT (M) FLEXIBLE (F) LEAVE (L) Personalised Attendance Plan (approved by District Office) Senior study periods (with Leave Pass authorized by parents & Principal) Valid reason supplied and/or approved by Executive, including: Misadventure or unforeseen event Participation in special events not related to school (eg. Personal sporting events, family events) Domestic necessity (eg. Serious illness of immediate family member) Attendance at funerals Home for lunch (with Lunch Pass approved by Executive) Attendance Plan (approved by School) Special attendance arrangements (approved by Principal/AP/HT) Up to 15 days per school year, or more for students above compulsory age SCHOOL BUSINESS (B) SHARED ENROLMENT (H) ADVISE PRINCIPAL/AP/HT OF EXTENDED OR MULTIPLE ABSENCES Excursions Representative sporting events (including travel to/from) Work Experience Work Placement USE ON TEACHER/EXECUTIVE ADVICE TAFE course NBSA Barwon Learning Centre Medical Certificate required for duration more than 4 days SICK (S) SUSPENDED (E) Short illness advised by parent Medical or paramedical appointments Going home from sick bay Known medical issues (with Executive approval) USE ON PRINCIPAL ADVICE Valid reason not supplied, including: UNJUSTIFIED (A) Family holiday during school term Out of town without explanation Family reasons Awaiting documentations (ie. Medical certificate, proof of work) ADVISE PRINCIPAL/AP/HT OF EXTENDED OR MULTIPLE ABSENCES Page 10 Collarenebri Central School APPENDICES Appendix E - Examples of Notes to Explain Absences Note is unacceptable as student’s full name is missing, there are no dates and no valid reason for absence Note is acceptable as has full student name, dates and a valid reason for the absence Note is unacceptable as student’s full name is missing, there is no date and the reason for the absence is not valid Note is valid but the reason for the absence may be questionable. Please speak to your Principal regarding approving leave for this absence. Page 11 Collarenebri Central School APPENDICES Appendix F - Teacher Script for Initial Phone Call Hello it is (teacher’s name) calling from Collarenebri Central School and I am (student’s name)’s roll call teacher/class teacher/Deputy Principal/Head Teacher/Assistant Principal/Principal. We have noticed that he/she has been away on the following dates (dates). What was the reason for the absence(s)? Thank you for your time. Page 12 Collarenebri Central School APPENDICES Appendix G - Letter Home asking for Explanation of Unexplained Absences Dear Parent/Caregiver, COMPULSORY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE: INSERT STUDENT NAME The Education Act 1990 requires enrolled students to attend school each day that instruction is provided unless prevented from doing so by sickness or other good reason. It is also a requirment that absences from school are explained within seven (7) days of their occurrence. INSERT STUDENT NAME was absent from school on INSERT DAY/DATES and no explanation has been received from the school office. Please provide an explanation of the absence(s) on the slip below and return it as soon as possible. Alternativel, if you feel you have received this notice in error or would like to discuss INSERT STUDENT NAME’s attendance, you may wish to contact the undersigned on (02) 6756 2204. If you have contacted the school about the absence (s) in the last five days, please disregard this notice. Yours faithfully, Robert Malcolm Prinicipal -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My child, INSERT NAME HERE of Year INSERT YEAR, was absent from school on INSERT DAY/DATES because: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… Please notifiy me of any further information regarding my student’s attendance and absences via Phone/ Email/ SMS. My current details are: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Signature of Parent/Guardian: ………………………………………… Date: ……………/………………../…………………… Page 13 Collarenebri Central School APPENDICES Appendix H - Personalised Attendance Plan PERSONALISED ATTENDANCE PLAN NAME: AGE: SCHOOL: YEAR/STAGE/CLASS: BACKGROUND (information on previous absences, family history, or reasons as to the cause of these absences Summary of attendance data must be completed for at least the previous 12 months YEAR Explained Unexplained Sick Suspensions Total Previous HSLO? Y/N 2010 2011 2012 ACTION PLAN – Quantitative data / Expectation to achieve goal Long term goal: Term 1 % to achieve Term 2 % to achieve Term 3 % to achieve Term 4 % to achieve Strategies (What will be done by classroom teacher, learning support team, executive, principal or support staff) Who (Parent) Signature: ____________________________________________________ AP/HT Signature: ________________________________________________________ Principal Signature: _______________________________________________________ Page 14 When Collarenebri Central School APPENDICES Appendix I - Negotiated Attendance to Full Time Attendance Plan COLLARENEBRI CENTRAL SCHOOL NEGOTIATED ATTENDANCE TO FULL TIME ATTENDANCE PLAN Student: Grade: Parent Responsibilities DOB: Student Responsibilities School Contact: Special Program Contact: Welfare Advisor: Other agencies involved: Please select: Step Date School: School Responsibilities Other Stakeholders Date student commenced plan: Expected date of full return to school: Review of this plan (10 weeks max.): Other personnel involved: Post-Suspension Plan Time spent at School Behaviour support Transition Time spent in alternative setting Support class Comments 1 2 3 _________________________ Principal _________________________ AP/HT _________________________ Parent/Caregiver _________________________ HSLO _________________________ Student Welfare Consultant _________________________ School Education Director Page 15 Collarenebri Central School APPENDICES Appendix J - Student Attendance Checklist COLLARENEBRI CENTRAL SCHOOL ATTENDANCE CHECK LIST STUDENT: Action Mobility Tracker Register Term1 Week2 Term2 Week2 Term3 Week2 Term4 Week2 Roll Call teacher Send Green Slip ( First Day after absence) All unexplained absence notified to OASIS - Letters 7 Days Roll Call Teachers Phone Home if more than 5 unexplained absences occur Absence Letter for to date with report attached showing. Attendance Identified below 70% (Student identified as attendance concern) – Term review T1 – wk 6, T2 – wk 6, T3 – wk 6, T4 – wk 5 Mandatory Report AP/HT notification Student / Parent Interview Phone Monitoring Place onto daily attendance monitor list Student identified 2nd time below 70% Student placed on School PAP Student referred to councillor External agency support Referral to HSLO Progress report from HSLO Further actions Page 16 Date