Chor KHB, Wisdom JP, Olin S, Hoagwood KE & Horwitz SM (2014).

2014-2015 IDEAS Center Publications
*Bold denotes IDEAS Faculty/Affiliated Faculty/Staff
1. Acri M & Hoagwood K (2014). Addressing parental mental health within
interventions for children: A review. Research in Social Work Practice.
Published online before print August 11, 2014. doi:
2. Acri M, Olin SS, Burton G, Herman RJ & Hoagwood KE (2014).
Innovations in the Identification and Referral of Mothers at Risk for
Depression: Development of a Peer-to-Peer Model. Journal of Child &
Family Studies, 23(5): 837-843. doi: 10.1007/s10826-013-9736-z.
3. Acri M, Gopalan G, Lalayants M & McKay M. (in press). Depression and
service use among caregivers dually involved in the child welfare and mental
health systems. Mental Health and Social Work.
4. Angell SY, Yi S, Eisenhower D, Kerker BD, Curtis CJ, Bartley K, Silver LD &
Farley TA (2014). Sodium intake in a cross-sectional, representative sample
of New York city adults. American Journal of Public Health, 104(12): 240916. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2013.301542.
5. Arnold LE, Ganocy SJ, Mount K, Youngstrom EA, Frazier T, Fristad M,
Horwitz SM, Birmaher B, Findling R, Kowatch RA, Demeter C, Axelson D,
Gill MK, Marsh L (2014). Three-year latent class trajectories of attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms in a clinical sample not
selected for ADHD. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent
Psychiatry, 53(7): 745-60. doi:
6. Bebko G, Bertocci MA, Fournier JC, Hinze AK, Bonar L, Almeida JR, Perlman
SB, Versace A, Schirda C, Travis M, Gill MK, Demeter C, Diwadkar VA,
Ciuffetelli G, Rodriguez E, Olino T, Forbes E, Sunshine JL, Holland SK,
Kowatch RA, Birmaher B, Axelson D, Horwitz SM, Arnold LE, Fristad MA,
Youngstrom EA, Findling RL & Phillips ML (2014). Parsing Dimensional vs
Diagnostic Category-Related Patterns of Reward Circuitry Function in
Behaviorally and Emotionally Dysregulated Youth in the Longitudinal
Assessment of Manic Symptoms Study. JAMA Psychiatry, 71(1): 71 80.
PMCID: PMC4238412.
7. Bebko G, Bertocci M, Chase H, Dwojak A, Bonar L, Almeida J, Perlman SB,
Versace A, Schirda C, Travis M, Gill MK, Demeter C, Diwadkar V, Sunshine
J, Holland S, Kowatch R, Birmaher B, Axelson D, Horwitz S, Frazier T,
Arnold LE, Fristad M, Youngstrom E, Findling R & Phillips ML (2015).
Updated January 14, 2015
Decreased amygdala-insula resting state connectivity in behaviorally and
emotionally dysregulated youth. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging,
231(1): 77-86. PMCID: 25433424.
8. Beidas R, Marcus S, Aarons G, Hoagwood K, Schoenwald S, Evans A,
Hurford M, Hadley T, Barg F, Walsh L, Adams D & Mandell D (in press).
Individual and organizational factors related to community clinicians’ use of
therapy techniques in a large public mental health system. JAMA Pediatrics.
9. Bensen R, Roman H, Bersamin M, Lu Y, Horwitz S & Chamberlain LJ (2014).
Legislative Advocacy: Evaluation of a Grand Rounds Intervention for
Pediatricians. Academic Pediatrics, 14(2): 181-5. doi:
10. Bertocci MA, Bebko G, Olino T, Fournier JC, Hinze AK, Bonar L, Almeida
JRC, Perlman SB, Versace A, Travis M, Gill MK, Demeter C, Diwadkar VA,
Vaibhav A, White R, Schirda C, Sunshine JL, Arnold LE, Holland SK,
Kowatch RA, Birmaher B, Axelson D, Youngstrom EA, Findling RL, Horwitz
SM, Fristad MA & Phillips ML (2014). Behavioral and emotional
dysregulation trajectories marked by prefrontal-amygdala function in
symptomatic youth. Psychological Medicine, 44(12): 2603-15. doi:
11. Brenner SL, Burns BJ, Curry JF, Silva SG, Kratochvil CJ, Domino ME
(2014). Mental Health Service Use Among Adolescents Following
Participation in a Randomized Clinical Trial for Depression. Journal of
Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology. Published online before print, March
24, 2014. doi: 10.1080/15374416.2014.881291.
12. Brenner SL, Southerland DG, Burns BJ, Wagner HR, Farmer EMZ (2014).
Use of Psychotropic Medications Among Youth in Treatment Foster
Care. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 23(4): 666-674. PMCID in
progress. doi: 10.1007/s10826-013-9882-3.
13. Chacko A, Gopalan G, Franco L, Dean-Assael K, Jackson J, Marcus
S, Hoagwood K & McKay M. (2014). Multiple-Family Group service delivery
model for the children with disruptive behavior disorders. Journal of
Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. Published online before print, May 1,
2014. doi: 10.1177/1063426614532690.
14. Cheung K & Duan N (2014). Design of Implementation Studies for Quality
Improvement Programs: An Effectiveness-Cost-Effectiveness
Framework. American Journal of Public Health, 104(1), e23-e30. doi:
Updated January 14, 2015
15. Copeland WE, Shanahan L, Davis M, Burns BJ, Angold A & Costello EJ (in
press). Untreated Psychiatric Cases Increase During the Transition to
Adulthood, Psychiatric Services.
16. Chor KH, Olin SC, Weaver J, Cleek AF, McKay MM, Hoagwood KE
& Horwitz SM (2014). Adoption of Clinical and Business Trainings by Child
Mental Health Clinics in New York State. Psychiatric Services, 65(12): 14391444.
17. Chor KHB, Olin SS & Hoagwood KE (in press). An update on the policy,
research, and practice contexts of evidence-based practices for children and
adolescents: A systems perspective. In DL Evans (Ed), Treating and
Preventing Mental Health Disorders. New York, NY: Oxford University
18. Chor KHB, Olin SS & Hoagwood KE (2014). Training and education in
clinical psychology in the context of the Patient Protection and Affordable
Care Act (ACA). Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 21(2): 91-105.
doi: 10.1111/cpsp.12068.
19. Chor KHB, Wisdom JP, Olin SS, Hoagwood KE & Horwitz SM (2014).
Measures for predictors of innovation adoption. Administration and Policy in
Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. Published online
before print, April 17, 2014. doi: 10.1007/S10488-014-0551-7.
20. Chor KHB, McClelland G, Weiner DA, Jordan N & Lyons JS (2015). Out-of-
home placement decision-making and outcomes in child welfare: A
longitudinal study. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental
Health Services Research, 42(1): 70-86. PMID: 24677172.
21. Duan N, Bhaumik DK, Palinkas LA & Hoagwood K (2014). Optimal Design
and Purposeful Sampling: Complementary Methodologies for
Implementation Research. Administration and Policy in Mental Health.
Published online before print, December 10, 2014. PMID: 25491200.
22. Edmunds JM, Read KL, Ringle VA, Brodman DM, Kendall PC, Beidas RS
(2014). Sustaining clinician penetration, attitudes and knowledge in
cognitive-behavioral therapy for youth anxiety. Implementation Science.
Published online July 17, 2014. doi: 10.1186/s13012-014-0089-9. PMCID:
23. Fazel M, Hoagwood K, Stephan S & Ford T (2014). Mental health
interventions in schools in high-income countries. Lancet Psychiatry. 1: 377–
Updated January 14, 2015
24. Finnerty M, Neese-Todd S, Bilder S, Olfson M, Crystal S (2014). MEDNET:
A Multistate Policy Maker–Researcher Collaboration to Improve Prescribing
Practices. Psychiatric Services, 65(11): 1297-1299.
25. Finnerty MT, Manuel JI, Tochterman AZ, Stellato C, Fraser LH, Reber, CAS,
Reddy HB & Miracle AD (2014). Clinicians' Perceptions of Challenges and
Strategies of Transition from Assertive Community Treatment to Less
Intensive Services. Community Mental Health Journal. Published online
before print, February 14, 2014. PMID: 24526472.
26. Frazier TW, Youngstrom E, Fristad M, Demeter C, Birmaher B, Kowatch
R, Arnold LE, Axelson D, Gill MK, Horwitz SM & Findling RL (2014).
Improving Clinical Prediction of Bipolar Spectrum Disorders in Youth. Journal
of Clinical Medicine, 3(1), 218–232. doi: 10.3390/jcm3010218.
27. Fristad MA, Frazier TW, Youngstrom EA, Mount K, Field BW, Demeter C,
Birmaher B, Kowatch RA, Arnold LE, Axelson D, Gill MK, Horwitz SM &
Findling RL (in press). Familial Risk Factors for Onset of Bipolar Spectrum
Disorder in High Risk Youth. Bipolar Disorders.
28. Gadomski AM, Wissow LS, Palinkas L, Hoagwood KE, Daly JM & Kaye DL
(2014). Encouraging and sustaining integration of child mental health into
primary care: interviews with primary care providers participating in Project
TEACH (CAPES and CAP PC) in NY. General Hospital Psychiatry. doi:
29. Gleacher AA, Wisdom JP, Olin SS, Burns B & Hoagwood KE (in
press). Residential mental health treatment for youth: Systematic
review [Technical Report]. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration for Assessing the Evidence Base: Review Series.
30. Glisson C, Williams NJ, Green P, Hemmelgarn A & Hoagwood K
(2014). The Organizational Social Context of Mental Health Medicaid
Waiver Programs with Family Support Services: Implications for Research
and Practice. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health
Services Research, 41(1): 32-42. PMCID: PMC3889158.
31. Goldhaber-Fiebert JD, Babiarz K, Garfield R, Wulczyn F, Landsverk
J, Horwitz SM. (2014). Explaining variations in state foster care
maintenance rates and the implications for implementing new evidencebased programs. Children and Youth Services Review, 39:183-206.
32. Gopalan G, Fuss A & Wisdom JP (2014). Multiple family groups to reduce
child behavior difficulties: Retention among for child welfare-involved
caregivers. Research in Social Work Practice. Published online before print
August 12, 2014. doi: 10.1177/1049731514543526.
Updated January 14, 2015
33. Gopalan G, Franco LM, Dean-Assael K, McGuire-Schwartz M, Chacko A,
McKay M (2014). Statewide implementation of the 4 Rs and 2 Ss for
strengthening families. Journal of Evidence-based Social Work, 11(1-2):8496. doi: 10.1080/15433714.2013.842440.
34. Gopalan G, Chacko A, Franco L, Dean-Assael KM, Rotko LE, Marcus SM,
Hoagwood KE, and McKay MM (2014). Multiple Family Groups for Children
with Disruptive Behavior Disorders: Child Outcomes at 6-Month Follow-Up.
Journal of Child and Family Studies. Published online November 23.
35. Gopalan, G., Acri, M., Lalayants, M., Einbinder, E., & Hooley, C.H. (in
press). Child-Welfare involved caregiver perceptions of family support.
Journal of Family Strengths.
36. Grace AM, Chamberlain L, Lippert S, Collins K, Pineda N, Tolani A, Walker
R, Jeong M, Trounce MB, Graham C, Martinez J, Dotzler J, Vanek J, Ok K,
Storfer-Isser A, Horwitz SM (2014). Educating Health Professionals on
human trafficking: A randomized controlled trial. Pediatric Emergency Care,
30(12): 856-61. doi: 10.1097/PEC.0000000000000287.
37. Green CA, Duan N, Gibbons RD, Hoagwood KE, Palinkas LA, Wisdom JP
(2014). Approaches to Mixed Methods Dissemination and Implementation
Research: Methods, Strengths, Caveats, and Opportunities. Administration
and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services
Research. Published online April 17, 2014.
38. Hafeman DM Bebko G, Bertocci MA, Bonar L, Perlman SB, Diwadkar VA,
Sunshine JL, Holland SK, Kowatch RA, Birmaher B, Horwitz SM, Arnold LE,
Fristad MA, Youngstrom EA, Findling RL, Phillips ML (2014). Scared at the
Time of Scan: Correlation Between Clinical Scales and Brain Activation
During an Emotion Processing Task. Biological Psychiatry, 75(9): 232S232S.
39. Hafemen D, Bebko G, Bertocci MA, Bonar L, Perlman SB, Diwadkar VA,
Sunshine JL, Holland SK, Kowatch RA, Birmaher B, Axelson D, Horwitz SM,
Arnold LE, Demeter C, Fristad MA, Youngstrom EA, Findling RL, Frazier T,
Drevets W & Phillips ML (2014). Abnormal Deactivation of Ventrolateral
Prefrontal Cortex During Emotion Processing in Youth with Bipolar Disorder:
Attenuated by Medication and Correlated with Manic Symptoms. Journal of
Psychiatric Research, 58:129-36. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2014.07.023.
40. Hoagwood KE and Burns B (2014). Vectoring for True North: Building a
Research Base on Family Support. Administration and Policy in Mental
Health and Mental Health Services Research, 41(1): 55-68. PMCID:
Updated January 14, 2015
41. Hoagwood KE, Olin SS, Horwitz S, Nadeem E, Gleacher A, Chor KH,
Cleek A, Acri M, Lewandowski RE, McKay M, Kuppinger A, Burton G,
Weiss D, Frank S and Finnerty M (2014). Scaling up evidence-based
practices in New York State: Through the looking glass. Journal of Clinical
Child and Adolescent Psychology, 43(2): 145-157.
42. Hoagwood KE, Essock S, Morrissey J, Libby A, Donahue S, Druss B,
Finnerty M, Frisman L, Narasimhan M, Stein BD, Wisdom J, and Zerzan J (in
press). Use of Pooled State Administrative Data for Mental Health Services
Research: Lessons from the Field. Administration and Policy in Mental
Health and Mental Health Services Research.
43. Hoagwood K, Olin S and Horwitz S (2014). Optimizing Mixed Methods for
Implementation Research in Large Systems. Administration and Policy in
Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. Published online
November 26, 2014. doi: 10.1007/s10488-014-0616-7.
44. Horwitz SM, Hurlburt MS, Goldhaber-Fiebert JK, Palinkas LA, Rolls-Reutz
J, Zhang J, Fisher E, Landsverk J. (2014). Exploration and Adoption of
Evidence-based Practice by Child Welfare Agencies. Children and Youth
Services Review, 39:147-152. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2013.10.004.
45. Horwitz SM, Storfer-Isser A, Demeter C, Youngstrom EA, Frazier TW,
Fristad MA, Arnold LE, Axelson D, Birmaher B, Kowatch RA, Findling RL
(2014). Use of outpatient mental health services among children of different
ages: are younger children more seriously ill? Psychiatric Services, 65(8):
46. Horwitz SM, Leibovitz A, Lilo E, Jo B, DeBattista A, St. John N, Shaw RJ
(2014). Does an intervention to reduce maternal anxiety, depression and
trauma also improve mothers’ perceptions of their premature infants’
vulnerability? Infant Mental Health Journal. Published online before print,
December 1, 2014. doi: 10.1002/imhj.21484.
47. Kealey E, Scholle SH, Byron SC, Hoagwood K, Leckman-Westin E,
Kelleher K & Finnerty M (2014). Quality concerns in antipsychotic
prescribing for youth: a review of treatment guidelines. Academic Pediatrics,
14(5 Suppl): S68-75. doi: 10.1016/j.acap.2014.05.009.
48. Kelleher KJ & Hoagwood K (2015). Will Healthcare Reform Rescue
Families in Crisis? Academic Pediatrics, 15(1): 1-2. doi:
49. Kerker BD, Chor KHB, Hoagwood KE, Radigan M, Perkins M, Setias J,
Wang R, Olin SS & Horwitz SM (2014). Detection and treatment of mental
Updated January 14, 2015
health issues by pediatric PCPs in New York State: An evaluation of Project
TEACH. Psychiatric Services. Published online before print September 11,
50. Kravitz RL, Duan N, eds, and the DEcIDE Methods Center N-of-1 Guidance
Panel (Duan N, Eslick I, Gabler NB, Kaplan HC, Kravitz RL, Larson EB,
Pace WD, Schmid CH, Sim I & Vohra S)(2014). Design and Implementation
of N-of-1 Trials: A User’s Guide. AHRQ Publication No. 13(14)-EHC122-EF.
Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; January 2014.
Available at:
51. Kutash K, Acri M, Pollock M, Armusewicz K, Olin SS, & Hoagwood KE
(2014). Quality indicators for multidisciplinary team functioning in community
based children’s mental health services. Administration and Policy in Mental
Health and Mental Health Services Research, 41:55-68. PMCID:
52. Leckman-Westin E, Kealey E, Gupta N, Chen Q, Gerhard T, Crystal S,
Olfson M, Finnerty M (2014). Validation of a claims-based antipsychotic
polypharmacy measure. Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety, 23(6): 628635. doi: 10.1002/pds.3609.
53. Leckman-Westin E, Finnerty M, Pritam R, Kealey E, Scholle SH, Byron S,
Morden E, Bilder S, Neese-Todd S, Horwitz S, Kelleher K, Hoagwood K,
Crystal S (submitted). Antipsychotic Medication Use: Children in Foster Care
and Other Medicaid Aid Categories. Pediatrics.
54. Lewandowski RE, O'Connor BC, Bertagnolli A, Beck A, Tinoco A, Gardner
W, Jellinek-Berents C, Newton D, Wain K, Brace N, deSa P, Scholle SH,
Hoagwood K & Horwitz SM (submitted). Screening and diagnosis of
depression in adolescents in a large HMO.
55. Lynn CJ, Acri MC, Goldstein L, Bannon W, Beharie N & McKay MM (2014).
Improving youth mental health through family-based prevention in family
homeless shelters. Children & Youth Services Review, 44: 243-248.
doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2014.05.024.
56. McKay M, Umpierre M, Meyers L, Ortiz A, Paulino A, Rodriguez AR,
Miranda A, Rodriguez R, Kranes S (in press). Understanding Latino parents'
mental health literacy to enhance engagement in child mental health
services. 57. McGuire-Schwartz M, Small LA, Parker G, Kim P, McKay M (in
press). Relationships between Caregiver Violence Exposure, Caregiver
Depression and Youth Behavioral Health among Homeless
Updated January 14, 2015
Families. Research in Social Work Practice.
58. Nadeem E, Olin SS, Gleacher A, Chor BK, Weiss D, Cleek AF, McKay
MM & Hoagwood KE (in press). Using state systems as laboratories for
implementation of evidence-based practices for children. In Beidas, R, &
Kendall, P. Eds. Child and Adolescent Therapy: Dissemination and
Implementation of Empirically Supported Treatments. New York, New York:
Oxford University Press.
59. Nadeem E, Olin SS, Hill LC, Hoagwood KE, Horwitz SM (2014). A
Literature Review of Learning Collaboratives in Mental Health Care: Used
but Untested. Psychiatric Services, 65(9): 1088-99. PMCID: PMC4226273.
60. Nadeem E, Jaycox L, Kataoka S, Langley A, Stein BD & Wong M (2014).
Effects of Trauma on Students: Early Intervention through the Cognitive
Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS). In Weist M, Lever N,
Bradshaw C & Owens J. Eds. Handbook of School Mental Health: Handbook
of School Mental Health: Research, Training, Practice, and Policy, Second
Edition, 145-158. New York, New York: Springer.
61. O’Connor BC, Garner AA, Peugh JL, Simon J & Epstein JN (in
press). Improved but still impaired: Symptom-impairment correspondence
among youth with ADHD receiving community-based care. Journal of
Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics.
62. O’Connor BC, Fabiano GA, Waschbusch DA, Belin PJ, Pelham WE, Gnagy,
EM, Greiner AR & Roemmich JA (2014). Effects of a Summer Treatment
Program on functional sports outcomes in young children with
ADHD. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 42(6): 1005-17. doi:
63. Olin SS, Kutash K, Pollock M, Burns BJ, Kuppinger A, Craig N, Purdy F,
Armusewicz K, Wisdom JP and Hoagwood KE (2014). Developing quality
indicators for family support services in community team-based mental
health care. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health
Services Research, 41(1): 7-20. PMCID: PMC3858539.
64. Olin SS, Williams N, Pollock M, Armusewicz K, Kutash K, Glisson C, and
Hoagwood KE (2014). Quality indicators for family support services and
their relationship to organizational social context. Administration and Policy
in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 41(1): 43-54.
PMCID: PMC3858410.
65. Olin SS, Chor KHB, Weaver J, Duan N, Kerker B, Clark L, Cleek AF,
Hoagwood KE, Horwitz SM (in press). Multilevel Predictors of Clinic Adoption
of State-Supported Trainings in Children's Services. Psychiatric Services.
Updated January 14, 2015
66. Olin SS, Shen S, Rodriguez J, Radigan M, Burton G, Hoagwood KE (in
press). Parent depression and anger in peer-delivered parent support services.
Journal of Child and Family Studies.
67. Owens JS, Lyon A, Brandt N, Masia Warner C, Nadeem E, Spiel C &
Wagner M (2014). Implementation science in school mental health: Key
constructs in a developing research agenda. School Mental Health, 6(2): 99111. doi: 10.1007/s12310-013-9115-3.
68. Parker G, Ali S, Ringell K & McKay M (2014). Bi-directional Exchange: The
Cornerstone of Globally Focused Social Work. Global Social Welfare, 1:1-8.
doi 10.1007/s40609-014-0011-z.
69. Perlman SB, Hein TC, Stepp SD, Almeida JR, Arnold LE, Axelson D, Bebko
G, Bertocci MA, Birmaher B, Bonar L, Demeter C, Diwadkar VA, Fournier JC,
Findling RL, Fristad MA, Gill MK, Hinze AK, Holland SK, Horwitz SM,
Kowatch RA, Perlman SB, Phillips ML, Schirda C, Sunshine JL, Travis M,
Versace A & Youngstrom EA (2014). Emotional reactivity and its impact on
neural circuitry for attention-emotion interaction in childhood and
adolescence. Special issue of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience,
8:100-9. PMCID: PMC3949237.
70. Portugal LCL, Rosa MJ, Bebko G, Bertocci MA, HInze AK, Bonar L, Almeida
JRC, Perlman SB, Versace A, Schirda, C, Travis M, Gill MK, Demeter C,
Diwadkar VA, Ciuffetelli G, Rodriguez E, Forbes EE, Sunshine JL, Holland
SK, Kowatch RA, Birmaher B, Axelson D, Horwitz SM, Arnold LE, Fristad
MA, Youngstrom EA, Findling RL, Pereira M, Oliveira L, Phillips ML &
Mourao-Miranda J (submitted). Predicting Symptom Severity from Functional
Neuroimaging Scans in Behaviorally and Emotionally Dysregulated Youth.
Biological Psychiatry.
71. Santiago CD, Gudiño O, Baweja S, & Nadeem E (2014). Academic
achievement among immigrant and U.S.-born Latino adolescents:
Associations with cultural, family, and acculturation factors. Journal of
Community Psychology, 42(6): 735–747.
72. Schiffman J, Kline E, Reeves G, Hoagwood K, Luksted A, Medoff D, &
Dixon L (in press). Comparing outcomes of caregivers of youth to caregivers
of adult consumers among caregivers participating in the NAMI FTF
program. International Journal of Mental Health.
73. Shaw RJ, St John N, Lilo E, Jo B, Benitz W, Stevenson DK & Horwitz SM.
(2014). Prevention of traumatic stress in mothers of preterms: 6-month
outcomes. Pediatrics, 134 (2): e481-8. doi: 10.1542/peds.2014-0529.
74. Shaw RJ, Lilo E, Benitz W, Storfer-Isser A, Ball M, Proud M, Vierhaus N,
Huntsberry A, Mitchell K, Adams M & Horwitz SM (2014). Screening for
Updated January 14, 2015
symptoms of postpartum traumatic stress in a sample of mothers with
preterm infants. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 35(3): 198-207. doi:
75. Small L, Mercado M, Gopalan P, Pardo G, Mellins C & McKay M (2014).
Enhancing the emotional wellbeing of perinatally HIV-infected youth across
global contexts. Global Social Welfare, 1(1): 25-35.
76. Southerland DG, Burns BJ, Farmer EMZ, Wagner HR & Simpson A (2014).
Family involvement in treatment foster care. Residential Treatment for
Children & Youth. 31: 2-16.
77. Stein BD, Leckman-Westin E, Okeke E, Scharf DM, Sorbero M, Chen
Q, Chor KH, Finnerty M & Wisdom JP (2014). The Effects of Prior
Authorization Policies on Medicaid-Enrolled Children's Use of Antipsychotic
Medications: Evidence from Two Mid-Atlantic States. Journal of Child &
Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 24(7): 374-81. PMCID: PMC4162428.
78. Stein REK, Hurlburt MS, Heneghan AM, Zhang, J, Rolls-Reutz J, Landsverk
J & Horwitz SM (2014). Health status and type of out-of-home placement:
Informal kinship care in an investigated sample. Academic Pediatrics.
Published online before print, October 30, 2014. doi:
79. Stephens TN, McGuire-Schwartz M, Rotko L, Fuss A & McKay MM (2014).
A Learning Collaborative Supporting the Implementation of an EvidenceInformed Program, the "4Rs and 2Ss for Children with Conduct Difficulties
and their Families." Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 11(5): 511-23.
doi: 10.1080/15433714.2013.831007.
80. Van Meter A, You D, Halverson T, Youngstrom E, Birmaher B, Fristad M,
Kowatch R, Horwitz S, Frazier T, Arnold LE & Findling R (Submitted).
Diagnostic Efficiency of Caregiver Report on the SCARED for Identifying
Youth Anxiety Disorders in Outpatient Settings. Journal of Abnormal Child
81. Weist M, Youngstrom EA, Stephan S, Lever N, Fowler J, Taylor L, McDaniel
H, Chappelle L, Paggeot S & Hoagwood K (2014). Challenges and Ideas
from a Research Program on High Quality, Evidence-Based Practice in
School Mental Health. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology,
43(2): 244-55. PMCID: PMC3954908.
82. Wisdom J, Lewandowski RE, Pollock M, Acri M, Shorter P, Armusewicz
K, Horwitz S & Hoagwood KE (2014). What family support specialists do:
Examining service delivery. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and
Mental Health Services Research, 41: 21-31. PMCID: PMC3880627.
Updated January 14, 2015
83. Wisdom JP, Chor KHB, Hoagwood K & Horwitz S (2014). Innovation
Adoption: A Review of Theories and Constructs. Administration and Policy in
Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 41(4), 480-502.
PMCID: PMC3894251.
84. Wu S, Duan N, Wisdom JP, Kravitz RL, Owen RR, Sullivan JG, Wu AW, Di
Capua P & Hoagwood KE (2014). Integrating Science and Engineering to
Implement Evidence-Based Practices in Health Care Settings.
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services
Research. Published online December 10, 2014.
85. Yi S, Elfassy T, Gupta L, Myers C & Kerker B (2014). Nativity, language
spoken at home, length of time in the United States, and race/ethnicity:
associations with self-reported hypertension. American Journal of
Hypertension, 27(2): 237-44. doi: 10.1093/ajh/hpt209.
Special Issues in 2014
Two special issues of Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental
Health Services Research featured IDEAS research in mixed methods and family
support services.
Mixed Methods Special Issue, Administration and Policy in Mental Health and
Mental Health Services Research (published online November 26, 2014)
Hoagwood K, Olin S and Horwitz S (2014). Optimizing Mixed Methods for
Implementation Research in Large Systems. Administration and Policy in
Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. Published online
November 26, 2014. doi: 10.1007/s10488-014-0616-7.
Green CA, Duan N, Gibbons RD, Hoagwood KE, Palinkas LA & Wisdom JP
(2014). Common Approaches to Mixed Methods Dissemination and
Implementation Research: Value, Strengths, Caveats, and Weaknesses.
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services
Research. doi:10.1007/s10488-014-0552-6.
Palinkas LA, Horwitz SM, Green CA, Wisdom JP, Duan N & Hoagwood K
(2013). Purposeful Sampling for Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis in
Mixed Method Implementation Research. Administration and Policy in Mental
Health and Mental Health Services Research. Published online November 6,
2013. doi:10.1007/s10488-013-0528-y.
Chor KHB, Wisdom JP, Olin S, Hoagwood KE & Horwitz SM (2014).
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Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. Published online April
17, 2014. doi: 10.1007 s10488-014-0551-7.
Duan N, Bhaumik DK, Palinkas LA, Hoagwood K (2014). Optimal Design
and Purposeful Sampling: Complementary Methodologies for Implementation
Research. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health
Services Research. Published online December 10, 2014. doi:
Gallo C, Pantin H, Villamar J, Prado G, Tapia M, Ogihara M … Brown CH
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Wu S, Duan N, Wisdom JP, Kravitz RL, Owen RR, Sullivan JG, Wu AW, Di
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Family Support Services Special Issue, Administration and Policy in Mental
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Hoagwood KE & Burns B (2014). Vectoring for True North: Building a
Research Base on Family Support. Administration and Policy in Mental
Health and Mental Health Services Research, 41(1):55-68. PMCID:
Glisson C, Williams NJ, Green P, Hemmelgarn A & Hoagwood K (2014).
The Organizational Social Context of Mental Health Medicaid Waiver
Programs with Family Support Services: Implications for Research and
Practice. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health
Services Research, 41(1):32-42. PMCID: PMC3889158.
Kutash K, Acri M, Pollock M, Armusewicz K, Olin SS & Hoagwood KE
(2014). Quality indicators for multidisciplinary team functioning in community
based children’s mental health services. Administration and Policy in Mental
Health and Mental Health Services Research, 41:55-68. PMCID:
Olin SS, Kutash K, Pollock M, Burns BJ, Kuppinger A, Craig N, Purdy F,
Armusewicz K, Wisdom JP & Hoagwood KE (2014). Developing quality
indicators for family support services in community team-based mental health
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care. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services
Research, 41(1): 7-20. PMCID: PMC3858539.
Olin SS, Williams N, Pollock M, Armusewicz K, Kutash K, Glisson C &
Hoagwood KE (2014). Quality indicators for family support services and their
relationship to organizational social context. Administration and Policy in
Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 41(1): 43-54. PMCID:
Wisdom JP, Lewandowski RE, Pollock M, Acri M, Shorter P, Olin SS,
Armusewicz K, Horwitz S & Hoagwood KE (2014). What family support
specialists do: examining service delivery. Administration and Policy in Mental
Health and Mental Health Services Research, 41(1): 21-31. PMCID:
Updated January 14, 2015