Horticulture CD

Pricing Landscape
Maintenance Work
Next Generation Science/Common Core Standards Addressed!
 CCSS.Math. Content.7.R P.A.3 Use proportional relationships to solve
multistep ratio and percent problems. Examples: simple interest, tax, markups
and markdowns, gratuities and commissions, fees, percent increase and
decrease, percent error.
Bell Work/Unit Objectives
 Identify the skills a landscape
maintenance technician should master.
 Describe how to estimate landscape
maintenance costs.
 Describe some advantages and
disadvantages of using computer
spreadsheets in the landscape
maintenance business.
 Computer
 Landscape
 Contingency
 Estimate Sheet
 Job Cost
 Landscape
 Overhead
 Profit
 Total Project
How Much Would You
Charge for
What Skills Must a Landscape
Maintenance Technician
 Identify the skills a landscape
maintenance technician should master.
Landscape Maintenance
 The continued effort to preserve the
existing landscape.
 A landscape maintenance technician
is the person who is trained and given
the responsibility of preserving the
 Landscape maintenance technicians
learn skills through formal and informal
 The cost of landscape maintenance is
influenced by the types of skills or jobs
Landscape Maintenance Job
 Safety—safety should be the number one
– An understanding of safe tool and equipment
operation is essential.
– Training in first aid is also recommended.
 Reading a plan—the ability to read and
understand a plan in order to interpret the
designer’s intent is crucial.
– Measurements can also be taken from the plan to
calculate maintenance costs.
Job Skills Cont.
 Plant identification and care—the
ability to identify plants and an
understanding of specific cultural
requirements is valuable.
 Grading and establishing turf—
technicians should be able to level
and grade an area and properly lay
sod, plant plugs, or seed.
Job Skills Cont.
 Identification of irrigation components—since
irrigation systems are common in landscapes,
a technician needs to understand the function
of each part of the system.
 Programming controllers—irrigation
controllers are the key that allows precise
watering at specific times.
– Knowledge of how they work and are installed is
Job Skills Cont.
 Lateral line repair and head
adjustment—since these are essential
parts of irrigation systems, knowledge of
how to adjust and service them is
 Trucks and trailers—mastery of the
tasks required by state licensing
agencies is important.
 Transplanting woody plants—a
technician should possess knowledge of
the planting procedures and care of
newly planted plants.
Job Skills Cont.
 Pruning techniques—an understanding
of reasons for pruning and various
pruning techniques is important.
 Mowing turfgrass—a great part of
landscape maintenance work involves
mowing turf operation.
– Knowledge of mowing heights, bagging
requirements, and safe mower operation is
 Aerating turfgrass—Technicians should
recognize when soils need aerification
and understand the safe operating of
aerating equipment.
Job Skills Cont.
 Edging and trimming—training is
essential in providing a clean
appearance to the landscape.
 Pesticide safety—the ability to mix and
apply pesticides in accordance with
label instructions in crucial.
– This ability protects the technician, living
things in the area, and the employer.
 Fertilizing—Technicians should be able
to choose fertilizers for specific uses
and calculate the correct amounts to be
List of Skills
 Knowledge of safety
 Ability to read plans
 Ability to identify and
care for plants
 Skill in grading and
establishing turf
 Understanding of
irrigation components
and controllers
 Ability to safely
operate equipment
(trucks & trailers)
 Knowledge of
procedures and care
of new transplants
 Understanding of
mowing requirements
 Ability to mix and
safely apply
 Knowledge of fertilizer
composition and
application rates.
How are Landscape
Maintenance Cost Estimates
 Describe how to estimate landscape
maintenance costs.
Determining Cost
 It is important to understand that nearly
every landscape maintenance company
uses a different method for calculating
an estimate.
 There is no industry standard. However,
from a business standpoint it is
essential to determine a method for
accurately pricing maintenance work.
 Accurate pricing includes using an
estimate sheet and understanding the
procedures for completing it.
Estimate Sheet
 Form for calculating prices. It is for the
landscaper only.
 The customer receives a proposal sheet
or contract with prices listed.
 It is best if identical forms are used for
each individual project.
Information on an Estimate
 Job name, location, and date that the
estimate is prepared.
 The size of the job and the work to be
 The number of hours and materials to
be used in completing the job.
 A calculation of the cost of the labor and
materials used on the project.
Procedure for Using an
Estimate Sheet
 Using actual wage rates and materials costs,
calculate the total costs for the project.
 The job cost is the cost of the labor and
materials necessary to complete a specific
task or job.
– If a task such as mowing is completed a number of
times during the year, the job cost is multiplied by
the number of times the job is done in order to
calculate total annual costs.
Procedure Cont.
 Overhead costs are general costs
associated with running a business.
– They include costs like insurance, utilities, and
lease payments.
– A general rule is to calculate over-head costs at 20
percent of the job cost.
 A contingency cost accounts for
unanticipated expenses.
– Such expenses include theft of materials and
equipment breakdowns.
– An acceptable contingency charge is calculated by
adding 10 percent to overhead and job costs.
Procedure Cont.
 A cost summation is the adding together
of the job costs, overhead costs, and
contingency costs.
 Profit is the amount of money received
after deducting all project costs.
– A fair rate of profit is 20 percent of the cost
 Total project cost is the sum of the
cost summation and the profit.
– It is the price that is presented on a
proposal sheet or contract to a customer.
What are Some Advantages
and Disadvantages of Using
Computer Spreadsheets
in the Landscape
Maintenance Business?
 Describe some advantages and
disadvantages of using computer
spreadsheets in the landscape
maintenance business.
What is It?
 A computer spreadsheet is an all-
purpose computer program that is
useful for tasks involving the
organization of numbers.
 They are efficient tools in calculating
costs, preparing estimates, and keeping
 Savings in time required to calculate
 Space required to save records is
relatively small.
 Provide a finished, professional
appearance to the customer.
 Allow for quick cost comparisons
between projects.
 Training may be required to operate
 Initial investment in new equipment and
software may be substantial.
 Continued investment required to keep
up to date.
 What skills must a landscape
maintenance technician master?
 How are landscape maintenance cost
estimates determined?
 What are some advantages and
disadvantages of using computer
spreadsheets in the landscape
maintenance business?
The End!