Calling out the Left
Tyler Lloyd
• Back Cover
Tyler Lloyd
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Top 10 Douchey Liberal Ideas
I think some of these ideas do have some truth to
them, but it is that very vocal and obnoxiously
rude minority within the left that gets these ideas
on my Top 10. I don’t hope to alienate people
who hold these beliefs, but I do want to challenge
why they hold them. More often than not my
experience with these ideas are that they poison
the social environment. By asserting these
arguments based on emotion, petty jealousy, and
collectivism a serious conversation about liberty
is shutdown and everyone leaves either scared or
angry. I don’t actively troll liberals, but I do have a
problem with them pushing their political beliefs
on me. If I don’t believe in all of them, there is
nothing wrong with me, and they are wrong for
the imposition. There are some people who you
just never want to talk to and I’ve met my fair
share. Again, some of these ideas might actually
have some truth to them, but the leftist approach
that I will describe here demonstrates how
people who actively interject these ideas into
everything earn the label of “douchebag”. No
movement for equality should ever start by
attacking the individual based on demographics
or achievement. My writing is completely
satirical, so please don’t take my remarks too
seriously. So many of these examples are
extremely absurd and purposely offensive. All
from which I can write entire articles about the
hypocrisy and misguided intentions of each and
every one of these issues, but this post is more of
an overview. (I apologize in advance for being a
white straight male who has the nerve to even
talk about these issues. Psyche.)
On the next page is a
cartoon that was featured in that
same issue of the school newspaper.
Just look at how creepy they make
this cartoon man seem without
humanizing the honest efforts men
have made to help women protect
themselves. Men do care and take
issue with people being raped or
sexually assaulted. Don’t make
problem solving harder by refusing
any help honest men might try to
extend. Try meeting us somewhere
in the middle to protect others from
these crimes Feminists seem so
intent on broadcasting and
sensationalizing. It might be sad to
give up something you love being
such a bitch about, but you can
always find other things to bitch
10) Blind Support for This Guy
President Obama has held office for
more than 6 years now and people all over the
political spectrum have their gripes. Whether
it’s about immigration, Benghazi, the IRS &
VA scandal, or Obamacare; liberals should also
have problems with the way the country is
operating (cough*drone strikes*cough). Yet,
the left is still busy hoping for change, and
giving Obama the benefit of the doubt on
most, if not every issue. Even if a person has a
legitimate problem with the administration, it
doesn’t matter because they are just jealous a
right-winger didn’t win the election. Impeach
the only black president; that must be racist.
9) Blindly Supporting Obamacare
Don’t call it “Obamacare” because
that is now a slur against one of the most
progressive policies to ever pass the House,
Senate, and Supreme Court. What does it matter
if healthcare costs in the private sector are rising?
They should all just go to and find
a better plan that is more affordable. People who
want to choose their doctor and keep their
current plans are just trying to deprive the poor
from their right to be, and stay healthy.
Remember it was only passed for the good of
everyone, so the only way to properly refer to
this policy is by the “Affordable Care Act”; even if
you think that’s ironic.
This concludes my piece
confronting an article that I felt
attacked men. We all acknowledge
sexual violence toward women is
wrong, and that they must be
respected. However, we also need to
acknowledge that there are
unethical people out there, and that
they don’t care if what they are
doing is wrong. Heads up, they
probably know it’s wrong too, and
they are just trying to figure out a
way to get away with it. The problem
I have with the actions of Feminists,
within this instance, is that they
demonize most men for the actions
that they don’t do and have no
control over. Then the state gets
involved and imposes punishments
and standards onto everyone to
meet a threat that is marginal and
If they weren’t lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transexual, queer,
intersex, or asexual how else
could they express their
uniqueness and their need for
preferential treatment? I’m not
saying it is a bad thing, just that
it’s really pretentious and
egotistical from an outsider’s
perspective. If you try to be nice
to all people, instead of imposing
on them how you want to be
treated, then maybe people will
treat you the way you want
them to. Respect is a two-way
street, and it is offensive to
accuse people of prejudice just
because they can’t keep up with
your indoctrinated lingo and
personal beliefs.)
Serious question though:
Do Microaggressions violate the
Non-Aggression Principle?
8) Cultural Appropriation
What better way to be multicultural
than by segregating cultures? We can all get mad
at white people trying to act gangster or sports
teams reflecting harmful racial stereotypes.
However, when it comes to celebrating cultural
diversity and enjoying the culture of others, you
better have someone from that culture as a
present and active part of your event. God forbid
you throw a fiesta without it being hosted by
Latinos, have a toga party without any Romans, or
even dare to hold a superhero party outside of
The Wayne Manor because you would then be
appropriating culture. It doesn’t matter if you
admire these cultures and want to take part in
them. You just can’t, because your efforts at
tapping into the ethnosphere are offensive. Just
keep to doing whatever it is white people do.
7) Democracy
Do you like having your political voice
disenfranchised every election? No? Well tough,
because everyone else decided to fork it over for you
with their votes. You don’t vote? Well then, you have
no room to talk. Don’t even try to talk about politics
or US foreign policy. Your time already came and
went. Voting is not immoral behavior because it
forces the majority’s preferences onto the minority.
You should just get more hip and informed to this
representative democracy you live under. No way the
system is rigged by wedge issues, and don’t consider
the fact that money has more influence in
Washington DC than votes do. We put them there
and we can take them out. Just wait until the next
election and pick someone else, that will keep the
politicians honest.
As the conversation around sexual
assault and consent grows on the national
level (Thanks again for poisoning the dating
pool), it can be easy to wonder what you
could possibly do to make change. Start by
actively changing the way you think about
women, people of color, and the LGBTQIA
community (The acronym keeps
growing). What are the judgments you snap
to, what are the assumptions you make about
these and other marginalized groups? Maybe
those assumptions are absolutely wrong. If we
all did that together, it could make the
greatest change.
(Don’t you love the way she ends this article
by implicating guilt on her audience? Just
cause she thinks of people through
generalizations doesn’t mean you should.
Also, I guess no one can be treated as an
individual. I thought most people wanted to
be treated with respect as a person, but if
you know anything about the LGBTQIA
community it is all about them and their
3. Women owe you absolutely zero.
Women don’t owe you their number, they don’t
owe you a date, they don’t owe you sex, they
don’t even owe you a response. If you feel like
you did something nice for a woman, or she was
giving you “signals” that she was into you, she still
doesn’t owe you anything. I work in customer
service. When a client e-mails me asking for a
service, I email them back within two hours
because I work for a business and the client
expects me to provide for them. This makes
sense for a business, that I owe them a response.
But I am a person, not a service, and when a man
asks something of me personally and thinks I owe
him, it tells me exactly what he thinks of me, that
I am a service to him. Women are not a service,
we are people, stop treating us like we are
something to be used.
(Most men know women are not a service, but
sexist Feminists assume all men objectify
women. I agree women don’t owe men
anything, but you have to acknowledge how
women can take advantage of men. No one
should have things imposed on them, but no
one wants to be in a one-sided relationship
either. Men are not services to be used by
women either sweetheart.
Who even knows what this means? It
really is just a derogatory slur toward people who are
trying to help the disadvantaged or oppressed
minorities. The majority’s culture is destructive based
on historical context and Marx had some really good
ideas on how to restore equality. If you are not for
social justice and equal opportunity for all, then you
must be a racist, homophobic, sexist, ableist, classist,
hateful piece of shit. No one should ever be proven
incompetent or dumb unless they challenge our
beliefs. It doesn’t matter if a person is underqualified
or unmotivated to succeed; it is the problem of the
successful majority to bend over backwards for them.
Remember your success is a privilege, and you have a
duty to the underprivileged. Maybe some people
should be oppressed so that others can catch up to
their standard of living. It’s only fair, based on SocioEconomic Status. That is after all, the only thing that
makes us different.
Have you ever heard of the bleedingheart liberal? This is why their heart should bleed.
Are they white, do they even know history? From the
historical context of global societies, white people
have had the most destructive impact. What makes
you think things have changed all that much today? I
hate it when a white person claims to be post-racial
or colorblind. It’s like they don’t even know they
dominate most of the world’s wealth and resources.
How dare white people even have something to say
when it comes to race? They don’t even understand
the issue. We need to have a global conversation
about the race problem, and white people need to
shutup and just listen. Then if they don’t leave
feeling guilt for the actions of their entire collective
race, they must then be racist.
(Women are not conditioned to say yes. That is
some highly manipulative bullshit for women to
latch onto and refuse to take responsibility for
themselves. The real reason women are afraid to
say “no” to men is because they are afraid men,
and men’s reactions to rejection. I truly wish
women said “no” more often because then you
know where you stand with them. It would save
everyone a lot of time if we could just get
honest. What women won’t tell you is that by
leading a guy on, even if they are not interested,
they can take advantage of him in the future.
Why say “no” to men if you can diversify your
options of white knights that will answer at your
every beck and call?)
2. When a woman says yes, but looks
or sounds unsure, she probably means no. Just
because someone says yes with their mouth
doesn’t mean it is a contract written in stone.
Again, women have been conditioned to always
say yes, because when we do reject men, the
repercussions are damaging.
(Does that mean women can’t be held at their
word like men are? So yes means no? Again, not
all women are “conditioned” or indoctrinated by
Feminism. This is one of the reasons why some
guys don’t even want to talk to women.)
Here are three things that are by no
means a comprehensive list, but certainly are
something more men need to think about when
approaching a woman (romantic/sexual
intentions or otherwise):
(This will be good. I’m glad it’s not a
comprehensive list because women should
always be able to have more standards they
wish to impose upon men.)
1. When a woman says “no” she
means “no”. If you ask a girl out on a date, for her
number, or even for her Facebook name, and she
says no, just walk away (which most guys do). You
aren’t going to wear her down, you aren’t going
to convince her you’re worth it. She’s said no for
a reason. It takes so much courage and strength
to say no because I have spent my whole life
being told by my male peers not to say no to
them (doubt it, not all guys are like that). Once,
several men (doubt it) told me that a girl should
never say no to a date with a guy, because “the
guy worked really hard to ask her out and if he
gets a no, his feelings will be hurt.” (Nah, let’s
drink his tears.)As a woman, I am conditioned to
say yes to everything asked of me by men,
regardless of my feelings about the situation, so
for a woman to choose the opposite and say no,
it takes so much strength.
4) Privilege
These are those guys mentioned just
earlier who don’t believe they should feel guilty because
they’re white. They are the worst, not only because of
racism but for other bigoted reasons as well. The
privileged are literally the worst people, and their actions
make the world a worse place everyday. They think it is a
person’s choices that determine if they are poor or
underemployed, and this makes them classist. They
know how well they are doing, and they don’t worry (or
even care) about how people around the world are
struggling every single day. They try to champion
individualism and working hard, when really all their
success comes from the labor of other people. They are
the reason minimum wage isn’t higher, why racism still
exists, why women don’t make more money, and why so
many people are behind bars. If they could just learn to
share and take the concerns of other people more
seriously, then maybe we could be closer to an
egalitarian society. If someone you work with makes a
dollar per hour more than you, then they best check
their privilege. Do you do drugs without going to prison?
You better check your privilege. You want to park in a
handicap space or use the handicap stall in the
restroom? You should check your privilege. Want to walk
past a panhandler without giving him your spare
change? You best check that privilege.
Gun Control
Guns are scary and no one should have
them. If no one had guns then no one would be shot by
them, and armed robberies would decrease. Too many
people die every year by guns and we need to have
empathy for them and the loved ones they left behind.
In fact, just because more people kill themselves with
guns than kill other people means that gun owners don’t
care about the suicidal. This violence must stop, and the
only people who can stop it work for the government. I
don’t need to worry about protecting myself because my
government should do that. That is why we pay them
taxes and vote them into office; to keep us safe. I think
the police do a great job of that, and we need less guns
on the street to keep them, as well as, us safe. We don’t
need to worry about personal protection, what we need
is a culture we don’t need protection from. When I see
an open carrier claiming his right to “bear arms”, I’m so
scared I want to grab the gun right off his hip and throw
it off the nearest bridge into a river.
La La La La No guns. No guns. No guns. La La La La
The implementation of the
required course came only a day after a crime
alert notified the community of a reported
sexual assault on the Monroe Park Campus. It
also came a month after three VCU soccer
players were sentenced to 150 days in jail with
140 days suspended for two years for the
unlawful videotaping of a minor — in effect
receiving only 10 days of jail time for the
violation of a minor. While it is of the utmost
importance that these issues are in the
spotlight, it is also important to talk about the
small ways women are violated everyday.
(It is not of the “utmost importance” that you
sketch out women every time a crime
happens. The story with the soccer players is
unrelated, but shows a perfect example of
how Feminists celebrate kicking men out of
college and hopefully getting them some jail
time. Hypothetical: If you let me into your
party, I get drunk and start dancing around
naked, then someone films it; does that
mean everyone at the party is now a sexual
predator? Gotta check IDs at the door guys,
and think before filming anything sexual in
(Colleges shouldn’t have the power or
jurisdiction to deal with sexual assault. It is a
criminal justice issue and should be handled
by the police. The real reason Feminists want
to control sexual assault cases on campus is
so they can expel men they don’t like by
claiming victimhood. Thanks for taking
student registration hostage by the way. As of
now, if you don’t take and pass a mandatory
multimodular test by October 15 (that the
university has imposed on everyone) they
will put a hold on your account; guilty until
proven innocent.)
This requirement comes in the
wake of the federal review of four Virginia
universities for alleged sexual-violence
violations of Title IX, the federal law which
protects against gender-based discrimination
and sexual violence in any institutions that
receive federal funding. These universities
include James Madison University, University
of Virginia, University of Richmond and The
College of William & Mary.
(Only two cases from VCU made it that far. It
really is because one “victim” didn’t get her way,
and now we are all being punished by Title IX)
2) Political Correctness
Have you ever heard of hate speech? Well, it use to
mean calling for acts of violence against other people. However,
now it means saying anything that could very-well lead to even the
idea of using violence for some hateful or political reason.
Inclusively, if someone listens to you say something controversial
and then goes out and hurts someone else, you should also be held
accountable for that person’s actions. You should always watch
what you say because if you are bigoted hateful things will just seep
out of you, without you even knowing. We need to censor free
speech and ban some words, not only because of how they could
be used, but also because of how hurtful the meaning of those
words are. Words just can’t have multiple meanings and some are
never ok to use in whatever context. Also using curse words is just
an effort of the ignorant mind trying to express itself, people are
better than that. We also need to run to an authority figure
whenever we read, see, or hear anything that could possibly be
construed as politically incorrect. If we don’t make a big deal about
what people should or shouldn’t be able to say, then we will always
live in a world filled with discrimination. It is never ok to stereotype
people, but it is ok to categorize people based on gender, race,
class, and sexual orientation. This means some “other people” are
going to have to learn why it’s ok for only certain people to say
something that the “others” are never allowed to say or even talk
about. In fact, if those other people could just have nothing to say
on particular issues then everything would really work out. Only
some people should be able to talk about some topic, and carefully
dismantle such volatile elements found within language. Always
remember if you think something might be politically incorrect then
it already is, and you need to zip your lip and check that privilege.
Rape Culture
You even feminist, bro? Well, you should be, because
women face so many problems that you are privileged
from having; just because you are male. They are
constantly objectified and have a really hard time being
treated as equals. When was the last time someone
came onto you, and you didn’t really like them in “that
way”? It’s a really awkward situation because if you
straightup reject them they could get mad and even turn
violent. Some men are so misogynistic they don’t even
risk the rejection and go straight to anger and violence.
So you should always live in fear of men. They commit
the majority of violent crime, and that includes rape. In
fact, men in America are so horrible the majority of rapes
are committed by men onto other men. We need to
address the fear of being raped by (first) never blaming a
victim, (two) always kicking an alleged rapist out of
college, and (three) expect other people to keep us safe.
It doesn’t even matter if a guy actually committed rape
because it is still in his nature. Even if he was just
accused and later proven innocent, he should still be
publicly ostracized. Women would just be safer without
so many men around. Therefore, always be careful if you
are out in public and never trust them. Men need to just
learn to not rape, but they seem incapable of simply
doing that. Rape is worse than murder, because of how
long it can last and how vulnerable we are to it. This is
why some women think that any act of penetration, even
if consensual, is still rape. Women have sadly just
learned to enjoy it, and that is a problem created by the
patriarchal indoctrination all women have unfortunately
undergone from an early age.
(First off, she does a really bad job of
defining microaggression, and she
misspells it in the article. Buckle in,
because she is going to continue to
make things seem worse than they
really are to spread more of her fear and
hate for men. She is, and always has
been, talking about something that is
uncommon and anomic. Sidenote, do
microaggressions violate the NAP?)
Most often when discussing the topic of
consent, it is easy to limit the
conversation to sexual consent (Yeah,
God forbid a person questions the
consent they have with government).
Many colleges across the U.S. have been
in the spotlight recently, criticized for
how they have dealt with sexual assault
and the steps they are taking to change
that. In contrast, VCU has implemented a
mandatory online course for students
that focuses on sexual violence.
I remember my first couple days
at VCU. It was my first time being away
from home, and the first time I had ever
talked to or hung out with so many boys.
There was one night where a boy my
roommate had made friends with was in
our room. As I was going about my
business he felt the need to tell me I
“looked really sexy.” I felt trapped because
he had come into my space to give me his
unwanted opinion of my body.
(Just kick him out then, don’t go out of
your way to make all men seem creepy.
Maybe you are just unapproachable and
men have made a mistake by even
These small actions are called
microaggressions and they happen
everyday to every woman, every
person of color, queer people, trans
people, every person who does not fit
the mold of the white heterosexual
cisgendered male. Right now, at VCU
and colleges across the country,
women are entering college for the
first time and experiencing these kinds
of microaggressions, or even worse,
situations of sexual assault and abuse.
Criticism is not harassment. Please
don’t think I’m personally attacking
the author of this article in any way,
shape, or form. It is the ideas found
within the article that I am writing
about, not the person.
Criticism for a Dumb Student Opinion
I have to confess something personal. I
messed up when picking colleges and ended up at a
pretentious liberal arts school. Even if they advance in
research, medicine, engineering, and business; my slice
of campus isn’t in that part of the city. I know it is unfair
to lump everyone who goes there into one category or
another, but this Op Ed piece is going to point out the
thinking of people I have had the misfortune of meeting.
Now, I understand the point of privileging new
perspectives to create space for the production of
cultural capital. However, what can we do if those new
voices poison public discourse? This last week was really
intrusive from the perspective I will explore in this
article. Also, in another article I will elaborate more
about how Feminists have taken my school’s student
registration policy hostage. However, this piece is about
the douchey pretentious beliefs found within this
Student Opinion article that was published by the
school newspaper.
So let’s get into this hit-piece:
The rules of consent
I wonder if there will ever be a day when
I walk out of my apartment and someone
doesn’t feel the need to comment on my
body. Earlier this week I needed to go out
to get some flu medicine for myself. As I
was walking to the store, every group of
men I walked past made a comment on
my body. These comments made me feel
overwhelmed and unsafe because there
was nothing I could do to escape the
situation. All I could do was smile or
ignore so they wouldn’t engage me. Why
do these men give out their opinion
when it was unasked for?
(I doubt every group of men she passed
said something to her, and I don’t think
she is catcalled everyday. I do not
appreciate the characterization of men she
provides, and I don’t believe her story. I
think feminists want to be catcalled on the
street just so they feel justified for starting
a fight. Look out for the women you walk
by in public because some might be drunk
off that haterade. Also I don’t think she is
much of a looker; she could just be lying to
get the audience’s attention.)