Board Meeting Agenda April 4, 2011 5:00PM ISD5 Tulsa County Jenks Public Schools Education Service Center Board Meeting Room 951 West Main Street Jenks, OK 74037 I. Call Meeting to Order II. Roll Call III. Pledge of Allegiance To Flag IV. Special Recognition A. Varsity Pom Mr. Dillingham/Ms. Volentine B. Academic All-staters Cole Griffin & Joshua Thomas Mr. Means C. Top Youth Volunteer/Nestle's Award - Parth Singh Mr. Means D. JHS 6A Boys Swim Team State Champions Mr. Dillingham/Mr. Turner E. 2011 MAA Award - Susan Hildebrand Ms. Oare F. 2011 Oklahoma State Scholastic Chess Championship Mr. Whitlatch G. Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Award Ms. Burchfield/Mr. McNabb V. Public Comments - (Restricted to specific agenda item as listed for this meeting) VI. Consent Agenda A. Vote to approve or disapprove the following General Consent Agenda, items Ms. Butterfield A-R (per attached) VII. School Operation A. Presentation of Monthly Construction Report and discussion Mr. Ferem B. Consideration, discussion and vote to approve or disapprove the lowest Mr. Ferem responsible bids for the PEG Gym Renovation project and approve or disapprove the assignment of the approved bids to Flintco Construction for the execution of the PEG Gym Renovation project and accept a Guaranteed Maximum Price of $586,496 from Flintco Construction C. Consideration, discussion and vote to approve or disapprove the lowest Mr. Ferem responsible bids for the Southeast Elementary Classroom Addition and Renovation Phase I project and approve or disapprove the assignment of the approved bids to Manhattan Construction for the execution of the Southeast Elementary Classroom Addition and Renovation Phase I project and accept a Guaranteed Maximum Price of $1,819,936 from Manhattan Construction D. Presentation of Printshop/Warehouse Services and discussion Mr. Watson E. Board to consider and take action on a Resolution determining the maturities Ms. McKay of, and setting a date, time and place for the sale of the $19,295,000 General Obligation Combined Purpose Bonds of the School District F. Consideration, discussion and vote to modify or not to modify Floating Ms. Butterfield Holiday Policy 2.28.3 VIII. Finance A. Review and discussion of the general operating funds, revenue and Ms. McKay expenditure budget, Treasurer's reconciled cash report and investment portfolio IX. Personnel A. Consideration, discussion and vote to approve or disapprove the Planetarium Ms. Butterfield/Mr. R. Wright Director Position for the Math/Science Center B. Consideration, discussion and vote to approve or disapprove Ms. Butterfield Extra Duty assignments and contracts, as listed on Appendix B C. Vote to accept or reject resignations presented for action Ms. Butterfield X. Adjournment A. Vote to adjourn Name of Person Posting Notice (signature) Jane Hedrick Clerk of the Board (title) Posted this 1st day of April, 2011, at 5:00 P.M., at the front window of the Jenks Public Schools Education Service Center, 951 West Main Street, Jenks, OK. Individuals requiring signing accommodations should notify the Clerk of the Board at least 24 Hours in advance of meeting time. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APRIL 4, 2011 VI. APPROVE OR DISAPPROVE THE FOLLOWING GENERAL CONSENT AGENDA, ITEMS A – R A. REQUEST FOR LONG TERM LEAVE WITHOUT PAY (2011-2012 SCHOOL YEAR) 1. Grace Kathryn Welch Sensintaffar Elementary Teacher, Southeast Elementary B. RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF RETIREMENT – CERTIFIED C. RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF RESIGNATION – CERTIFIED D. RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO HIRE – CERTIFIED SUBSTITUTE E. RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF RESIGNATION – CLASSIFIED 1. Rachel R. Gallagher 2. Catherine M. Searcy 1. Jessica L. Cremer 2. Patricia Quin Halpin 1. Angela R. Stephens 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Jane T. Black David S. Brixey Teresa A. Davis Sheila Raye Jimison Edith F. Purcell Patricia Wernhardt Colleen Williams Eff: 5/27/11 Eff: 5/27/11 Eff: 5/27/11 Eff: 5/27/11 Eff: 4/15/11 Eff: Eff: Eff: Eff: Eff: Eff: Eff: 5/25/11 5/25/11 3/16/11 4/4/11 3/23/11 3/31/11 4/8/11 F. RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF TERMINATION – CLASSIFIED G. RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO HIRE – TEMPORARY CONTRACT – COMMUNITY EDUCATION – 2010-2011 1. Aisha E. Bereal 2. William Cobb 3. Merle Lee Howell 1. Luke Terrell Harrington H. Driver Education Instructor RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF REQUEST TO RESCIND LONG TERM LEAVE WITHOUT PAY – CLASSIFIED 1. Arthur W. Koch III J. Saturday School (Temporary), Semester Grade Replacement, Middle School Language Arts Teacher RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO HIRE – ADJUNCT FOR COMMUNITY EDUCATION – 2010-2011 1. Buddy Allen Wilson I. Eff: 3/1/11 Eff: 3/10/11 Eff: 3/7/11 Eff: 3/1/11 RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF REQUEST FOR LEAVE WITHOUT PAY – CLASSIFIED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Bonnie Ann Chappell Virginia Irene Coats Margaret Frances Dorsey Alexis Ashley Edmiston Gretchen Griffin Janetta Joy Groff Kiersten Raylene Johnson Jenny Ross Lane Giacomo J. Lombardo Jan Lee Mathews Mary Ellen McGertt One day Two days One & ½ days One days Two days Five days Thirty days Two days Eight days Ten days One day 3/3/11 2/23/11 & 2/24/11 3/1/11 & 3/8/11 3/22/11 2/28/11 & 3/1/11 3/4/11 3/29/11 – 5/9/11 2/14/11 & 3/1/11 5/16/11 – 2/25/11 5/16/11 – 5/27/11 3/10/11 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. K. Wendy Kathleen Monroe Two days William Hamilton Murphy Two & ½ days Rebecca Karlene Hickey ObalOne day Victoria Lynn Paddock Three days Lynne Brooks Schonacher Two & ½ days Taylor Ann-Louise Simmons Two days Patricia Wernhardt Two days Ronald Williams Three & ½ days Amber L. Wilson Two days RECOMMEND DISAPPROVAL OF REQUEST FOR LEAVE WITHOUT PAY – CLASSIFIED 1. Marty Wayne Coombes 2. Kyler T. Erwin L. 3/3/11 & 3/7/11 2/24/11, 2/25/11 & 2/28/11 3/8/11 2/23/11, 2/28/11 & 3/1/11 3/8/11, 3/9/11 & 3/20/11 3/17/11 & 3/18/11 2/15/11 & 2/16/11 3/14/11, 3/15/11, 3/16/11 & 3/17/11 2/25/11 & 3/2/11 One day One-half day 3/4/11 2/18/11 RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF CONTRACT FOR SERVICES 1. New Contracts a. Behavior Doctor Seminars b. Premier c. Premier Professional Development Student/Teacher Agendas for East Intermediate Student/Teacher Agendas for Middle School 2. Renewal Contracts a. Barlow Education Management Services Contract Negotiations b. Stephanie Harvey Consulting Curriculum Resource Instructors Training c. University of Tulsa Clinical Rotation for Nursing Students M. RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE RESOLUTION FOR SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES UNIVERSAL SERVICES (E-RATE) FOR 2011-2012. THIS RESOLUTION AUTHORIZES FILING OF THE FORM 471 APPLICATIONS FOR FUNDING YEAR 2011-2012 AND THE PAYMENT OF THE APPLICANT’S SHARE UPON APPROVAL OF FUNDING AND RECEIPT OF SERVICES N. RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF NANCY MCKAY AS DEPUTY MINUTES CLERK FOR THE APRIL 27, 2011 BOARD MEETING O. RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF SUBSTITUTES AS LISTED ON APPENDIX A P. RECOMMEND APPROVALOF DONATION OF $250 GRANT FROM DOLLAR THRIFTY AUTOMOTIVE GROUP, INC. – THE THRIFTY NEIGHBORS TOGETHER FOR SCHOOLS AND TULSA COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Q. RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR BOARD MEETING MARCH 7, 2011, AND SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MARCH 30, 2011 R. RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF ENCUMBRANCE PURCHASE ORDERS NUMBERED 1112706-1112969, ACTIVITY ACCOUNTS, ACTIVITY FUND TRANSFERS, ACTIVITY FUND BUDGETS, CHILD NUTRITION AND COMMUNITY EDUCATION FINANCE REPORTS, , ATTACHED ACCOUNTS PAYABLE; BUILDING FUND CHECKS NUMBERED B508094-508101, B508354-50357, EXPANSION FUND CHECKS NUMBERED E508102-508157, E508358-508408, CHILD NUTRITION CHECKS NUMBERED F560164-560188, F560200-560211, GENERAL FUND CHECKS NUMBERED G508158-508290, G508409-508495, HEALTH FUND CHECKS NUMBERED H508291 AND RATIFICATION MARCH 2011 PAYROLLS, PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY THE BOARD UPON WHICH CHECKS HAVE BEEN ISSUED; AND AUTHORITY TO ISSUE PAYROLLS DURING APRIL 2011 - - - - - - - - - -END OF CONSENT AGENDA - - - - - - - - - -