Application for Registration under the FORM Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 CER-RET-002 V3 23/03/2015 as a Person (Organisation/Company/Government Entity) under Section 10 of the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 Purpose of this form A person must be registered under section 10 of the Renewable Energy (Electricity) 2000 (the REE Act) in order to create Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) for solar water heaters or small generation units that they own or to obtain accreditation as a power station to create Large-scale Generation Certificates (LGCs). This form should be used by a ‘legal’ person who is a body corporate (including a company) or Government entity to apply for registration under the REE Act. If you are person who is an individual who intends to create STCs for a system that you own or obtain power station accreditation, you should use form CER-RET-003. For information regarding eligibility for solar water heaters, small generation units and power stations please see There is a twelve month creation timeframe from the date of system installation for STCs. This form has seven parts Part A – Representative’s Details - This part requires information on the individual signing this application on behalf of the applicant. The individual whose details are provided in this Part of the form must also complete the Proof of Identity in Part E. Part B – Applicant Details - This part requires details of the applicant. Part C –Executive Officer(s) Details – This part requires details of the Executive Officer(s) of the applicant. Part D – Fit and proper person requirements – This part requires the applicant to answer a series of questions designed to assist the Clean Energy Regulator to determine if the applicant is a fit and proper person to be registered under the REE Act. Part E – Proof of identity - This part is conducted via an online portal. The individual referred to in Part A will be required to verify their identity against three separate identification sources. The application cannot be processed unless the online verification is completed. V3 23/03/2015 Application for registration as a person representing an organisation 1 of 20 CER-RET-002 Part F – REC Registry account creation - This part requires the applicant to create an account in the online REC Registry. After the Proof of Identity verification is completed the representative will be prompted to create an account. The application cannot be processed unless the applicant has an active account. Part G – Legal Declarations - This part contains the applicant’s declaration that must be signed and dated on the applicant’s behalf Instructions for completing this form General Please complete all sections of the application form. If there is not sufficient space to complete your answer, please provide the answer as an attachment. Pen colours Please use a black or blue pen to write on the form. Check boxes Mark boxes like this with a ✔ or ✘. When an instruction asks you to ‘tick’ the box, you can still use either ✔ or ✘. Go to Where you see an instruction like this - Go to question 5 - mark the relevant box with a ✔ or ✘and then skip to the question number shown. You do not need to answer the question(s) in between. Where an instruction has a black double arrow (), go to the next indicated part/section. Where an instruction has a black single arrow (), go to the next question. Where an instruction has a black single arrow pointing down (), fill in the field(s) directly below. Mandatory questions If all fields in a question are mandatory and must be completed, (required) is added to the end of the question label text. If a field in a question is mandatory only IF a condition is met, (required if any) is added to the end of the question label text. This symbol indicates an instruction on what to do next. This symbol indicates additional useful guidance to filling in the adjacent field or section. This symbol advises that more than one entry may be required for the section and therefore you may need to photocopy or print the section or fill in a duplicate section. This symbol advises that additional documentation to support a claim may need to be attached to the application. Duplex printing This form is designed to be duplex printed to save on paper. All new sections start on the right-hand side of a page spread. V3 23/03/2015 Application for registration as a person representing an organisation 2 of 20 CER-RET-002 Eligibility To become registered under the REE Act, the applicant will need to: • • • • Complete an Application for Registration as a Person Have its representative sign the application on its behalf and complete an online Proof of Identity verification Create a REC Registry account Pay a $20 fee The representative must complete Proof of identity verification. This verification is completed online and is performed using common online Australian identification sources such as an Australian passport, Australian State/Territory driver licence, Australian Electoral Roll information and/or White Pages details. Please read the identity verification information on the website before commencing the application. Help filling in this form If you require assistance with this document or have any questions regarding the process please contact the Clean Energy Regulator on 1300 553 542 or V3 23/03/2015 Application for registration as a person representing an organisation 3 of 20 CER-RET-002 Office use: Part A: Representative’s details This part relates to the representative of the applicant who is signing this form on behalf of the applicant. 1. Name (required) Tick appropriate title, or add other title in the space provided. Title Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other Add full name details below: Given name Middle name(s) Family name 2. Other name (required) Have you ever used or been known by any other name? Other name types include: name at birth, maiden name, previous married name, Aboriginal or tribal name, alias, adoptive name, foster name. If you have more than one other name, attach a separate sheet with details. NO YES Go to the next question Please provide details below Other name Type of name 3. Date of birth (required) Day (dd) Date 4. Month (mm) Year (yyyy) numbers only Place of birth (required) Town/City Country V3 23/03/2015 Application for registration as a person representing an organisation 4 of 20 CER-RET-002 5. Gender (required) Title Male Female Other 6. Residential address (required) This must be a street address e.g. 123 Smith Street. It cannot be a post office box number or other delivery point address. Address 7. Suburb/City State Country Postcode Mailing address If different from residential address. Address 8. Suburb/City State Country Postcode Contact details (required) Phone number Email address 9. Position within the organisation (required) Describe the position the representative holds within the organisation. V3 23/03/2015 Application for registration as a person representing an organisation 5 of 20 CER-RET-002 Office use: Part B: Applicant details To be completed with the details of the applicant applying for registration. 10. Legal name (required) This is the name that appears on all the applicant’s official documents or legal papers. It may be different from the name the applicant trades under. E.g. Company – AXY Pty Ltd. Name 11. Trading name(s) (required if different) The applicant’s trading name(s) is the name(s) that it trades under or is known as by its suppliers or customers. Name 12. ACN Details (required if applicable) Australian Company Number (ACN) is a nine-digit number that since 1 January 1991, has been issued to every company in Australia when it registers as a company under corporations law. ACN Day (dd) Month (mm) Year (yyyy) Date of registration numbers only State/Territory of registration 13. ABN Details (required if applicable) The Australian Business Number (ABN) is a single identifier for all business dealings with the tax office and for dealings with other government departments and agencies. ABN Day (dd) Month (mm) Date of registration Year (yyyy) numbers only State/Territory of registration Are you GST Registered? Mandatory if ABN provided. NO YES 14. Address of the applicant’s main business location (required) This must be a street address e.g. 123 Smith Street. It cannot be a post office box number or other delivery point address. It may be a home address if the applicant operates a home-based business. Address V3 23/03/2015 Application for registration as a person representing an organisation 6 of 20 CER-RET-002 Suburb/City State Country Postcode Office use: 15. In which Australian states and territories does the applicant conduct business? (required) ACT NSW NT QLD SA TAS VIC WA Other Please specify (e.g. Norfolk Island, Christmas Island) 16. In which countries other than Australia (if any) does the applicant conduct business? (required) If the applicant trades by any other names(s) in these countries, also provide the trading names(s). E.g. France, Germany – ABC Germany England – ABC UK, ABC England. Other countries and trading names 17. Are you registering as a person in order to obtain accreditation for a power station? (required) NO YES Go to the next question Please provide details below Provide name of power station. Details V3 23/03/2015 Application for registration as a person representing an organisation 7 of 20 CER-RET-002 Office use: Part C: Executive Officer(s) Details 18. Executive Officer This section collects information about the Executive Officers of the applicant. ‘Executive Officer’ in this form means a director, the chief executive officer (however described), the chief financial officer (however described) or the secretary of the body corporate which is the applicant. Note: If there is more than one executive officer please print or photocopy the page before you complete it and attach any additional pages to this application. Executive Officer details Name (required) Tick appropriate title, or add other title in the space provided. Title Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other Add full name details below: Given name Middle name(s) Family name Date of birth (required) Day (dd) Month (mm) Year (yyyy) Date numbers only Gender (required) Title Male Female Other Position Held (required) Position held Director Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer Secretary of a body corporate V3 23/03/2015 Application for registration as a person representing an organisation 8 of 20 CER-RET-002 Office use: Part D: Fit and proper person requirements An Application for Registration cannot be processed unless the Clean Energy Regulator is satisfied that the applicant is a fit and proper person. For example, persons who have been convicted of an offence relating to the conduct of a business or dishonest conduct may not be a fit and proper person under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000. This requirement is one of a number of features which are designed to reduce the risk of fraud, deceptive or unfair conduct and non-compliance with the Act and Regulations. The applicant is the one who completes the fit and proper person questions. If you answer ‘Yes’ to a question, you must supply details in the area provided. Questions relating to the applicant 19. Dishonest conduct (required) Has the applicant been convicted of an offence against a law of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory that relates to dishonest conduct? NO YES Go to the next question Please provide details below Provide details, including date, offence, penalty, legal jurisdiction. Details 20. Conduct of business (required) Has the applicant been convicted of an offence against a law of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory that relates to the conduct of a business? NO YES Go to the next question Please provide details below Provide details, including date, offence, penalty, legal jurisdiction. Details 21. Convicted of an offence (required) Has the applicant been convicted of an offence against: Section 136.1 (false or misleading statements in applications), Section 137.1 (false or misleading information), or Section 137.2 (false or misleading documents) of the Criminal Code? NO YES Go to the next question Please provide details below Provide details, including date, offence, penalty, legal jurisdiction. Details V3 23/03/2015 Application for registration as a person representing an organisation 9 of 20 CER-RET-002 V3 23/03/2015 Application for registration as a person representing an organisation 10 of 20 CER-RET-002 Office use: 22. Breaches of a relevant Act (required) Has the applicant breached: The Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 or the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001? The Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Act 2011 or the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Regulations 2011? The National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 or the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Regulations 2008? The Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 or the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Regulations 2011? NO YES Go to the next question Please provide details below Provide details, including date, Act breached, nature of breach, penalty. Details 23. Section 76 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (required) Has an order been made against the applicant under section 76 (pecuniary penalties) of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010? NO YES Go to the next question Please provide details below Provide details, including date, offence, penalty, legal jurisdiction. Details 24. Section 224 of Schedule 2 to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (required) Has an order been made against the applicant under section 224 of Schedule 2 to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010, as that section applies as a law of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory? NO YES Go to the next question Please provide details below Provide details, including date, offence, penalty, legal jurisdiction. Details V3 23/03/2015 Application for registration as a person representing an organisation 11 of 20 CER-RET-002 Office use: 25. Convicted of an offence under a foreign law (required) Has the applicant been convicted of an offence or had an order made against them under a foreign law that corresponds to a law referred to in Questions 19 - 24? NO YES Go to the next question Please provide details below Provide details, including date, offence, penalty, country in which conviction occurred or order was made. Details 26. Refusal of registration (required) Has the applicant been refused registration by, deregistered by or suspended from participating in, a State or Territory energy efficiency scheme? NO YES Go to the next question Provide details, including date, reason for refusal. Please provide details below Details 27. Accreditation or membership with a clean energy organisation (required) Has the applicant sought or been granted accreditation by, or membership of, with a clean energy organisation (for example the Clean Energy Council or the REC Agents Association)? NO YES Go to the next question Please provide details below Provide details, including registration date, name of organisation, State or country. Details 28. Refused or suspended accreditation or membership (required) Has the applicant been refused accreditation by, or membership of, a clean energy organisation, or had accreditation by, or membership of, a clean energy organisation suspended or revoked (for example the Clean Energy Council or the REC Agents Association)? NO YES Go to the next question Please provide details below Provide details, including date, reason for suspension or revocation. Details V3 23/03/2015 Application for registration as a person representing an organisation 12 of 20 CER-RET-002 Office use: 29. Externally administered Body Corporate (required) Is the applicant an externally administered body corporate within the meaning of the Corporations Act 2001? NO YES Go to the next question Please provide details below Name of administrator Day (dd) Month (mm) Year (yyyy) Date entity went into administration numbers only 30. Body Corporate (required) Is the applicant a body corporate that overseas or under foreign law: Is being wound up, or In respect of its property, a receiver, or a receiver and manager, has been appointed (whether or not by a court) and is acting, or Is under administration, or Has executed a deed of company arrangement that has not yet terminated, or Has entered into a compromise or arrangement with another person, the administration of which has not been concluded? NO YES Go to the next question Please provide details below Provide details, including date administration commenced, name of administrator, country. . Details V3 23/03/2015 Application for registration as a person representing an organisation 13 of 20 CER-RET-002 Office use: Questions relating to any Executive Officer 31. Dishonest conduct of an Executive Officer (required) Has an Executive Officer of the applicant been convicted of an offence against a law of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory that relates to dishonest conduct? NO YES Go to the next question Please provide details below Provide details, including date, offence, penalty, legal jurisdiction. Details 32. Conduct of business by an Executive Officer (required) Has an Executive Officer of the applicant been convicted of an offence against a law of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory that relates to the conduct of a business? NO YES Go to the next question Please provide details below Provide details, including date, offence, penalty, legal jurisdiction. Details 33. Executive Officer convicted of an offence (required) Has an Executive Officer of the applicant been convicted of an offence against: Section 136.1 (false or misleading statements in applications), Section 137.1 (false or misleading information), or Section 137.2 (false or misleading documents) of the Criminal Code? NO YES Go to the next question Please provide details below Provide details, including date, offence, penalty, legal jurisdiction. Details 34. Executive Officer breaches of a relevant Act (required) Has an Executive Officer of the applicant breached: The Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 or the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001? The Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Act 2011 or the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Regulations 2011? The National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 or the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Regulations 2008? The Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 or the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Regulations 2011? V3 23/03/2015 Application for registration as a person representing an organisation 14 of 20 CER-RET-002 NO YES Go to the next question Provide details, including date, Act breached, nature of breach, penalty. Please provide details below Details Office use: 35. Section 76 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (required) Has an order been made against an Executive Officer of the applicant under section 76 (pecuniary penalties) of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010? NO YES Go to the next question Provide details, including date, offence, penalty, legal jurisdiction. Please provide details below Details 36. Section 224 of Schedule 2 to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (required) Has an order been made against an Executive Officer of the applicant under section 224 of Schedule 2 to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010, as that section applies as a law of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory? NO YES Go to the next question Provide details, including date, offence, penalty, legal jurisdiction. Please provide details below Details 37. Executive Officer convicted of an offence under a foreign law (required) Has an Executive Officer of the applicant been convicted of an offence, or had an order made against him or her, under a foreign law that corresponds to a law mentioned in Questions 31 - 36? NO YES Go to the next question Provide details, including date, offence, penalty, legal jurisdiction. Please provide details below Details 38. Disqualifying an of Executive Officer (required) Has an order been made against an Executive Officer of the applicant by a foreign court, disqualifying the Officer from: Being a director of a body corporate, or Being concerned in the management of a body corporate? NO YES V3 23/03/2015 Go to the next question Please provide details below Provide details, including date, offence, penalty, country in which the conviction occurred or the order was made. Application for registration as a person representing an organisation 15 of 20 CER-RET-002 Details 39. Executive Officer de-registered or suspended (required) Has an Executive Officer of the applicant been de-registered or suspended from participating in a State or Territory energy efficiency scheme? NO YES Go to the next question Please provide details below Provide details, including date, reason for refusal. Details 40. Executive Officer accreditation or membership with a clean energy organisation (required) Has an Executive Officer of the applicant sought or been granted accreditation by, or membership of, a clean energy organisation (for example the Clean Energy Council or the REC Agents Association)? NO YES Go to the next question Please provide details below Provide details, including registration date, name of organisation, State or country. Details 41. Executive Officer refused or suspended accreditation or membership (required) Has an Executive Officer of the applicant been refused accreditation by, or membership of, a clean energy organisation, or had accreditation by, or membership of, a clean energy organisation suspended or revoked (for example the Clean Energy Council or the REC Agents Association)? NO YES Go to the next question Please provide details below Provide details, including date, reason for suspension or revocation. Details Part E: Proof of Identity The applicant’s representative must complete a Proof of Identity verification. The Proof of Identity is completed by the individual named in Part A. The Proof of Identity verification is completed online. To begin the verification use the following link, 42. Verification complete? Yes V3 23/03/2015 Application for registration as a person representing an organisation 16 of 20 CER-RET-002 Office use: Part F: REC Registry account creation An account must be created in the REC Registry. After the Proof of Identity verification is completed the representative will be prompted to create an account. The application cannot be processed unless the applicant has an active account. All account names in the REC Registry must be that of a legal person. See the Legal Person Defined page at the website for more information. 43. Account created? Yes Part G: Legal Declaration This application must be signed on behalf of the applicant by the representative whose details appear in Part A. Confirm each item by marking the checkbox with a tick or cross. Complete and sign the declaration. All declarations are mandatory. By signing the below, the signatory declares that he/she is authorised to make this application on behalf of the applicant, and declares and acknowledges, for and on behalf of the applicant that: He/She has read and understood the penalties that apply for breaching the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000. The information provided in this application form (including any attachments) is true and correct and understands that the provision of false or misleading information is a serious offence under the Criminal Code Act 1995 and may have consequences under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 such as the suspension of access to the REC Registry and the refusal of participation in the scheme itself. A National Police Check by the Australian Federal Police may be required by the Clean Energy Regulator and if so consents or will take steps to arrange consent for such checks. If the applicant is found to no longer meet the fit and proper person requirements, that the Clean Energy Regulator may suspend the applicant’s REC Registry account under section 30A of the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000. The Clean Energy Regulator may audit the information supplied in this application. The Clean Energy Regulator may request further clarification or documentation to verify the information supplied in this application. V3 23/03/2015 Application for registration as a person representing an organisation 17 of 20 CER-RET-002 He/She has read and understood the applicable eligibility details, including that certificates must be created within twelve months of a systems installation for small scale systems. The applicant is aware that it has the option to assign its certificates to a Registered Agent instead of creating the certificates as a Registered Person for small scale systems. Name * Signature * Day (dd) Signature date * V3 23/03/2015 Month (mm) Year (yyyy) Numbers only Application for registration as a person representing an organisation 18 of 20 Additional information Assessment of the application Once an application has been submitted to the Clean Energy Regulator it may take up to 6 weeks to complete the assessment process. The Clean Energy Regulator will notify an applicant once an application has been received and if further information is required to complete the application process. The Clean Energy Regulator may contact the applicant’s representative to discuss the application. The applicant’s representative will be notified via email from the REC Registry when the Application for Registration has been approved. The applicant will be notified in writing if it is refused. Upon approval of the application a $20 fee is payable to complete the registration. Please DO NOT send any payment to the Clean Energy Regulator with this application form – payment of REC Registry fees is made via your account in the REC Registry. The application fee is GST exempt. Publishing of informaiton Under Part 13 of the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 the Regulator must maintain by electronic means a register of registered persons. This register is made available for inspection on the website. Protection of information The Clean Energy Regulator is bound by the secrecy provisions of Part 3 of the Clean Energy Regulator Act 2011 (CER Act) in regard to information it collects in relation to this application and also by the Privacy Act 1988 in regard to personal information it collects. Privacy statement 'Personal information' is defined in the Privacy Act 1988 to mean information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable: (a) whether the information or opinion is true or not; and (b) whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not. The collection of personal information is authorised by the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 and the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001. Personal information collected in relation to this application will be used for the purposes of assessing the application, auditing compliance, enforcement of relevant laws and regulations and for related purposes. We cannot process the application if we do not collect relevant personal information. V3 23/03/2015 Application for registration as a person representing an organisation 19 of 20 CER-RET-002 The Clean Energy Regulator’s Privacy Policy contains information about the agency’s procedures for handling personal information including how a person can access their personal information held by the agency, and how to seek correction of such information. The Privacy Policy also contains information about how to complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles. The Clean Energy Regulator’s Privacy Policy can be found at Accessibility disclaimer Whilst the Clean Energy Regulator has worked to ensure this document is accessible, please contact us to obtain an alternative version if you are having difficulty, or you have specific accessibility needs. Please call 1300 553 542 or email the name of the form and your needs to Disclosure of information The Clean Energy Regulator and authorised staff are only able to disclose information relating to this application (including personal information) in accordance with the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000, the CER Act, the Privacy Act 1988 or as otherwise required by law. Part 3 of the Clean Energy Regulator Act 2011 prevents disclosure of relevant information except in circumstances set out in that Part. The circumstances in which such information may be disclosed include: Disclosure to other agencies, persons or organisations to enable the verification of information contained in the application; Disclosure to the Secretary or authorised officer of a Department for the purpose of administering a program or collecting statistics relating to greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption or energy production; Disclosure to certain agencies, bodies or persons where the Regulator is satisfied that disclosure will enable or assist those agencies, bodies or persons to perform or exercise their functions or powers, including the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and the Commissioner of Taxation; and Disclosure for the purposes of law enforcement. Submitting this form When you have completed the form check that you have answered all applicable questions and that you have signed and dated the form. To ensure that the application is processed in a timely manner it is preferred that applications are received via email. Send your completed application by: Email Scan your completed and signed application to Fax 02 6159 3355 for the attention of ‘RET Registration’ V3 23/03/2015 Application for registration as a person representing an organisation 20 of 20