
Chapter 9 Textbook Review
- Use your textbook to answer questions. They should be in order. Use ONE partner if you like.
Check when completed
____ 1. What was an outcome of the division of labor in early American shoe factories?
____ 2. What was an outcome of the rural outwork system of manufacturing in the 1820s and 1830s?
___ 3. Describe the new industrial system that developed in early nineteenth-century America?
____ 4. Around the 1830s, what new form of manufacturing emerged in America?
____ 5. By the 1830s, coal and metal manufacturers increasingly used which of the following to run
____ 6. Who was the English immigrant who secretly brought the design of the most advanced British
machinery for spinning cotton to America in 1789?
____ 7. In the first half of the nineteenth century, American manufacturers’ main advantage over the British
mills was that they had access to ________________________________?
____ 8. In the early 1800s, British textile manufacturers had what advantages over their American
____ 9. How did the federal government aid the growth of American industry in the first half of the
nineteenth century?
____ 10. Describe the emergence of the textile industry in the United States?
____ 11. Describes the American Waltham plan, which was later known as the Lowell system?
____ 12. Describe the stereotypical experiences of the young women who worked in the New England textile
mills in the 1820s and 1830s?
____ 13. How did Thomas Jefferson respond to the development of American manufacturing by the 1820s?
____ 14. What American principle played a critical role in advancing technology in the early days of the
American Industrial Revolution?
____ 15. What was the most critical contribution American mechanics made to the Industrial Revolution? The
development of _______________.
____ 16. What was the most significant outcome of the American Industrial Revolution in the early nineteenth
____ 17. Describe one of the ways that wageworkers strove to resist their bosses’ efforts to control their
nonwork lives in the early to mid-nineteenth century?
____ 18. How did the spread of industrialization in the United States during the 1820s and 1830s affect skilled
____ 19. The concept that the price of a product should reflect the work required to make it is known as?
____ 20. Who replaced the Lowell Mill workers when they refused in the 1830s to work until conditions
____ 21. What factor was the critical stimulus for the growth of domestic American markets in the first half of
the nineteenth century?
____ 22. The transformation that occurred as American factories and farms turned out more goods, and
merchants and legislators created faster and cheaper ways to get those products to consumers, was
known as what?
____ 23. Why did Congress approve funds for the construction of the National Road in 1806?
____ 24. Why did New York’s state government fund the building of the Erie Canal in 1817?
____ 25. How did the appearance of canals and steamboats in the United States affect the flow of goods and
information during the 1830s?
____ 26. The construction of the Erie Canal, the first great engineering project in American history, was
successful for what specific reason?
____ 27. What were the negative consequences of the construction of the Erie Canal?
____ 28. What was the outcome of the 1824 U.S. Supreme Court case Gibbons v. Ogden?
____ 29. What replaced canals as the primary form of transportation in the United States in the nineteenth
____ 30. What invention spurred the growth of agriculture in the Midwest in the 1840s?
____ 31. What important factor explained the rapid growth of western cities such as Pittsburgh, Cincinnati,
and New Orleans?
____ 32. List the significant invention for each of the following people:
Cyrus McCormick
Samuel Colt
Eli Whitney
John Deere
____ 33. How did the U.S. Treasury raise most of its revenue during the first half of the 1800s?
____ 34. What did elite Americans embrace after the Industrial Revolution in order to set themselves apart
from other groups of Americans?
____ 35. What Puritan ideas became a middle-class conviction with a secular twist during industrialization in
the early 1800s?
____ 36. What was Benjamin Franklin’s message in Autobiography, published in full in 1818?
____ 37. Between 1820 and 1840, the economic conditions for casual day laborers in American cities changed
in which ways?
____ 38. By the 1830s, most laborers in the urban Northeast lived in which type of residences?
____ 39. How did middle-class reformers attempt to overcome disorder and lawlessness among urban wage
earners in early nineteenth-century America?
____ 40. To which causes did Isabella Graham and Joanna Bethune contribute in the early nineteenth century?
____ 41. Charles Grandison Finney found success as a young revivalist preacher in the 1820s by emphasizing
what issues in his sermons?
____ 42. What concept was promoted by the Second Great Awakening that reinforced its push for societal
____ 43. Describes workers’ approach to alcohol consumption in the 1820s?
____ 44. Through what movements did evangelical reformers succeed in effecting substantial legal and
cultural transformations in early nineteenth-century America?
____ 45. Describe German immigrants who settled in the United States during the 1840s and 1850s?
____ 46. What were the characteristic patterns of immigration into the U.S. during the 1840s and 1850s?
____ 47. What killed thousands of poor immigrants in St. Louis and New York City in the summer of 1849?
____ 48. During the 1840s and 1850s, Roman Catholic churches were best known for what in the U.S?
____ 49. Roman Catholic immigration into the United States in the 1840s had what kind of effect on unions?
____ 50. Nativist fears were directed mostly at what group in early and mid-nineteenth-century America?