WORKSHEET ch 11 The Industrializing North

TIME 4 (1800-1848)
NAME: ___________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________
WORKSHEET ch 11- The Modernizing North (1815-60)
1. When first adopted, the primary purpose of the Waltham system was to:
a. Teach young women domestic skills
b. Solve the problem of a labor shortage
c. Teach virtue and morality to New England girls
d. Help New England women gain economic independence
2. The paternalism of the Lowell system gave way to exploitation largely as a result of:
a. The change in the type of worker
b. A shift in emphasis from the worker to profits
c. An increase in the spindles and looms used in textile mills
d. The introduction of water-powered looms
3. In a market economy:
a. Merchandise quality is emphasized above all else
b. Growth of self-sufficiency is encouraged
c. The gap between rich and poor is narrowed
d. Specialization is encouraged in agriculture and finance
4. Which of the following is true of the labor movement during the 1840s?
a. It was made up primarily of socialists and anarchists
b. It was successful in getting pension plans
c. Its major achievement was gaining the right to strike
d. It demonstrated the unity resent among workers
5. In the 1830s, some northern farmers successfully adjusted to western competition and soil exhaustion by:
a. Growing more grain for the market
b. Opening more land for cultivation
c. Turning from commercial production of wheat to dairy farms
d. Turning to new farm implements to boost production and profits
6. In the growing urban areas of the 19th century, the cost associated with the construction of sewers was:
a. Often covered by businessmen’s associations
b. Usually borne by individual property owners
c. Totally covered by city tax dollars
d. Paid for by state governments
7. In order to counteract the feeling of alienation in the urban environment, middle and upper class urbanites often:
a. Joined clubs and voluntary associations
b. Participated in neighborhood sports activities
c. Joined utopian communities
d. Ran for political office
8. A common thread running through the urban riots of the 1830s and 1840s was:
a. A sense of being unjustly treated by authorities
b. White racism
c. Anger directed against perceived political and economic rivals
d. Greed
9. Irish immigrants coming to America in the early 19th century:
a. Came mainly from the Irish middle class
b. Came mainly from the urban areas of Ireland
c. Found work easily in the urban areas of the North
d. Were subjected to anti-Catholic sentiment
10. Which of the following is true of Irish and German immigrants in the 1840s and 1850s?
a. Both had revolutionary upheaval in the 1840s
b. They both settled almost exclusively in cities
c. They both tended to emigrate as families or groups
d. They were both prompted by the potato blight
11. Regarding their position in American society in the 1830s and 1840s, free blacks:
a. Depended on the fed government to protect their rights
b. Had the state governments to best protect their rights
c. Attempted to organized self-help societies to raise their status
d. Had to work mostly in white institutions to raise their status
12. A major reason for the decline in family size in the early 19th century was:
a. The use of traditional forms of birth control
b. Men in urban areas left home to go to work
c. Better sex education at home and school
d. Higher infant mortality rates
13. Most working-class women in the early 19th century:
a. Found employment in the new factories
b. Had to have specialized skills or be unemployed
c. Sold their domestic skills for wages
d. Found work in urban retail shops
14. Most people who held great wealth in the 1840s and 1850s:
a. Acquired their fortunes through hard work
b. Were very discreet about their wealth
c. Were idle men of leisure
d. Had inherited much of their wealth
15. According to the cult of domesticity of the early 19th century:
a. Women were responsible for family education and morals
b. Men/women shared family responsibilities equally
c. Men were husbands and fathers, not wage-earners
d. Women aided their husbands by finding jobs