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TEDU 490/ 697
Spring Semester 2014
Introduction to Program Development FCS
Lion High School- Family and Consumer Sciences Ed. DepartmentTaylor Miller- Sarah Richer
Our mission at Lion High School is to empower our students intellectually, socially, and
emotionally to improve their quality of family and individual life. Family and Consumer
Sciences incorporates various content areas into an interconnected program that helps students to
learn to balance family life and a career. We strive to help our students to grow daily in their
knowledge and instill in our students those important characteristics of integrity, citizenship, and
responsibility that which will help students to better contribute to their community, country, and
Goals of our Program:
 To allow students to become healthy and responsible well rounded individuals.
 Establish and demonstrate the importance of Family and Consumer Science
subject areas within and outside of the classroom.
 Guide students into gaining knowledge that will apply to their future college and
career choices
 Use knowledge to demonstrate how they will use Family and Consumer Sciences
in their futures careers.
 To provide students with professional development opportunities which will help
students in their future careers.
Class Titles in 2-teacher Program:
Teacher 1
1st Semester Fall 2014
Preparing College and Careers 5394
Intro to Fashion &Textiles 5380
Intro to Fashion &Textiles 5380/ Careers I 5420
Child Development 5362
Prep Period
Nutrition & Wellness 5342
Nutrition & Wellness 5342
Teacher 2
1st Semester Fall 2014
Residential & Commercial Property Managements
Careers I 5472
Advanced Life Science Foods 5072
Advanced Life Science Foods 5072
Prep Period
Intro to Housing and Interior Design 5350
Intro to Culinary Arts & Hospitality 5438
Intro to Culinary Arts & Hospitality 5438
2nd Semester Spring 2015
Preparing College & Careers 5394
Preparing College and Careers 5394
Personal Financial 4540
Child Development 5362/ Advanced Child
Development 5360
Prep Period
Advanced Nutrition & Wellness 5340
Advanced Nutrition & Wellness 5340
2nd Semester Spring 2015
Housing and Interior Design Careers I & II 5460
Housing and Interior Design Careers I & II 5460
Interpersonal Relationships 5364
Prep Period
Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management 5440
Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management 5440
Human and Social Services 5336
TEDU 490/ 697
Spring Semester 2014
Course Descriptions**:
Preparing College and Careers- the course helps students prepare for success in college, career,
and life. In this course students will create a plan for their future lives.
Culinary Arts, Hospitality & Food Management- this course helps students understand the basics
of culinary arts, hospitality & food management and gain knowledge that may be applied
to a future career in hospitality and food management.
Residential & Commercial Facilities Managements Careers I- this course is structured to promote
the knowledge of management and maintenance of residential & commercial facilities.
Child Development- this course focuses on the topics of children, child development, and the
nurturing of children. Students in this course are gaining useful information and practices
that will help them in their future careers, especially if they are planning on working with
children from the prenatal stage through age 3.
Intro to Housing and Interior Design- this course provides information and knowledge to students
looking to one day have a career in housing, interiors, and (or) furnishings. This course
uses bookwork and hands on teaching methods to help students to gain interest into the
housing and interior design industry.
Nutrition & Wellness- provides students with a wide array of course topics including nutrition
principles and applications; influences on nutrition and wellness; food preparation, safety,
and sanitation; and science, technology, and careers in nutrition and wellness.
Intro to Fashion & Textiles- this course focuses on the topics of fashion, apparel, and other
textiles management, production, and services. This course lays the foundation for many
career paths in the textiles and fashion industry.
Interpersonal Relations- This course addresses knowledge and skills needed for positive and
productive relationships in career, community, and family settings. This course is a
foundation for post secondary schooling and careers.
Human and Social Services- this course is great for students who are interested in pursing a career
in social work or other social/human services.
Personal Finance -Personal Financial Responsibility- addresses the management of personal
financial resources to meet the financial needs and wants of individuals and families,
considering a broad range of economic, social, cultural, technological, environmental,
and maintenance factors.
Fashion & Textiles Careers 1 &2 - after taking the first course, students may want to take this
second course in fashion and textiles to learn even more about fabric, sewing, and the
textile industry. The course’s main objective is to prepare students for occupations or
higher education in the program of fashion and textiles.
Advanced Child Development- this course is for students interested in careers related to children.
Adv. Child Development builds off of the previous course of Child Development to help
students expand their knowledge and practices in working with children ages 4 through 8.
Advanced Life Science Foods-, this course uses chemistry, biology, and microbiology to study
and learn about foods. This class combines laboratory work with
textbook information to provide students with a variety of ways to learn.
Advanced Nutrition & Wellness- provides an advanced study of nutrition. Although this course is
open to all students it is especially helpful for students interested in medical field
careers. This course builds on the information from Nutrition and Wellness. Adv.
Nutrition and Wellness can provide students with an understanding of how to improve
their nutrition and learn how nutrition affects the body.
Housing and Interior Design Careers I & II- this course builds on the first Housing and Interior
Design course. Students enrolled in this course will learn more detailed information about
housing, interiors, and furnishings. This course is strongly recommended for students
who have interest in one day working in the housing/ interior design industry.
TEDU 490/ 697
Spring Semester 2014
**Our information is based on the course descriptions provided by the state of Indiana.
This link is to the course titles and descriptions page provided by Indiana. once directed to
this page clique on the pdf titled Family and Consumer Sciences.