1 Resource Management Committee Meeting Minutes School: Cavendish Community Primary School Quorum: 3 (met at this meeting) Chair: Jenny Green Clerk: Lydia Smith Date of meeting: 23 October 2014 Venue: Cavendish Community Primary School Attendance Name Governor type Jenny Green Sarah Hamilton Chris Byrne Janet Marland Carole Spiller Suzannah Reeves Joy Paul Community (Chair) Parent Parent HT Parent LA Parent ‘End of Term of Office’ date 20/03/18 Present (P)/apologies (Ap)/absent (A) P 14/11/16 14/11/16 N/A 01/09/16 31/08/16 28/02/17 P P P P Ap Ap Others present Name Lydia Smith Nicola Kennedy Role Clerk, One Education School Business Manager (SBM) Agenda Items 1 Apologies Apologies were accepted from Suzannah Reeves and Joy Paul. Actions or decisions Owner Timescale 2 Declaration of pecuniary interests Jenny is employed by Capita. This will be taken into account should her casting vote as Chair to the Committee be required for or be a significant factor in any decision involving the commissioning of services etc from Capita. Chris Byrne is working on Tablets for RM. Copyright © One Education Ltd 2014 2 Actions or decisions Owner Timescale 3 Notification of items for AOUB Admitted Body Status was tabled for discussion. Actions or decisions Owner Timescale 4 Notification of items for Confidential Items None. Actions or decisions Owner Timescale 5 Election of Chair Chair – Jenny Green was nominated and re-elected unopposed. Actions or decisions Owner RM Committee Chair re-elected unopposed Timescale 23 Oct 2014 6 Minutes of the last meetings (19.06.14 & 11.07.14) & matters arising Matters of Accuracy (19.06.14) There were no matters of accuracy. Matters Arising (19.06.14) There were no matters arising. The minutes of the meeting on 19.06.14 were approved as an accurate record of the meeting. Matters of Accuracy (11.07.14) There were no matters of accuracy. Matters Arising (11.07.14) There were no matters arising. The minutes of the meeting on 11.07.14 were approved as an accurate record of the meeting. Actions or decisions Owner Timescale Minutes of meeting (19.06.14) approved Minutes of meeting (11.07.14) approved RM Committee RM Committee 23 Oct 2014 23 Oct 2014 Copyright © One Education Ltd 2014 3 7 School Business Manager’s Report The SBM, presented her report and the following points were raised/highlighted in discussion: Budget Situation Although there is a predicted in year deficit, this is managed by a healthy b/fwd figure. Our finances are in good shape with a projected c/fwd figure of £53,280. Premises and Health and Safety Shawgrove: The council has agreed that the four classrooms used by Y5 and Y6 are not fit for purpose and pose a H & S issue that cannot wait until the outcome of the new build. The Sibcas units will be in place in December and it is intended to move into the new classrooms at the start of January. We expect that we will need to have a short enforced closure for Y5/6 children at the start of the spring term to allow for facilities such as IT to be installed. There will be an increase in our utility expenditure as we will have to continue to heat and light Shawgrove as well as the Sibcas units. Annex: Whilst the new build is ongoing, the kitchen and dining facility will be rehoused in temporary accommodation in the car park. The annex is also classed as not fit for purpose. We had hoped that it would be refurbished as part of the build project but the outlay would be very high as the asbestos issue needs addressing and a complete rewire and new windows are also required. Q Where would we house the Out of School Club if the annex is closed down? If the annex was demolished we would have enough room to put another Sibcas unit in place, but early indications are that the council will probably mothball the building by closing it down and boarding up the windows. It is difficult for us to tackle this issue whilst negotiations over the new build are still ongoing. Q Could we use the hall for the Out of School Club? It is often in use for sports activities at the end of the day. Q Could we use classrooms? This would not be ideal for children who have spent all day in the classroom or for staff who need to work after school. Cavendish and Nursery Buildings: These are in very good shape at the moment. Drainage Issue: Recent reports have shown that there are serious drainage issues below Shawgrove which will need to be addressed before it is viable to build on the land, although we do not have the budget to cover this. When we took on Shawgrove we were not given funding to manage the fabric of the building. We are hopeful that we may be Copyright © One Education Ltd 2014 4 able to replace Shawgrove with a new build which is in sympathy with the style of the old building rather than having to retain it. A new build system used in Salford is currently being considered by MCC. Q Don’t we need to address the drainage issues if we have more children on the site and the Sibcas units are installed? Yes. Q Do the Sibcas units have toilet facilities? Yes, they are very well equipped and even have air conditioning. School Meals Our relationship with Taylor Shaw is very good and they have been very supportive with regard to our new lunchtime timetable. The company is currently working with our Healthy Schools Co-ordinator to provide a snack service for KS2 children, who now have a longer morning as they have their lunch a little later. Q Who is funding the snack service? Parents will pay a 35 pence charge. Carole visited the dining room at the end of last term and spoke to children as well as eating there herself. The general feeling was that pupils were very happy with the meals provided. The governors noted the increased take up of school meals under the UIFSM initiative. This currently stands at 90.68% of children in Reception, Y1 and Y2. Stockport Homes This issue of accessing an SLA remains unresolved, but Stockport Homes has agreed to allow us to continue to use their services on an adhoc basis and invoice us for each job separately so we are able to take advantage of their FOC repair 1st service and make some savings to our repair bill. Actions or decisions Owner Timescale 8 Finance The SBM, presented a number of financial reports, and the following points were raised/highlighted in discussion: Period 6 Monitoring Report Revenue Income £2,719,599 Revenue Expenditure £2,766,081 In year Balance £46,482 deficit Copyright © One Education Ltd 2014 5 B/f from 2013/14 Year-end balance £99,762 surplus £53,280 surplus Our current financial situation is very healthy. The governors approved the Period 6 Monitoring Report. Three Year Budget Plan/Budget Changes At the previous meeting the SBM highlighted the difficulty in making accurate predictions when precise funding details were not known. Changes have been made to the projections now that we have actual figures and pupil numbers. The changes include: One new TA in September with a further two to start after the half term holiday. These appointments were made to provide support for a statemented child with SEN and to assist with teaching the 23 children who have joined the school, many of whom do not have English as a first language. Splitting the English cost centre budget into Reading and Writing with a strong emphasis on the former Increase in the IT budget to cover extra consumable costs. Q Do we receive funding for the statemented child? Yes. Q Do we intend to carry forward the surplus to next year? We hope to spend approximately £13,000 on active panels (interactive whiteboards). The supplier we approved last term, who supplied the current panels, is offering a free panel with every three purchased before the end of 2014. We had originally intended in making this investment from next year’s budget but the current deal represents excellent value for money. The governors approved the purchase of the additional active panels. The governors approved the Three Year Budget Plan. Cashflow Forecast This currently stands at £78,205.85 in credit. The governors approved the Cashflow Forecast. The governors felt that the Cumulative Expense Analysis Report was no longer required but welcomed the valuable overview of spend given by the General Ledger Cost Centre Summary and asked that this be provided at future meetings. Q Why have we spent over 94% of the ICT budget at this stage of the school year? Copyright © One Education Ltd 2014 6 Because the costs are front loaded. Scheme of Financial Delegation Q Are there any changes to this document? Yes, we now have a charge card (Page 6) and Anne Pimblett, the new Finance Officer, has replaced Michelle Williams on the authorisations list. Q What is a charge card? It is a credit card. The governors approved the Scheme of Financial Delegation. Operational Financial Procedures The changes again refer to the charge card and the change of name of the Finance Officer. Q Are the spending limits specified? Yes, in the Scheme of Financial Delegation. The governors approved the Operational Financial Procedures. Asset Register and Portable Asset Log Following the recommendations made by the Audit Team, Dan Charlson is now recording serial numbers of portable assets on the log. Asset Tags with an ID number are also being attached to all equipment. Q Should we more reticent about the fact that we have new Ipads in school? No, because there is a general assumption now that all schools have them whether or not it is publicised. The governors approved the Asset Register and Portable Asset Log. Actions or decisions Owner Period 6 Monitoring Report approved Purchase of additional active panels approved Three Year Budget Plan approved Cashflow Forecast approved Scheme of Financial Delegation approved Operational Financial Procedures approved RM Committee RM Committee RM Committee RM Committee RM Committee RM Committee Timescale 23 Oct 2014 23 Oct 2014 23 Oct 2014 23 Oct 2014 23 Oct 2014 23 Oct 2014 Copyright © One Education Ltd 2014 7 Asset Register and Portable Asset Log approved RM Committee 23 Oct 2014 9 Schools Financial Value Standards (SFVS) Update Most actions identified last year have now been actioned. Outstanding actions are listed below: The SBM will report back on the skills matrix once the information is received from all governors and will highlight those areas in which there are skill shortages; The Whistleblowing Policy will be added to the agenda for the next Governing Body meeting. The HT will also ensure that it is available to all staff electronically as well as on display in the staff room; The Disaster Recovery Plan is not yet completed. Governors expressed the view that the Recovery Plan should be as simple as possible. Actions or decisions Owner Timescale Whistleblowing Policy to be added to agenda for next GB meeting Ensure Whistleblowing Policy is available electronically to all staff and on display in staff room Clerk HT 04 Dec 2014 Autumn term 10 Benchmarking The SBM presented two Benchmarking Reports and asked governors for their views on the value of the content. Report 1 compares Cavendish against the national average of all state, academy and free schools whilst Report 2 benchmarks the school against the following local schools – Broad Oak, Chorlton Park, Beaver Road and Oswald Road. The data relates to 2012/13, which is the most recent DfE data available. The following points were raised/highlighted in discussion: Report 1 – major observations: Teaching staff total per pupil is low compared to the national average; Teaching staff % of expenditure is low compared to the national average; Our Supply costs are low compared to the national average; Both our support staff to teacher & pupil ratio is very high; Our Administration costs per pupil are on the high side as we have a Business Manager & IT technician which many schools do not. Report 2 – major observations: The number of FTE teachers is lower than the average but our average cost per teacher is higher as we have a lot of teachers are on the upper pay scale; Premises cost per pupil is lower than the average; ICT learning resources cost per pupil is lower than the average. We have now Copyright © One Education Ltd 2014 8 addressed this with the extra IT equipment purchased i.e./ Ipad’s; Premises cost are overall lower than the average; Support staffing costs are higher than the average as we employ our own cleaners and have a higher spend on TA’s & administration. Q Why did you chose to benchmark against those particular local schools? Because they are mostly three form entry schools, housed in old accommodation in the same locality and as such are as close as possible to Cavendish. Q Is the low teacher:pupil ratio part of a planned strategy? Because of the number of children needing support, we have historically had a high number of TAs who assist teachers. We also tend to recruit NQTs which will help to offset the costs of teachers on the upper pay scale. Q Do you think the teacher:pupil ration is right? Yes, the results support this. We have a number of very well trained TAs who are delivering interventions very effectively. This ratio will increase slightly when Michelle Threlfall returns from maternity leave in the summer term. Q How does our average KS2 points score compare to the national picture? It compares well to national figures. Q Why are our supply costs low now? We have worked very hard to address this cost. Q What is included in Other Staff Costs? Premises, admin staff, lunchtime organisers and cleaning staff. Our catering staff are employed by Taylor Shaw. Q Is the cleaning service not outsourced? No, there are some pensions issues that would need to be addressed. The governors thanked the SBM for the Benchmarking data and it was agreed that it would be useful to review it annually. Actions or decisions Owner Timescale 11 Pupil Premium This was covered at the Curriculum Committee meeting on 16th October. Actions or decisions Timescale 12 School Improvement Plan Update Copyright © One Education Ltd 2014 9 Q Is the way in which we allocate our budget reflected in the SIP? Yes, the SBM checks that interventions are sustainable. There were no other issues raised in relation to the SIP. Actions or decisions Owner Timescale 13 Staff Absence The SBM presented data showing the number of days’ absence taken by type and staff group for the current financial year. She also provided a new report which shows working days lost as a percentage of total available working days and compares 2013/14 to the current financial year. Actual sickness absence amongst teachers, support staff and admin staff is considerably lower than last year, but overall absence of teachers is slightly higher when maternity/paternity leave and jury service are taken into account. Actions or decisions Owner 14 RM Committee Housekeeping The governors approved the Terms of Reference for the Resource Management Committee. Actions or decisions Owner Terms of Reference approved RM Committee 23 Oct 2104 15 Governor Visits to School The following visits were noted: Carole visited the dining room at lunch time at the end of last term and spoke to children from all year groups. Actions or decisions Owner Timescale 16 AOB Admitted Body Status Following clarification from MCC, we now recognise that MCC, and not the school,will pool with Taylor Shaw and will be liable for any obligations Taylor Shaw fails to meet. We will however be required to underwrite any associated risks. The governors expressed their appreciation of this clarification. Copyright © One Education Ltd 2014 10 Actions or decisions Date and time of next meeting: Timescale Thursday, 22 January at 7pm Copyright © One Education Ltd 2014