B062 – Part B Controlled Assessment Practical use of software tools to produce a working solution 20 marks Meeting the user’s needs • You have already produced a list of user requirements in part A. You now need to double check that your chosen software will meet these requirements. You may also need to show whether you can use more than one ICT tool to meet the needs of the user in the task. • Matching the user needs with ICT tool features • To show you are producing a solution which meets the user needs fully, you should look at each of the task requirements and check how this can be done. • Use a table similar to the following: Task requirements How will this be done? Name of ICT tool to be used • Integrating tools and techniques • Some of the task requirements may be done using a combination of ICT tools. For example, performing a mail merge would require both a word processor and a database. Look at the task requirements and write a description about how you can combine ICT tools to achieve any of them. (i.e. how ICT tools are integrated). • Some software applications have wizards to help you perform a task efficiently. Give details of any wizards available that you might use. • Audience and purpose • When designing a solution to meet an end-user’s requirements, you need to make sure that it: • Is appropriate for their use, and • Is appropriate for their purpose • To do this effectively you need to answer the following questions: • • • • • What experience does the user have of using ICT? How many people will be using the ICT system you create? How often will the system be used in a week? Will the ICT system be used by anyone outside the organisation? Give details of any official or legal organisations that the ICT system has to provide documents for • Summarise the short-term purpose of the system • Can the data be exported to other applications if necessary? • Now summarise (in brief) how you will make sure your system will be fit for audience and purpose • Update your work log Software features • Before you can start working on the solution you need to fully explore the ICT tools you have suggested you are going to use. • Software options • For each of the software options you have listed you will need to write down some features and advanced features you will use. • You could perhaps list them in a table (yes we do like tables!): Features to use Advanced features to use • Here are some examples of software features to help you start: • Linking a spreadsheet graph to a database or word processed document so that it automatically updates • Creating formulae and calculations in documents • Creating buttons in menus to jump to another application or part of the same application • Customising the user interface with logos and other graphics relevant to the user