WATSAN COORDINATION MEETING UNICEF Kampala July 7,2005 SOLAR & DIESEL MOTOR PUMPS APPRAISAL Alessandro Galeota (galeota@coopi.org) SOLAR PUMPING SYSTEM The solar system comprises: stationary or tracking solar array; controller; electric motor and pump The system pumps water with the use of power generated by the sunlight Solar electric cells convert sunlight directly into DC power (photovoltaic process) The controller converts the variable DC voltage into three phase voltage to run a brushless pump solar & motor diesel pumps appraisal COOPI Aloi camp solar scheme solar & motor diesel pumps appraisal COOPI DIESEL MOTOR DRIVEN PUMP Diesel motor Discharge and drive head (1) Driveshaft (4) Rotor/stator pumping element (6) solar & motor diesel pumps appraisal COOPI Pabbo camp diesel motor solar & motor diesel pumps appraisal COOPI STRENGTHS Solar system Diesel system Ideal for remote & unattended locations: • No fuel & little or no maintenance • No need of pump or motor attendants Little maintenance of the pump Solar pumping system are noise and pollution free Ease of inspection & maintenance of motor drive head Reliability and ease of use Wide range of applications • Capacity 10-1700 l/min • Total head 15 – 450 m solar & motor diesel pumps appraisal COOPI WEAKNESSES Solar system • High capital cost • Restricted daily flow • Limited storage capacity due to above • Daily flow reduced with increase in total head Diesel system • High O&M costs • No operation due to shortage of fuel • Power losses through drive head & shafting • Greenhouse gas emission • Human factor solar & motor diesel pumps appraisal COOPI OPPORTUNITIES for both systems To address the water demand of a large number of IDPs To store water To use tap stands with less effort for collecting water and reduced queueing time To increase access to safe drinking water solar & motor diesel pumps appraisal COOPI POTENTIAL THREATS Solar system • Lower flow rate due to rainy season • Theft of solar modules • Broken modules • Disconnection of electrical wiring Diesel system • Lack of maintenance • Theft of fuel • Unavailability of spare parts solar & motor diesel pumps appraisal COOPI Steps towards solution Solar system Lower flow rate due to rainy season • GPS Tracking Array • Additional array oversizing (30%) • Increased water storage Diesel system Lack of maintenance • Keeping a service book • Check of service book Theft of fuel • Limited storage & proper planning of delivery solar & motor diesel pumps appraisal COOPI Steps towards solution Theft of solar modules • Solar array placed on high stand and connected with large size bolts Broken panels • Solar assembly metal backed. No grid is suggested Availability of spare parts • Local authorized distributors and dealers solar & motor diesel pumps appraisal COOPI Steps towards solution Disconnection of electrical wiring • The wires are placed inside iron pipes solar & motor diesel pumps appraisal COOPI MONO PUMP COMPUTER AIDED SOLAR SIMULATION Country : Uganda Location :Tororo (Latitude 0° 60' / Longitude 34° 20') Static head : 35 m System size : 1200 Watts System efficiency : 56% Array type :Tracking TYPICAL PERFORMANCE AT 1000 W/m 2 Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Average Daily Flow 44,4 43,1 43,4 39,9 38,2 37,1 34,4 36,0 42,7 44,0 42,4 44,7 40,9 Horizontal Irradiation 2 KWh/m day 5,6 5,5 5,6 5,2 5,0 4,9 4,7 4,9 5,5 5,6 5,4 5,6 5,3 Average flow rate for January (Mono Pump solar simulation) 7. 00 8. AM 00 9. AM 00 10 A .0 M 0 11 AM .0 0 12 AM .0 0 1. AM 00 2. PM 00 3. PM 00 4. PM 00 5. PM 00 PM 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Flow rate (l/min) Aloi camp solar scheme (oversized solar array) WATTS POWER SUPPLY 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 410 410 410 410 240 220 140 7.30 AM 8.00 AM 12.00 AM 4.00 PM TIME solar & motor diesel pumps appraisal COOPI 5.30 PM 6.00 PM 6.30 PM Cost-Benefit Analysis System’s daily flow of 40 m3 System’s lifetime of 10 years Benefit: revenue from water fees Capital cost and Operation & Maintenance costs Life-cycle costs and benefits are discounted to the present value using 10% discount rate solar & motor diesel pumps appraisal COOPI O&M costs breakdown Diesel pump: Fuel consumption 1 l/h – Discharge rate 10 m3/h • • • Cost of diesel (216,000 USh/month) Cost of lubricant (15% of fuel) (32,400 USh/month) Wages of two pumps operators (150,000 USh/month) • Kit of spare parts for pump – over 3 years (gland packing, vee belts, drive shafting assy, rubber column stabilizer, final connecting shaft) (122,467 USh/year) • Engine service kit (2000 hours) (363,658 USh/year) solar & motor diesel pumps appraisal COOPI O&M costs breakdown Solar pump: replacement of pump & controller after 5 years of service solar & motor diesel pumps appraisal COOPI Solar Pump Life-Cycle Costs SOLAR PUMP LIFE-CYCLE COSTS YEAR 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CAPITAL COST 13432 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE COSTS 0 0 0 0 0 0 2320 0 0 0 0 Remark: The unit output cost is attained dividing TOTAL COSTS (EURO) 13432 0 0 0 0 0 2320 0 0 0 0 PRESENT VALUE FACTORS PRESENT (discount rate VALUES OF 10%) TOTAL COSTS 1,00 13432 0,91 0 0,83 0 0,75 0 0,68 0 0,62 0 0,56 1299 0,51 0 0,47 0 0,42 0 0,39 0 TOTAL LIFE-CYCLE COST 14731 3 the total life-cycle cost by 40 m 3, which is UNIT OUTPUT COST (Euro/m ) solar pump's daily flow with a given 35 m of total head 368 Diesel Pump Life-Cycle Costs YEA R 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 OPERATION & CAPITAL MAINTENANC COST E COSTS 7607 0 2394 2394 2394 2394 2394 2394 2394 2394 2394 2394 Remarks: The unit output cost is attained dividing the total life-cycle cost by 40 m3 which is diesel motor pump's daily flow with a given 80 of total head TOTAL COSTS (EURO) 7607 2394 2394 2394 2394 2394 2394 2394 2394 2394 2394 PRESENT VALUE FACTORS PRESENT (discount rate VALUES OF 10%) TOTAL COSTS 1,00 7607 0,91 2179 0,83 1987 0,75 1796 0,68 1628 0,62 1484 0,56 1341 0,51 1221 0,47 1125 0,42 1005 0,39 934 TOTAL LIFE-CYCLE COST 22306 UNIT OUTPUT COST (Euro/m3) 558 (SOLAR PUMP UNIT OUTPUT COST: 368 Euro/m 3 ) DISCOUNTED CASH-FLOW FOR SOLAR PUMP OPERATION CAPITAL & COST MAINTENANCE YEAR BENEFITS (EURO) COSTS 0 0 13432 1 6636 0 2 6636 0 3 6636 0 4 6636 0 5 6636 0 6 6636 2320 7 6636 0 8 6636 0 9 6636 0 10 6636 0 TOTAL COSTS 13432 0 0 0 0 0 2320 0 0 0 0 PRESENT VALUE CASH-FLOW FACTORS (BENEFITS - (discount TOTAL rate DISCOUNTED COSTS) 10%) CASH FLOW -13432 1,00 -13432 6636 0,91 6039 6636 0,83 5508 6636 0,75 4977 6636 0,68 4512 6636 0,62 4114 4316 0,56 2417 6636 0,51 3384 6636 0,47 3119 6636 0,42 2787 6636 0,39 2588 NET PRESENT VALUE Remarks: 1 litre of water is assumed to cost 1 USH 40000 litres x 1 USH x 365 days = 14600000 / 2200 = 6636 Euro 26014 DISCOUNTED CASH-FLOW FOR DIESEL PUMP CAPITAL OPERATION & MAINTENANCE COST COSTS YEAR BENEFITS (EURO) 7607 0 0 2394 6636 1 2394 6636 2 2394 6636 3 2394 6636 4 2394 6636 5 2394 6636 6 2394 6636 7 2394 6636 8 2394 6636 9 2394 6636 10 PRESENT VALUE CASHFACTORS FLOW (BENEFITS - (discount DISCOUNTED rate TOTAL TOTAL CASH FLOW 10%) COSTS) COSTS -7607 1,00 -7607 7607 3860 0,91 4242 2394 3521 0,83 4242 2394 3182 0,75 4242 2394 2885 0,68 4242 2394 2630 0,62 4242 2394 2376 0,56 4242 2394 2163 0,51 4242 2394 1994 0,47 4242 2394 1782 0,42 4242 2394 1654 0,39 4242 2394 NET PRESENT VALUE 18439 (Net present value of solar pump: 26014) Remarks: 1 litre of water is assumed to cost 1 USH 40000 litres x 1 USH x 365 days = 14600000 / 2200 = 6636 Euro Conclusions Solar system is sustainable and reliable: no fuel, no need of operator, pump and controller are maintenancefree Solar system is cost-effective: 4 times the hand pump’s daily flow with negligible recurrent cost Diesel system has high pumping & lift capacity: 3 times the solar system’s daily flow solar & motor diesel pumps appraisal COOPI Conclusions Over 10 years of service, unit output cost of diesel pump is higher than solar: 558 Euro against 368 Euro For a better analysis of field data (i.e. maintenance), the appraisal should be extended over a longer period of service-time solar & motor diesel pumps appraisal COOPI PUMP PERFORMANCE Grundfos: (HT=6 Kwh/m2 day 20° northern latitude) H(m)=30~Q(m3/day)=26 H=60~Q=16 H=80~Q=13 solar & motor diesel pumps appraisal COOPI PUMP PERFORMANCE Mono diesel pump mod. 620 Pump speed 1200 rpm H=30~Q=3.55 H=60~Q=3,48 H=80~Q=3,3 solar & motor diesel pumps appraisal COOPI