Lesson 1 What is succession

Succession 1
Specification point:
3.4.7: Ecosystems are dynamic systems usually moving from
colonisation to climax communities in the process of Succession.
- Describe changes that occur in the variety of organisms over
time in an area
- Explain what are meant by the terms pioneer species,
climax communities and succession and map this to a
succession diagram
Task 1: Time travel game Outcomes:
Look at these different situations:
Take your paper and analyse each
period in time for the same area.
For each time-zone:
1. Look at and identify what kinds of
organisms are present.
2. Map out a timeline for this
ecosystem, In each part of the
1. List the organisms present
2. describe the variety of living things in
each time zone (Words to use – large
variety/small variety, many different
organisms, simple organisms, complex
Describe changes
that occur in the
variety of
organisms over
time in an area
Explain what are
meant by the
terms pioneer
species, climax
communities and
succession and
map this to a
succession diagram
• So Ecosystems are said to be
dynamic. What does this mean then?
That an ecosystem is easy to change
and highly changeable.
• Can you suggest an explanation for
how has the change in ecosystems
happened? What could have made
these changes?
Previous organisms have changed the
abiotic conditions to allow more
complex organisms to occupy the area.
Describe changes
that occur in the
variety of
organisms over
time in an area
Explain what are
meant by the
terms pioneer
species, climax
communities and
succession and
map this to a
Task 2: Add to the timeline:
• Find out the meanings of these
terms and stick them on the post-it
note onto your timeline where you
think it should go:
Pioneer species
First species to occupy an area (can usually
survive harsh conditions)
Climax community
Community of organism that live in the
area after conditions have changed has
taken place.
The process of change in variety of living
things occupying an area.
Describe changes
that occur in the
variety of
organisms over
time in an area
Explain what are
meant by the
terms pioneer
species, climax
communities and
succession and
map this to a
Task 3: Split the
information into 4 stages.
For each of these stages of
1. Write the name of starting species
2. What kind of environment before
starting species
3. How the starting species changed
the conditions
4. What the finishing species are.
Extension: Name the pioneer species
and the organisms in the climax
Describe changes
that occur in the
variety of
organisms over
time in an area
Explain what are
meant by the terms
pioneer species,
communities and
succession and map
this to a succession
Plenary – Exam Question
Describe changes
that occur in the
variety of
organisms over
time in an area
Explain what are
meant by the
terms pioneer
species, climax
communities and
succession and
map this to a
Year 1AD
Bare land/beach:
3 species of Algae present in the sand
Year 300AD
Beach/sandy later on
- 10 species of algae growing
- 2 species of grass growing
- 3 shrub species growing
Year 1600 AD
Grassy/shrub area:
- 10 species of grass growing
- Only 2 species of algae in the soil
- 9 species of shrubs growing.
Year 2015 AD
- 24 species
of tree
- 18 species of
- Less grassy