Optional Modules FA – Choose any two from the following; AF3S130 Business Analysis for Accountants This module aims to develop knowledge, understanding and application of business strategy theory and concepts, business analysis models and techniques. Strategic position Introduction to the nature and purpose of strategy and business analysis. (JSW Model of strategic planning, JS Strategy lenses) Analysis of the macro-environment and the competitive forces that affect the position of an organisation. (PESTEL, Porter’s Diamond, Porter’s Five Forces and Life cycle Model). Identification, development and monitoring of strategic capabilities and core competencies to gain and maintain competitive advantage and support the strategy of an organisation. (SWOT, KPIs, CSFs, Porters value chain). Analysis and discussion of Corporate behaviour, ethics, stakeholder analysis and aspects of corporate social responsibility (Stakeholder mapping and ethical codes of conduct) The role of human resources in the development and implementation of an organisations strategy. Strategic Choice Corporate structure and globalisation impacts on strategic choice. Portfolio analysis (BCG matrix, public sector portfolio matrix, Ashridge Portfolio Display). Assessment of the feasibility, suitability and the consequences of different strategy choices in achieving growth and competitive advantage (Strategy clock, Michael Porter’s generic strategies of cost leadership, differentiation and focus, Ansoff’s matrix, TOWS matrix). Strategic Action The impact of organisation structure, human resources, leadership and organisational roles have on the ability to develop and manage strategic change (Cultural web, Mintzberg’s organisational configurations) Intended and emergent strategies. The relationship between business processes, e business and emergent strategies and the implications of strategic drift. The use of finance and management accounting in planning and supporting a strategy and its role in the decision making process. Application of knowledge and skills to propose appropriate strategies that support the objectives / strategy of an organisation. Application of knowledge and skills in the planning and implementation process of strategic choice. Business Process change Evaluation of existing business processes within an organisation Exploring alternatives in the design and redesign of business processes in supporting a particular strategy. (Harman’s process-strategy matrix) The use and choice in Information system solutions Information Technology Exploring the use of technology in supporting a selected strategy (e business, e marketing, Upstream and downstream supply chain management, 6I’s, CRM, push and pull models) Project management Stages in the project life cycle and building the business case. Accounting techniques in project costing and appraisal (assumes prior knowledge). Written assignment Written exam Essay 1 Written exam – closed book (unseen) 1 An individual written assignment Application of business strategy theory, business analysis techniques and models. The exam will include a compulsory question (50/100 mark) requiring the application of learning outcomes 1 and 2 to a business case study. N/A 3000 50 3 Hours N/A 50 AF3S120 Advanced Financial Reporting This module aims to investigate the financial reporting framework and explore the recent and current developments and experiments to extend financial reporting beyond the minimal regulatory requirements and to develop knowledge and skills in understanding and applying accounting standards in the preparation of financial statements of entities, including groups, and how to analyse and interpret those financial statements. The module will commence by considering the attempts over time to establish an international conceptual framework for financial reporting which underpin financial reporting The module will consider attempts that have or are being made to extend the framework by including additional statements such as social and environmental reports. The preparation of financial statements will be extended to include provisions, accounting for retirement benefits, foreign currency transactions, the preparation and adjustment to group accounts and the treatment of associate companies and foreign subsidiaries. Final accounts will be analysed and interpreted and the potential bias introduced by creative accounting will be considered. Attempts by the international standard setters to reduce such bias, for example by standards on substance over form, capital instruments, provisions and contingencies etc., will be explored. Finally, current issues and developments in financial reporting will be kept under review and addressed when necessary. Written assignment Assignment Examination Advanced Financial reporting examination Assignment on selected financial reporting issues Financial reporting examination 1500 3 hours 30 70 AF3S129 Theory and Practice of Securities Trading This module aims to provide an advanced understanding of theories and techniques relevant to investing and trading in the financial securities markets. Investment objectives Equity returns and risk, risk analysis, risk attitudes Principles of portfolio investment Introduction to derivatives trading, trading strategies Information efficiency, the efficient market hypothesis, fundamental analysis Approaches to technical analysis Behavioural finance Market trading using a computer-based financial market simulation Set Task 1 Case study Prepare a discussion N/A 1100 50% paper based on an analysis and evaluation of empirical data, including use of Excel, and a critical appraisal of the associated theories Set Task 2 Report Prepare a discussion N/A 1100 50% paper based on a practical application of trading strategies in a simulated environment AF3S118 Cases in Audit This module aims to develop the knowledge and understanding of the issues impacting upon the role and practice of auditing in industry. The objective is to develop students ability to analysis situations in a variety of different contexts, the use of real life situations and cases strengthens the link between theory and practices and encourages the development of a range of employability skills. The cases used will cover a variety of aspects of external and internal auditing depending on what are the current issues in the audit industry, this topics will include: Audit planning Audit management Audit risk and risk management Audit relationship with audit committees External audit reporting on financial statements and corporate governance Internal audit and internal controls Audit assurance International audit standards Auditor role in respect to fraud detection and money laundering Written assignment Portfolio The portfolio will be worth 100% and will consist of 4 individual case studies ( analyse a case and then complete an activity associated with that case) Each case will be worth 30% each and will be designed to use a variety of assessment methods, reports, articles, posters, leaflets, interviews etc. To promote engagement and employability skills. The top three marks of the four cases will be counted but all four need to be attempted. A compulsory reflective account of relevant issues will be completed worth 10%. 100 AF2S119 Principles of Forensic Accounting This module aims to develop a knowledge and understanding or forensic accounting and apply such knowledge and understanding in a variety of real world contexts. Module content includes: Fraud theory and context. Fundamentals of forensic accounting and fraud auditing Contrast between fraud and financial statement auditing Internal controls and risk assessment Fraud investigation, prevention and detection The forensic accountant in practice – tools, techniques (including data analysis) , the expert witness and evidence gathering Non-fraud assignments e.g. business valuation Written assignment Assignment Written Examination Forensic accounting examination Assignment on selected forensic accounting topic Forensic accounting examination 2500 3 hours 50 50