NAME: Art 200 Spring 2012 CRN # 30778 DATE: QUIZ # 6 Quiz is worth 5 points total. Bonus question is worth 1 extra point. 1. Which of the following movements most embodies the ideas of The Enlightenment (Age of Reason) in Europe? .25 pts a. Romanticism b. Neo-Classicism c. Mannerism d. Rococo 2. Which of the following statements is NOT true? .5 pts a. The Enlightenment in Europe focused on a new way of thinking about the world based on empirical evidence b. The Age of Reason goes hand in hand with the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution c. The ideas behind Romanticism are in line with the ideas of the Age of Reason d. The Enlightenment focuses on the belief that humanity can progress through acquiring knowledge and applying reason 3. Match the items on the left with the correct movement 1 pt Uses mythological and historical subject matter to support moral and political ideas __a____ a. Neoclassicism b. Romanticism Emphasizes subjective emotional expression & imagination rather than reason and objective observation ___b___ Subject matter includes fantasy, the occult, macabre, the “exotic” and the sublime power of nature ___b___ Rejects the “frivolous immorality” of the aristocratic Rococo style ___a___ Returns to the traditions and ideas of ancient Greece and Rome ___a___ 4. Photography forces artists to question how art can be used to represent the real .25 pts a. True b. False 5. Which of the following originally influences the fundamental religious and social ideas of the Indian civilization? .25 pts a. Buddhism b. Daoism c. Aryan culture d. Confucianism 6. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Chinese painting? .5 pts a. Through painting artists create and maintain spiritual harmony within themselves and reveal this energy to others. b. Through painting artists strive to achieve a balance between what their eyes see and what their hearts know c. Calligraphy is considered an art equal to painting; in fact, it is a form of painting. d. Chinese painters express the true emotion and character of the artist through expressive mark making, and this directly influences the Modernist Abstract Expressionist painters. e. None of the above 7. The Literati painters .25 pts a. are artists standing in opposition to the Northern style of painting b. created a new style of painting as a way to oppose working for the for the foreign Mongolian government c. use more expressive brushstrokes and only black ink d. pioneer painting of bamboo because they see it as a symbol for resistance and bending without breaking e. all the above 8. Which of the following statements is most factually correct? .25 pts a. The Japanese invented porcelain b. Celadon ceramic glaze that is reddish brown in color c. A “Sutra” is a book of Hindu teachings d. Shinto is an indigenous Japanese religion centered on worship of nature and ancestors e. The Japanese remain uninfluenced by other cultures and reject borrowing from foreign cultures 9. Ukiyo-E .25 pts a. is a Japanese artist who invented the practice of painting on folding screens b. is a silk-screening process that was imported to Japan from Europe c. allows artists to reproduce highly naturalistic, modelled images and symmetrical compositions d. was rejected by the newly prosperous middle class in Japan during the 17th-18th centuries because they wanted only originals. e. is a printmaking process used in Japan that depicts scenes of daily life and is directly influential on Modernist painters 10. The Katura Detached Palace in Japan is very similar in style and interest to the palaces of Europe from the same time period. .25pts a. True b. False 11. Choose the most factually correct statement. .25 pts a. The Islamic religion shares the same religious history with Buddhism b. Islamic art focused on depictions of God and the prophet Mohammed c. Islamic art focused on geometric and floral designs as well as writing & calligraphy d. Islamic art rejects foreign and historical influence, and did not build on the achievements of cultures preceding it 12. Match the image with the movement or culture. You may use an answer more than once. 1 pt 12-1 12-6 a. Northern Song Dynasty b. Literati ___c___ 12-2 __f___ c. Neoclassicism 12-7 d. Romanticism e. Hindu __d___ f. Islamic 12-3 g. Buddhist __a___ __d___ 12-8 12-4 __b___ 12-5 __g___ __e___ BONUS!! (I extra point) What is Qi? What culture does it come from? What system of belief/philosophy does it come from? Inner force, life force. Daosim. Chinese