SC STANDARD B-4 STUDENTS WILL DEMONSTRATE AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE MOLECULAR BASIS OF HEREDITY EQ: HOW WOULD YOU COMPARE TRANSCRIPTION &TRANSLATION? Notebook: page 98 are coded DNA instructions that control the production of proteins within a cell. single stranded nucleic acid 5-carbon sugar is ribose 1 phosphate group 1 of 4 nitrogenous bases: 1. adenine 2. guanine 3. cytosine 4. uracil 1. Messenger RNA (mRNA) carries copies of instructions for assembling proteins from the gene (in nucleus) ribosomes single strand of nucleotides read in groups of 3 called codons look at the 2 codons on this slide: What sequence of nucleotides on DNA did this segment of mRNA come from? with proteins make up ribosomes ribosomes made of 2 subunits: 30S and 50S transfers each of the amino acids to the ribosome as is specified by the code in mRNA one end has the anticodon other end the a.a. anticodon: group of 3 bases that are complimentary to the codon on mRNA TRANSCRIPTION TRANSLATION INVOLVES INVOLVES TRANSCRIBING (copying) THE CODE IN DNA MAKING mRNA TRANSLATING the CODE into AMINO ACIDS POLYPEPTIDE CHAINS PROTEINS mRNA, tRNA, rRNA mRNA molecules are made by copying part of a nucleotide sequence of DNA into a complimentary (C’) sequence in mRNA Steps: 1. RNA Polymerase opens DNA 2.RNA Polymerase uses 1 of the DNA strands as template uses C’ base pair rules RNA Polymerase binds to DNA at certain points called “promoters” after unwinding a short portion of the double helix, RNA Polymerase moves along 1 of the DNA strands making a strand of RNA using base-pair rules except there is no T in RNA: A is paired with U (Uracil) RNA Polymerase moves along the DNA until it hits a signal to stop. this strand of RNA is called pre-mRNA portions of DNA called introns do not code for proteins DNA portions that code for proteins called exons. introns get cut out of pre-mRNA and the exons get spliced together is the “language” of the mRNA instructions written in a language that only has 4 “letters”: G, C, A, & U must code for 20 amino acids is read 3 letters at a time every 3 consecutive letters codes for 1 of the 20 a.a., a start signal, or a stop codon: is a “word” in the code consists of 3 consecutive nucleotides that specify an a.a., a stop, or a start Page of Notebook: page 105 “Crack the Code” Quick Lab from page 303 of textbook cell uses information from mRNA to produce proteins Step 1 Step 2 mRNA attaches to tRNA with ribosome 1st codon codes for methionine anticodon complimentary to codon in mRNA attaches to ribosome, delivering correct a.a. Step 3 Step 4 peptide bond ribosome only forms between a.a brought to ribosome by 1st & 2nd tRNA holds 2 tRNA so 1st one leaves ribosome as 3rd one “docks” Process repeated until “stop” codon Animations Step 5 http://www.wisc- polypeptide chain wObject.aspx?ID=AP130 2 m/watch?v=Ikq9AcBcoh A sources/3d/TranslationB asic_withFX0.html falls off ribosome Ribosome free to start another peptide chain TRANSCRIPTION TRANSLATION DNA mRNA mRNA nucleus cytoplasm or RER mRNA + ribosome + tRNA protein 0470003790/animations/translation/t ranslation.htm gi/pluginpop.cgi?it=swf::535::535::/sites/dl/fr ee/0072437316/120077/micro06.swf::Protein +Synthesis deo/from-dna-to-protein-flash /teachers/genetics_act16_si m.html Handout: Genetic Code for Keratin Page of Notebook: 99 Answer questions 1-4