Imperialism - Moore Public Schools

Ch. 12 Sec. 1
Vocabulary Focus
 Imperialism:
 domination by one country of the political,
economic, and cultural life of another country or
 Protectorate:
 country with its own government but under the
control of an outside power
 Sphere of Influence:
 area in which an outside power claims exclusive
investment or trading privileges
Causes of Imperialism
 1. Economics:
 Industrial Revolution created
needs/desires that caused want for
overseas expansion
 want for rubber, petroleum, manganese,
palm oil
 Hoped for new markets to sale
manufactured goods
 Bankers invested for profits
 2. Political and Military motives:
 Ships needed ports around the world
to take on coal and supplies
 Nationalism played a role- when one
country moved into an area, other
Euro countries countered to prevent
 3. Humanitarian and Religious Goals
 Missionaries, doctors, & colonial officials
believed they had a duty to “spread the
blessings of Western culture”
 4. Social Darwinism
 Westerners embraced ideas of natural
selection and survival of the fittest
 West was superior than other “weaker”
Spread of Western Imperialism
 Weakness of non-western states
 Ottoman Turks, Mughal India, Qing China
in decline
 Slave trade weakened West Africa
 Western Advantages
 Strong economies, well-organized
governments, powerful militaries, superior
 Resisting Imperialism:
 Africans and Asians especially tried to resist Western
 Western-educated Africans and Asians organized
nationalist movements to expel imperialist
 Facing Criticisms at home
 Small group of anti-imperialists emerged
Moving toward greater democracy at home, but imposing
undemocratic rule on other peoples
Forms of Imperial Rule
 1. Direct rule - France
 Send officials and soldiers to administer
their colonies
 2. Indirect Rule – Great Britain
 Used sultans, chiefs, or other local rulers
to rule, and encouraged the children to
attend British schools- could still use force
if necessary
 3. Protectorate:
 Local rulers left in place but were expected to
follow the advice of Euro advisors
 Costs less to run than a colony, usually did not
require large commitment of military forces
 4. Sphere of Influence:
 Area in which an outside power claimed
exclusive investment or trading privileges
 Carved these spheres in China & other areas to
prevent conflict among themselves
Ch. 12 Sec. 2
Vocabulary Focus
 Paternalistic:
 the system of governing a country as a father would a
 Westerners saw Africans as children in need of
 Elite:
 upper class
 North Africa:
 Sahara and fertile land along Mediterranean
 Remained under declining Ottoman rule (Muslims)
 West Africa:
 Usman dan Fodio called for social and religious reforms
based on the sharia (Islamic law)
Literacy increased, local wars quieted, trade improved
 Inspired other Islamic reform movements
 East Africa:
 Islam was very influential where in port cities there was
profitable trade
 Slaves were often the cargo, but ivory and copper were
exchanged for cloth and firearms
 Southern Africa:
 Zulus led by Shaka ruled much of the south
Set off mass migrations and wars- Boer Wars
Sierra Leone
 1787 British organized this colony in West Africa for
former slaves to live
 Later more freed blacks from US settled in nearby
Liberia- 1847 it had become an independent republic
European Contact
 1500-1700 Europeans traded on coast but did not move
 1800s with medical advancements and steamboat- that
 Some wanted to map the interior- did not understand
the people they met
 Catholic and Protestant missionaries followed
Livingstone Blazes a Trail
 Crisscrossed Africa for 30 years
 Wrote about people he met- more sympathy/ less bias
 To end slave trade- open interior to Christianity and
 1869- Henry Stanley tracked him down
 “Dr. Livingstone, I presume?”
Scramble for Colonies
 1884 Berlin Conference
 No Africans were invited to the conference
 Recognized King Leopold’s claim to the Congo- called
for free trade along the Congo and Niger rivers
 Agreed Euro power could not claim any part of Africa
unless it had an established government with an office
 Race to colonize Africa had begun
European Colonies
 Belgians under King Leopold exploited the riches of
the Congo
 Brutalized the villagers and forced them to work
 Leopold was forced to turn his colony over to the
Belgium government
better treatment, still exploited
 France extended its influence along Mediterranean
into Tunisia, as well as West and Central Africa
 Britain’s land was scattered but was more heavily
populated than France’s
 West and East Africa, Egypt, and Sudan
 In south Africa, Britain clashed with the Boers
(decedents of Dutch settlers)- forcing the Boers to move
 Late 1800s: Boers found gold and diamonds
 led to conflict with Britain- who won but at great cost
(Boer War)
 Led to Union of South Africa- racial segregation
 Portuguese: Angola and Mozambique
 Italy: Libya and into the “horn”
 Germany: eastern and southern lands- Cameroons and
African Resist Imperialism
 French fought Samori Toure who led Algerians
 British battled Zulus in southern Africa and Asante in
the west
 Germans fought against the Yao and Herero
 Ethiopia succeeded in resisting Euro colonization
under Menelik II
 Modernized Ethiopia and defeated Italians
 Only independent nation besides Liberia
African Elite emerge
 Some Western-educated Africans admired western
ways and rejected their own culture
 Others valued their African traditions and condemned
Western societies
 By 1900s African leaders were forging nationalist
movements to pursue self-determination and
Chapt. 10 Sec. 2
Vocabulary Focus
 Kulturkampf
 Bismarck’s “Battle for Civilization” in which his goal was
to make Catholics put loyalty to the state above their
allegiance to the Church
 Social Welfare
 Programs to help certain groups of people
Germany Becomes an Industrial Giant
 Germany possessed many of the industrial factors-
behind Great Britain
 Disciplined and educated workforce helped the
 Rapid population growth provided huge home
 Government supported applied sciences and promoted
economic development
The Iron Chancellor
 Otto von Bismarck became first
Chancellor of the newly unified German
 Pursued several foreign-policy goals
 Wanted to keep France weak while building strong links with
Austria and Russia
 Respected British Navy but did not compete with them
 Domestic policies dealt with:
 Sought to erase local loyalties and crush all opposition to the
imperial state
 Targeted Catholic Church and the Socialists
Campaign against the Church and
 Campaign against the Church:
 Catholics made up about a third of the German population
 Bismarck distrusted Catholics- especially the clergy- whose
first loyalty was to the Pope instead of the state
 Launched Kulturkampf “Battle for Civilization”- his goal was
to make Catholics put loyalty to the state above allegiance to
the Church
 His moves against the Church backfired- the faithful rallied
behind the Church and the Catholic party gained strength in
the Reichstag
Bismarck admitted his mistake and worked to make peace with
 Campaign against the Socialists:
 Bismarck feared that socialists would undermine the
loyalty of German workers and turn them toward
 Had laws passed that dissolved socialist groups, shut
down their newspapers, and banned their meetings
 His plan backfired again- workers were unified in
support of the socialist cause
 Bismarck then set out to “woo” workers away from
socialism- he became a pioneer in social reform
Workers benefitted from Bismarck’s plan but still did not
abandon socialism
Kaiser William II
 1888 William II succeeded his grandfather as Kaiser
 Supremely confident and sought to put his own stamp
on Germany
 1890- asked Otto von Bismarck to resign- “There is
only one master in the Reich, and that is I.”
 William resisted efforts to introduce democratic
 His government did provide programs for social welfare,
cheap transportation, excellent public school education
 Spent lavish amounts of German money on German
military- already the most powerful in Europe
 Also launched a campaign to expand the German Navy-
won an overseas empire to rival those of Britain and
 His ambitious and aggressive military stance increased
tensions on the eve of World War I
Ch. 13 Sec. 1
Japan Opens Up
 July 1853 American ships under Matthew Perry landed
in Tokyo Bay
 Letter from President Fillmore demanded Japan open its
borders to trade
 Treaty of Kanagawa in 1854- Japan agreed to open two
ports to American ships, but not for trade
US quickly won rights on trade, extraterritoriality, and low
taxes on American imports
 Led to social and economic unrest
Meiji Restoration (1868-1912)
 Under the new emperor- Mutsuhito (took the name
Meiji meaning “enlightened rule”) the capital moved
from Kyoto to Edo and was renamed Tokyo
 Moto: “A rich country, a strong military”
 Studied Western ways and adapted them to Japanese
needs- invited westerners to teach Japanese
 Created a strong central government from the previous
feudal order
 All citizens were equal before the law
 Leaders made the economy a major priority
 Encouraged Japanese to adopt western business ideas
 New Constitution ended legal distinctions between
 Distinctions survived, but improved laws for the lower
 Japan modernized with amazing speed
 By 1890 Japan was strong enough to force Western
powers to revise the unequal treaties
Japan’s Growing Military Strength
 As it grew as an industrial power, its economic needs
fed its imperial desires
 Japan lacked many of the basic resources needed for
 Japan focused on Korea- at crossroads of East Asia, it
was already the focus of Russia, China, and now Japan
 1876- Japan forced Korea to open its ports to trade
 1894- competition over Korea led Japan and China to the
First Sino-Japanese War
Japan defeated the Chinese!
 Ten years later- japan challenged Russia for territory in
Korea and Manchuria- Russo-Japanese war
 Japan defeated Russian troops in Manchuria and its navy
nearly destroyed the Russian fleet
 Japan made Korea a protectorate, then annexed it
 Ruled Korea for 35 years before a violence broke out
 March First Movement became a rallying symbol for
Korean nationalists
 By the early 1900s- Japan was the strongest power in Asia
Ch. 12 Sec. 5
Vocabulary Words
 Balance of Trade: difference between how much
a country imports and how much it exports
 trade surplus: situation in which a country
exports more than it imports
 Trade deficit: situation in which a country
imports more than it exports
 Indemnity: payment for losses in war
 Extraterritoriality: right of foreigners to be
protected by the laws of their own nation
 Open Door Policy: American approach to China
around 1900, favoring open trade relations
between China and other nations
Chinese Trade
 Regulations had ensured China had a favorable
balance of trade
 Strict limits on foreign trade
 Euro merchants restricted to a small area
 Sold them silk, porcelain, & tea for gold & silver
 China= trade surplus/ Westerners= trade deficit
Opium War
 Late 1700s: British merchants
traded opium for Chinese teapopular in Britain
 Chinese began to buy opium
with silver enough to disrupt
the economy
 Chinese government
outlawed opium and executed
drug dealers
 Called on Britain to end the
trade which British refused
 1839: Chinese warships clashed with British
merchants- triggered Opium War
 British gunboats bombarded Chinese coastal ports
 Chinese easily defeated
 1842: Chinese forced to sign Treaty of Nanjing
 Britain received huge indemnity
 British gained island of Hong Kong
 China had to open 5 ports to trade
 Chinese grated British citizens extraterritoriality
Taiping Rebellion Weakens China
 1800s: Qing dynasty in decline
 Irrigation systems & canals poorly maintained
 Population explosion created hardships for China’s
 Extravagant court/ tax evasion/ widespread corruption
 1850-1864 Taiping Rebellion
 Hong Xiuquan called for end to Qing dynasty
 Rebels won control of large parts of China for 14 years
 Rebellion almost toppled Qing dynasty
 Qing government survived but had to share power
with regional commanders
 Europeans continued pressure and Russia seized lands
in the north
Conflicts with Japan
 War with Japan
 Japan imperializing- Sino-Japanese war
 Disaster for China/ Japan gained Taiwan
 China’s defeat showed their weaknesses- Europeans began
to carve out spheres of influence
 Led to Open Door Policy
 Hundred Days of Reform
 1898: Guan Xu launched the reform
 Affected schools, military, and the bureaucracy
 Conservatives rallied and imprisoned him- Ci Xi reasserted
the throne
Qing Dynasty Falls
 Boxer Uprising- 1899 a secret society known as
Righteous Harmonious Fists trained in martial arts
 Their goal: drive out “foreign devils”
 1900: Boxers attacked foreigners across China
 Europe/ Japan crushed the Boxers and rescued
 Ci Xi originally supported them but not after their
Aftermath of the Uprising
 China had to make concessions to foreigners
 Chinese conservatives now supported Westernization
 New Reforms: women were educated, more students
sent abroad to study
 China expanded economically
 Industry developed
 Business class emerged, new urban working class
pressed for rights
Birth of a Republic
 Ci Xi died 1908: a 2 year-old boy inherited the throne-
China slipped into chaos
 1911: uprisings spread- toppled Qing dynasty
 Dec. 1911: Sun Yixian named president of the new
Chinese Republic
 Faced many problems: constantly at war with itself and
foreign invaders
Sec. 4
Vocabulary Terms
 Sati: a Hindu custom that called for a widow to join
her husband in death by throwing herself on his
funeral pyre (fire)
Sepoy: Indian soldier who served in an army set up the
French or English trading companies
Viceroy: one who governed in India in the name of the
British monarch
Deforestation: the destruction of forest land
Purdah: isolation of women in separate quarters
East India Company and Rebellion
 Mid-1700s Mughal empire collapsing from
lack of strong rulers
 Early 1600s EIC won trading rights on the
outskirts of Mughal empire
 As that empire declined EIC power
 Mid-1800s EIC controlled 3/5 of India
 EIC successful by exploiting Indian diversity
 EIC main goal: make money
 Did improve roads, preserve peace, &
reduce banditry
 By mid-1800s British had: introduced
Western education, missionaries tried to
convert to Christianity, worked to end
slavery & caste system
 Banned sati to improve women’s role in
the family
 1850s: EIC made some unpopular moves
Discontent to Rebellion
 1. British required sepoys to fight anywhere
 Overseas travel was an offense to religion
 2. EIC passed a law that allowed Hindu widows to
 Undermined Hindu religion
 3. 1857, British issued new rifles to the sepoys
 Told to bite off the tips of the cartridges to load
 Tip of cartridge greased in animal fat- cow or pig
 Sepoys that refused orders - imprisoned
Rebellion and Aftermath
 Angry sepoys rose up against British officers
 Sepoy Rebellion spread across northern and
central India
 Marched after Dehli (old capital) and
hailed last Mughal ruler as their leader
 Massacred British in some areas
 British eventually crushed the revolt and
retaliated- burned villages/ killed Indians
Legacy of Rebellion
 1858- Parliament ended EIC rule and put
India directly under British crown
 Sent more troops to India
 Increased taxes to pay for troops
 Slowed the “reforms” that offended Hindus/
Muslims but developed India for Britain’s
economic benefit
British view of Colonial Rule
 Parliament set up a system of colonial rule
in India called the British Raj
 A viceroy in India governed in name of
the queen
 Britain made India the “brightest jewel” in
the crown of their empire
 Policies were designed to incorporate India
into the overall British economy
 British felt they were modernizing India
Impact of Colonial Rule
 Unequal partnership – India to Britain was a
market and source of raw materials
 Did improve railroad and road systems
 British flooded Indian markets with cheaply
made goods ruining their trade system
 Introduced to medical improvements and
new farming methods
 Led to population growth- deforestation
and great famines across India
Benefits of Colonial rule
 Brought some degree of peace to Indian
 British revised legal system to promote
justice for Indians regardless of class or caste
 Railroads helped Indians move around
 Telegraph and postal system helped improve
 Helped to build a sense of unity
 Upper-classes benefited the most
Ch. 13 Sec. 4
Economic Consequences
 Suez Canal
 French entrepreneur built it to connect Mediterranean
with Red Sea and the Indian Ocean
 1875 Ottomans could not afford to pay back the loans so
the leader sold his shares to the British
 Panama Canal
 US wanted to build a canal across Central
America but the Columbians refused to sell the
 1903 US backed Panamanians in a revolt against
Gave US rights to the land as a thank you
Panama Canal opened 1914
To Latin America the canal was another example of
“Yankee Imperialism”
Political Doctrine
 Monroe Doctrine
 “The American continents are henceforth not to be
considered as subjects for future colonization by any
European powers.”
 Roosevelt Corollary
 Added to the Monroe Doctrine- The United States
claimed “international police power” in the Western