Operations Forecast Presentation

Realize. It starts
with you.
 An increase in operating grant of 4.0% is required,
assuming 4% tuition increases.
 Alternatively, with a 4.9% operating grant increase the
University could hold tuition and fee increases to 2%.
 A variety of undesirable outcomes for the University, its
students and stakeholders would result from operating
grant increases at 0 or 2%.
 An additional $1 million in operating funding will complete
the roll-out of the Nursing program and $150,000 will fund
the masters’ program for Nurse Practitioners (10 seats).
Summary (cont.)
 Adequate building rehabilitation and renovation in a
planned, cost-effective manner is now impossible.
Sustaining Capital Funding has dropped to a level that
funds only emergency repairs. A substantial increase in
this funding is urgently required if unsustainable long-term
liabilities are to be avoided.
 The renewal of the College Avenue Campus (CAC) is the
University’s number one capital priority.
 $13.3 million in additional capital funding will complete the
financing package for the residence and childcare project,
now well underway.
Summary (cont.)
 Proposed new initiatives that will produce outcomes
consistent with the Saskatchewan Plan for Growth include
four proposed operating projects and the CAC Renewal
 The University of Regina continues to enhance the
sustainability of its operations through a wide variety of
Students from around the world
The U of R is growing
 Enrolments have grown in 2013-14 for the fifth consecutive
year to all-time high: over 13,300. Credit hours up 3%.
 The Nursing program is beginning its third year, fully
subscribed, and with a new site in Swift Current.
 FNUniv enrolments are up at least 10 per cent.
 Self-declared Aboriginal students will exceed 11% of
 International enrolments are at 1,600 this year,12% of the
student body and up over 10% from last year.
 As a result of a modest advertising campaign, registrations
from Calgary students grew 230% (30 students).
Nursing in Swift Current
Services expand to support students
 New Aboriginal Student Centre facility and Honouring
our Future Entrance Bursary
 UR Guarantee participation at all-time high
 The Global Learning Centre offers the UR International
Transitioning Program and many other supports.
 The Centre for Student Accessibility assisted 47% more
students with disabilities in fall 2012 than 2009: 130
more students.
 Co-op education has placed 835 students in 2013 who
are earning $9.7 million; 47% growth since 2005.
These added services have costs.
The U of R is growing: CCE
The Centre for Continuing Education, based on the College
Avenue Campus, plays an essential role for the U of R, students
and the community. 2012-13 was another year of growth
 Credit hours delivered by Continuing Education are up 32% in
the past 2 years; now 23% of all U of R teaching
 On-line and televised enrolments up 54% in 2 years
 Night, early and weekend credit hours up 30%
 Off-campus credit hours up 14%
 Business and professional development (non-credit) growth of
 Conservatory instruction up 14%; Lifelong Learning Centre up
2014-15 operating grant proposal
 Base operating grant increase needed to sustain current
operations: $3.9 million (4.0%)
 Plus $1 million final increase for Nursing program (to $6.5
million) and $150,000 for 10 seats in the Nurse
Practitioner program
 Assumes 4.0% average tuition increase
 Total operating grant increase required to sustain
operations + Nursing roll-outs: $5.1 million
Alternative scenario
With a 4.9% base operating grant increase ($4.8
million) the University could hold tuition and fee
increases to 2%.
Expected impact of an operating
grant less than proposed
 A 2% grant increase would require a $2 million reduction
in expenditures for a balanced budget.
 No grant increase (0%) would require a $4 million
reduction in expenditures.
 Following $7 million of reductions in the last two years,
this would be very difficult.
 We have largely exhausted our ability to reduce the
budget without significant activity reductions.
 Each $1 million in budget reductions is equivalent to the
non-replacement or termination of about 10 full-time
equivalent employees.
Impact of further cuts
 Students will find it increasingly difficult to complete their
degree programs in a timely manner or register in courses
they need for their specialization.
 The University’s ability to address provincial priorities will be
impaired: international student recruitment and retention,
contributions to innovation, advancement of First Nations
and Métis learners, applied learning opportunities,
distributed and collaborative course delivery, etc.
 Increasing disquiet among faculty, staff and students will
detract from students’ learning experiences and the
University’s recruiting success.
Urgent need for sustaining capital
 The sustaining capital grant is essential for
• physical plant renewal and adaptation,
• for addressing a major backlog of plant deferred
maintenance, and
• for equipment and furniture upgrades and replacements.
 All are necessary to provide a modern, functional and
appropriately equipped environment for student learning.
 Sustaining capital funding has dropped to levels where
only emergency repairs are possible.
 Planned use of the funds is impossible.
 Costs put further pressure on the operating budget
Funding has not kept pace with building
Even new buildings require spending
Opening of expanded Aboriginal
Students Centre in RIC
Funding today is only 35% of the
purchasing power of 2005 funding
Facilities are deteriorating
 23 per cent of University’s roofs are failing, with over 60
roof leaks occurring in locations that cannot be repaired
without full replacement.
 Over $20 million is required for roof replacement alone.
 Similar situations occur with respect to building
envelopes (windows, wall systems), HVAC systems, life
safety systems, wiring, and plumbing.
 Past expenditures have dealt with only 25% of the needs
of the aging facilities.
 Deferred maintenance and recapitalization exceed $300
 As deferred maintenance increases so
too does the risk of disrupting the
academic mission in the University.
 Student experience
 Safety
 Financial costs escalate
 Reputation suffers, affects recruitment
Sustaining capital: what is needed
 Restore sustaining capital funding to 2009/10
level (adjusted for inflation): $10.2 M or 1.07% of
CRV (current replacement value)
 Grow funding to DesRosier’s recommended
lower boundary of prudent provision:1.3% of
 This funding level is required to keep up. Periodic
large investments are needed to catch up (e.g.,
Major capital: residence and child
care project
Funding support from SaskHousing and Ministry
of Education has project well underway.
Tender outcomes presenting challenges: value
engineering has been undertaken.
Additional funding of $13.3 million required to
complete the funding package.
Construction is underway
College Avenue Campus Renewal
 Number one capital priority
 A transformative project: efficiency, accessibility, growth,
revitalization, community engagement
 University fundraising continues with over $3.6 million
 Request: $5 million for each of 5 years
 Will be more than matched by the University
“The purpose of growth is to secure a better quality of life
for Saskatchewan people.” (The Saskatchewan Plan for Growth)
Historic beginnings, a century old
A vision: renewed and revitalized
New initiatives
 Four other projects have been identified that leverage
University of Regina strengths:
 The Collaborative Centre for Justice and Safety
 Chronic pain treatment
 Clean energy technologies
 Transitions initiatives for student success
 New opportunities for students, engaging world-class
 All of the projects support the Saskatchewan Plan for
Sustainability/efficiency measures
 A balanced 2013-14 budget with reduced real funding
 Academic program review has refreshed programming,
terminated low enrolment programs
 Program innovation in many areas
 Revised registration, classroom scheduling and
recruiting processes
 Lean projects: five conducted, more on the way
 Increased use of technology for efficiencies
 Vacancy management and control of sessional
The 2013-2014 university budget
 Budget cuts of 3 per cent to budget units: $3.5 million
 About 20 faculty and staff positions were eliminated.
 Reductions of about $1.7 million in discretionary budgets
through cuts in sessional teaching and non-salary
 No allowance to most unit budgets for inflationary
increases for material and supplies
 Growing academic units received 5 faculty positions and
4 support staff positions
 $350,000 expenditures shifted to operating from
sustaining capital
Student fees: affordability
 For Canadian students, the U of R’s tuition plus
mandatory fees are less than those at all but 14 of 57
English language public universities in Canada.
 Graduate tuition in Saskatchewan is among the lowest in
the country, well below the national average.
 With the Saskatchewan Advantage Scholarship and the
graduate retention program, U of R undergraduates who
graduated from a Saskatchewan high school after 2011
are able to attend almost tuition-free. Student/graduates
in Arts have a net tuition cost of $290.
Undergraduate tuition and fees
(Average of 1st year Arts program by province, 2013-14)
Average Tuition
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Manitoba Universities
BC Universities
University of Regina
University of Saskatchewan
University of PEI
Alberta Universities
Ontario Universities
New Brunswick Universities
Nova Scotia Universities
Quebec Universities (English speaking)
Source: University of Regina, Office of Resource Planning. Includes mandatory additional
fees. Quebec figures are for Canadian out-of-province students.
 The University of Regina has been successfully pursuing its
vision and implementing its strategic plan with significant
new levels of achievement.
 The University of Regina’s direction and activities are
strongly aligned with the Saskatchewan Plan for Growth.
 An appropriately resourced University of Regina (including
funding for new initiatives) is essential for continued
 A restoration of the purchasing power of sustaining capital
funding is urgently required to protect the infrastructure of
the University and the quality of its teaching and research