SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO AL-MADINAH INTERNATIONAL UNIERSITY 2010 1 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Self-Review Portfolio for Academic Performance Audit AL-MADINAH INTERNATIONAL UNIERSITY Submitted 2010 By: Prof. Dr. Mohammad Khalifa Al-Tamimi, Rector Foreword 2 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 3 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Contents 4 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT Mediu Historical Background MEDIU/2010 5 Introduction: SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 This self-review portfolio consists of two parts. Part A represents general information and institutional profile of Al-Madinah International University (MEDIU). Part B represents information on the nine areas of evaluation for quality assurance. Sufficient reliable data and information about MEDIU is provided. All specific criteria in each nine area of standards are answered and reported with self-review analysis and a write-up is prepared and arranged according to the sections and sub-sections required in the quality assurance code of practice. 6 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Part A: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Name of the Higher Education Provider (HEP): 7 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Al-Madinah International University (MEDIU) 2. Date of establishment: 26 December 2006 3. Reference No. of the Approval for Establishment: KPT (JPS)600-07/71/Jld. 1(23) 4. Name, title and designation of the chief executive officer: Prof. Dr. Mohammad Khalifa Al-Tamimi, Rector 5. Address: 11th floor, Plaza Masalam, No. 2 Jalan Tengku Ampuan Zabedah E/9E, Section 9, 40100 Shah Alam, Selangor Correspondence address: Same as above 6. Telephone No.: +603-55113939 7. Fax No.: +603-55113940 8. Email: 9. Website: 8 MEDIU/2010 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT 10. Names and addresses of Faculties, Schools, Departments, Centres (if located outside the main campus): Nil 11. Names and addresses of branch campuses (if applicable): Nil 12. List of Faculties/Schools/Departments/Centres in the HEP (and its branch campuses) and no. of programmes offered: No. Name of Faculties/Schools/Departments/Centres No. of programmes offered 1 Faculty of Islamic Sciences 4 2 Faculty of Languages 1 3 Faculty of Computer and Information Technology 4 4 Faculty of Finance & Administrative Science 3 5 Institute of Postgraduate Studies 11 6 Institute of Preparatory Studies 2 7 Centre of Languages 34 short courses 9 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 13. Details of all programmes currently conducted by the HEP (and its branch campuses): No. Name of programme Level Awarding body Approval Date Recognition Type of Current Accreditation (by Programme No. of Date PSD/JPA) (Collaboration students Date /Home grown) 1. Bachelor of Islamic Science(Hons) in Fiqh and Usul Fiqh Bachelor MEDIU 03/03/2008 Home grown 2. Bachelor of Islamic Science(Hons) in Bachelor Da'Wah and Usuluddin MEDIU 03/03/2008 Home grown 3. Bachelor of Islamic Science (Hons) in AlHadith Bachelor MEDIU 03/03/2008 Home grown Bachelor MEDIU 23/07/2007 Home grown 5. Bachelor of Languages (Hons) in Arabic Language and Literature Bachelor Pending with dept for submission to MQA for PA application MEDIU 03/03/2008 Home grown 6. Diploma in Business Information System Diploma MEDIU 21/08/2008 Home grown 7. Bachelor of Business Administration(Hons) Bachelor MEDIU 17/07/2009 Home grown 8. Bachelor of Business Administration in ECommerce(Hons) Bachelor MEDIU 17/07/2009 Home grown 9. Diploma in Information Technology Diploma MEDIU 21/08/2008 Home grown 4. Bachelor of Islamic Sciences (Hons) in the Science of Al-Quran 10 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT Bachelor of 10. Information Technology(Hons) Bachelor of Information Technology in 11. Management Information System (Hons) Bachelor of Information 12. Technology in System Development and Administration(Hons) 29/10/2008 MEDIU/2010 Bachelor MEDIU Home grown Bachelor MEDIU 23/01/2009 Home grown Bachelor MEDIU 23/01/2009 Home grown 13. Foundation in Islamic Sciences Foundati on MEDIU 18/06/2007 Home grown 14. Foundation in Arabic Language Foundati on MEDIU 18/06/2007 Home grown 15. Master in Aqidah Master MEDIU Master in Arabic 16. Literature and Literary Criticism Master MEDIU 17. Master in Qada' and Siyasah Shar'iyyah Master MEDIU 18. Master in 'Ulum AlHadith Master MEDIU 19. Master in Fiqh Master MEDIU 20. Master in Usul Al-Fiqh Master MEDIU Master MEDIU 21. Master in Tafsir and 'Ulum Al-Quran 18/05/2009 18/05/2009 12/01/2009 12/01/2009 09/09/2008 09/09/2008 09/09/2008 Home grown Home grown Home grown Home grown Home grown Home grown Home grown 11 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT 22. Master in Fiqh AlSunah Master MEDIU 23. Master in Arabic Language Master MEDIU 24. Master in Da'wah Master MEDIU 25. Master in Qira'aat Master MEDIU 09/09/2008 09/09/2008 28/09/2009 09/12/2009 MEDIU/2010 Home grown Home grown Home grown Home grown PSD: Public Service Department, JPA: Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam) 12 MEDIU/2010 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT 14. Number and qualification of academic staff: Status Academic Qualification Full-time PhD Masters Bachelors Diploma Professional Others Sub-total Part-time PhD Masters Bachelors Diploma Professional Others Sub-total Total Number of staff Foreign 32 9 Local 1 1 Total 32 10 1 41 4 3 1 42 4 3 2 1 2 8 49 9 51 15. Designation of academic staff: Designation Number Local Full-time Part-time Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Lecturer Junior Lecturers including tutors, teaching assistants 1 Total Foreign FullParttime time 2 22 17 3 6 Fulltime Parttime 2 22 18 3 6 List others who are involved in teaching and learning, for example, adjunct professors, visiting professors, exchange professors, fellows, etc. 13 MEDIU/2010 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT 16. Total number of students: The numbers are as per, 12 February, 2010, Friday.* Male Female Total Number of students Foreign 1119 464 1583 Local 89 31 120 Total 1208 495 1703 *The numbers are subject to change due to daily enrollment. 17. Student attrition rate: Year Current year Past 1 year Past 2 years Past 3 years 2010 2009 2008 - Number of students leaving the institution Reasons for leaving - - 14 MEDIU/2010 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT 18. Total number of administrative and support staff: Job Designation ACCOUNTANT ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT ACCOUNTS EXECUTIVE ADMIN ASSISTANT ADMIN EXECUTIVE ADMIN OFFICER ADMINISTRATOR ANALYST PROGRAMMER ASSOCIATE ACCOUNTANT DEAN OF STUDENT AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT DEAN, POST GRADUATE STUDIES DEPUTY RECTOR DEPUTY TO THE LIBRARY DIRECTOR ENDOWMENT EXECUTIVE EXAM & RECORDS OFFICER EXECUTIVE, PROMOTION UNIT HEAD , STUDENT SERVICES UNIT HEAD OF ADMISSION & REGISTRATION DEPT HEAD OF ADMISSION UNIT HEAD OF CATALOGUING & INDEXING DEPT. HEAD OF COUNSELING UNIT HEAD OF CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTRE HEAD OF DESIGN & MULTIMEDIA DEPT. HEAD OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS & SERVICES UNIT HEAD OF MIDDLEWARE SERVICES UNIT HEAD OF MULTIMEDIA DESIGN UNIT HEAD OF MULTIMEDIA DEVELOPMENT UNIT HEAD OF NETWORK ENGINEERING & SECURITY UNIT HEAD OF REGISTRATION UNIT HEAD OF TECHNICAL INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES DEPT HEAD, ACADEMIC REGULATORY UNIT HEAD, ADMISSIONS & RECORDS DEPT. HEAD, PROJECT MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT HEAD, PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPARTMENT HUMAN RESOURCE EXECUTVE HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGER HUMAN RESOURCE OFFICER INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGNER (ENG) JR. INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGNER (ARABIC) No of Staff Required Current No of Staff 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Recognized Professional Qualification Diploma Diploma SPM Degree Degree Degree Diploma Degree PhD Master PhD Master Degree Diploma Degree Degree Degree Diploma Degree Degree Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma 1 Diploma 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Degree Diploma Degree Degree Degree Degree Diploma Degree Degree 1 1 2 10 1 2 2 1 4 2 7 1 4 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Minimum Qualification 15 MEDIU/2010 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT JR. SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR JR. SYSTEM ENGINEER LIBRARIAN MANAGER MANAGER, BUSINESS MANAGAMENT SYSTEM MANAGER, RECTOR OFFICE MARKETING OFFICER MULTIMEDIA DESIGNER MULTIMEDIA PROGRAMMER OFFICER, CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTRE OFFICER, EVENT MANAGEMENT UNIT OFFICER, LEGAL & SECRETARIAL SERVICES UNIT OFFICER, TRANSLATION UNIT PERSONAL ASSISTANT RECTOR SENIOR ANALYST PROGRAMMER SOLUTION ARCHITECT / HEAD OF EISD SYSTEM / NETWORK ENGINEER SYSTEM ANALSYT WEB DEVELOPER 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 10 2 1 1 1 2 TOTAL 29 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Diploma Diploma Degree Degree Degree Degree Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Degree Degree Degree Degree PhD Degree Diploma Diploma Degree Degree 81 16 19. Provide the organisational chart of the HEP: Al-Madinah International University Academic Affairs Division Student Affairs Division Research and Development Division Faculty of Islamic Sciences Examination And Records Department Research Centres Faculty of Languages Student Services Department Faculty of Computer and Information Technology Customer Service Centre Faculty of Finance & Administrative Science Marketing Department Faculty of Education Institute of Postgraduate Studies International Relations Division Endowment Department International Cooperation and Exchange Department Financial Affairs Division Internet Application Admin Department Financial Planning & Control Department Technology Infrastructure Services Department Academic Development Centre Learning Centres Department Admissions and Registration Department Technology Division Administrative Development Centre Corporate Training Centre Development of Financial Resources Department Enterprise and Internal Systems Development Department Finance Department Contracts & Procurement Department Administrative Affairs Division Human Resources Department Public Relations Department Corporate Services Department Library Division Reference and Information Services Department Cataloguing and Indexing Department Acquisition Department Accounting Department Design and Multimedia Department ( ) Academic Production Department (Cairo) Centre of Languages Institute of Preparatory Studies Administration of Academic Programmes Department For more details please refer to: 090319 MEDIU's Organisational Structure 17 20. State the purpose of this audit: Comprehensive Institutional Audit o Thematic audit …………………………………..(please specify) 21. Provide details of the purpose of this audit: Academic Performance Audit 22. Contact person: Name (Title): Fuad Ahmad Bin Umar Al As Designation: Manager of Rector Office Tel.: +603 55 11 3939 Ext: 102 Fax: +603 55 12 7077 Email: 18 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 PART B: INFORMATION ON THE NINE AREAS OF EVALUATION FOR QUALITY ASSURANCE 19 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 AREA 1: VISION, MISSION, EDUCATIONAL GOALS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES 1.1 Statement of Vision, Mission and Educational Goals 20 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 1.1.1 State or provide a copy of the HEP’s vision and mission and the general educational goals. Vision, mission and educational goals are the guiding principles to help us plan, develop and execute out programmes and management of the HEP as a whole. They were carefully developed and reviewed taking into consideration feedbacks from various parties/stakeholders from time to time. Vision A leading international university that promotes a wide range of knowledge in its various aspects to serve humanity and to promote its advancement. Mission Disseminating knowledge using the best means and learning methods; knowledge development and intellectual exchange consistent with international level of excellence; to create conducive educational and research environment for knowledge seekers all over the world that serves society and preserves ethical values. Educational goals University Objectives: • To disseminate scholarship and knowledge in all the various fields of life, and ease the means of receiving knowledge using the latest and best technological means. • To preserve values and ideals by way of higher education and academic research. • To create a comprehensive and integrated academic environment in the field of education and research. • To contribute to the advancement of higher education with its various branches and specializations and offer programmes, opportunities to study and innovative services that are comprehensive and of the highest quality. 21 MEDIU/2010 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT • To produce graduates with a high level of knowledge, technological capabilities, and competitive skills that will be contributors to society. • To enter into partnerships and agreements with related parties to achieve collaboration and integration in all fields. University Values: • Sincerity and professionalism. • Commitment and Integrity. • Originality and Innovation. • Quality and Excellence. • Mutual Respect and Healthy Competition. • Leadership and Sound Planning. • Confidence and Shouldering the Responsibility. • Self-Initiative and Teamwork. • Lifelong Learning. • Open Communication with societies and serving them. Support Materials and Documents: 1.1.1 090402 Vision, Mission & Objectives الرؤية والرسالة واألهداف (Final) 1. The vision, mission and the educational goals are published in the website to ensure that it is made known to the relevant parties. 2. The HEP also presented its vision, mission and the educational goals the various brochures of the HEP internally and public consumption. Self-review: 22 MEDIU/2010 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT 1.1.2 Describe how the mission statement and educational goals reflect the crucial elements of the processes and outcomes of higher education in line with national and global developments which may include issues of social responsibility, competency, research attainment, community involvement, ethical values, and leadership. The vision and mission statement, and educational goals were developed taking into consideration the various crucial elements of the process and outcome of higher education. The programme offered by the HEP are and will be those that reflect the Islamic approach that place high importance on moral and ethical values in the process of developing leaders in their own right and field. As an HEP, it will definitely involved in research activities that will seek new knowledge and truth in various field which will than become inputs in the enhancement and improvement of programmes offered by the HEP and for the betterment of mankind 1.1.3 Describe the appropriate body and membership responsible for approving the vision, mission and educational goals Support Materials and Documents: 1.1.2 090402 Vision, Mission & Objectives الرؤية والرسالة واألهداف (Final) 1.1.3 090319 MEDIU's Organisational Structure الهيكل اإلداري لجامعة المدينة العالمية (Final) [HQ], TMC Minutes of Meeting Self-review: of the HEP. The vision, mission and educational goals of the HEP were thoroughly discussed and approved by the Top Management Committee (TMC) 23 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT 1.1.4 Provide information to what extent the institutional mission and educational goals incorporate aspects of leadership, social responsibility, research, scholarship, community engagement, ethical values, professionalism and knowledge creation. MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 1.1.4 website, MEDIU's brochure, MEDIU's annual repor The HEP has incorporated into the vision, mission and educational goals the various aspects of leadership, social responsibility, research, scholarship, community engagement, ethical values, professionalism and knowledge creation. 1.1.5 State that the HEP’s planning and evaluation processes, educational programmes, educational support services, financial and physical resources, and administrative processes are adequate and appropriate to fulfil its stated goals. 1.1.5 Quantitative Objectives Self-review: The HEP has incorporated into the vision, creation. The HEP is confidence that it has sufficient fund and resources to fulfil its stated goals. 24 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 1.1.6 State that the HEP’s planning and evaluation processes, educational programmes, educational support services, financial and physical resources, and administrative processes are adequate and appropriate to fulfil its stated goals. Support Materials and Documents: 1.1.6 Quantitative Objectives The HEP has incorporated into the vision, creation. The HEP is confidence that it has sufficient fund and resources to fulfil its stated goals. Self-review: 25 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 1.2 Participation in Formulation of Vision, Mission and Educational Goals 1.2.1 Describe how the HEP involves major stakeholders in the formulation and renewal of the mission and educational goals as well as the educational programmes. 1. Advice and opinion of the stakeholders are always sought after in formulating and reviewing the vision, mission, educational goals and programmes in both formal and informal discussions. 2. Feedbacks from students are gathered through various mean, such as students complain, tabulated and analyzed. This exercise takes place at any time of the semester targeting to assess 3 areas: the lecturer, the module and the HEP. Actions are taken based on the feedback gathered from the students. 3. Open management concept that the HEP has practiced allows students to come forward and channel the ideas to improve the HEP. Some of the avenues for students to channel their feedback: a. Lecturers who are appointed to take care of students’ academic welfare. b. Student Services Department – takes care of students’ welfare both academic and non-academic c. Counselors – appointed to listen to students’ grievances, complaints and feedback. d. Head of Department e. HEP representatives at various learning centers f. Students are also able to post their comments in the suggestion box available at the faculty lobby. 4. The Faculty meets once a month among other things to discuss academic issues, resource education and programme planning. Before the semester begins, they meet to plan for the semester. In the middle of the semester, they will review the progress of the students and the management of programme offered in that particular semester. At the end of the semester, they will evaluate the final outcome and provide input for the next planning cycle. 26 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 1.3 Academic Autonomy 5. Being new, currently HEP has not produced any graduate, however it has planned to invite alumni to share their views and opinions on the quality of the programmes after they graduate. Support Materials and Documents: 1.2.1 Students' feedback, appointment of counselor for MEDIU 1.2.2 Describe how the HEP consults and involves a wide range of stakeholders in the ongoing refinement of the vision, mission and goals 1.2.2 Feedback Donors, External Advor, Students, Parents Self-review: 27 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 1.3.1 Describe how the curriculum is designed and the resources allocated to show sufficient autonomy in such functions In designing the curriculum the HEP seeks the opinion and advise of various stakeholders pertaining to niche area to be emphasis by the HEP and the marketability of the proposed programme and the existing programme. The following are the steps taken in the process of preparing the curriculum. Preparation of Curriculum - The faculty forms a working group to develop a new curriculum - The working group prepares work schedule - Working Group undertakes research (where necessary) and consults Industry Experts. On the basis of the research outcome and industry consultation, working group will prepare draft curriculum. - Working group tables the first draft of the curriculum at Faculty meeting - Faculty suggestions will be incorporated into updated draft - Updated draft of the curriculum tabled for review by Senate Curriculum Committee and the process continues until it is ready to be submitted to University Senate for final approval - Working Group prepares documentation for MQA approval - Feedback from MQA will be rebutted. - Upon the approval by the Ministry of Higher education (MOHE) the propose programme will be offered 1.3.2 How does the HEP ensure that the members of the academic staff have sufficient autonomy to focus on areas of their expertise? The academic staff will be encouraged to participate in the whole process of curriculum development especially in the area of their expertise. They are given sufficient autonomy to incorporate their ideas and suggestions on the area of their expertise wherever relevant to the proposed programme 1.3.3 What are the HEP’s plans to expand the boundaries of academic autonomy? The HEP plan to encourage academic staff to participate in the whole process of curriculum development especially in the area of their expertise. However, the HEP ability to expand the boundaries of academic autonomy will be subjected to the rules and regulations, and terms and conditions as set by MQA. 28 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 1.3.1 Senate Minutes of meeting/ Academic Committee/Qualitative objectives/infrastructure and academic staff development./ Faculty Minutes of meeting 1.3.2 090319 MEDIU's Organisational Structure الهيكل اإلداري ( لجامعة المدينة العالميةFinal) , policy on conflict of interest for academic staff, particularly in the area of private practice?, HR Policies and Regulation 1.3.3 policy on conflict of interest for academic staff, particularly in the area of private practice? HR Policy? Self-review: 29 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 1.4 Learning Outcomes 1.4.1 Show how the learning outcomes and educational goals are in line with, and supportive of, the vision and mission of the HEP. The HEP always ensure that learning outcome and educational goals are in line with, and supportive of, the vision and mission of the HEP 1.4.2 Specify the broad competencies and attributes expected of students upon completion of a period of study Below are the generic HEP’s learning outcomes, however each programme will have its own learning outcomes mapped to HEP’s learning outcomes. At the end of the programme, the students are able to: 1. Demonstrate and apply the knowledge in the area of specialization 2. Demonstrate sensitivity towards others 3. Lead and work with others in the workplace to accomplish common goals 4. Demonstrate practical experience 5. Appreciate and apply Islamic ethic and professional responsibilities 6. Communicate ideas effectively in both oral and written form. 1.4.3 Specify the broad competencies and attributes expected of students upon completion of a period of study. Students in the HEP are not only equipped with relevant academic qualification but also soft skills and the industrial exposure which are important to the industry and for lifelong learning. 1.4.4 Explain how the competencies are related to the needs of the student profession, discipline and the larger society. The competencies especially soft skills are crucially needed by students to prepared them for his/her career, lifelong learning and good citizenship. 30 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 1.4.1 Randomly, show the programme learning outcomes and education goals of each programme 1.4.2 Randomly, show the learning outcomes each programme 1.4.3 mastery of knowledge in specific fields, use of ICT, intellectual skills in critical thinking, knowledge seeking, problem solving and creative decision making, practical skills, ability to communicate, possession of attitudes and values of responsible citizenry such as sensitivity to the needs of society, participation in community affairs and willingness to learn, adapt and change.-soft skills, leadership skills or other skills 1.4.4 The proof of the inkage between competencies expected at the end of the programme and those expected during postgraduate training and the workplace (such as entrepreneurship) should be specified such as soft skills, leadership skills or other skills Self-review: 31 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 AREA 2: CURRICULUM DESIGN AND DELIVERY 32 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 2.1 Curriculum Design and Teaching-Learning Methods 2.1.1 Describe the processes, procedures, and mechanisms for curriculum development. How are the main constituents in the institution involved in this In designing the curriculum the HEP seeks the opinion and advise of various stakeholders pertaining to niche area to be emphasis by the HEP and the marketability of the proposed programme and the existing programme. The following are the steps taken in the process of preparing the curriculum. Preparation of Curriculum The faculty forms a working group to develop a new curriculum The working group prepares work schedule Working Group undertakes research (where necessary) and consults Industry Experts. On the basis of the research outcome and industry consultation, working group will prepare draft curriculum. Working group tables the first draft of the curriculum at Faculty meeting Faculty suggestions will be incorporated into updated draft Updated draft of the curriculum tabled for review by Senate Curriculum Committee and the process continues until it is ready to be submitted to University Senate for final approval Working Group prepares documentation for MQA approval Feedback from MQA will be rebutted. 2.1.2 Show evidence that the HEP have considered market and societal demand for the programme as well as sufficient resources to run it. Programmes at HEP have considered market and societal demand. 33 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 2.1.3 Show how the aims and objectives of programmes are in line with, and supportive of, the vision and mission of the HEP The programme objectives are always develop based on the vision, mission and objectives of HEP, so that the objective will support the vision and mission of HEP. 2.1.4. Elaborate how the HEP ensures the principles guiding the design of the curriculum support the attainment of learning outcomes. The Head of Department will ensure and monitor the Academic staff so that the course outlines and assessments are developed to support the attainment of the programme outcomes. 2.1.5 Describe the various teaching-learning methods to achieve learning outcomes and ensure that students take responsibility for their own learning. The HEP’s mode of instruction is through online however the teaching – learning method used will ensure that students take responsibility for their own learning through assignments, projects and coursework assessment wherever relevant. Support Materials and Documents: 2.1.1 Procedure and Policy in developing for a curriculum; faculty Board, Academic Curriculum Committee? Minutes of meeting? 2.1.2 feasibility study, any discussion, minutes of meeting, committee? 2.1.3 Refer to the vision, mission of the HEP and the programmes offered at MEDIU. 2.1.4 JD of HOD, Report on the monitoring process from HOD 2.1.5 Document sent to MQA 34 Self-review: SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 2.1.6 Describe how the HEP ensures its curriculum and instructional methods encourage students to take active participation for their learning. The HEP ensures its curriculum and instructional methods encourage students to take active participation for their learning through various assessment mechanisms in class: 1. Assignments – students are encouraged to conduct their own survey/research either individually or in a group to achieve the objectives. 2. Practical assessment – This assessment is more towards laboratory assessment, and mostly used to assess IT and Computer Science students. 3. Tests and Exams – this is done in the class as a mean to assess the student’s understanding on the theoretical aspects. 4. Industrial Training-students will be assess for the industrial training by the lecturer as well as the assessor from the industry ` Support Materials and Documents: 2.1.6 Sample of quizzes ,assignments, forum; catogorized; excellence, average, weak Self-review: 35 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 2.1.7 Specify how the HEP envisages that the curriculum and instructional methods prepare students for their learning. The curriculums were carefully developed and the instructional and assessment methods were chosen to suit the requirement of the programme, which take into consideration towards achieving the learning outcomes set for the programme. 2.1.8 Give details of HEP policies and practices that show that teaching and learning are consistent with the curriculum. How are elements of inconsistencies redressed? 1. Upon getting approval to run the programme from MOHE, document 3.2 of TC01 is translated into master text and courseware which are given to students as the semester progress. The subject outline serves as teaching plan. 2. It is vital that prior to the commencement of the semester, the Head of Department ensure that the subject matter expert (SME) prepare the master text and courseware according to the approved curriculum to be used for the delivery of the subjects during the particular semester. Support Materials and Documents: 2.1.7 Curriculum Committe , Academic Committe , Faculty Board; minutes of meeting. On-line system, ALIM, Sample of questions for the assesment 2.1.8 Sample of Course outline; Sample of master text and courseware prepared by SME Self-review: 3. The relevant lecturers assigned to deliver the subject for that particular semester will review the master text and coursewares to ensure that they are consistent with the curriculum develop. 36 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT 2.1.9 Show how the curriculum encourages a multi-disciplinary approach and cocurricular activities in enhancing and enriching the personal development of the learner. Show how these are monitored and appraised. The curriculums were developed to include multi-disciplinary approach towards learning and the teaching-learning activities would encourage students to participate in all activities prepared for the delivery of the curriculum. MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 2.1.9 List of Co-curricular activitie; student councilorg chart, minutes of meeting; policy -student council; Students are encourage to participate in the co-curricular activities of their choice which is outside of the curriculum but important in enhancing and enriching the personal development of the learner. While the curriculums were deliver and monitor by the assigned lecturers, however the co-curricular activities will be monitored by the department that approved the said co-curricular activities through the assigned officers. Self-review: 37 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT 2.1.10 Show how external sources are engaged in the needs analysis of programmes. Show how their commentaries are utilized to improve them. Feedbacks from relevant stakeholders will be gathered from time to time to gauge and analyze any gaps of programme offered by the HEP. The feedback will be used as inputs in reviewing and improving the programme. 2.1.11 What are the co-curricular activities that enrich student learning experience, and foster personal development and responsibility? MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 2.1.10 Feedback from lecturers, students, SME 2.1.11 List of Cocurricular activitie; student council-org chart, minutes of meeting; policy student council; Self-review: The co-curricular activities such as community projects, programme management, sports, association and club activities will enriched student learning experience, and foster personal development and responsibility 38 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 39 MEDIU/2010 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT 2.2 Curriculum Content and Structure 2.2.1 Describe how the academic programmes incorporate the core content of the discipline that are essential for understanding the concepts, principles and methods that support the programme outcome. Each academic programme has it core discipline that the students must take in order to complete the programme. The core discipline will be central to the programme and other subjects such as electives are meant to complement and enhance the programme holistically. This will help the students to understand the concept principles and methods that support the programmes outcomes. 2.2.2 Describe how the academic programmes fulfil the requirements of the discipline and takes into account discipline standards and international best practices as well as changes in them. Support Materials and Documents: 2.2.1 Sample of study scheme for programmes, Sample of assessments, minutes of meeting of the faculty Board, Curriculum Meeting 2.2.2 Document sent to MQA Self-review: All academic programmes, offered by the HEP have gone through thorough assessment by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency(MQA) that ensure the academic programme fulfil the requirements of the discipline and takes into account discipline standards and international best practices as well as changes in them. Any changes to the academic programme, will have to be re-assess by MQA before they are offered to the students. 40 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 2.2.3 Specify the processes by which topics of local, national and international importance are incorporated into the curriculum 1. In designing the curriculum the HEP seeks the opinion and advise of various The lectures will incorporate examples, issues, and solutions from various sources (national and international). 2. Students are required to do project or project papers that may incorporate multidiscipline topics of local and international in nature. 3. The experience and knowledge of International students gathered by the lecturers from their classes will be shared among with the future students. 2.2.4. Show evidence that the HEP has the mechanism in place to access the latest development in a field of study. Being new, currently the HEP does not have the mechanism in place to access the latest development of study, however the HEP encourage its academic staff to participate in workshops, seminars, forums, congress, etc so that to keep abreast with the latest development in their field of studies. The academic staffs are also encourage to do research to seek new knowledge and development of field of studies that can be inputs in the improvement and enhancement of its programme. 41 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 2.2.3 Sample of Case study, project paper 2.2.4 List of staff attending conferences, seminars, training internally or externally Self-review: 42 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 2.3 Management of Programmes 2.3.1 Provide a sample of the Student Study Guide, Student Handbook and Student Project Handbook, where applicable. Refer to the Study and Examination Rules and Regulations for the Bachelor's Degree, Diploma (Equivalent to a Two-Year Degree) and the Pre-University Foundation Level 2.3.2 State the designation, responsibility and authority of the main academic officer and committee responsible for a programme. Do they have adequate resources? Show evidence. The Dean of each faculty and programme development committee The minutes of meeting will be furnished on the day of the visit. 2.3.3 State the terms of reference of the curriculum committees. The Terms of Reference of the curriculum committees include the following: 1. The curriculum developed must be in-line with the vision, mission and educational goal of the HEP 2. To undertake a fundamental review of the programme’s content to ensure that it is up-to-date 3. To undertake comprehensive review of the regulatory framework (by MQA and MOHE) that affects the contents and structure of the programme. 4. To consider any changes that need to be made in order to improve the programme so as to accommodate new development in the technology and to enable he programme to meet current and future needs of the industry. 5. To make any other recommendations as the committee deems fit 2.3.4 What authority do the committees have to resolve conflicts of educational principle and to ensure that the goals and the requirements of the specific disciplines are met? The HEP is bound and guided by various guidelines from MQA and as such any conflicts of education principle will be resolved. 43 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 2.3.1 Study and Examination Rules & Regulations for the Bachelor's Degree, Diploma (Equivalent to a two-year Degree) and the Pre-University Foundation Level 2.3.2 090319 MEDIU's Organisational Structure الهيكل اإلداري ( لجامعة المدينة العالميةFinal) [HQ], List of name of staff in MEDIU, staff personal file,JD 2.3.3 Curriculum Committee?TOR? 2.3.4 MQA guidelines Self-review: 44 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 2.3.5 What are the resources given to programme teams to implement teachinglearning activities, and to conduct programme evaluation for quality improvement? The programme teams will be given the full support and the necessary resources required to implement teaching and learning activities and to conduct programme evaluation for quality improvement 2.3.6 Describe the review and evaluation processes of programmes and the utilisation of the results. The faculty will monitor and evaluate the progress of the delivery and implementation of the programme from time to time. The feedbacks and results gathered from the evaluation will be used as input towards improvement and enhancement of the programme in the future. 2.3.7 Show how the learning environment nurtures scholarly and creative achievements. The HEP will ensure that the programme be delivered and implemented in the very conducive teaching-learning environment that will encourage students active participation in the class activities and academic discourse. All the programmes as offered by the HEP are through online. Learning centers are established in several strategic location all over the world equip with latest technologies and infrastructure that create conducive environment in where the students can assess the academic staff of the HEP online through teleconference and interactive internet applications. 2.3.8 Describe the structures and processes to ensure that all the criteria and standards of a qualification awarded are fulfilled. 1. Upon approval of the programme by the MOHE, the curriculum will be translated into course outline inclusive of the learning outcomes, assessment method and procedure, and course modules will be prepared for the various subjects in the programme. 2. Each assessment is targeted to assess various learning outcomes. The learning outcomes tested are specified explicitly in both the module outline and project brief. 3. To ensure the students have fulfill the criteria and standards of a qualification awarded, review of the teaching and learning process of the programme will be conducted, feedback from stakeholders especially the students will be gathered by the lecturer concerned and the results will be used as input to improve the programme. 4. Internal quality check • Faculty Board of Studies, Board of Examination, Joint Faculty Board 5. External quality check • Accreditation visit by MQA 45 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 ` Support Materials and Documents: 2.3.5 Quantitative Objectives 2.3.6 Feedback from lecturers, students, SME 2.3.7 List of facilities, list of LC and Service center 2.3.8 Sample of Course outline; Sample of master text and courseware prepared by SME , Faculty Board of Studies?, BOE, Self-review: 46 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT 2.3.9 Explain the HEP’s mechanisms and resources for introducing and evaluating innovations in teaching-learning and evaluation methods. Indicate the involvement of internal and external principal stakeholders and experts in these The HEP constantly review its teaching-learning and evaluation methods in order to make the necessary improvement to keep abreast with the latest method in teaching and learning, and evaluation methods and make any necessary innovation from time to time. The HEP invites expert in teaching-learning and evaluation experts to have workshop or train the HEP Academic staff in relation to teachinglearning and evaluation methods, besides sending Academic Staff for training, seminar, conference in the said area. 2.3.10 Show how the HEP engages external expertise nationally and internationally in the review and evaluation of programmes. Nationally HEP’s programme are always being access periodically by MQA through the process of accreditation and self evaluation. HEP’s engaged experts in the relevant areas, internally and externally to review our programme so as to keep abreast with the currency development of the knowledge. MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 2.3.9 Review its teachinglearning and evaluation methods nvites expert in teaching-learning and evaluation experts to have workshop or train the HEP Academic staff in relation to teachinglearning and evaluation methods 2.3.10 Contract of SME, CDC and external assessor Self-review: Internationally HEP’s seek technical expert advice from the Subject Matter Experts (SME) to review and evaluate the programmes offered by HEP. Refer to the appointment letter of SME and consultants 47 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 2.4 Linkages with External Stakeholders 2.4.1 Describe the links that exist between the HEP and its external stakeholders for the purpose of curriculum improvement. HEP appointed the subject Matter Experts (SME) to provide expert advice and review on new and existing programmes. Refer to the appointment letter of SME and consultants 2.4.2 State the existing mechanism to obtain and utilise feedback from employers for the improvement of the curriculum, training and workplace exposure. Being new the HEP does not have any mechanism to obtain and utilize feedback from employers for the improvement of the curriculum, training and workplace exposure. This is because the HEP has yet to produce its first graduate. The HEP has planned to do alumni tracer studies and employer satisfaction of our graduates studies for our forthcoming graduates 2.4.3 What opportunities are available to students to have linkages with external stakeholders? Support Materials and Documents: 2.4.1 Sample of appointment letter for SME, Consultant, External Advisor/Examiner: name list and cvs 2.4.2 Sample of Course outline; Sample of master text and courseware prepared by SME , Students' feedback 2.4.3 feedbacks through project and researches, suggestion box, constructive comments through customer care Self-review: The students through projects and researches are encouraged to link up with external stakeholders to get feedbacks, information and advice about their projects and researches so that their project and researches will be those that can meet the need of the market. 48 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 AREA 3: ASSESSMENT OF STUDENTS 49 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 3.1 Relationship between Assessment and Learning 3.1.1 Explain how assessment principles, methods and practices are aligned to the learning outcomes and curricula. 1. Relevant assessment practices are tailored to the learning outcomes and educational goals of the particular module in order to measure the student’s achievement and to find out if the learning outcomes have been achieved. The assessment mechanisms designed includes individual assignment, group participation, project, report writing, presentation and etc. 2. Prior to the commencement of each semester, the Academic Staff are required to prepare the assessment method for his/her subjects that should be suitable with the level and the loads of the subjects. 3.1.2 State how assessment of students is consistent with the levels defined in the MQF and its eight domains of learning outcomes HEP place serious consideration that should be taken by Academic Staff to ensure that the assessment methods used to evaluate the students in each subject offered are consistent and suitable with the levels defined in the MQF and its eight domains of learning outcomes. 3.1.3 Indicate how the HEP monitors student assessment to reduce curriculum overload and encourage integrated learning. 1. Student’s load will be calculated based on the teaching and learning activities set for that particular module. Each activity will carry a certain amount of load. Students are only allowed to take minimum of 12 credit hours and maximum of 18 credit-hours per semester for full time students and minimum of 6 credit hours and maximum of 12 credithours per semester for part time students. 2. One way to ensure there is no curriculum overload; the student will only be allowed to take modules that are suitable to the level they are in. The coding system of the subject that are being used will allow rapid checking to ensure students are not overloaded with too many subjects and assessments and at the correct level they are in. 3. Students' assessment will be tied closely to the curriculum as determined by credit hour for that subject. Lecturers will be briefed and reminded constantly to assess the students appropriately based on the student’s load 50 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT 3.1.4 Describe how the HEP ensures that appropriate attitudes are assessed and inculcated (e.g., respect for socio-cultural diversity, sensitivity to rights of others, teamwork, lifelong learning). In delivering the subjects, the Academic Staff are always reminded to inculcate appropriate attitudes, work ethics, respect for socio-cultural diversity, sensitivity to rights of others, teamwork, lifelong learning as part of learning process for the students. The assessment method will also take into consideration about the above. 3.1.5 Describe how the link between assessment and learning outcomes are periodically reviewed to ensure its effectiveness. The HEP continuously gathered feedbacks from its stakeholders especially the students and lecturers to be used as input to further improved the assessment methods so as to ensure its effectiveness. MEDIU/2010 3.2 Assessment Methods Support Materials and Documents: 3.1.1 Sample of assessment; quizzes, forums, assignments. Mid term, final exam 3.1.2 HOD monitored? Report? 3.1.3 Study Scheme can be viewed through Mediu Student information System(MIS); Study scheme sent to MQA; Monitored by Admission Dept 3.1.4 Sample of assessment; quizzes, forums, assignments. Mid term, final exam ; Questions and Answers 3.1.5 Feedbacks from stakeholeder; students and lecturers 51 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 3.2.1 Describe the student assessment methods and show how these methods, including that of practical training, clinical training, studio projects, demonstrations and the like, can measure the students’ achievement of the learning outcomes. The appropriate students’ assessment methods employed such as practical training, clinical training, studio projects, demonstrations and the like will be those that can measure the students’ achievement of the learning outcomes. The suitability of the assessment methods will be reviewed continuously to gauged students’ achievement of the learning outcomes. 3.2.2 Provide information on the summative and formative assessment methods Summative 1. Forum or presentation through teleconference 2. Assignments 3. Project papers Formative 1. Tests 2. Exams 3. Quizzes 52 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 3.2.1 Sample of assessment; quizzes, forums, assignments. Mid term, final exam ; Questions and Answers 3.2.2 Instructor Guide; ALIM Self-review: 53 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 3.2.3 Describe the mechanism to ensure validity, reliability and fairness of the student assessment system. 1. Examination papers for the subject for that particular semester will be moderated by the Deans and written feedback will be given to the lecturers. The lecturers will make appropriate changes and the process continues until both parties are satisfied. 2. Marking of exam papers is done internally by the lecturers who conduct the subject. However, whenever necessary it will be moderated by our appointed external examiners. 3. The students have the platform to appeal to the Faculty if they are not satisfied with the result. 3.2.4 Explain how the HEP monitors the reliability and validity of assessment over time and across sites 1. The modes of delivery of the HEP is online, therefore same Exam Question Paper will be used across sites. The assessments are measured against the module requirements (module outcome). This process is reviewed regularly every semester. 2. The HEP keeps Exam Bank for all subjects offered so as to be used as benchmark for future purposes. This will ensure the reliability and validity of assessment. 3. The Board of Examiners of HEP has the final say about the grades and its suitability with the level of the programme. 54 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 3.2.3 1. Exam Question Paper moderated by Dean; Any Report? Appeal Policy 3.2.4 Question Bank,BOE TOR, Examination Policy Self-review: 55 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 3.2.5 Describe how internal assessments are validated against external standards (e.g., external examiners, external examinations). Marking of exam papers is done internally by the lecturers who conduct the subject. However, whenever necessary it will be moderated by our appointed external examiners. 3.2.6 Explain the various feedback mechanisms to ensure validity, reliability, consistency, currency and fairness of the assessment methods. Explain whether records are available to students for feedback on performance and corrective measures. Students’ performance in the assessment process of each subject will be monitored and evaluated for every semester. The grade will be normalized to provide consistency and fairness. Students feedback and complaint about their result will be evaluated and reviewed to ensure validity, reliability, consistency, currency and fairness of the assessment methods Records are available to students for feedback on performance and corrective measures on individual case basis. All documents related to student’s performance are kept in the students’ file. Documentation such as student’s transcript and counselling form are updated on semester basis. All marked student’s works are kept by individual lecturers during semester. Lecturers are encouraged to include their comments/feedbacks on student’s work. 3.2.7 Explain how the HEP provides feedback to students on their academic performance, including making records available, to ensure that they have sufficient time to undertake remedial 1. During the Board of Examiners Meeting in each semester, the performance of the students especially the academically challenged students will be discuss and appropriate action with be taken to help them through remedial measures so that they have sufficient time to improve their performance. 2. Counselling session will be organized for the academically challenged students and the necessary advice and guidance will be given to put them back on track. 56 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 3.2.5 Sample of Answer Scheme, Exam Question Paper and Answer Booklet 3.2.6 Sample of Assessment, Sample of Exam Question Paper and Answer booklet 3.2.7 Results will be announce in ALIM,and Website, BOE minutes of meting Self-review: 57 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 58 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 3.2.8 Describe how assessment methods are reviewed to ensure currency. The assessment methods are continuously reviewed through students’ performance and feedbacks every semester. Whenever necessary improvement will be done. 3.2.9 How are student assessment methods documented and communicated to students? The student assessment method documented in the course outline and their performance will be placed in the students records. 3.2.10 Append a copy of the Regulations of Examination. Refer to the Study and Examination Rules and Regulations for the Bachelor's Degree, Diploma (Equivalent to a Two-Year Degree) and the Pre-University Foundation Level 3.2.11 Describe how the internal assessments are comparable to that of external best practices (e.g., through evaluation by external examiners, in comparison with student assessment held in reputable institutions). The internal assessments are made comparable to that of external best practices through the employment of external examiners as moderators. 3.2.12 State whether the curriculum have mechanisms to review and implement new methods of assessment. The curriculums are developed in such a way that it is flexible to allow review and implementation of new methods of assessment. 3.2.13 How does the review of the assessment method incorporate current global developments and best practices in the discipline? The HEP always keep current on assessment methods to keep abreast and incorporate with current global developments and best practices in the discipline. The Academic Staff are always advice to keep current with the latest development in student’s assessment method. 3.2.14 Describe how external expertise, locally and internationally, are consulted in the review of the assessment system. The HEP employ the expertise from Subject Matter Experts (SME) to advice and review the assessment system. 59 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 3.2.8 HOD monitored? Report? 3.2.9 ALIM/ MEDIU Student Information System(MIS) 3.2.10 Study and Examination Rules & Regulations for the Bachelor's Degree, Diploma (Equivalent to a two-year Degree) and the Pre-University Foundation Level 3.2.11 External Examiners?List their names and CV 3.2.12 Review and implement new methods of assessment?Committee? 3.2.13 Committee? 3.2.14 SME name list and contracts Self-review: 60 MEDIU/2010 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT 3.3 Management of Student Assessment 3.3.1 How autonomous are the departments in the management of student assessment? Each academic staff has autonomy in his/her student’s assessment. However they are binded by certain general rules and regulations set by the HEP, such as the distribution of marks according to types of assessment method used in the management or delivery of the subject. 3.3.2 Indicate the committees and the processes for verification and moderation of assessments, and benchmarking academic standards of assessment. How autonomous are they? The Head of department would normally assign a moderator for each subject to verify and moderate the exam question. The exam question would have to be agreed by the lecturers concern and the assigned moderator before it can be finally printed. 3.3.3 Explain The HEP how the ensures committees that standards ensure are that met standards accordingly are met through: 1. Internal quality check • Moderator assigned by the Head of Department for that particular subject. 2. External quality check • Accreditation visit by MQA. • The HEP has plan to introduce the use of external moderator such as from other notable Universities in the relevant area. 3.3.4 Explain how assessment performance and results are made available to students. The records are available to students for feedback on their performance: 1. All documents related to student’s performance are kept in the students’ file. Documentation such as student’s result slip and counseling form are updated on semester basis. 2. All marked student’s works are kept by individual lecturers during semester. Lecturers are required to include their comments/feedbacks on student’s work. 61 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 3.3.1 Course outline, and Instructor Guide 3.3.2 Academic Commiittee? Name list of Exam Moderator? 3.3.3 Academic Committee? Board of Examiners TOR? MQA report? 3.3.4 Student can view their result through Mediu Student information System(MIS) Self-review: 62 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 3.3.5 State the authority responsible for assessment policy. Describe the composition of the committees involved and their terms of reference. The HEP senate is responsible for designing the assessment policy. The Faculty will implement the policy. 3.3.6 State whether student representatives, academic staff and stakeholders are involved in making changes to the system of student assessment and their mode of involvement. There is no representation from students in making changes in the students’ assessment. However feedbacks gathered formally and informally from all stakeholders including the students will be used as inputs should there be any changes to the system of students’ assessment. 3.3.7 Provide information on the appeal policy. There is a clear appeal process for both projects and exams. 1. Within a given time frame, students file their appeal using an appeal form and deposited these at the Examination Unit of HEP. 2. The appeal is reviewed by lecturer and prepares a report for the Dean. 3. The result of the appeal is sent to the Examination Unit of HEP to inform the students. 3.3.8 Describe how confidentiality and security are ensured in student assessment processes and academic records. All exam papers are stored in the strong room for its confidentiality and security. As for the results, only the Examination Unit officers have access to the academic record of the students. 3.3.9 Explain the nature of the independent external scrutiny of student assessment to improve the management of the assessment system. At the moment the HEP does not have independent external scrutiny of student assessment to improve the management of the assessment system 63 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 3.3.5 Senate Minutes of meeting 3.3.6 Feedbacks from stakeholder; students and lecturers? Report? 3.3.7 Appeal Policy; i. Re-Evaluation for final Examination(s) results, 3.3.8 JD of Exam Unit staff, strong room 3.3.9 Nil Self-review: 64 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 AREA 4: STUDENT SELECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES 65 MEDIU/2010 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT 4.1 Admission and Selection 4.1.1 Support Materials and Documents: Who is responsible for student selection? State the academic criteria and the mechanisms for admission to programmes and any other additional requirements. 4.1 Admission and Selection 4.1.1 Who is responsible for student selection? State the academic criteria and the mechanisms for admission to programmes and any other additional requirements. Undergraduate: ` 4.1.1 Study & Examination Rules ( .my/rules-andregulation/study-andexams/newstudentadmissions.html) M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.10 Academic\Regulation s \لوائحStudy and Examination Regulations الدراسة Student Admission Committee (SAC) that conssist of Deputy Rector of Student Affairs, Deans of Faculties, Head of Admission & Registration Dept, Head of Marketing Dept & Head of Exam & Records Dept is responsible for the selection. واالمتحانات للمرحلة الجامعية Post graduate: my/rules-andregulation/postgraduat esrules/admission.html Institute of Post Gradutae Study (IPS) is responsible for the selection. The members of IPs are Dean of IPS & Deans of Faculties The general academic criteria for admissions are as the following: (Note: Please refer to the latest policy of Study & Examination Rules) Post-Graduate Rules M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.10 Academic\Regulation s \لوائحPostgraduate Studies الدراسات العليا For Diploma programmes: 1. At least three (3) passes including Mathematics in the General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE) O Level Examination (UK Educational System); OR 2. Pass at least 3 credits in Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) or Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia Vokasional (SPMV) ; OR 3. Any certificates with a pass in Mathematics and working experience Self-review: 66 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 For Degree programmes, 1. The applicant should have passed the foundation course offered by the University with a CGPA of at least 2.0; OR 2. Passed Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) with at least two principal passes; OR 3. Attained a diploma accredited by MQA, Malaysian government or the University Senate with a grade of good or better; OR 4. Passed Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM); OR 5. Attained Sijil Rendah Pelajaran (SRP) or Penilian Menengah Rendah (PMR) along with work experience of not less than five years and passed a minimum of five subjects of the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM). The student should be a minimum of 21 years of age This is considered a requirement for exceptional cases; OR 6. Alternatively, the applicant will have acquired any degree recognized by the University as equivalent to one of the previously mentioned qualifications. For Master programmes, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A relevant Bachelor degree (Honours) with good grades from MEDIU, or any other institutions of higher learning recognized by the university; or Any other certificate that is recognized as equivalent to a Bachelor degree (Honours) or other relevant professional qualification and experience that are recognized by the University. A relevant General Bachelor degree (without honours) with at least one year working experience, and If deemed necessary, an applicant may be interviewed and/or required to sit for an entrance test in order to determine his eligibility for admission to a specific programme. The department of faculty may, with the approval of the University Academic Council (UAC), require the applicant to satisfy additional conditions for admission to a specific programme. Follow strictly adhere to the MQA entry requirements as specified in the approval letter. For school leavers, students must pass Bahasa Malaysia at SPM level in order for them to continue at the tertiary level. 67 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 4.1.2 Provide evidence that the students selected fulfill the admission policies Refer to the attachment for the sample of students' application 4.1.3 Describe the admission mechanisms and criteria for students with other equivalent qualifications (where applicable) HEP will evaluate the equivalency of other equivalent qualification. HEP will seek the advice of qualified body such as MQA and similar body that can advice the equivalency of other qualification (Note: Please refer to the latest policy of Study & Examination Rules) Support Materials and Documents: 4.1.2 Student's Personal File Compactor 4.1.3 Study & Examination Rules(point 5 & 6 for undergraduate entry requirement) Under Graduate: M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.10 Academic\Regulations \لوائحStudy and Examination Regulations الدراسة واالمتحانات للمرحلة الجامعية 4.1.4 Describe the characteristics of students admitted. Provide a copy of any technical standards that have been deployed for the admission of students with special needs. Currently we do not have students with special need. This probably because the mode of delivery of programme of the HEP is online. However should there be a need for it as we progress we will consider providing the necessary assistance. For PC illiterate student, E-Orientation is provided. Post Graduate: M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.10 Academic\Regulations \لوائحPostgraduate Studies الدراسات العليا Post Graduate Rules 4.1.4 Nil 4.1.5 Study & Examination Rules Post Graduate Rules M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.10 Academic 4.1.5 Show how the criteria and mechanisms are published and disseminated. All criteria and mechanisms pertaining to the HEP are published in the website of the HEP Self-review: 68 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 4.1.6 Provide information on the prerequisite knowledge and skills for student entry. Most of the students of the HEP are from the Middle Eastern countries and the course material are in Arabic so potential students are expected to have good command of Arabic to enter the programme. Support Materials and Documents: 4.1.6 Entry Requirement ions/entry-requirement.html For those non-Arabic speaking potential students they are required to sit for MEDIU Arabic Proficiency Test (MAPT) with not less than 70 % For those non-English speaking potential students they are required to sit for MEDIU English Proficiency Test (MEPT) with not less than 70 % 4.1.7 Nil 4.1.7 If a selection interview is utilized, describe it. HEP does not use the interview methods to select students 4.1.8 Show evidence that the admission policy and mechanism is fair and transparent. Refer to the Study and Examination Rules and Regulations for the Bachelor's Degree, Diploma (Equivalent to a two-year degree) and the pre-University Foundation Level 4.1.8 Student's Personal File Compactor Self-review: 69 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 4.1.9 Describe the appeal policy and mechanism All potential students that meet the entry requirements will be accepted for admission. However, for students who have missed the deadline, they may appeal to the HEP to be accepted for admission in that particular semester. Students will write a letter and complete the application form Should the students meet the entry requirement and the semester still at the early stage (2 weeks), the students will be admitted in that particular semester, otherwise they will be deferred to the subsequent semester. 4.1.10 State what are the special programmes provided for those who are selected but need additional remedial assistance. For those who are deficient in Arabic, short courses in Arabic are provided for a fee. 4.1.11 Summarize the methods of orientation of new students, early warning system for academic difficulty and system of academic counselling, tutoring and remediation. Orientation The HEP does not have formal orientation because the mode of delivery is online and the students are not physically present at any MEDIU campus. New students are requested to access the website for information on students orientation and getting all the necessary information on how to study in MEDIU. Academic counselling Students with academic difficulty will be referred to the academic counsellor The academic counsellor will counsel the students with academic difficulty and advise them to take the relevant action in order to improve their academic standing Tutoring Support Materials and Documents: 4.1.9 Nil 4.1.10 Entry Requirement ssions/entry-requirement.html 4.1.11 1. Guidelines & Orientation 2. Instructors' Guide 3. Study & Examination Rules Gudeline & Orientation: Student Portal (the first icon) Instructors' Guide: W:\Student Services\AUDIT\BATCH 1\sample for counseling Tutoring: Student Portal (the first icon) Remediation: M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.10 Academic\Regulations \لوائحStudy and Examination Regulations الدراسة واالمتحانات للمرحلة الجامعية Self-review: 70 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT 4.1.12 Indicate the student intake in the last three years and the projection of student intake for the next five years. Describe how the size of student intake is determined in relation to the capacity of the HEP and explain the mechanisms that exist for adjustments, taking into account the admission of visiting, exchange and transfer of students. The size of the students intake is determine by the availability of academic staff (full time and part time) for that particular semester and the demand from potential students MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 4.1.12 Overview of Student Recruitment for five years W:\Marketing – MR Khalid\1. Plans\students Recruitments\091215 Overview for student Recruitments for 5 years R0.doc 4.1.13 Nil 4.1.14 Nil 4.1.13 How does the HEP continuously monitor and periodically review student selection processes? HEP will monitor the performance of the existing students to find out the suitability of the admission criteria that are currently being used. The feedbacks will be used to improve the future admission criteria. 4.1.14 Describe how the selection methods are reviewed to comply with the social responsibilities, human resource requirements and needs for further studies and lifelong learning. To comply with the social responsibilities, human resource requirements and needs for further studies and lifelong learning the HEP will study the future needs for human resource of the country and the students need to further studies before making any review of the students selection method. Self-review: 71 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 4.1.15 Show how the student performance is monitored as a feedback mechanism to improve student selection. Support Materials and Documents: HEP will monitor the performance of the existing students to find out the suitability of the admission criteria that are currently being used. The feedbacks will be used to improve the future admission criteria. 4.1.16 How does the HEP engage the relevant stakeholders in the review of its admission policy and processes? HEP continuously gather feedbacks from relevant stakeholders such students and academic staff in the admission policy review process by studying the performance of the existing students of the HEP. 4.1.17 Describe how student intake incorporates social responsibility by privileged consideration for people with special needs. Self-review: Currently we do not have students with special need. This probably because the mode of delivery of programme of the HEP is online. However should there be need for it as we progress we will consider providing the necessary assistance 4.1.18 Show the relationship between student selection, programmes and learning outcomes Students with better qualification at entry point tend to perform better in the programme and more able to adapt to the requirement of the programme. Thus the learning outcome can be achieve and measured 72 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 4.2 Articulation Regulations, Credit Transfer and Credit Exemption 4.2.1 Describe the policies, regulations and processes of credit transfer, credit exemption and articulation practices, and how are these disseminated. Students will be allowed to transfer from another university when the following conditions are fulfilled: a) The student transfers from a recognized college or university. b) The student has not been expelled from the other institution due to a disciplinary infraction. c) The student shall be subject to the conditions for transfer as stipulated by the Senate. The office of admissions and registration shall evaluate the students transcript to determine the equivalencies of the courses the student studied in another university based upon the recommendations of the Faculties that offer those subjects. The courses that are accepted as equivalent shall be entered into the students transcript and will be counted in calculating his/her CGPA and the number of credit-hours accumulated. Transfer of the students credits shall take place in accordance with the procedures, rules and the dates announced by the University. However, no more than 50% of the credits required for graduation shall be transferred. After securing the approval of the Deans of the two relevant faculties, a student may transfer from one course of study to another. A student, after securing the approval of the Dean of the faculty, may transfer from one specialisation to another within the same faculty. When a student transfers from one specialisation to another, all the courses he/she studied will remain in his/her academic record. That includes the grades, semester GPA, and the CGPA for the entire period of study in the University. The Senate has the following rights: A. The right to alter any of the legal articles of these rules and regulations or add or delete articles. B. The right to make exceptions to any of the legal articles of these rules and regulations. 73 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 4.2.1 Study & Examination Rules Post-Graduate Rules Under Graduate: M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.10 Academic\Regulations \لوائحStudy and Examination Regulations الدراسة واالمتحانات للمرحلة الجامعية Post Graduate: M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.10 Academic\Regulations \لوائحPostgraduate Studies الدراسات العليا Self-review: 74 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT 4.2.2 Describe how the HEP keeps abreast of latest development with regards to articulation, credit transfer and credit exemption and cross-border provisions. MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 4.2.2 Study & Examination Rules Post-Graduate Rules At the moment the HEP follow closely the procedure of articulation, credit transfer and credit exemption as set by MQA Under Graduate: M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.10 Academic\Regulations \لوائحStudy and Examination Regulations الدراسة واالمتحانات للمرحلة الجامعية Post Graduate: M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.10 Academic\Regulations \لوائحPostgraduate Studies الدراسات العليا Self-review: 75 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 4.3 Transfer of Students 4.3.1 Explain the policy, criteria and mechanisms to enable qualified students to transfer to another programme. Indicate if there are appropriate mechanisms such as bridging courses for students who need it. Provide figures for the last five years. • The policy has been explained in 4.2.1 • The HEP has been established and in operation since 2008 as such we do not have cases/request for credit transfer be it internally or from student coming into the HEP 4.3.2 Describe the mechanism to ensure transfer students are given exemptions by taking into account their previous experience, qualifications obtained from another programme and credits accumulated. Provide figures for the last five years. Documents like Academic transcripts, syllabus of the subject and personal interviews are used to certify the students competencies and to determine the exemption to be given. Wherever necessary or relevant students will be required to sit for exam to indicate its competencies in the relevant subject for transfer. Transfer student will be given appropriate exemption for subjects that meet the requirement of transfer credit as in the manual. 4.3.3 Indicate how students accepted for transfer have comparable achievements in their previous institution of study. Provide the relevant data to support this. The HEP has been established and in operation since 2008 as such we do not have cases/request for credit transfer be it internally or student coming into the HEP 4.3.4 Describe the policies and mechanisms to facilitate student mobility, exchanges and transfers, nationally and internationally The HEP has been established and in operation since 2008 as such we do not have cases/request for credit transfer be it internally or student coming into the HEP 76 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 4.3.1 Study & Examination Rules Post-Graduate Rules Under Graduate: M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.10 Academic\Regulations \لوائحStudy and Examination Regulations الدراسة واالمتحانات للمرحلة الجامعية Post Graduate: M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.10 Academic\Regulations \لوائحPostgraduate Studies الدراسات العليا 4.3.2 Study & Examination Rules Post-Graduate Rules Under Graduate: M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.10 Academic\Regulations \لوائحStudy and Examination Regulations الدراسة واالمتحانات للمرحلة الجامعية Post Graduate: M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.10 Academic\Regulations \لوائحPostgraduate Studies الدراسات العليا 4.3.3 Student's Personal File 4.3.4 Nil Self-review: Compactor 77 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 4.4 Student Support Services and CoCurricular Activities 4.4.1 What support services are made available to students? Show evidence that those who provide these services are qualified. What other additional support programmes provided by other organizations are accessible to students? Academic counseling Academic counseling will be given to academically difficult student to help them to improve their academic standing. The appointed staff is qualified in the area of counseling. 4.4.2 If the HEP has campuses that are geographically separated, how are student support services provided at these sites? The HEP is an online campus therefore the support services are provided through the online. 4.4.3 How are the adequacy, effectiveness and safety of these services evaluated and ensured? The HEP take serious attention in providing services to its students with respect to adequacy, effectiveness and safety of these services, so wherever and whenever there is deficiency it will be met immediately. 4.4.4 What mechanism is available for students to complain and to appeal on matters relating to student support services? Department of Student Services has created several means by which a student could forward any type of complaints through the following channels: 1- CRM Student Care Emails by which students could forward directly to the Student Services Department 2- ALIM Emails in the student portal by which the students could forward directly to the lecturers 78 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 ` Support Materials and Documents: 4.4.1 List of student Affairs Staffs W:\Student Services\01-Sutdent Affairs Deanship\01_ قسم الشؤون 40\_اإلدارية والماليةStudent Affairs staffs 4.4.2 Nil 4.4.3 Nil 4.4.4 1. Feedback Form 2. Report 3. Student Care Emails Feedback Form (for academic & all facilities): Report: Feedback form for academic & lecturer: Student care emails: Self-review: 79 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 4.4.5 Describe the roles and responsibilities of those responsible for student co-curricular activities. Since the student of HEP are scattered all over the world the HEP does not provide any co-curricular activities to the student. Department of Student Services had developed policies and regulations on student activities and had forwarded to Top Management Committee for the approval. The implementation will begin when the face-to-face teaching at the university commences. 4.4.6 Describe the management of the activities and maintenance of student records Since the student of HEP are scattered all over the world the HEP does not provide any co-curricular activities to the student. The students record and examination department maintain the student records 4.4.7 Describe the accessibility, confidentiality and effectiveness of the academic and nonacademic counselling and support services (e.g., preventive and therapeutic health services, financial aid, sports and cultural activities, career and academic counselling) available to the students Support Materials and Documents: 4.4.5 Student activities Policy W:\Student Services\01-Sutdent Affairs Deanship\01_ قسم الشؤون _اللوائح واألنظمة40\اإلدارية والمالية 4.4.6 Student's Personal File Student Record in CMS Compactor CMS 4.4.7 1) Student Services Department 2) Summary Transfer Info 3) CRM User name and password 4) Student portal User name and password W:\Students Affair\Student Services\Moaaz\Student Services Department Summary Transfer Info All academic and non-academic counselling and support services provided by the HEP will be kept confidentially. Only relevant authorities are allowed to access to the records. 80 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 81 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 4.4.8 Provide information on the availability of an early warning system to detect students with academic difficulties. The students performance will be monitored continuously and those with academic difficulties will be identified and counselled. 4.4.9 Provide information on the qualification of those who provide these services. Explain how the HEP ensures that those who provide these services are qualified. The CV of the staff will be presented upon request and for ‘your eyes only’. 4.4.10 How are students orientated into academic programmes of the HEP? New students can access the website of HEP to find information about academic programmes and any other information they required. The orientation is done online in which special guidance with picture and sound are provided in Student Portal. Students are advised to read on their own. 4.4.11 Describe additional support programmes provided by other organizations that the students could access. The students may get additional support from other organizations pertaining to their need at their place of stay. This has to be done by the student themselves since they are not on campus student. Support Materials and Documents: 4.4.8 Study & Examination Rules SOP of Issuing Warning: Under Graduate: M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.10 Academic\Regulations \لوائحStudy and Examination Regulations الدراسة واالمتحانات للمرحلة الجامعية SOP of Issuing Warnig M:\QST\QST 1 ISO Documents (Current Certification Scope)\1.3 Supporting Documents\1.3.1 Academic Affairs Division\SOP 4.4.9 Staff Personal File: HR Dept. Room Guideline & Orientation 4.4.10 Guideline & Orientation: 4.4.11 List of Service Centres and Students Services: W:\Learning Centre and Students Services\Learning Center\SHARIFAH ALSHATRI\AGREEMENT Self-review: 82 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 83 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 4.4.12 Describe the importance given to student support services in the organizational structure of the HEP. The student support services is placed under the Students Affairs Division headed by Deputy Rector in the organizational structure of the HEP 4.4.13 Provide information on the unit dedicated to academic and non-academic counseling. The unit dedicated to academic and nonacademic counseling is the student services department-to check on this 4.4.14 How is the effectiveness of the counselling services measured, and the progress of those who seek its services monitored? What plans are there to improve the services, including that of enhancing the counselling services? The effectiveness of the counselling services is measure by studying the performance of those counselled students. Their progress is monitored closely by the counsellor and further counselling will be provided if it is required. 4.4.15 Describe the mechanisms that exist to identify students who are in need of spiritual, psychological, social and academic support. Support Materials and Documents: 4.4.12 Organization Chart: M GOV 2.2 4.4.13 Orientation and Counselling Unit: M:\GOV\GOV 2 Administration\2.6 Job Descriptions\Student Affairs Division \وكالة الشؤون الطالبيةStudent Services Departmentالخدمات الطالبية 4.4.14 1- Staff of Orientation and Counselling Unit 2- Guideline & Orientation web page 4.4.15 Analysis of students' emails: W:\Student Services\01-Sutdent Affairs Deanship\04_ قسم التوجيه واإلرشاد Students that have academic difficulties may seek counsel from the academic counsellor on their own free will or they may be referred to by the academic staff. The HEP does not have the capacity and the mechanism to identify students who are in need of spiritual, psychological and social. This is because the HEP students are not on campus since the mode of delivery of HEP is online. Self-review: 84 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT 4.4.16 Describe how student supervision is instituted. Explain how the HEP deals with situations where it anticipates a student encountering academic difficulty (e.g., a student entering with a marginal academic qualification). The HEP get the assistance of its staff to refer to the counselor if there is students who face with academic difficulties. Students with low entry requirement will be closely monitored so that their performance could be identified and necessary remedial action may be taken should they encountered with academic difficulties. In addition, currently ASC/ESC are not offered as University or Faculty requirement for the purpose of enhancing the student language competency , though the language Centre has proposed that .This may be in the soonest future. Alternatively , the language centre allows the students , to attend ASC/ESC as audience or since self learning of short courses is a mode of learning students can obtain access to these courses in ALIMs after recommendation from their respective lecturers MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 4.4.16 Nil Self-review: 85 MEDIU/2010 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT 4.4.17 Describe any courses, training or reparatory sessions organized for remediation Extra tutorial may be organized to help those students with academic difficulties. 4.4.18 Describe the training and development plan to enhance the skills and professionalism of the academic and non-academic counsellors. How many have benefitted from this in the last five years? Support Materials and Documents: 4.4.17 Nil 4.4.18 Nil Besides they are academically qualified the academic and non-academic counsellor will be sent for short courses or attending workshop and seminars pertaining to counselling to enhance their skills and professionalism. Being new the needs for improvement of skills and professionalism is still low and hence no one has been sent for this purpose Self-review: 86 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 4.5 Student Representation and Participation 4.5.1 State the HEP’s policy on student participation in the teaching-learning process. Describe how students contribute to the development of these policies The HEP always encourage its student to actively participate in the teaching and learning process. Their inputs are important contributions to the development of these policies. 4.5.2 Explain the measures taken by HEP to encourage student self-government and participation in the activities of the governing bodies of the HEP. There is no student self-government and participation in the activities of the governing bodies of the HEP. This is due to the fact that the HEP is an online educational provider. 4.5.3 Show evidence of the statement of student rights and responsibilities and its availability to the campus community. There is no student self-government and participation in the activities of the governing bodies of the HEP. This is due to the fact that the HEP is an online educational provider 4.5.4 Describe the jurisdiction of judicial bodies, the disciplinary responsibilities of HEP officials, and all disciplinary procedures and their dissemination. Currently the HEP does not have the judicial bodies since it is an online provider. However, Student Affairs has already created a general policy on students discipline in which it needs to be improved from time to time. 4.5.5 Describe the policy on active student participation and show how students are encouraged to actively participate in curriculum development, teachinglearning processes as well as in other areas that affect their welfare. The HEP does not have policy on students’ participation however their feedbacks are valuable inputs in curriculum development, teaching-learning processes as well as in other areas that affect their welfare. 87 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 4.5.1 1. Feedback Form 2. Report 3. Student Care Emails Report: Feedback form for academic & lecturer: Student care emails: 4.5.2 Students association and Students Representative Policy M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.15 Student Services 4.5.3 Students association and Students Representative Policy M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.15 Student Services 4.5.4 Student Disciplinary Rules W:\Student Services\01-Sutdent Affairs Deanship\01_ قسم الشؤون _اللوائح واألنظمة40\اإلدارية والمالية 4.5.5 Nil 88 Self-review: SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT 4.5.6 How are students and student organizations facilitated to gain managerial and leadership experience, to encourage character building, to inculcate a sense of belonging and responsibility, and to promote active citizenship? There is no student organizations in the HEP however students are encouraged to participate in their community programmes to gain managerial and leadership experience, to encourage character building, to inculcate a sense of belonging and responsibility, and to promote active citizenship. MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 4.5.6 Student Activities Policy M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.15 Student Services 4.5.7 Student Disciplinary Rules W:\Student Services\01-Sutdent Affairs Deanship\01_ قسم الشؤون _اللوائح واألنظمة40\اإلدارية والمالية Wherever relevant the curriculum and the delivery of the curriculum will include aspect such as managerial skills, leadership, character building, and sense of belonging. 4.5.7 What is the policy regarding student publication? The HEP does not have any policy on students’ publication however the HEP has plan to encourage students to participate in the online students’ publication of the HEP in future. 4.5.8 Describe the appropriate channels to allow student participation in the formulation, management and evaluation of the curriculum, and in academic matters relevant to them. Students can provide feedbacks through various channel such as students’ evaluation form and through email to the customer service. 4.5.8 1. Feedback Form 2. Report 3. Student Care Emails Feedback Form (for academic & all facilities): dback/index.php/home Report: back/index.php/auth Feedback form for academic & lecturer: emic/index.php/admin Student care emails: Self-review: 89 MEDIU/2010 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT 4.5.9 What facilities are available to encourage student involvement in publication? Currently the HEP does not have students’ publication however the HEP has plan to encourage students to participate in the online students’ publication of the HEP in future. 4.6 Alumni 4.6.1 How does the HEP encourage active linkages and continuous relationship between it and its alumni? Support Materials and Documents: 4.5.9 Nil 4.6.1 4.6.2 4.6.3 Nil Nil Nil Currently the HEP does not have alumni because the 1st cohort of students has yet to graduate however the HEP has plan to encourage the potential graduates to form alumni so that it can have active linkages and continuous relationship between it and its alumni. 4.6.2 Describe the role of the alumni in curriculum development, the achievement of the learning outcomes and the future direction of the HEP Currently the HEP does not have alumni because the 1st cohort of students has yet to graduate however the HEP has plan to encourage the potential graduates to form alumni so that it can have active linkages and continuous relationship between it and its alumni. Self-review: 4.6.3 How does the HEP encourage the alumni to assist the students in preparing for their professional future? Show the result of this initiative. Currently the HEP does not have alumni because the 1st cohort of students has yet to graduate however the HEP has plan to encourage the potential graduates to form alumni so that it can have active linkages and continuous relationship between it and its alumni. 90 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 AREA 5: ACADEMIC STAFF 91 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 5.1 Recruitment and Management 5.1.1 Provide the HEP policies on academic staff recruitment to include the requirements related to the qualifications for appointment The HEP practices a staff requirement policy based on two main criteria or job specifications which are the lecturer track and tutor track. As required by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) guideline, a lecturer must possess a qualification one level higher in the relevant area that he/she is being assigned to however those with qualification in the same level may be recruited if they have at least 5 years experiences in the same areas. A tutor or specialist track would be applicants with a required skill-set in the area of specialization but does not meet the minimum qualifications requirement. Tutor track applicants are required to undergo the staff development programme, which allow them to obtain the necessary qualifications within a specific time-frame (maximum of five years). For foreign staff they are subjected to immigration Employment policies governing mandatory health checks, age requirement and so forth. Appointed academic staff list will be submitted to MOHE for certifications (teaching permit) for academic staff. 5.1.2 Provide data to show that the staffing profile matches the range and balance of teaching skills, specializations and qualifications required to deliver each programme. Identify any problem areas and describe corrective actions needed and planned One of the corrective actions planned by the HEP Is to engage the existing Academic Personnel in the Staff Development Plan for qualification upgrading and/or hire applicants with the relevant skill-set with the intention for long-term staff development initiatives. 5.1.3 Provide evidence to show that the number of academic staff involved in conducting each programme is sufficient As per 5.1.2 92 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 5.1.1 1) HR Policies and Regulations 2).JD of academic staff M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.6 HR M:\GOV\GOV 2 Administration\2.6 Job Descriptions\Academic Affairs Division وكالة الشؤون األكاديمية JD - Staff Personal File 5.1.2 1) List of Academic staff; Part time and Full Time with qualification and experience 2) Staff Personal File; Part time and Full Time HR 5.1.3 1) List of Academic staff; Part time and Full Time 2) Staff Personal File; Part time and Full Time HR Self-review: 93 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 5.1.4 Describe the teaching responsibility, research and scholarly activities, consultancy, community services and administrative functions of the academic staff to show a balance of functions and responsibilities in line with academic conventions. The HEP expects all lecturers to provide quality supervision in the classroom and to ensure all students are given the opportunity to succeed and pass their studies. The ordinary lecturers who didn’t engage in any administrative positions are expected to give lecture and tutorial not exceeding 18 hours per week. In general, lecturers do the following: Conduct tutorials, practical demonstrations, lecturers, workshops and clinic sessions in order to deliver the programme set within the curriculum Prepare module outline and timetable for each semester that is given to each student at the start of the semester. Prepare project briefs that have clear objectives, assessment criteria, deadlines and schedules and expected outcomes. Ensure Principal Lecturers are aware of the projects. Prepare teaching materials that may include visual aids, handouts, lecture notes, manuals, coursework, assignments and examination papers. Maintain effective and accurate records of attendance with lesson dates Maintain student progress records Mark and assess student’s work as objectively as possible. To recommend changes to the curriculum to the Faculty at the end of each semester. To recommend necessary resources at the end of each semester that is required for the next semester intake. Support the Faculty in all activities organized by the HEP. Supervise student’s project and thesis. Currently the lecturers have yet to be engaged in research activities. 5.1.5 State the policy to ensure the equitable distribution of responsibilities among the academic staff The HEP does not have clear policy on distribution of responsibilities among the academic staff however academic staff are given tasks and responsibilities as and when the needs arise and depending on their expertise. 94 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 5.1.4 1) Policy on Academic Regulation 2) Methods of Course Delivery M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.10 Academic\Regulations M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.10 Academic 5.1.5 090319 MEDIU's Organisational Structure ( الهيكل اإلداري لجامعة المدينة العالميةFinal) [HQ], GOV2.2; website; Outlook "Public Folders"; hardcopy, Self-review: 95 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 96 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 5.1.6 State the HEP’s policy for ensuring that teaching, research and service contributions are appropriately recognized and rewarded. The Terms Of Reference (TOR) or lecturers are to teach, do research and consultancy, and writing. These activities will be the criteria used to evaluate the lecturers and due recognition will be given and rewarded based on the contribution in those areas. Refer to page 18 and 19 of the Human Resource Policies and Regulations and Performance Management-HR-008 5.1.7 Describe the policies, criteria and processes in the appointment and promotion to academic positions, particularly that of professorship and associate professorship. Refer to page 18 and 19 of the Human Resource Policies and Regulations and Performance Management-HR-008 5.1.8 Describe how the HEP balances its recruitment between all levels of academic and non-academic staff and between local and international academic staff with multi-disciplinary backgrounds HEP practice the recruitment of academic staff based on best qualified person for the post that need a specific requirement that they must be in proficient in the language of their area of specialization besides their area of specialization. 5.1.9 Describe the nature and extent of the HEP’s national and international linkages in the effort to enhance its scholarly activities HEP encourage its academic staff to further their studies nationally and internationally in the process of enhancing its scholarly activities. HEP has plan to link with other institution of higher education to have collaboration in the area of teaching-learning, research and writing, 97 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 5.1.6 1) HR Policies and Regulations 2)Performance Management-HR-008 3) Appraisal Exercise for the current staff M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.6 HR Sample of performance management form in M:\QST\QST 1 ISO\1.4 Forms\HR Appraisal exercise in the staff file? Yes, in staff personal file. 5.1.7 1) HR Policies and Regulations 2)Performance Management-HR-008 3) Appraisal Exercise for the current staff M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.6 HR Sample of performance management form in M:\QST\QST 1 ISO\1.4 Forms\HR Appraisal exercise in the staff file? Yes, in staff personal file. 5.1.8 1) HR Policies and Regulations 2).JD of academic staff 1). M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.6 HR 2). M:\GOV\GOV 2 Administration\2.6 Job Descriptions\Academic Affairs Division وكالة الشؤون األكاديمية JD - Staff Personal File 5.1.9 MOU Document ? self-review: 98 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 5.2 Service and Development 5.2.1 Show evidence of, and state the mechanisms and procedures for, professional development and career advancement of the academic staff (including study leave, sabbatical, advanced training, specialized courses, re-tooling, etc.) The HEP still in the process of development and enhancement in every aspect of higher education therefore less emphasis is currently be given to professional development and career advancement of the academic staff (including study leave, sabbatical, advanced training, specialized courses, re-tooling, etc.) 5.2.2 Show evidence of the existence of, or academic staff access to, institutions, centers or activities (e.g., centers of excellence, research institutes, professional bodies, learned societies, academic forums) that supports academic staff development. HEP has close relationship with Islamic International University of Malaysia (IIUM) for academic staff training and support. 5.2.3 Describe how participation in staff development programmes is encouraged. HEP always encourage its academic staff to improve their academic standing to further their studies and attending seminars so as to be able to keep abreast with latest development in their field of studies. 5.2.4 Provide information on the institutional policy on service, development and appraisal of the academic staff. Describe the HEP policy to retain the academic staff. Give information on the academic staff leaving the institution in the last five years Refer the Human Resource Policies and Regulations 5.2.5 Describe the policy on consultancy and private practice HEP does not have policy on consultancy and private practice however should there be a request by the academic staff due consideration will be given on case by case basis. Refer to page 21 - 23 of the Human Resource Policies and Regulations (Section 2 : Employment Policy Conducting Consultancy - Short Courses & Training for External Organization) 99 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 5.2.1 1) HR Policies and Regulations 2) List of Trainings, Conferences, Seminars + name list of participation M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.6 HR HR 5.2.2 Proof of academic staff training and support from IIUM or other universities (externally) HR 5.2.3 1) HR Policies and Regulations 2) List of Trainings, Conferences, Seminars + name list of participation M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.6 HR HR 5.2.4 1) HR Policies and Regulations 2) Performance Management-HR-008 3) Appraisal Exercise for the current staff 4) Name list of staff leaving MEDIU and reason of leaving M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.6 HR Sample of performance management form Appraisal exercise in the staff file? 5.2.5 1) HR Policies and Regulations 2) Sample of Irwan letter in allowing and encouraging him to do consultancy externally M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.6 HR HR Self-review: 100 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 101 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 5.2.6 Describe the HEP’s criteria and administrative procedures for initial appointment, promotion and tenure. Provide written guidelines. If there are multiple tracks for academic staff, describe these and the criteria for advancement. 1. The HEP’s criteria and administrative procedures for initial appointment are as follows: The applicants must possess a minimum of qualification that is one level higher than the programme offered or those with same level of qualification but with at least 5 years of experience in the relevant area However, in cases of specialized, new areas of study or lack of qualified professionals in the chosen area; candidates are assessed by tenure/experience in the field of profession instead of qualification. The applicants must have at least 2 years of industry experience The applicants with proficiency in Arabic Language will be an advantage Applicants who have prior teaching experience will be given extra consideration. Refer to page 6 until page 9 of the Human Resource Policies and Regulations 2. In the area of administrative procedures, the following procedural guidelines are as follows upon successful appointment of an applicant An offer letter to be issued and processed by the Human Resource Department All new appointments will undergo induction course organized by the HEP to introduce them to the work culture and job requirements of the HEP. Building access pass card (Magnetic Access Points) and corporate email particulars to be verified by the Faculty, approved by Head of Faculty/Dean and submitted to Information Technology (IT) Department Handover of all allocated timetable and subject module handbooks to be given by the programme leader Formal curriculum briefing by the Dean Handover of hardcopy module handbook (in cases which involves updating of new content, the Dean and the new staff member would be required to plan for a new handbook) The semester end review to be done by the Dean Staff confirmation assessment by the Dean 102 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 5.2.6 1) HR Policies and Regulations 2)Procedure to recruit foreign staff and local staff - we only have General Procedure of recruitment (recruitment for foreign staff depends on their expertise and Immigration approval) 1) M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.6 HR 2) HR Self-review: 103 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 5.2.7 Describe the processes and procedures in handling disciplinary cases involving the academic staff. If there is breach of disciplinary conduct the academic staff concern will be given a show caused letter which they have to answer within 2 weeks. If the breach of disciplinary conduct is repeated, similar show caused letter will be issued to the maximum of three times, beyond that the academic staff concern will be called to face the disciplinary board and appropriate action will be taken. Refer to pg 54 and 55, item 4.3 Disciplinary procedure of the Human Resource Policies and Regulations 5.2.8 Describe the mentoring and guidance system for new academic staff. Provide information for the recent intake of new academic staff. The HEP does have a loose system of mentoring for new staff members. However, it is done on ad-hoc manner as and when it is relevant. 5.2.9 Describe the support available to assist new academic staff to develop teaching skills in line with current trends in pedagogy, curriculum design, instructional materials, and assessment. The new academic staff will be given the course outline and the text book for the course that they have to deliver. They are given the freedom to handle the class the way that they deem fit. However from time to time they are encourage to improve their delivery by attending relevant courses in pedagogy, curriculum design, instructional materials, and assessment when those courses are available. 5.2.10 Show evidence that academic staff are provided with the necessary training, tools and technology. The HEP does not currently have organized training for its academic staff, they are provided with the latest tools and technology in teaching-learning. From time to time they are encourage to improve their delivery by attending relevant courses in pedagogy, curriculum design, instructional materials, and assessment when those courses are available. . 104 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 5.2.7 1) HR Policies and Regulations 2)Staff Personal File for Full Time and Part Time, International and Local 1) M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.6 HR 2) HR 5.2.8 1) Staff induction 2) Proof of Training session by HR HR 5.2.9 1) Proof of support to new academic staff 2) Training provided to new academic staff ? 5.2.10 1) Proof/Evidence in providing training, tools and technology 2)List of Academic staff attended for Internal training for DIM-DIM , ALIM and MQA training HR Self-review: 105 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 5.2.11 Describe how the student appraisal of the academic staff is conducted. Indicate its frequency. At the end of every semester students are encourage to complete the student appraisal form make available on the HEP student portal. 5.2.12 List and describe the major conferences organized by the HEP in the last five years. Being new the HEP has yet to organize any conference. 5.2.13 List and describe the major conferences attended and actively participated by members of the academic staff in the last five years. Describe how the academic staff are given the opportunity to participate in professional, academic and other relevant activities at national and international levels. How is this participation appraised and its results utilized for purposes of enhancing the student experience? The HEP has always encouraged its academic staff to actively participate either as presenter or participants in any seminars or conferences. However due to budget constraint it has not been able to finance the academic staff participation. The academic staff are encouraged to seek financial support to attend any of the conferences 5.2.14 Give evidence of national and international recognition of staff members (e.g., journal editorship, service as peer reviewers, study and expert-groups and national committee membership). Currently the HEP’s academic staff have not received any recognition in either national or international in the area such as journal editorship, service as peer reviewers, study and expert-groups and national committee membership 5.2.15 Show the research activities of the academic staff in the last five years Currently none of the academic staff are involve in research activities. 5.2.16 Describe the provisions for allowing advanced enhancement for academic staff We have a policy on Conducting External Consultancy : Short Courses & Training for External Organization). We encourage staff to further study by giving them Examination Leave (depends whether the course taken relevant to the particular job of the staff). However, Sabbatical Leave does not exist in HR Policies but we will come out with a proposal (if needed). Kindly advise the best solution. 106 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 5.2.11 1. Feedback Form 2. Report Feedback Form (for academic & all facilities): Report: Feedback form for academic & lecturer: 5.2.12 Nil 5.2.13 Proof and name list attended and participated in conferences HR 5.2.14 Currently no but....any plan? In Quantitative objective? ? 5.2.15 Currently no but....any plan? In Quantitative objective? ? 5.2.16 1) HR Policies and Regulations. 1). M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.6 HR Self-review: 107 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 AREA 6: EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES 108 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 6.1 Physical Facilities 6.1.1 List the major physical facilities available to conduct educational programmes of the HEP. Minimum facilities required for eODL with partial face-to-face: No. Matter Equipment Number Proportion of Equipment to Students Ways of Usage Place/Way to Acquire 1. Virtual classroom • • • • Web camera Microphone Electronic whiteboard 1 unit of each equipment x 5 rooms 1:350 As per subject requirements Main / regional center 2. Tutorial (F2F) Tutorial room 5 rooms 1: 30 4 times per semester Regional 10 rooms 1: 30 Learning centers 3. Discussion Meeting room 1 room 1:20 As required by the students Regional / Learning centers 4. Computer Work Computer 30pc x 3 rooms 1: 30 As required by the students Regional / Learning centers 5. Lecturing materials CD Modules Textbooks 1:subject 1 type : 1 student As one's own To deliver to students via courier services The library use KOHA for its library system and developed a digital library [المدينة مكتبة ] الرقميةwhich contain e-books in html format besides other digital libraries available on the internet such as : • االلكترونية المصطفى مكتبة- • الوقفية المكتبة- • الفوائد صيد مكتبة- • الشاملة الموسوعة- المشكاة مكتبة- 109 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 6.1.1 IT inventory lists Floor plans for 8th and 11th floors ALIM, CMS, CRM, DLMS M: drive servers Self-review: 110 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 6.1.2 Describe the adequacy of the physical facilities and equipments (such as workshop, studio, laboratories) as well as human resources (for example, laboratory professionals, technicians). As per table in 6.1? 6.1.3 Identify current unmet needs and needs that may arise within the next several years. As per table in 6.1? 6.1.4 For programmes requiring workshop or laboratory support, provide a brief description of the facilities. *Refer to sheet name Answer 6.1.4 6.1.5 Show how educational resources are distributed and scheduled according to educational needs. The mode of delivery of HEP is online and the students are not on campus, however the students have access to the student portal and website for their course/subject material. At the moment, the HEP does not face any problem in term of adequacy of educational resources. 6.1.6 Show evidence that the physical facilities comply with the relevant laws, and with health and safety regulations The HEP always ensure that all the physical facilities comply with the relevant law and health and safety regulations. Refer to the attachment for the fire certificate 111 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 6.1.2 IT inventory lists M: drive 6.1.3 Cyberjaya campus and face-to-face teaching plan? W: drive 6.1.4 Answer 6.1.4 tab IT inventory lists Tracker M: drive 6.1.5 IT network diagram M: drive 6.1.6 Fire certificate M:\MTN\MTN 1 Maintenance\1.1 Plaza Masalam\051109 Plaza Masalam Fire Certificate.pdf Self-review: 112 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 6.1.7 Describe the collection available in the library and resource centre. State the database system used in them *Refer to sheet name Answer 6.1.7 The library use KOHA for its library system and developed a digital library [المدينة مكتبة ] الرقميةwhich contain e-books in html format besides other digital libraries available on the internet such as : • االلكترونية المصطفى مكتبة- • الوقفية المكتبة- • الفوائد صيد مكتبة- • الشاملة الموسوعة- • المشكاة مكتبة- The KOHA library system is currently used for managing three types of books: 1. Physical books, which is for staff reference only and not accessible online. 2. PDF digital books, which are acquired through scanned and downloaded from other Arabic Digital Libraries. This type of book is accessible online by users. 3. HTML digital books, which is from the al-Madinah Digital Library [المدينة مكتبة ]الرقميةand is also accessible by users over the internet. 6.1.8 State the number of staff in the library and resource centre and their qualifications. Staff in Shah Alam: 1 Deputy Chief Librarian – Master in Education (Curriculum Studies), Faculty of Education, University of Khartoum. Postgraduate Diploma in Information Sciences and Library Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Khartoum. Postgraduate Diploma in Islamic Economic, Faculty of Economics, University of Umm Durman Bachelor of Science, Faculty of Education , University of Khartoum 1 Librarian – Master in Library and Information Sciences [MLIS], IIUM 1 Library Assistance - Executive Diploma in Syariah Studies, UM 113 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 6.1.7 Answer 6.1.7 tab DLMS Tracker M: drive 6.1.8 Library staff CVs HR personnel files Self-review: 114 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 6.1.9 Describe resource sharing and access mechanisms that are available to extend the library’s capabilities. Comment on the extent of use of these facilities by academic staff and students. Comment on the adequacy of the library to support the programmes The HEP is using the online and digital library for the use of its students and academic staff. Currently it has been utilized heavily by both parties (students and academic staff) for teaching and learning references and researches. 6.1.10 Describe the mechanism to obtain feedback from users on the library policy, services and procedures The library currently uses online enquiry form under the supervision of customer service department to obtain feedback from students 6.1.11 Explain the steps taken and the facilities provided by the HEP to promote research activities. One of the requirements of the academic staff is to do research. HEP is introducing master and PhD programmes by research. Students in certain subjects are required to do research through project papers wherever relevant. 6.1.12 State the policy on the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in the HEP. Describe the ICT infrastructure that supports academic programmes The mode of delivery of the HEP is online therefore the HEP heavily used the information and communication technology for teaching – learning. The HEP provides Student Portal and website for teaching and learning 6.1.13 List the ICT staff and their qualifications that support the implementation of the ICT policy at the HEP *Refer to sheet name Answer 6.1.13 115 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 6.1.9 Answer 6.1.7 tab DLMS Tracker M: drive 6.1.10 CRM: student feedback on library system CRM server 6.1.11 Regulations for Faculty Members Postgraduate Guideline Regulations for Postgraduate Studies W:\Academic\WEBSITE CONTENT\POLICY M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.10 Academic\Regulations \لوائحPostgraduate Studies الدراسات العليا 6.1.12 IT inventory lists Network diagram ALIM, CMS, CRM, DLMS M: drive, M: drive, servers 6.1.13 Answer 6.1.13 tab IT staff CVs Tracker, HR personnel files Self-review: 116 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 6.1.14 Indicate what plans exist to improve the educational facilities -- physical, library and ICT -- in line with the development in teaching practice. The HEP has a plan to increase the online and digital library and its ICT infrastructure in view of future expansion in programme to be offered. NEW ADDITIONAL ANSWER: ICT Infrastructure Plan does not exist. The summary that we submitted to MSC will be provided upon request. 6.1.15 Explain how the HEP periodically reviews the adequacy, currency and quality of its educational resources The HEP always monitors the adequacy, currency and quality of its educational resources by getting feedbacks from the academic staff and the faculties and take the necessary action to improve its educational resources. 6.1.16 Indicate what plans exist to improve these facilities in line with the development in the teaching practice The HEP always monitors the adequacy, currency and quality of its educational resources by getting feedbacks from the academic staff and the faculties and takes the necessary action to improve its educational resources. It is an ongoing and continuous process. 6.1.17 Describe how students and faculty are provided with opportunities to learn the various and most current methods to access information. The HEP always provide for students and faculties to learn the various and most current methods to access information by accessing the student portal and HEP website. The students may also contact the various academic staff of HEP to get and to learn the current methods to access information. 6.1.18 How are these facilities user friendly to those with special needs? Currently the HEP does not have students with special needs. Nevertheless the facilities provided by the HEP can easily be learned by anybody with modification for those with special needs. 117 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 6.1.14 Library expansion plan ICT infrastructure expansion plan ? 6.1.15 Evidence of feedback from academic staff and faculties ? 6.1.16 Evidence of feedback from academic staff and faculties ? 6.1.17 E-orientation website Faculty training on ALIM, CMS, etc ? 6.1.18 N/A Self-review: 118 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 6.2 Research and Development 6.2.1 Describe the policy and planning that identifies the priorities, facilities and development in research and commercialization. Currently the HEP does not have a clear policy on research and its commercialization however the HEP would encourage its academic staff to be engaged in research activities in their area of specialties. The HEP would provide research facilities and fund on case by case basis. 6.2.2 Summarize the major research interests at the HEP. Describe the research facilities to support these areas of interest. Currently the HEP academic staff have not been engaging in research. However the academic emphasis of the HEP is on Islamic aspect of various academic fields. 6.2.3 Describe any programmes on ethics in research for staff and graduate students. Describe the formal policy related to scientific misconduct in research (e.g., deception, fabrication of results, plagiarism, and conduct outside the norm of scientific behaviour) and how it is disseminated. The HEP does not currently offer specific programme on ethic and research however the academic staff and the students have always been reminded about scientific misconduct in research (e.g., deception, fabrication of results, plagiarism, and conduct outside the norm of scientific behaviour). The students and the academic staff are always reminded of the importance of scientific misconduct in research and its implications for those who breach the scientific misconduct in research. 6.2.4 Specify the administrative entity that is responsible for protecting the integrity of the research processes The HEP is in the process to enhance the existing Research and Development Unit that will be responsible to manage the research and protect the integrity of research process. 119 MEDIU/2010 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT Support Materials and Documents: 6.2.1 Examples? ? 6.2.2 N\A 6.2.3 N\A 6.2.4 Research and Development Unit development plan ? Self-review: 120 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 6.2.5 Describe the facilities and the budget allocation made available by the HEP to support research. Currently the HEP does not specifically allocate budget to support research however any application for research budget will be process on a case by case basis and on the financial situation of the HEP. 6.2.6 List the major research activities and the academic staff involved in them in the last five years. Being new the HEP academic staff have not been engaging in any research activities. 6.2.7 Describe how the HEP fosters interaction between its research and educational activities Research result and finding are normally used as input to enhance lectures material. 6.2.8 Explain the mechanism that exists to ensure research activities are reflected in the curriculum and teaching. Research result and finding are normally used as input to enhance lectures material. 6.2.9 State any initiatives taken by departments to engage students in research. HEP is introducing master and PhD programmes by research. Students in certain subjects are required to do research through project papers wherever relevant. 6.2.10 Show the link between research, development and commercialization Theoretically those research and development output that has commercial value will be commercialized if there is funder. 121 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 6.2.5 N\A 6.2.6 N\A 6.2.7 Examples? ? 6.2.8 Examples? ? 6.2.9 Regulations for Faculty Members Postgraduate Guideline Regulations for Postgraduate Studies W:\Academic\WEBSITE CONTENT\POLICY M:\GOV\GOV 1 Policy\1.10 Academic\Regulations \لوائحPostgraduate Studies الدراسات العليا 6.2.10 Research and Development policy? ? Self-review: 122 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 6.2.11 List and describe the research, development and commercialization activities and achievements in the last five years. Up till now, the HEP does not have any research, development and commercialization activities and achievements 6.2.12 Describe the processes where the HEP reviews its research resources and facilities and the steps taken to enhance its research capabilities The Top Management Committee (TMC) would review reports on the current and future needs for research resources and facilities that were gathered from various faculties and action be taken to enhance the HEP research capabilities. 6.2.13 Describe the incentives to academic staff to engage in publication, including in reputable refereed journals Publication has always been one of the most important criteria used by the HEP in assessment process of the academic staff especially for promotion exercise. 6.2.14 List and describe the major publications of the academic staff in the last five years 123 MEDIU/2010 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT Support Materials and Documents: 6.2.11 N\A 6.2.12 TMC meeting minutes M: drive 6.2.13 Academic staff promotion and assessment policy? ? 6.2.14 N\A Self-review: 124 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 6.3 Educational Expertise 6.3.1 Describe the policy and practice on the use of appropriate educational expertise in planning educational programmes and in the development of new teaching and assessment methods. The HEP engaged its academic staff, the subject matter experts (SME) and consultants in planning educational programmes and in the development of new teaching and assessment methods. 6.3.2 Describe the access to educational expertise, both internal and external, and its utilization for staff development and research. The HEP has constantly seek the advise of internal and external expertise for the purpose of staff development and research. The HEP also encourage collaboration in research and writing with other external expertise. 6.4 Educational Exchange 6.4.1 Describe the practice of the HEP in collaborating and cooperating with other providers for exchanges of student, staff, and resources in compliance with the HEP’s policy. Provide information on these exchanges for the last five years. Currently the HEP does not have any collaboration and cooperation with other providers for exchanges of student, staff, and resources. However the HEP has close understanding with IIUM for staff exchanged. NEW ANSWER: Currently, we have signed MOU with IBFIM for knowlwdge & experty exchange and in progress effort to sign MOU with INCEIF & OUM. 6.4.2 Describe how is this collaboration disseminated to students and faculty. Not relevant. 6.4.3 How do the educational exchanges benefit the HEP? It helps the HEP to fill up any gaps in area of academic staff inadequacy. 125 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 6.3.1 Educational programmes planning policy/procedures? ? SME contacts HR personnel files 6.3.2 Examples? ? 6.4 Educational Exchange 6.4.1 MOU Document 6.4.2 6.4.3 N/A N/A ? Self-review: 126 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 6.4.4 Describe the future plans to strengthen international collaborative activities. The HEP always work towards strengthening the collaborative activities with other international provider especially in the area of using their facilities as Learning Centre and their academic staff as facilitator at the Learning Centre. The future plans may include collaborative research and writing. 6.4.5 How would a policy on exchanges with international institutions benefit the HEP? Policies on exchanges with international institutions would greatly benefit the HEP in the area of new development of curriculums and teaching-learning, the exchange would encourage collaboration in research and writing, exchange of academic staff etc. 6.4.6 Describe the facilities and financial allocation to support educational exchanges. Due to financial limitation the HEP has limited fund to provide facilities and financial allocation however any request for such allocation will be considered on case by case basis. 127 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 6.4.4 Learning and Service centres list 6.4.5 N\A 6.4.6 N\A website Self-review: 128 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 6.5 Financial Allocation 6.5.1 Provide information on the HEP’s financial standing and sources which supports its academic, research and service missions. Due to the sensitivity and confidentiality, the information will be provided upon request. 6.5.2 Demonstrate how the financial allocation dedicated to the HEP -- and its utilization -- is sufficient for it to achieve its purpose. Since its establishment in 2007, the HEP does not have any problems in the financial allocation. All financial needs for the management of HEP through these years were met. 6.5.3 Indicate the responsibilities and line of authority in terms of budgeting and resource allocation in the HEP. The faculties and units in the HEP will prepare the budget for their faculties and units for the coming year and the financial manager will prepare the overall HEP budget taking into consideration the budget prepare by faculties and units. The proposed budget for HEP will be presented to the Top Management Committee for approval. 6.5.4 Describe the policy on tuition fees and other payments, and the policy of refund to students who withdraw or who are dismissed from the institution. The policy on tuition fees and other payments allows students to pay lump sum or instalments as agreed upon between the two parties. For those who have paid the fees and decided to withdraw from the HEP part of the tuition fee may be refunded depending on the date of withdrawal. Refer to the attachment: 3.1 Study and Examination Rules and Regulations For the Bachelor’s Degree, Diploma (Equivalent to a TwoYear Degree) and the Pre-University Foundation Level- 129 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 6.5.1 Financial statements EMAS Financial system. Audited Reports. Monthly financial reports. Budgets. (Custodian: Zuraidah Othman. Normeeza Sahidin). Management Meeting Minutes and Agreement (Majidin Abdullah) FAD records 6.5.2 Financial statements EMAS Financial system. Audited Reports. Monthly financial reports. Budgets. (Custodian: Zuraidah Othman. Normeeza Sahidin). Management Meeting Minutes and Agreement (Majidin Abdullah) FAD records 6.5.3 FAD functions Budget documents (Custodian: Normeeza Sahidin). Planning and Budgetting Control Procedure (Majidin Abdullah) M: drive and website 6.5.4 Study and Examination Rules and Regulations For the Bachelor’s Degree, Diploma (Equivalent to a Two-Year Degree) and the Pre-University Foundation Leveltuition fees and refund M: drive and website Website and M:Drive folders contain Information pertaining to policy and procedure regarding tuition fees structure, payment, refund, withdrawal, payment by installtion etc. (FAD Custodian: Zuraidah Othman). Self-review: 130 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 6.5.5 Provide information on number of students who are funded through loans, grants or scholarship. What are the major sources of student funding? There are total of 733 active students for 2008 intake and 297 for the new scholarship students for 2009 and 2010 ( As at 05/02/2010). All of them are sponsored by individual donors and other groups of scholarship funds. 6.5.6 Describe how those responsible for a programme enjoy sufficient autonomy to allocate and utilize resources to achieve the programme objectives Those responsible for a programme must put up their plan on the management of the programme and the support system and services for deliberation and consideration of the Top Management Committee. Upon approval of the plan they are to execute the programme as plan. 131 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 6.5.5 Scholarship records in Scholarship Master List: W Drive: W:\Students Affair\Student Services\Scholarship\Scholarship Master List W:\Students Affair\Student Services\Scholarship\List of New Sch.Students W : Drive ( The Scholarship Master List ) containing the current status of scholarship students ( Huwaida Mohd Sidik). As for list of donors,all the list are under confidential. If required, have to be requested to the Rector. 6.5.6 TMC meeting minutes: M: drive Self-review: 132 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 AREA 7: PROGRAMME MONITORING AND REVIEW 133 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 7.1 Mechanisms for Programme Monitoring and Review 7.1.1 Describe the processes, procedures and mechanisms for monitoring and reviewing a curriculum. Faculty Board meeting minutes 7.1.2 Describe the structure and workings of programme review committees. The Faculty Board plays the role of programme review committee and consists of the Dean and Head of Departments as the chairman, the Head of Departments and the academic staff teaching the subject. When the need arises they discuss programme review matters in the Faculty Board meetings. 7.1.3 Describe the nature of the relationship and the responsibilities of the parties involved in collaborative arrangements in programme monitoring and review. Currently, there are no collaborative arrangements. 7.1.4 How does a self-review process assist in identifying weaknesses and in improving academic programmes? The self-review process help to identify the strengths and the weaknesses of the HEP especially with respect to the programme offered. The information gathered in the self-review process will be used as inputs to further strengthen its strength and improve its weaknesses. 7.1.5 Explain how the HEP ensures that identified concerns are addressed. The findings from the self review process will be brought to the Top Management Committee for the deliberation and consideration. Those short comings that need immediate action will be dealt with immediately, for the other issues or short comings further investigation and planning will be done before action for improvement are taken. 7.1.6 Describe how the HEP uses the feedback from programme review in programme development. All feedbacks from programme review in programme development will be further deliberate and be used as inputs for programme improvement. 134 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: Self-review: 135 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 7.1.7 Describe how evaluation activities are being enhanced and refined to cover all important components of the programmes In the area where the HEP does not have expertise outside consultant will be used to enhance and refine the evaluation activities to ensure that it covers all important components of the programme. 7.1.8 How are student performance and progression analyzed to ascertain that learning outcomes have been achieved? The assessment methods used in each subject delivered will analyzed the student's performance and progression. They are used to measure whether the learning outcomes of that particular subject or programme are achieved. The information gather from the analysis will be used to improve the delivery, the support system and the infrastructure to ascertain that learning outcomes of the subjects and the programmes will be achieved. 7.1.9 Explain how the HEP utilizes the analysis of student performance and progression to provide feedback to committees responsible for student selection, curriculum planning and student counselling. Provide examples. The performance and progression of the existing students will be used to find out whether the students selection based on the entry requirement used is appropriate. It will also be used for curriculum planning and improvement with respect to the content and its relevancy and currency that meet the needs of the industries. In any process of student counselling input such as students performance and progression will help the counselling sessions and progress. 136 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 7.1.7 : Exam Question Bank Consultant contract (Dr. Nahla) and Lecturer appointed to evaluate programmes (Dr. Mohammed Al-basyoumi) 7.1.8 : ALIM: Student Assessment Marks (Servers) Self-review: 137 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 7.2 Involvement of Stakeholders 7.2.1 Which stakeholders are consulted in the monitoring and review of programmes? Describe the involvement of these stakeholders. The students and the academic staff who teach that particular subject will be mostly consulted in the process of programme monitoring and review. Their feedbacks and comments will be collected and analyzed to improve the programme. Feedbacks from other stakeholders such as the industries or potential employers are gathered formally or informally will also be used during the monitoring and review of the programme. 7.2.2 Show how the views of these stakeholders are taken into consideration The HEP always take into consideration and used views or feedback from these stakeholders in its process of reviewing and monitoring its programme. The HEP always put high regards on their invaluable views, for it will definitely help HEP to improve and go to the higher level of achievement 7.2.3 Show how feedbacks obtained from stakeholders are incorporated in a programme review exercise. The HEP always has discussion formally or informally with its stakeholders to find their views that can be incorporated in programme review exercise. Refer to the attachment 7.1 Sample of Comments and Feedbacks-Customer Service Center 7.2.4 Do stakeholders have access to the final report of a programme review? The stakeholders can have access to the HEP website for information about its programme and see for themselves the various reviews that have been incorporated into the programme. 7.2.5 How are professional bodies and associations engaged in programme monitoring and review? The professional bodies and associations are always been engaged by the HEP indirectly through MQA during assessment for programme approval and accreditation, before any of relevant programme could be approved or accredited. 138 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 7.2.5 : MQA Submission docs (M: ACD) 7.2.5 : MQA Approvals (M: ACD) 7.2.5 : Appointment of SME, CDC and consultants (HR personnel files) Self-review: 139 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 AREA 8: LEADERSHIP, GOVERNANCE AND ADMINISTRATION 140 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 8.1 Governance 8.1.1 Show how the policies and practices of the HEP are consistent with its statement of purpose. The policies and practices of the HEP are always consistent with its statement of purpose especially with respect to upholding the Islamic teaching and practice as the backbone of the delivery or the practice of Islamic teaching, culture and knowledge in all of the programmes delivered in the HEP. Refer to item 1.1.1(Area 1) for the vision, mission and educational goals 8.1.2 Describe the governance structures and functions, and the relationships between them. How are these made known to all parties involved? Refer to the attachment 8.1 Organizational Chart and Functions. 8.1.3 Describe the functions, structure, leadership, membership and reporting protocol of the major permanent decision-making bodies of the HEP. The Top Management Committee is headed by the Rector and consists of the Top Management of the HEP. It is the main body that deliberate and decide on policy issues, management of the HEP including the running of its programmes. The Head of Departments will report to the Deans on all issues pertaining to his/her department and the Deans will report to the Deputy Rectors (Academic Affairs Division). The Deputy Rectors will form the Top Management Committee (TMC). 8.1.4 Describe how the HEP ensures the effectiveness of relationship between the institutional leadership and the departments. The line of responsibilities and protocol connecting the various departments, faculties to the Top Management Committee will ensure the flow of information, bottom up and/or top bottom and all issues will be dealt with accordingly and appropriately as and when the need arises. 141 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 8.1.1: 090402 Vision, Mission & Objectives الرؤية والرسالة ( واألهدافFinal) – (GOV2.5; website; Outlook "Public Folders") 8.1.2 : Organizational Chart (GOV2.2; website; Outlook "Public Folders") 8.1.2: Functions (GOV2.3; website; Outlook "Public Folders") 8.1.3 : TMC Functions, Senate Policy, Faculty Boards, Deans, etc policies (GOV2.3; website; Outlook "Public Folders") 8.1.4 : TMC meeting minutes (GOV5.3) 8.1.4 : Senate meeting minutes (GOV5.1) Self-review: 142 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 143 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 8.1.5 Describe the representation and role of the academic staff, students and other principal stakeholders in the various institutional governance structures and committees. Indicate the type and frequency of meetings held during the past academic year. The academic staffs are members of a faculty or department. They are represented directly in their respective departments and faculties. They are to attend departments and faculties meeting regularly where they participate and express their views and concern about the department and faculties. The department and faculties meet regularly at least once per semester. Besides, academic staffs are also members of various committees at departments, faculties and HEP level such as Academic and Corporate Planning Committee, Website Committee etc. At the moment the students do not have students representation in various institutional governance structures and committees, however they can express their views and give their feedbacks through students evaluation form that could be access from the student portal. 8.1.6 Show evidence that the governing board is an effective policy-making body with adequate autonomy. Refer to the attachment 8.1 Organization Chart and functions Minutes of the meeting will be provided upon request and ‘for your eyes only’ 8.1.7 Describe the mechanisms to ensure functional integration and comparability of educational quality in campuses that are geographically separated. Since the HEP’s mode of delivery is online, the students and the HEP are connected through the online infrastructure and the educational standard and quality is the same across geographical separation. 144 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 8.1.5: TMC meeting minutes (GOV5.3) 8.1.5 : Senate meeting minutes (GOV5.1) 8.1.5 : Faculty Boards and Committees meeting minutes (ACD5) 8.1.6 : Organizational Chart (GOV2.2; website; Outlook "Public Folders") 8.1.6 : Functions (GOV2.3; website; Outlook "Public Folders") 8.1.6 : TMC meeting minutes (GOV5.3) 8.1.6 : Senate meeting minutes (GOV5.1) 8.1.7 : ALIM (Courseware, Master Text), Webmeeting ( Servers) Self-review: 145 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 8.1.8 Describe the department or unit set up to assure educational quality. Describe the internal quality assurance system and mechanism. The internal quality assurance system and mechanism of the HEP is managed and monitored under the auspices of the ‘Deputy Rector for research and development’. The Division concerned with educational quality is the R&D division chaired by Deputy Rector for research and development and the Head of Academic quality assurance Department. 8.1.9 Highlight the major community engagement activities of members of the HEP. How is involvement in such activities recognized? Currently there are not much of community engagement activities that involve members of the HEP. However the members at time were invited to participate in various ceremonial events involving the community at various level of the society. 8.1.10 Describe the committee system responsible for academic programmes in the HEP and how it utilizes consultation and feedback, and considers market needs analysis and employability projections. The HEP/ the faculty will establish committee for academic programmes as and when the need arises such as developing, monitoring the delivery and assessment of the academic programmes and from time to time makes improvement on the existing programmes offered. 8.1.11 Describe the representation and role of the academic staff, students and other stakeholders in the various governance structures and committees of the HEP. The governance structures and committees of the HEP will normally be comprised of the academic staff of HEP. For example the HEP University Council is comprised of the Academic staffs that were appointed to the Council and renowned members of the public. Other stakeholders are invited to contribute their ideas and opinion to the various structures and committees either formally or informally. 146 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 8.1.8 : Division/Department Functions (GOV2.3; website; Outlook "Public Folders") 8.1.9 : News/Events' on the website Listing : Al-Madinah International University (MEDIU) participates in Selangor Islamic Education Convention. Dated: 8th December, 2009 (Website: 8.1.9 : Educational field trip of students and teachers from Ibn Khaldun High School, Shah Alam, Selangor. Dated: 27th May, 2009 ( 8.1.9 : A signing agreement of collaboration between AlMadinah International University (MEDIU) with Jaiputra College Dated: 15th May, 2009 ( 8.1.9 : Educational field trip of students and lecturers from the Graduate Program of Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia Dated: 30th January, 2009 ( 8.1.9 : Visit by a delegation of educators from Indonesia to MEDIU. Dated: 26th November, 2008 ( 8.1.9: Al-Madinah International University (MEDIU) participate in Al-Kuwait Educational Exhibition Dated: 17th December, 2008 ( 8.1.9 : Educational field trip from the management and students of Universitas Sjahkhyakirti, Palembang. Dated: 18th November, 2008 ( 8.1.10 : Faculty Board meeting minutes (ACD5) 8.1.11 : Organizational Chart (GOV2.2; website; Outlook "Public Folders") 147 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 8.1.12 Describe the role and function of the Chair of the governing board. The chair of the governing board which is the Council of HEP is non-executive chairman. His roles and functions is to chair the Council meetings which is held once a year to dwelt policy issues of the HEP. Minutes of the meeting of the council will be presented upon request and for ‘your eyes only’. 8.1.13 Describe how free the governing board from undue external pressures is. The governing board is independent of external pressure and is autonomous however they have to meet the standard requirement as set by the MOHE and MQA and other relevant quality assurance bodies. 8.1.14 Describe the policy pertaining to conflict of interest, particularly in relation to private practice and part-time employment of its employees. Currently the HEP does not have any policy pertaining to conflict of interest, particularly in relation to private practice and part-time employment of its employees however any conflict of interest in relation to private practice and parttime employment of its employees will be dealt with upon request and on case by case basis. 8.1.15 Describe the HEP’s participation in the socio-economic activities of the community in which it is located. The participation of the HEP in the socio-economic activities of the community in which it is located is very limited because of it is new to the community and it is still in the process of developing itself. 148 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 8.1.12 : Constitution: Chancellor role (GOV2.1) 8.1.12 : University Council minutes (GOV5.4) 8.1.13: Constitution: University Council (GOV2.1) Self-review: 149 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 8.2 Institutional and Academic Leadership 8.2.1 Describe the selection criteria, selection process, job description, and the qualification and experience required of members of the institutional executive management team of the HEP. Attached is the HR Policy of the HEP. 8.2.2 Describe the current leaders of academic programmes and departments (i.e., the academic leadership) in terms of their qualifications, experience and expertise on issues of curriculum design, delivery and review. Describe the procedures and criteria for their selection, appointment and evaluation. As per item 8.2.1 8.2.3 Describe the relationship between the HEP leadership and the academic leadership in matters such as recruitment and training, student admission, and allocation of resources and decision-making processes. The Top Management Committee is headed by the Rector and consists of the Top Management of the HEP. It is the main body that deliberate and decide on policy issues, management of the HEP including the running of its programmes. The Head of Departments will report to the Deans on all issues pertaining to his/her department and the Deans will report to the Deputy Rectors (Academic Affairs Division). The Deputy Rectors will form the Top Management Committee (TMC). 8.2.4 Describe how the performance of the academic leadership of the departments and programmes is periodically evaluated. The performance of the academic leadership of the departments and programmes is periodically evaluated annually by their immediate superiors and they will be discussed in the TMC meetings where appropriate rewards and penalties such as salary increments, bonus and promotions of the high achievers will be recognized. 150 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 8.2.5 Show how the HEP leadership and the academic leadership create a conducive environment to generate innovation and creativity in the institution The HEP and the academic leadership will always encourage the staff to continuously innovate and improve on the performance. Conducive environment such as good infrastructure facilities are provided for the staff by HEP. Support Materials and Documents: The HEP has always been sensitive to the needs and the welfare of its staff. 8.2.1: Top management JDs (HR personnel files) 8.2.6 Describe the policies to enhance the leadership capabilities of the HEP leadership and the academic leadership. List the programmes that the HEP and the academic leadership have undergone for this purpose in the last five years. 8.2.2: HR Policy (GOV1.6; website) The HEP has provided the staff incentive to improve or enhanced their leadership capabilities by having training programmes such as short courses in English and Arabic for free. The staffs are also encouraged to further their studies in their chosen and relevant programmes that will be fully financed by the HEP if it is done internally. 8.2.1: HR Policy (GOV1.6; website) 8.2.2: Academic Leadership JDs (HR personnel files) 8.2.3: TMC meeting minutes (GOV5.3) 8.2.3: Senate meeting minutes (GOV5.1) 8.2.3: Faculty Boards meeting minutes (ACD5) 8.2.4: Performance management/evaluation records (HR personnel files) 8.2.4: TMC meeting minutes (GOV5.3) 151 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 8.3 Administrative and Management Staff 8.3.1 Describe the structure of the administrative staff which supports the educational programmes. Refer to the attachment 8.1 Organizational chart and function Each department and faculty has its own administrative staff which supports the educational programmes. 8.3.2 Explain how the number of the administrative staff is determined in accordance to the needs of the programmes and other activities. Describe the recruitment processes and procedures. State the terms and conditions of service. The number of the administrative staff is determined by the amount of workload in the department concerned. Since currently the workload is still low the administrative staff would normally multi tasking. As the amount of workload increases the number of administrative staff will be increase accordingly. Refer to the attachment 5.1 Human Resource Policies and Regulations 8.3.3 Describe the effectiveness and efficiency of the administrative support for academic programmes. The programmes offered at MEDIU is an on-line programmes, therefore the effectiveness and efficiency of the administrative and IT support for academic programmes are very important crucial. 8.3.4 State the mechanisms for training and career advancement for administrative and management staff of the HEP. Describe the achievements of this training and career advancement activity in the last five years. HR policy on training and career advancement Refer to the attachment 5.1 Human Resource Policies and Regulations 152 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 8.3.1 : Organizational Chart (GOV2.2; website; Outlook "Public Folders") 8.3.1 : Functions (GOV2.3; website; Outlook "Public Folders") 8.3.2: HR Policies and Regulations (GOV1.6; website) 8.3.2: Employee contracts(HR personnel files) 8.3.2: JDs (HR personnel files) 8.3.3: Student feedback ( ( ) ( Username: admin Password: maliki 8.3.3: Staff performance reviews (Staff performance for lecture its hardcopy with HR department and the sample for the form locate in M:\QST\QST 1 ISO Documents (Current Certification Scope)\1.4 Forms\1.4.6 HR) 8.3.4: HR policies and Regulations (GOV1.6; website) Self-review: 153 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 8.3.5 Describe how the HEP conducts regular performance review of its administrative and management staff. Refer to the attachment 8.3 Human Resource Policies and Regulations-page 25-27 5.2 Sample of Performance Management HR-008 8.3.6 State the mechanisms and procedures for monitoring and appraising staff performance, for ensuring equitable distribution of duties and responsibilities among the staff, and for determining the distribution of rewards. All staff performance is being appraised based on KPI. At the beginning of the year, each staff is asked to detail his/her job duties and responsibilities for the year. Their performance based on their job duties and responsibilities will be continuously accessed and monitored, any gaps between the job duties and responsibilities and actual performance will be identified and rectified. Refer to the attachment 8.3 Human Resource Policies and Regulations-page 25-27 5.2 Sample of Performance Management HR-008 8.3.7 Describe the processes and procedures in managing the discipline of the staff The problematic staff will be informed of their wrong doing related to the discipline and should the same wrong doing or other wrong doing done by the same staff be repeated warning letters will be given to the maximum of three. Beyond that numbers, he/she will be brought to the disciplinary board. Refer to the attachment 5.1 Human Resource Policies and Regulations 8.3.8 Describe the training scheme for the administrative and management staff to fulfil the needs of the educational programmes. Refer to the attachment 5.1 Human Resource Policies and Regulations 154 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: Support Materials and Documents: 8.3.5 : HR Policies and Regulations-page 25-27 (GOV1.6; website) 8.3.5 : Sample of Performance Management HR-008 (HR personnel files) 8.3.6 : HR Policies and Regulations-page 25-27 (GOV1.6; website) 8.3.6 : Sample of Performance Management HR-008 (HR personnel files) 8.3.6 : Quantitative Objectives (GOV2.5) 8.3.7 : HR policies and Regulations (GOV1.6; website) 8.3.8 : HR policies and Regulations (GOV1.6; website) Self-review: Self-review: 8.4 Academic Records 155 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 8.4.1 State the policies on the secure retention, retrieval and disposal of student and academic staff records. The students’ record will be kept: Student Exam answer scripts will be kept for at least one cycle for that cohort. Transcript/exam records will be kept forever Student personal data will be kept forever The academic staff record will be kept while he/she is a member of the HEP. 8.4.2 Describe how the HEP ensures the rights of individual privacy and the confidentiality of records. How are these made known? All records will be kept in the compactor and only certain individual has access to the compactor. He/she needs to sign a secrecy oath. 8.4.3 Describe the HEP’s review policies on security of records and its plans for improvements. The policies on security of records will be review as and when the need arise. 156 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 8.4.1 : Sample files (Compactor and HR file room) 8.4.2 : Sample signed employee secrecy oaths (HR personnel files) Self-review: 8.5 Interaction with External Sectors 157 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 8.5.1 Describe the mechanisms to ensure that the HEP interacts constructively with the external sectors, including its external stakeholders. One of the mechanisms used by the HEP is the establishment of the subject matter expert (SME) that may include external stakeholders that enable the HEP to interact constructively with the external sectors in the relation to development and enhancement of the programmes offered by the HEP. 8.5.2 Describe the effectiveness of the relationships between the HEP and the external sectors. Currently the relationship between the HEP and the external sectors has been effective in the aspect of programme development. 8.5.3 Describe any type of shared responsibility between the HEP and the external sectors. Currently the HEP’s engagement with the external sectors are mostly in the aspect of programme development, academic consultation and recruitment. The HEP has plan for collaboration for the future in the area such as research and writing. 8.5.4 Describe the formal agreements between the HEP and its external sectors. The HEP has established formal agreement with various parties especially on the usage of facilities as learning centers in various parts of the world. Refer to the attachment 8.4 Learning Centre-Address, Telephone and Fax No. Support Materials and Documents: 8.5.1: SME contracts (HR personnel files) 8.5.2: SME contracts (HR personnel files) 8.5.3: SME contracts (HR personnel files) 8.5.4: Service and Learning Centre-Address, Telephone and Fax No. ( 8.5.4: Agreements (W:\Learning Center\AGREEMENT) 158 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 AREA 9: CONTINUAL QUALITY IMPROVEMENT 159 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 9.1 Quality Improvement 9.1.1 Describe the policies and procedures for regular reviewing and updating of the internal quality assurance activities of the HEP. The Academic Regulatory Unit is the unit entrusted to regularly reviewing and updating of the internal quality assurance activities of the HEP. The policies and procedures on the internal quality assurance of the HEP are closely tied with the MQA guidelines with respect to programme development, review and monitoring and the establishment and procurement of the support system in teaching-learning activities of the HEP. 9.1.2 Describe the efforts taken by the internal quality assurance unit to keep abreast with the changes and best practices in quality assurance. The HEP through their internal quality assurance unit will always keep abreast with the changes and the best practice quality assurance by sending staff to quality assurance workshop organized by QA bodies such as MQA. 9.1.3 Identify those responsible for continual quality improvement within the HEP and their qualifications and experiences. The Deputy Rector of Academic Affairs Division is the main officer responsible for developing and practicing continual quality improvement within the HEP wherever necessary consultant will be employed to help the units in the process of continual quality improvement. 9.1.4 How does the unit or department dedicated to quality assurance support the HEP’s attempt to ensure continuous quality improvement? The Unit or department dedicated to quality assurance support the HEP’s attempt to ensure continuous quality improvement by closely monitor the latest development in quality assurance requirements and procedures and make the necessary changes or improvement to ensure continuous quality improvement of the HEP. 160 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 9.1.3: CV of DR, AA and any consultants (HR personnel files) Self-review: 161 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 9.1.5 Describe how the HEP implement the recommendations for quality improvement and record the achievements of such implementations. The HEP would normally adhere to recommendations by the authorized body for quality improvement such as MQA and the HEP is able to implement most of the recommendations. 9.1.6 Describe the link between the quality assurance processes and the achievement of the institutional goals. Currently the HEP has not produces any graduate as such it is not able to fully measure the achievement of the institutional goal, however the quality assurance process of the HEP is a continuous process. The HEP will always take steps to ensure that the educational goals will be achieved and continuous improvement and development will be done to ensure that the goals will be met. 9.1.7 How prominent is the internal quality assurance unit in the organizational structure of the HEP? The internal quality assurance unit is placed under the auspices of the Deputy Rector Academic Affairs Division of the HEP. This in itself signifies the important of the division to the HEP. 9.1.8 Describe the recent and projected activities undertaken by the HEP with the purpose to ensure that it remains responsive to its changing environment and in embracing the spirit of continual quality improvement. The HEP is one of the participant for the Academic performance Audit(APA) organized by MQA and MOHE to evaluate its quality assurance situation and subject itself to external assessment. 9.1.9 What are the attempts made by the HEP to have its internal quality assurance system accredited and recognized by a relevant, external and authoritative accreditation body? The HEP is subjected to quality assurance requirement set by MQA for its programmes that are being offered. It has yet to achieve the serve accreditation status. 162 SELF-REVIEW PORTFOLIO FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT MEDIU/2010 Support Materials and Documents: 9.1.7: Org Chart (GOV2.2) Self-review: 163