Final Exam Review Activities: The final exam will be on Wednesday

Final Exam Review Activities:
The final exam will be on Wednesday, June 13 for period 1 and 4. The final exam will be on Thursday, June 14 for
periods 7 and 8. In order to prepare you for 50 multiple choice question exam, you will be completing a number of
activities in class and at home.
Activities you will complete:
ABC book of Earth Science.
List to rank your comfort level with each of the units we have learned about this year.
5-4-3-2-1 Review Sheets for the 4 units that you are LEAST comfortable with.
Practice worksheets for 4 additional units.
Schedule of completion:
You will have each of the remaining class periods prior to your final in order to complete these assignments. Depending
on the time you take on each of these tasks and how effectively you are working in class, you may also need to spend
time on these activities at home. On the day of your final you will hand in a portfolio containing your review activities
for a grade. Review activities will NOT be accepted late, you will hand in what you have on the day of the final to be
Where to find activities:
All activities can be accessed on the back tables of the room or on the website. You can feel free to complete additional
activities to help you in your understanding.
Description of Each Task:
1. ABC book of Earth Science
For each letter you must:
1. Identify a term we studied this year that starts with that letter.
2. Define the term in a complete sentence
3. Draw, label, and color a picture to illustrate the meaning of the term.
4. Give 2 additional facts about your term.
2. Comfort Level List:
Rank your level of comfort with each of the following units from this year. We have done 11 units in class, each of which
is listed below. Order the units below from the one you are the least comfort able with (1) to the one you are the most
comfortable with (11). Feel free to look at past unit guides or chapters in the book to refresh your memory.
3. 5-4-3-2-1 Review Sheets
I have created 11 of these sheets (one for each unit this year). You are responsible for completing one of these
sheets for the units that you ranked 1, 2, 3, and 4. (A total of 4 sheets).
4. Worksheets
I have created 11 worksheets, one for each unit. You are responsible for completing 4 worksheets from any unit
that you ranked 5-11.
Grading: ABC book (13 points), 5-4-3-2-1 sheets (2.5 points per sheet), puzzle sheet (.5 point per sheet) TOTAL: 25
Comfort Level List: Rank from 1 (least comfortable) to 11 (most comfortable)
Unit Number
Unit Name
Book Chapter
The Nature of Science and Measurement
Chapter 1
Matter and Its Changes
Chapter 2
Maps and Telescopes
Chapter 6 and 22
The Solar System
Chapter 24
The Sun-Earth-Moon System
Chapter 23
The Atmosphere
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Minerals and Rocks
Chapter 3 and 4
Earth's Past: Relative and absolute dating
Chapter 13
Chapter 18 and 19
The Universe and Stars
Chapter 25
My Ranking