STELLENBOSCH UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE AND HEALTH SCIENCES APPLICATION FOR EARLY-CAREER RESEARCH FUNDING FOR 2016 (To be completed electronically) Purpose The purpose of these awards is to provide funding for early-career researchers to enable them to embark on a research project that would lead to the production of research outputs that would enable them to apply for national and international grants. Eligibility South Africans and foreign nationals are eligible to apply Applicants must be staff (full time, part time or jointly appointed) at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS), Stellenbosch University Applicants must be in possession of a PhD degree or a medical specialist qualification, e.g. MMed or CMSA, obtained within the last 10 years Applicants may hold a MRC Career Development Award or NRF Career Advancement Fellowship at the time of application Postdoctoral fellows and students are not eligible to apply Conditions Proof of ethics approval for the earmarked project must be provided by 30 April of the funding year A report of project outcomes and outputs should be submitted within 12 months of receiving an Early-career Research Funding award Recommendations Applicants will be expected to apply for at least one appropriate national grant during the year of the award, if eligible Funding award Up to ten (10) Early-career Research Funding awards, ranging from R 50,000 to R 150,000, will be made available for a period of 1 year, depending on well-motivated budget requirements. Funding can be utilised towards the following: Research materials Minor research equipment Publication costs Student bursaries (not towards applicant) Research assistance (not towards applicant) Lecturer replacement (if approved by departmental head) Submission Completed applications must be submitted in hard copy and electronically to Ms Bronwyn Coombs (, Room 5009A, 5th Floor, Teaching building, Tygerberg campus. Deadline for submission of applications: 16 November 2015 (Monday) Outcomes of the applications will be made known during February 2016 ECRF application 2016 2 STELLENBOSCH UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE AND HEALTH SCIENCES EARLY-CAREER RESEARCH FUNDING FOR 2016 SECTION 1. APPLICANT SURNAME FIRST NAME DIVISION / CENTRE / UNIT DEPARTMENT NATIONALITY EMPLOYER (INSTITUTION) STAFF (FULL TIME) E-MAIL ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER EMPLOYMENT POSITION UT NUMBER STAFF (PART TIME) STAFF (CONTRACT) END DATE OF EMPLOYMENT (if applicable) QUALIFICATIONS DEGREE FIELD OF STUDY INSTITUTION YEAR OBTAINED RESEARCH IMPACT NRF RATING (and category) H-index (and source) 3 RESEARCH OUTPUTS PEER-REVIEWED RESEARCH ARTICLES DURING THE PAST 10 YEARS (Number fully referenced articles and underline your name in each case) OTHER RESEARCH OUTPUTS DURING THE PAST 5 YEARS (since 2011) (List any other outputs, indicating the category of each, eg. Books, Book chapters, Conference presentations, Conference posters, Patents, etc.) 4 STUDENT SUPERVISION: GRADUATED STUDENTS STUDENT NAME SUPERVISOR / CO-SUPERVISOR INSTITUTION Honours / MSc / MPhil / MMed / PhD YEAR OBTAINED STUDENT SUPERVISION: ENROLLED STUDENTS STUDENT NAME SUPERVISOR / CO-SUPERVISOR INSTITUTION Honours / MSc / MPhil / MMed / PhD OTHER AWARDS OR ACHIEVEMENTS ANTICIPATED GRADUATION 5 SECTION 2. PROJECT TITLE SHORT SUMMARY OF THE PROJECT (Maximum 250 words) DURATION OF PROJECT FROM: (YEAR) TO: (YEAR) ETHICS APPROVAL (Please complete all relevant sections) FOR A NEW PROJECT, PROJECTED DATE OF SUBMISSION FOR ETHICS APPROVAL (MONTH, YEAR): APPROVED (YES or NO) APPROVAL NUMBER DATE APPROVED EXPIRY DATE NOTE: 1.ETHICS APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE FUNDING WILL BE DISBURSED (Kindly submit a copy of the ethics approval letter). 2.Failure to supply ethics proof by 30 April 2016 will result in the cancellation of this award. 6 RESEARCH AREA (Please mark with an X) INFECTIOUS DISEASES (HIV, TB, etc.) MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH MENTAL HEALTH & NEUROSCIENCES VIOLENCE, INJURIES, TRAUMA & REHABILITATION HEALTH SYSTEMS STRENGTHENING NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASES (cancer, diabetes, coronary vascular diseases, etc.) Other (please name): PURPOSE OF RESEARCH PROJECT (Please mark all the relevant box(es) with an X) Student Honours degree project Non-degree research project Student Masters degree project Contract research project Student Doctoral degree project Pilot study Other (please name): AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF RESEARCH PROJECT 7 SUMMARY OF METHODOLOGY AND PROPOSED TIMELINE OF PROJECT (Provide enough relevant detail to assess the feasibility of the project) 8 ENVISAGED OUTPUTS AND IMPACT (Clearly indicate the number and types of degrees that this project will yield, as well as the number of peer-reviewed accredited journal articles, other outputs and the impact of the work) NAMES OF RESEARCH TEAM AND/OR COLLABORATORS (List any other researchers and/or students involved in this project, also indicate their affiliations and roles in this project) 9 SECTION 3. BUDGET REQUIREMENTS FOR 2016 NOTE: This budget total should be more than R50,000 but should not exceed R150,000. Provide a brief description and amount in the relevant categories as required for the project. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT REQUESTED (Rand) 1. Research materials 2. Minor research equipment 3. Publication costs 4. Student bursaries 5. Research assistance 6. Lecturer replacement (Attach a letter of approval from the Head of Division or Department) BUDGET TOTAL: R 10 BUDGET MOTIVATION (Motivate your budget requirements strongly for each of the categories requested. If funding is already available for the project, motivate why additional funding is required.) 11 DECLARATION OF OTHER SOURCES OF FUNDING (List all funds currently available and all funds applied for from funding agencies, including internal SU funds, national & international sources for this project) FUNDING ALREADY AWARDED FUNDING AGENCY CATEGORY AMOUNT FUNDING YEAR(S) FUNDING APPLIED FOR (pending outcome) FUNDING AGENCY SECTION 4. CATEGORY FUNDING YEAR(S) SIGNATURES APPLICANT HEAD OF DIVISION / DEPARTMENT AMOUNT DATE SIGNATURE: DATE PRINT NAME: