ATINER Conference Presentation

Dr Suanne Gibson (University of Plymouth) and
Mrs Lynne Kendall (Liverpool John Moores
12th Annual International Conference on
Education May 2010 Athens
Understanding disabled students’
experiences as learners
 National Policy- 1995 DDA, 1997 Dis Rights Task Force,
SENDA 2001.
 Related research: Wright, 2005; Goode, 2007;
Madriaga, 2007; Avramidis and Skidmore, 2004
 Our research project- HEA funded 2009/10- Plymouth
and John Moores Year 1 BA Education Studies course
Structure of Research Project
 2 phases:
 Phase 1: Students experience of access and transition-
anecdotes stories form the inside
 Phase 2: Students connections with Disability
Discourse- the question of the student as active
stakeholder in policy matters.
Research methodology
 Qualitative research methodology (Goodley and
Moore, 2000)
 As Kitchen highlights (2000, p.25-26):
 In recent years there has been much discussion within the
disability studies literature concerning how disability
research should be conducted, who should conduct such
research and the ideology underlying research practice […]
there is no denying that disabled people have largely been
excluded from disability discourse. […] Many disabled
academics [..] call for the adoption of strategies that are
both emancipatory and empowering.
Butler-Kisber (2007) visual/diagram
Mind map activity:
Using the grid below please note/locate/depict both positive and negative education
 Who?
 Why as a research tool?
 Used as a tool to
facilitate discussion
experiences, as defined by you, in relation to and/or linked with your disability. We
suggest you make use of key terms/words and/or illustrations (please feel free to
make use of additional paper if needs be). We will invite you, as part of the interview
process, to narrate the “intentions, stories and meanings integral”, (Leitch, 2008,
p.45) to your mind map.
Positive education experiences at Positive education experiences at
University focusing on transition
school/college before University
and changes relating to this.
Negative education experiences at Negative education experiences at
University focusing on transition
school/college before University
and changes relating to this.
‘First findings’ Phase 1- HEA funded
study 2009/10
 The importance and significance of students with disability
having a named contact/personal tutor whom they trust and can
turn to with questions/concerns as and when they arise.
The need to ensure that other lecturers/tutors are clear on the
particular learning needs of all students and that this
information is relayed in confidence and in advance of the
students attendance
The difficulty experienced in establishing trusting friendships at
Self-esteem issues
The change at University level where students are more mature
than friends at school/college.
The benefit of Disability assist services at University having a
high profile
‘First findings’ Phase 1- HEA funded
study 2009/10
 The benefit of meeting with course representatives from 2nd and 3rd
year groups in the induction week of first year
The benefit of having a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) where
lecturers ensure that PowerPoint’s and other additional reading
material is posted on in advance or straight after lectures/seminars
The need for the student to take responsibility for their own learning
and to show commitment to their studies by attending timetabled
lectures, seminars and doing necessary independent study.
The benefit of faculties/universities ensuring information regarding
their Disability assist services and contacts is provided to students with
disabilities in advance of induction week/registration.
The need and benefit of core first year lecturers/tutors addressing this
issue as part of the induction week lecture.
Recommendations for practice on
basis findings
 Use of named personal tutor
 Regular evaluation and provision of staff development
seminars re disability
 Liaison with school/FE regarding effective widening
participation practices
 Induction week: connection with students, personal
tutors and disability University services
Questions arising from research
phase 1
 Lack of respondent responses to request for
 Timing of the invitation (linked to ethics protocol
 Issue of disclosure
 Personal knowledge of the tutor (trust issue)
Questions arising from research
phase 1
 Issue of gaining ethics protocol approval in 2
 Ethical approval needed from both
 Standard forms?
 Ethics committee practices and make up
 Timing of committee meetings
Phase 2 –Interview questions
 Prior to coming to University, did you have any knowledge
of policy/legislation relating to Disability?
 What do you understand by the term stakeholder?
 Do you perceive yourself as a ‘stakeholder’ in the area of
University policy and provision for students with
 Do you perceive yourself as an agent for change?
Phase 2- Interview Questions
 In what capacity/ies are you involved in University
initiatives to raise the profile of disability awareness?
 How do you think the University might do better to
access your voice/views on its provision for students
with disabilities?
 What is your view on University wide training for
students and staff on Disability awareness?
Final thought from Ellie:
‘I think generally everywhere that I have been, people know
about cerebral palsy. If I was tired they would help,
everyone knew and the teachers never went;
‘Oh I had to help as she’s got cerebral palsy’.
No one was ever funny or rude about it, ‘That’s Ellie and that’s
Ellie, yeah,yeah’ rather then ‘Ellie has CP’ or ‘There is the
girl who has CP called Ellie’ you know.’
 Avramedis, E. And Skidmore, D. (2004), Reappraising Learning
Support in Higher Education, Research in Post-compulsory Education,
Butler-Kisber, L. (2007), Collage in qualitative inquiry, in, G. Knowles
and A. Cole, (Eds.), Handbook of the Arts in Qualitative Inquiry.
Perspectives, methodologies, examples and issues, (p.230-242),
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Centre for Disability Studies at the University of Leeds, (2009),
Evaluation of Provision and Support for Disabled Students in Higher
Education, HEFCE and HEFCW
Chappell, A. 2000, ‘Emergence of participatory methodology in
learning difficulty research: understanding the context’ British Journal
of Learning Disabilities, 28, pp38-43
Davies, Mark ,(2004), 'The Special Educational Needs and Disability
Act 2001--The implications for higher education', Education and the
Law, 15:1, 19 – 45
 Fuller, M. Bradley, A. and Healey, M. (2004), ‘Incorporating
disabled students within an inclusive higher education
environment’, Disability and Society, 19, 5, pp.455-468
Gibson, S. (2006), ‘Beyond a ‘culture of silence’: inclusive
education and the liberation of ‘voice’’, Disability and
Society, Vol. 21, No. 4
Gibson, S. and Blandford, S (2005), Inclusion: Managing
Special Educational Needs in Primary and Secondary
schools, London, Sage.
Goode, J. (2007), Managing Disability: early experiences of
university students with disabilities, Disability and Society,
22,1, 35-48
Goodley, D. (2004), Researching life stories: method, theory,
and analyses in a biographical age, London, Routledge
 Holloway, S. (2001), The Experience of Higher Education from the
Perspective of Disabled Students, Disability and Society, 16, 4, pp597615
Kendall, L., 'Now he has a label, we can
cope!' in R, Sage. (2009) Meeting the Needs of Students with Diverse
Backgrounds, London, Continuum
Kitchen, R. (2000), The Researched Opinions of Research: disabled
people and disability research, Disability and Society, 15, 1, pp25-47
Madriaga, M. (2007), Enduring Disabilism: students with dyslexia and
their pathways into UP higher education and beyond, Disability ND
Society, 22, 4, 399-41
May, H and Bridger, K. (2009), Developing and embedding inclusive
policy and practice in higher education, Higher Education Academy.