Cover letter for Homeowner Application

March 4, 2014
We are now accepting homeowner applications for the next 6 houses that are to be built on Erie Avenue in
Sheboygan between 10th and 11th Street. Please return your completed application to HFH Lakeside, 1911 N. 8th
Street, P O Box 973, Sheboygan, WI 53082 for consideration as a 2014 partner family. We will not accept
applications after April 30th, 2014.
Thank you for your interest in applying for a Habitat for Humanity home. Habitat for Humanity Lakeside’s family selection
committee chooses homeowners using criteria in a way that does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, age,
handicap, religion, material status or because all or part of an applicant’s income is derived from public assistance
Criteria for Qualifying for a Habitat for Humanity Home
1. Need
a. You will be considered for a Habitat home if your present housing is not adequate and if you are unable to obtain
adequate housing through other conventional means. Lack of adequate housing may include problems with: the present
structure, water, electrical or sewage system services, heating system or failure to meet city property maintenance
standards. Also taken into consideration are the numbers, the ages and the sex of children compared to the number of
bedrooms in your present home (i.e. overcrowding).
b. The percentage of your monthly income that you currently spend on housing is considered to determine need. You will
be required to openly and fully discuss your financial situation with a Habitat family selection committee volunteer and
possibly a budget counselor.
c. You must be a current Sheboygan County resident or have been employed in Sheboygan County for at least the past
twelve months. You and your family will be considered if your total income is within the income guidelines; not below 30%
or above 60% of Sheboygan County’s median income. These are guidelines and individual cases may vary.
For example:
Sheboygan County, WI Median Income
Minimum Income
(30% of CMI)
Maximum Income
(60% of CMI)
Number in Family
Habitat for Humanity Lakeside, Inc.
P. O. Box 973
Sheboygan, WI 53082-0973
2. Ability to pay
Since you will actually be buying your home from Habitat, you must demonstrate your ability to pay the monthly mortgage
payment. The payment will include not only the mortgage payment, but annual real estate taxes and insurance premiums.
The family selection committee, with the assistance of a budget counselor, will help you determine if this payment will
jeopardize your ability to meet all your other family obligations and expenses. There is no interest on the loan for a Habitat
3. Willingness to participate as a partner with Habitat
a. If selected and approved by the Board of Directors, you become a “partner family” in the Habitat movement. To become
a partner family you must complete a minimum of 250 hours per adult member of the household of volunteer work with
Habitat, which will count toward your total “sweat equity” contribution to be completed before moving in and closing on
your Habitat home.
Your assistance in constructing your home and the homes of others, called “sweat equity,” may include clearing the lot,
painting, helping with construction, helping prepare lunches for volunteers or working on administrative work for the
affiliate. As a partner family you must individually complete 70% of your sweat equity hours. Relatives and friends may
contribute the remaining 30% of sweat equity hours, thereby helping your family complete this requirement for
b. You will be responsible for future maintenance and repairs upon moving into your home.
c. After moving into your home, the family partnering committee will maintain an ongoing relationship with you. This could
include financial counseling, if desired, or passing along household maintenance information periodically.
Should you have additional questions, please feel free to call Habitat Lakeside at 920-458-3399 Extension 305.
Habitat for Humanity Lakeside
Family Selection Committee
IMPORTANT! Things to include with your homeowner application!
_____ Check, receipt or rental agreement to document current rent
_____ Documentation of utility bills
_____ Documentation of current income, child support or public benefits, SSI
Habitat for Humanity Lakeside, Inc.
P. O. Box 973
Sheboygan, WI 53082-0973