Implementation of A Customer Relationship

Implementation of A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System.
Implementation of A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System
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Implementation of A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System.
Implementation of A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System
Under Armour is company that is the chosen brand of innovative sports clothing of this
generation of athletes. The demand of Armour products and services have grown and therefore
the higher demand has created environment suitable for growth and expansion. An environment
whereby doing whatsoever it takes is the baseline and doing all the company can in order to
protect the company bran (Prasongsukarn, Kriengsin 2006)..
Under Armour sells technology specifically (CRM) customer relationship management
systems. Under Armour clients have invested in these systems in order to help improve their
marketing strategies and in return to increase their sales. Investors have looked into these
systems so as to assist them to increase their revenues and their productivity. Some of CSM
systems are very unique and therefore Under Armour have established training practices so as to
ensure their best clients have learned on how to use the best features of CRM applications to
their advantages. When CRM is implemented in the right way by the right individuals and the
best technologies like CRM software. This will be very critical tool which will help the company
to achieve their goals and objectives (Prasongsukarn, Kriengsin 2006)..
Organizational change is the process by which a company or an organization is going
though transformation due to change in business strategies or a major part in the organization. In
Under Armour company there will be organization change that will be due to implementation of
customer relationship management systems. CRM is mainly concerned with the relationship
between the organization and their potential customers. Customers are the lifeblood of any
organization and without customers an organization cannot exists. When CRM is implemented
in Under Armour company it will have a great impact in the organization, both positive and
negative impacts.
Implementation of A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System.
CRM when implemented will help the company to determine the satisfying needs and
wants between the organization and their potential customers. CRM will also help in
establishment and maintenance of customer rapport. CRM will as well help to produce positive
feelings in Under Armour company and the customers.
CRM will be very convincing to Under Armour company stakeholders since it has a lot
of benefits to this organization. CRM will helps to attract more customers into the organization
thus increasing the sales. This will help to increase their profit margins as well as increasing their
productivity. CRM will as well have some disadvantages. This is because those staffs who will
not be able to adopt to the new system in the organization will be fired thus the organization will
loose some of its employees. This will affect company’s productivity due to shortage of labour
hence lowering their sales and in return reduction in Under Armour profit margin.
For implementation of CRM to e successful in Under Armour company, it have to
consider two conditions: Under Armour needs to make profits in order to survive and grow and
what their customers want and need, the quality of products and services and to offer those
services and products at acceptable and fair prices.
CRM when implemented in this organization will have both positive and negative
impacts. CRM lead to shifting the focus from production of goods and services to customer
services. The organization usually offer products and services that customer requires at suitable
prices to them but does no concentrate on what the organization wants. These are some of the
risks that Under Armour company will face when this project will be implemented. CRM will
help to improve services offered to customers, reduce costs and reduce complains from
Implementation of A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System.
There are various areas of risks when customer relationship management system is
implemented in Under Armour organization. Due to organizational change risk profile in the
organization increases since many staffs will take time before they adopt the new system which
will end up lowering the services provided. Also since the company will focus more on
providing best services to their customers, there is a risk that company production will lower
down which will lower their profit margin.
In order to overcome these risks, Under Armour company need to set up a contingency
plan. This is a plan that is designed for any outcome that is unexpected in a project or in a
business. contingency plan is used for risk management. The organization should organize and
design a contingency plan before contemplating change to the organization. The organization
should balance in both offering customer services and in production (Yun E. Zeng, H. Joseph
Wen, David C. Yen. 2003). This will help to prevent or reduce the risk of poor productivity in
the organization.
Under Armour company should as well train all the staff members on effective customer
relationship management systems so as to avoid some being fired. This will help to prevent
leakages of company’s information to their competitors. To avoid loosing their customers Under
Armour organization should recognize their potential customers and treat them as partners to the
organization. This will keep the company growing since customers are the lifeblood of any
organization (Yun E. Zeng, H. Joseph Wen, David C. Yen. 2003). Organization should hedge
this operation in order to prevent and reduce possible risks as little as possible. Under Armour
should also insure this project ( CRM) so that in case the project fails the company will be
compensated by the insurance company. This will help to prevent the organization from
suffering losses incase the project fails.
Implementation of A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System.
Prasongsukarn, Kriengsin (2006). "Customer relationship management from theory to practice:
Implementation steps". Inspire Research Company.
Yun E. Zeng, H. Joseph Wen, David C. Yen.( 2003). "Customer relationship management
(CRM) in business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce", Emerald 11.