1 The Modern World Post World War Two Era Name: Directions: You will research and become an expert on the contemporary world by creating a power point presentation and analyzing two documents. Power Point Presentations must be completed using Microsoft Power Point and must be saved in your folder. Analysis of the two documents must be typed and hand in on the assigned due date. Your project will include the following: Report must follow in this order. (5 pts.) Title Page. This is the first page. Please see the attached Page 2 for exact format. Included in power point and document analysis. (25 pts.) Power Point Presentation: Please select a topic from Post-War World Two Era to the present and create a minimum of a 5 slide presentation. (No more than 8) Maps/Images and/or visual aids must be included. (60 pts.) Document Analysis: You must analyze two documents that are related to your power point presentation. Please use the Written Document Analysis Worksheet. Students are responsible to hand in a one page- typed analysis of each document. (5 pts.) A Map. Please include any maps or visual aids in your power point presentations. (5 pts.) A Bibliography. You are responsible for citing your work. Students need to cite the power point presentation and the document analysis. See page 4 for examples. (100 pts.) % TOTAL 2 The Post World War Two Era Your Name Post World War Two Era submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of World History Phillipsburg High School Date 3 Written Document Analysis Worksheet 1. TYPE OF DOCUMENT Letter Newspaper Interview Advertisement Radio Map Television Other How do you know? 2. UNIQUE PHYSICAL QUALITIES OF THE DOCUMENT Letterhead Seal Handwritten Foreign Language Stamp Other Briefly describe the document. 3. DATES OF DOCUMENT: 4. AUTHOR OF THE DOCUMENT: POSITION (TITLE) 5. FOR WHAT AUDIENCE WAS THE DOCUMENT WRITTEN: 6. DOCUMENT OF INFORMATION A. List three things the author said that you think are important. B. Why do you think this document was written? C. What evidence in the document helps you know why it was written? Quote from the document. D. List two things the document tells you about life in the World at the time it was written? 4 Bibliography Books: Last name, First name. Title of the book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Date. Encyclopedias: Last name, First name. “Title of the Article.” Title of the Encyclopedia. Date. Periodicals/Magazines: Last name, First name. “Title of the Article.” Title of the Magazine volume (Year): Page numbers. Online References: (DO NOT CITE GOOGLE) Web site Last name, First name. “Title of the Web site.” URL Address (accessed date) Encyclopedias: Last name, First name. “Title of the Article.” Title of the Encyclopedia. URL Address (accessed date). Periodicals/Magazines: Last name, First name. “Title of the Article.” Title of the Magazine. Page numbers. URL Address (accessed date). 5 TOPICS 1. Jasmine Revolution 2. Iran-Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 3. Iran-Ayatollah Khomenei 4. Chile-1979-Salvador Allende 5. Argentina-1976-Juan Peron 6. Brazil-Dilma Roussef 7. Middle East Oil Crisis 8. 1972 Munich-Black September 9. Bolivia-Evo Morales 10. Rwanda-Genocide 11. Nicaragua-Sandinista/Contras/Oscar Sanchez 12. Cuba-Revolution 1959 13. Chad-Idriss Deby –UFDC 14. Egypt Revolution-2011 15. Jomo Kenyatta – Kenya 16. Robert Mugabe-Zimbabwe 17. Kwame Nkrumah-Ghana 18. Sudan-Sudan Liberation Army 19. Libya – Muammar Al-Qaddafi 20. Manuel Noreiga-Panama 21. Syria – Civil War-Bashar Al-Assad 22. Congo – Joseph Mobutu (Mobuto Seso Seko) 23. Haiti-Francois, Jean-Claude Duvalier 24. Pakistan-Benazir Bhutto 25. Sri Lanka-Chandrika Kumaratunga “Battle of the windows” 26. Peru-Shining Path-Abimael Guzman-Alberto Fujimori 27. Venezuela-Hugo Chavez 28. Columbia-Juan Manuel Santos – “Plan Columbia” FARC 29. Chad- one of the poorest countries in the world – Petrostate 30. Uganda – Idi Amin