Worksheet for Book Three

LIB201 Introduction to Cataloging and Classification
Module 2: Descriptive Cataloging & Introduction to MARC structure
Due week 2
Portfolio (10 points)
Exercise II.1.: Naming Parts of a bib record (Bibliographic data)
Your name: _____________________________
Submit completed worksheet to instructor via email as a Word document attachment. Subject
field: Exercise II.1. Naming Parts of a bib record
Bibliographic description data 1: Your Book number Three
Describing your book. With your book in hand, please answer the following (start with the title
page). One worksheet for each book.
What is the main title of your book:
List any subtitle (if any is given, if none write: None):
Author (if any is given, if none write: None):
List additional author or authors (if any is given, if none write: None):
Editor or editors (if any is given, if none write: None):
Compiler of compilers (if any is given, if none write: None):
Copyright Ó ______ (if more than one copyright dates, last date of copyright only. Example:
book was copyrighted in 1965, 1985 and 2010. Cite only 2010)
Publication date: ________ (if given, if not write: None. Note: a book may be copyrighted and
published in different years. )
LCCN: ___________ (if any is given, if none write: None)
ISBN: _____________ (if any is given, if none write: None)
(Note: You may also refer to OCLC Bib Formats for more samples.
For the publisher and place of publication information:
- If a book is published in more than one U.S. state/cities, cite only the first listed place of
publication. Example: Book is published in New York, California, and Georgia: cite only the first
place of publication: New York. Do not cite the other states.
-If book is published in a country outside the U.S., cite the foreign country and publisher.
Example: Germany and then the publisher.
- If published outside the U.S. and also in the U.S. by the same publisher, cite the foreign
place of publication (if the foreign country is listed first), then the U.S. state, and the publisher.
However, if the U.S. state is listed first, then you will only cite the U.S. state and not cite the
foreign country. Examples: Book is published in England (listed first on the title page) and also
in New York by ABC Publishing Co.: cite the first place of publication as: England; New York
and then the publisher. Book is published in New York (listed first on the title page) and also in
England by ABC Publishing Co.: cite the place of publication as New York and then the
publisher. Do not cite the foreign country.
- If the book is published by a different publisher in the foreign country and a different
publisher in the U.S. cite both places of publication and the publishers. Examples: Book is
published in England by ABC Publishing Co. and in New York by ABC Maxwell Co.: cite the first
place of publication followed by the name of the publisher; and then cite the second listed place
of publication, followed by the publisher):
List place of publication and the publisher:
Distributor (if any, list name of distributor/place. Example: New York: Distributed by Agnets Inc.
If none, write; None):
Take a look at the cover of your book. Is the title on cover the same as the title on the
book’s title page? Yes ____ or No ___. If no, what is the title on the cover:
Take a look at the spine of your book. Is the title on the spine the same as the title on the
book’s title page? Yes ____ or No ___. If no, what is the title on the spine:
Additional information:
Any series title? (Take a look at the cover, title page, verso of title page, etc. If none, write;
This book has ___ Roman numeral pages (write only the last number. Example: iii to x. Write:
x), and ___________ numbered pages (write only last numbered page. Example: 9-292. Write
292). There are also ___________ unnumbered pages (You may have to count these. If none,
Write: None).
It is ____centimeters in length (using a ruler, measure from top to bottom of book, round to next
number, example: cite 22.5 cm as 23 cm).
Indicate if book contains:
● Illustrations: Yes ____ or No ____. If book is illustrated, is/are illustration(s) in color: Yes
____; No ____; or ____ both colored and b&w? List what type of illustrations (pictures,
graphs, etc.): ____
List all types of illustrations included in your book, if none, skip to next question, (colored and
uncolored—charts, graphs, etc.), portraits, pictures, maps, tables, facsimiles, etc.:
Index: Yes ____ or No ____. How many? (Check your book carefully. Some books
contain one index, some contain more than one type of index (for author, subject, etc.).
Does book contain references/bibliographies: Yes ____ or No ____. If bibliographies/list
of references are also collected somewhere in the book (sometimes towards the end of
book), what is the beginning page ____ (numbered or unnumbered page(s)) and end on
page ____.
Glossaries: Yes ____ or No ____.
List any other information about this book not included above:
Submit completed worksheet to instructor via email as a Word document attachment. Subject
field: Exercise II.1. Pt. 1. Naming Parts of a bib record
Thank you.