Nutrition Fair Rubric

Name: ______________________
Assessment Rubric: Nutrition Health Fair
Effective use
of class time
Where does it come
Does your body need it?
Short term & Long term
Interesting Facts
Quality Producer
Period: _______
Needs Improvement
Always prepared and used time
efficiently and effectively to
maximum time to complete work.
Self-directed, does not have to be
reminded to be on task
Clearly defines and describes the
nutrition topic.
Includes specific details on all
places the nutrition topic comes
from. (Body makes, eaten, etc.)
Efficiently used time in class with
minimal guidance and effectively
worked on project.
Used time in class to complete
some of the project, but had to be
reminded often to stay on task.
Did not use time wisely to work on
project. Constantly had to be prompted
to stay on task and/or was disruptive to
Definition and description
Includes details on most of the
places the nutrition topic comes
Important parts of
definition/description are missing.
Includes limited details of where
the nutrition topic comes from.
No definition or description included.
Clearly explains why the body
does and/or does not need the
nutrition topic.
Includes details on both short and
long terms effects the nutrition
topics has on health.
Explains some details on why the
body does and/or does not need the
Includes some detail on both short
and long term effects the topic has
on health.
Includes limited details of why
the body does and/or does not
need the topic.
Includes detail on short or long
term effect on health, but not on
Product does not explain why nutrition
topic is/isn’t needed.
Provides 3 interesting facts about
the nutrition topic.
Product has 3 visuals.
Provides 2 interesting facts about
the nutrition topic.
Product has 2 visuals
Provides 1 interesting fact about
the nutrition topic.
Product has 1 visual.
Provides no interesting facts about the
nutrition topic.
Product does not include visuals.
Product includes 3 different
reliable resources, and are cited in
MLA format.
Product looks excellent! Obvious
time spent to display all required
components. Clear, easy to read,
colorful, correct spelling and
grammar. Poster board/trifold
used. Ready for a science fair!!
I effectively used my class time to
work on my project. I was a
quality producer in my product
and completed my project.
Product includes 2 different
reliable resources, and are cited in
MLA format.
Product looks good! Obvious time
spent to display all required
components. Clear, easy to read,
colorful, correct spelling and
grammar. Poster board/trifold
I used my class time to work on
my project but was off task at
times, however I still produced my
project with quality.
Product includes 1 reliable
resources, and are cited in MLA
Some time spent on product, but
lacks professionalism. Lacks
some of the following: easy to
read, colorful, correct spelling
and grammar. OR Poster
board/trifold is not used.
I was off task during the class
time I was given to work on my
project. My project lacks quality.
No references cited; or resources are
not reliable and/or are not cited in
MLA format.
Product lacks professionalism. Hard to
ready, color not used, numerous
spelling/grammar errors.
No/limited information on where the
topic comes from.
No/limited information on the short and
long term effects on health.
I did not use my time wisely and/or did
not complete my nutrition project.
TOTAL _______ /60