Chapter 1: Software Engineering Overview CSE CSE 2102 2102 Prof. Steven A. Demurjian Computer Science & Engineering Department The University of Connecticut 371 Fairfield Road, Box U-2155 Storrs, CT 06269-2155 (860) 486 – 4818 (860) 486 – 3719 (office) Material for course thanks to: Prof. Swapna Gokhale 1 Overview of Chapter 1 CSE 2102 Introduction to Software Engineering What is a Program? What is History of Software/Computing What is Software Engineering? What Do Software Engineers Do? How is Software Engineered (Process)? What are Issues and Challenges for SW Engrg? Software Engineering vs. Computer Science? Designing/Building Systems for Today/Tomorrow Recall CSE1102: Object Oriented Design/Devel. Abstract Data Types (ADTs), Core and Advanced Object-Oriented Concepts, Benefits of OO Component-Based Design & Design Patterns The Unified Modeling Language (UML) 2 What is a Program? CSE 2102 Plan or a routine for solving a problem on a computer Sequence of instructions used by a computer to do a particular job or to solve a given problem Set of statements to be used directly or indirectly in a computer in order to bring about a certain result Problem Domain P R 0 G R A M Solution Domain Program serves as the interface between the problem domain and the solution domain. 3 What is Software? CSE 2102 Software is the Definition and Organization of a Set of Tasks and Functionality Encapsulated into a Form that is Executable on a Computer What are Different Types of Software? Commercial-Off-the-Shelf (COTS) Government-Off-the-Shelf (GOTS) Legacy: Written in an “Old” Programming Language Cobol, PL/1 (Y2k), Fortran, C and C++! Client vs. Server Software (Javascript) Database Management Systems/Applications New Languages: Java, Perl, Python New Mobile Platforms: Android, iOS Standards: XML, RDF, OWL, etc. 4 Definition of Software Engineering CSE 2102 IEEE definition: The application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation and maintenance of software; that is, the application of engineering to software. Roger S. Pressman’s definition (UConn PhD): Software engineering is the technology that encompasses a process, a set of methods and an array of tools. (Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach) Parnas’s definition: Multi-person construction of multi-version software (Parnas 1978) 5 What is Software Engineering? CSE 2102 Engineering: The Application of Science to the Solution of Practical Problems Software Engineering: The Application of CS to Building Practical Software Systems Programming Individual Writes Complete Program One Person, One Computer Well-Defined Problem Programming-in-the-Small Software Engineering Individuals Write Program Components Team Assembles Complete Program Programming-in-the-Large 6 What is Software Engineering? CSE 2102 The Application Of Engineering To Software Field of CSE Dealing with Software Systems Large and Complex Built By Teams Exist In Many Versions Last Many Years Undergo Changes Definitions: Application of a Systematic, Disciplined, Quantifiable Approach to the Development, Operation, and Maintenance of Software (IEEE 1990) Multi-person Construction of Multi-version Software (Parnas 1978) 7 Why Software Engineering? CSE 2102 Program Complexity Transcends Individual or Lone Programmer Software Engineering Targeted for Constructing Large Software Applications Defining Problem Clear and Completely Tools and Techniques to Support Process Team-Oriented Experience Software Engineering must Evolve to be an Engineering Discipline Software Engineering Must Promote and Support Multi-Person Construction of Multi-Version Software 8 Software Engineering - Historically CSE 2102 “Early Days” 1950’s Programmers Wrote Programs Early 1960’s - Very Large Software Projects Constructed by “Experts” Mid-Late 1960’s - Advent of Large Commercial Software Applications Large Systems Involved Teams of Individuals Coining the Term “Software Engineering” Towards a Software Engineering Discipline Individuals Couldn’t see “Big Picture” Increase in Communication Time Personnel Changes Impact on Productivity SE: Management, Organization, Tools, Theories, Methodologies, Techniques, etc. 9 Computing: A Historical Perspective CSE 2102 Early era of computer/software evolution: General-purpose hardware became commonplace Software was custom-designed for each application with a relatively limited distribution Product software (that is, programs to be sold to one or more customers) was in its infancy Second era of computer/software evolution: Multiprogramming and multi-user systems introduced human-machine interaction Real-time systems could collect, analyze and transform data from multiple sources Advances in on-line storage led to the first generation of database management systems Use of product software and the advent of “software houses” 10 Computing: A Historical Perspective CSE 2102 Third era of computer/software evolution: Distributed system greatly increased the complexity of computer-based systems Advent and widespread use of microprocessors Computers readily accessible to the public at large, rather than privilege of chosen few Fourth era of computer/software evolution: Moved away from individual computers and computer programs and toward the collective impact of computers and software Powerful desk-top machines controlled by sophisticated operating systems, networked locally and globally, and coupled with advanced software applications Internet exploded and changed the way of life and business 11 Computing: A Historical Perspective CSE 2102 Are we in a Fifth Era of Computing Today? Mobile Computing Scripting Languages Platform Independent Environments Sencha Touch (html5) and Titanimum (Javascript) Touch Screens, Interactive Computing Mobile Computing Phones, Tablets, Watches, Glasses, What’s Next? Wireless Anywhere Access Pervasive into Wide Range of Products from Cars to TVs to Microwaves What will be the Next Great Improvement? 12 Computing: A historical perspective CSE CSE 2102 2102 Fifth Era? •Powerful desktops •Internet •Software apps. Fourth era •Distributed systems •Microprocessors •PC-based systems Third era •Multi-programming/multi-user •Database Management Systems •Software houses •General-purpose hardware. •Custom software Second era Early era 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2002 13 Influences on Software Engineering CSE 2102 Cost of Software Continues to Increase, Requiring More Efficient Software Production Software Acquisition vs. Outsourcing Software Reuse vs. Build-from-Scratch Complexity of Large Software Altered the View from Development Perspective Conception Design Development Integration Distribution Documentation Maintenance Evolution Extension Software Engineering/Computer Science Growth Currently 4.16 million IT Professional with Expected Growth of 22% by 2020! 30% by 2020! 14 Programmer vs. Software Engineer CSE 2102 Individual with Good Skills Programming-in-theSmall Knowledge on Data Structures Algorithms Fluent in Several Programming Languages May Lack Formal Training Minimal Exposure to CS Part of a Team Programming-in-theLarge Design Approaches OO, Modules, etc. Top-Down/BottmUp Translates Requirements into Specifications Familiarity in Multiple Application Areas Converses with Users Sees “Big Picture” Can Model Application Good Communication and Interpersonal Skills 15 Programmer vs. software engineer CSE 2102 Programmer Individual with good skills Knowledge on data structures, algorithms Fluent in several programming languages May lack formal training Minimal exposure to CS Programming-in-the-small Is Mobile Computing Programming in the Small? Breeding New Type of Developers One Person Development Ability to be Widely and Easily Distributed Changing the Face of Computing 16 Programmer vs. software engineer CSE 2102 Programming skill is not enough Software engineering involves “programming-in-thelarge” Understand requirements and write specifications Derive models and reason about them Master software Operate at various levels of abstraction Member of a team: Communication skills Management skills 17 What Does a Software Engineer Do? CSE 2102 Work as professionals in the software industry: Design Sections of much larger systems Written by many professionals over years Tested and Maintained by different subset of Individuals Require knowledge in many fields of computer science and the application domain Hard to find Application with GUI and/or Database Rarely work in isolation Multiple constituencies to whom the professional Project manager Clients Users Subsequent generations of professionals 18 What are Software Engineering Processes? CSE 2102 Software Production Process Models Focus on the “How” of Software Development Stages, Phases, Steps: Methodology Varied Process Models Waterfall Model (oldest)/Evolutionary Model Transformation Model/Spiral Model UML Unified Process/Agile Model (newest) Other Process Issues Configuration Management/ Standards Production Models Focus on the Software Lifecycle Emphasizing the Process from Start to Finish 19 Waterfall Process Model CSE CSE 2102 2102 Grandfather of All Models Requirements Analysis and Specification What is Major Disadvantage? Design and Specification Coding and Module Testing 50 % Integration and System Testing Delivery and Maintenance 50 % 20 What are Software Requirements? CSE CSE 2102 2102 21 Software Lifecycle of Waterfall Model CSE 2102 Requirements Analysis and Specification What is the Problem to Solve? What Does Customer Need/Want? Interactions Between SE and Customer Identify and Document System Requirements Generate User Manuals and Test Plans Design and Specification How is the Problem to be Solved? High-Level Design Determine Components/Modules Transition to Detailed Design Detail Functionality of Components/Modules 22 Software Lifecycle of Waterfall Model CSE 2102 Coding and Module Testing Writing Code to Meet Component/Module Design Specifications Individual Test Modules in Isolation Drivers and Stubs to Simulate Behavior Integration and System Testing Integration of Components/Modules into Subsystems Integration of Subsystems into Final Program Delivery and Maintenance System Delivered to Customer/Market Bug Fixes and Version Releases Over Time 23 What are Issues and Challenges? CSE 2102 State of the Practice: 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Cost overrun Successful Cancelled Source: The Standish Group, 1994 •Successful projects (16.2%) - Delivered fully functional on time and on budget. •Challenged (52.7%) - Deliver less than full functionality, over-budget and late. •Impaired (31.1%) - Cancelled during development. 24 Pervasiveness of Software CSE 2102 Software is an important growing component of several systems in diverse domains : Demand for larger software systems is exponential: Power trains of GM cars contain 30 lines of code (LOC) Electric razors contain 2 KLOC TV sets contain 500 KLOC. Space shuttles and military aircraft systems thousands of KLOC. F4 had no digital computer and software (Early 70’s) F16A had 50 digital processors and 135 KLOC (Late 70’s) F16D had 300 digital processors and 236 KLOC (Late 80’s) B-2 has over 200 digital processors and 5000 KLOC What will be Impact of Mobile Computing? Smartphone/Tablet Hybrid? Will Laptops Dissappear? 25 Software Development Problems CSE CSE 2102 2102 Software costs are increasing as hardware costs continue to decline. Hardware costs vs. Software costs Hardware costs Software costs •Hardware technology has made great advances. •Simple and well understood tasks are encoded in hardware. •Least understood tasks are encoded in software •Demands expected of software are growing •Size of the software applications is also increasing. Time 26 Software Development Problems CSE CSE 2102 2102 Software development times are getting longer and longer and maintenance costs are getting higher and higher 3% 8% 7% 15% Requirements -- 3% Design -- 8% Implementation -- 7% Testing -- 15% Maintenance -- 67% 67% •Most of the money and effort spent in testing and maintenance. •85% of errors are introduced during requirements analysis and design. 27 Software Development Problems Relative costs to fix errors CSE CSE 2102 2102 Cost to fix an error increases as it is found later and later in the software lifecycle. 80 Cost 70 60 50 40 30 20 Maintenance Testing Implementation Design 0 Requirements 10 28 Software Development Problems CSE 2102 Denver Automatic Baggage Handling System: Opening delayed for 2 years. $27 million cost overrun. $360 million delay cost. Outages of AT&T long distance switches: Network unusable for about 9 hours on Jan 15, 1999 First major network problem in AT&T’s network in 114 years. Ariane 5 launch explosion, 4 June 1996: - NIST estimates that the US economy loses approximately $59.5 billion of 0.6% of the GDP due to software failures 29 What software engineering is and is not.. CSE 2102 Software engineering is concerned with “engineering” building and modifying practical software systems: On time Within budget Meeting quality and performance standards Deliver the features desired/expected by the customer Software engineering is not.. Just building small or new systems Hacking or debugging until it works Easy, simple, boring or even pointless! These are the issues that haven’t really surfaced in learning to program Transformation/translation of a program to “software” 30 Program to Product Transition CSE CSE 2102 2102 •Designed for generality. •Documented for users of varied ability. •Documented for continued maintenance by persons other than the original author. •Thoroughly tested and test cases archived. •Archived test cases are used to verify that changes do not break existing functions. Ex: Program can handle different currencies •Combines the additional concerns •Multiple, interacting programs. of program products and programming •Operating in complex hardware and data systems. environment. •Large product development enterprises •Larger and more complex than a program. involving extensive design effort to •Require more work in interface design and ensure consistent and reliable integration. module integration. •Thorough, multilayered documentation. Ex: Transform the program to interact with •Careful planning and execution of testing DBMS and work for a small company’s and maintenance activity. payroll and accounts payable. Ex: Integrated inventory, billing and ordering with accounts payable. 31 Program to Software Transformation CSE 2102 Difficult part in designing any software system is usually not the coding of the software Executable object is not the only artifact of importance. Key problem is ensuring conceptual integrity of the design Advances in software engineering technology has eased the implementation Real difficulty is developing and maintaining the unifying concept during the initial development and subsequent revisions Software engineering is not about individual programming but about a structured approach for groups to manage complexity and change. 32 SWE vs. CSE Disciplines CSE 2102 SWE to Databases/Security Every Application Contains Database and Requires Access Control Storage of Large, Unstructured Objects Incorporation of Multi-Media and Web Based Data Versioning and Long-Term Transations Tracking Who Can Use/See What When Databases/Security to SWE Promoting Data Independence De-coupling Data Definition from Usage Databases as Expected Components in Applications Security in Applications and Across Networks 33 SWE vs. CSE Disciplines CSE 2102 SWE to Programming Languages Modularity for Independent Compilation Separation of Design and Implementation Migrating Software Engineering Concepts into Programming Languages Classes in C++ (Implementation of ADTs) Packages in Java/Ada95 (Modularization) Programming Languages to SWE Precise Description of Requirements and Design Compiler Tools that Enhance D & D Advanced Compilers and Libraries to Improve Productivity and Facilitate Reuse 34 SWE vs. CSE Disciplines CSE 2102 SWE to Operating Systems Relationship Between Components and Versions Protected/Non-Protected Portions of OS Vehicle Through Which Programs Developed Operating Systems to SWE Virtual Machines - Evolving to Platform Independence with Java Levels of Abstraction Offered by OS Device Driver through GUI of OS Java Offers Strong OS Interactions Separation of Design and Implementation 35 SWE vs. CSE Disciplines CSE 2102 SWE to Databases/Security Every Application Contains Database and Requires Access Control Storage of Large, Unstructured Objects Incorporation of Multi-Media and Web Based Data Versioning and Long-Term Transations Tracking Who Can Use/See What When Databases/Security to SWE Promoting Data Independence De-coupling Data Definition from Usage Databases as Expected Components in Applications Security in Applications and Across Networks 36 SWE vs. CSE Disciplines CSE 2102 AI to SWE Exploratory Development and Scenarios Declarative Approach Natural Language and Voice Interfaces Theoretical Models to SWE Finite State Machines for Program Behavior Queueing and Simulation Models Petri Nets for Resource Behavior Regular and Context Free Grammars for Programming Languages/Compilers NP vs. P: Computational Complexity 37 SWE Other Disciplines CSE 2102 SWE and Management Management/Team Models Applied to Software Project Management/Process Control Important Test Domain to Test New Models and Theories for Management SWE and EE, ME, ChemE, CivilE, etc. Job Growth in Engineering Specific Software SWE and Biology, Chemistry, Medicine, etc. Medical Research and Informatics, Bioinforamtics, Genomics SWE and Financial Sector Banking, ATM Networks, Electronic Commerce, Funds Transfers, Program Trading, Stock and Brokerage Houses, etc. 38 Motivation and Background Concepts CSE 2102 Information Engineering for 21st Century Creation of Information Generation of Information Utilization of Information Software, Database, Security, Performance Requirements for Application D & D From Centralized to Distributed Solutions From Web to Mobile Platforms Tracing the History Abstract Data Types (ADTs) - 1970s Object-Oriented Paradigm - 1980s Component-Based D & D – 1990s Web-Based/Distributed Computing – 2000s Mobile/Touch Screen Computing – 2008- present 39 Challenge for 21st Century CSE 2102 Timely and Efficient Utilization of Information Significantly Impacts on Productivity Key to Many (All?) Companies Future Supports and Promotes Collaboration for Competitive Advantage Individual/Companies Use Information in New and Different Ways Collection, Synthesis, Analyses of Information Better Understanding of Processes, Sales, Productivity, etc. Dissemination of Only Relevant/Significant Information - Reduce Overload Fact: We Live in an Increasingly Information Centered Society! 40 How is Information Engineered? CSE 2102 Careful Thought to its Definition/Purpose Thorough Understanding of its Intended Usage and Potential Impact Insure and Maintain its Consistency Quality, Correctness, and Relevance Protect and Control its Availability Who can Access What Information in Which Location and at What Time? Long-Term Persistent Storage/Recoverability Cost, Reusability, Longitudinal, and Cumulative Integration of Past, Present and Future Information via Intranet and Internet Access Emergence of eXtensible Markup Language (XML) as de facto standard for Information Sharing/Exchange 41 Future Design Emphasis CSE 2102 Focus on Information and its Behavior Answer the Following Questions What are Different Kinds of Information? How is Information Manipulated? Is Same Information Stored in Different Ways? What are Information Interdependencies? Will Information Persist? Long-Term DB? Versions of Information? What Past Info. is Needed from Legacy DBs or Applications? Who Needs Access to What Info. When? What Information is Available Across WWW? Is Processing Distributed? How are Distributed Artifacts Accessed? Replicated? Designed? 42 1970s - Abstract Data Types (ADTs) CSE 2102 Proposed by B. Liskov (MIT) for CLU in 1975 ADTs Promote Application Development From Perspective of Information and its Usage ADT Design Process: Identify “Kinds” or “Types” of Information Encapsulate Information and Provide a Public Interface of Methods Hide Information and Method Code in the Private Implementation ADTs Correspond to User-Defined Data Types Analogous to Integer Data Type and +, -, *, etc. 43 Abstract Data Types (ADTs) CSE 2102 Consider the following Example Stack ADT: Public Interface Private Implementation Head: Int; ST: Array[100] of Int; User PUSH POP TOP EMPTY Designer Push(X Int) … End; Int Pop() … End; PUSH 5 10 15 20 20 15 10 5 ST 5 TOP 20 15 10 5 44 ADT Design Guidelines CSE 2102 Separation of Concerns and Modularity Problem Decomposable into Components Abstraction and Representation Independence Hiding Implementation of Components Changing without Impacting External View Incrementality and Anticipation of Change Components are Changed, Added, Refined, etc., as Needed to Support Evolving Requirements Cohesion: Well-Defined Component Performs a Single Task or has a Single Objective Coupling: Component Interactions are Known and Minimal 45 1980s - Object-Oriented Paradigm CSE 2102 Object-Oriented Decomposition Decompose Problem into Agents which Perform Operations Emphasize Agents that Cause Actions Agents Comprised of Two Parts Hidden Implementation: Data and Operations only Available to Agent Public Interface: Operations Available to Clients of Agent An Agent Can Only be Modified by Operations Defined in either the Hidden Implementation or Public Interface 46 Core Object-Oriented Concepts CSE 2102 Class The Type of an Agent Describes the Behavior Object The Instance of a Class Represents Actual Data Manipulated by Agents Maintains the State of Object Method Operation Defined on a Class Operates on ALL Instances of the Class Message Indicates that an Object’s Method Invoked 47 An Example Employee Class CSE CSE 2102 2102 Class Employee { //Hidden Implementation Private: //Instance Vars char[30] name; float salary; //Public Interface Public: void print_name(); void print_salary(); void update_salary(float i); Employee(char *n, float s); } What’s Output of Main()? Steve 100.0 Lois 130.0 Main() { //Declare Objects Employee emp1(Steve,100.0); Employee emp2(Lois, 120.0); //Pass Messages //Invoke Methods emp1.print_name(); emp1.print_salary(); emp2.update_salary(10); emp2.print_name(); emp2.print_salary(); } Conclusion: Each Object (emp1,emp2) has Own Independent State that is Accessible via Shared Public Interface of Class 48 Modules vs. ADTs/Classes CSE 2102 Module Describes Both State and Behavior Module Employee Includes Instance Variables, Operations, and Program Variables Single Instance Shared by All Users Class Describes Only the Behavior Class Employee Omits Program Variables Multiple Independent Instances Share Same Class Declaration but have Separate States Key Difference: Dynamic Nature of Classes Allows Instances to be Created as Needed 49 Advanced Object-Oriented Concepts CSE 2102 Inheritance Controlled Sharing of Between Classes Generalization and Specialization Treat Instances of Different Classes in Uniform Fashion - Leading to … Polymorphism/Dynamic Binding Run-Time Choice of the Method to be Invoked Based on the Type of the Calling Instance Message Passed is Type Dependent Generic: A Type Parameterizable Class Stack has Parameter for Type of Element Creation of Program Variable Binds Stack Data and Methods to Specific Type of Element Stack(Real), Stack(Int), Stack(Employee) 50 A Quick Look at Inheritance CSE CSE 2102 2102 Specialization Person Name, SSN Print_Info() Employee::Person Dept, Salary Update_Salary() Faculty::Employee Rank Promote_Fac() Generalization Student::Person Dorm, GPA Print_Transcript Dean::Employee School Supertype, Superclass, Parent Class, Base Class Subtype, Subclass, Child Class, Derived Class Descendants, Ancestors, Siblings 51 What Can Be a Class? CSE 2102 Private Data Public Interface Chunk of Information Employee Class Name Address SSN ... Create_Employee() Give_Raise(Amount) Change_Address(New_Addr) ... Represent Any Type of Historical or Long-Term Data that Exists in a Repository For Example, Supermarket Items, Automobile Registrations, IRS Returns, etc. 52 What Can Be a Class? CSE CSE 2102 2102 Private Data Public Interface Functional Component ATM_Log Class Acct_Name PIN_Number ... Check_Database(Name) Verify_PIN(PIN) Log_on_Actions(Name, PIN) Reject() ... Represent a Functional Action that Performs a Well-Defined Task with Minimal Internal State For Example, Supermarket UPC Scan, Automobile Diagnostic Analyzer, etc. 53 What Can Be a Class? CSE CSE 2102 2102 Private Data Public Interface User Interface ATM_User Class Action Balance WD_Amt ... Log_on_Steps() Acct_WithD(Amt) Check_Balance(Number) Deposit_Check() ... Or --- Anything that you Want! Interaction Between User and System For Example, Supermarket Cashier, Browser Interface, etc. 54 Benefits of OO Paradigm CSE 2102 Supports Reusable Software Components Creation and Testing in Isolation Integration of Working Components Designers/Developers View Problem at Higher Level of Abstraction Controls Information Consistency Public Interface Limits Access to Data Private Implementation Unavailable Promotes/Facilitates Software Evolution/Reuse Inheritance to Extend Design/Class Library Multiple Instances of Same Class 55 1990s – Component Based D & D CSE 2102 ADTs as Unit of Abstraction/Conceptualization Classes are OO Equivalent of ADTs However, in Past 15Years Computing Power has Exploded Application Complexity has Increased Classes are Part of Inheritance Hierarchy Inheritance Hierarchy Part of Application Class Library In Past 15 years Emergence of Java (and.NET) and Write Once, Run Everywhere Emergence of Java Beans Component-Based Development Tools 56 What are Components? CSE 2102 How are Applications Conceptualized? Inheritance Hierarchies Partition Domain Packages as Collections or Related Classes Collections of Classes, Packages, Inheritance Hierarchies form Application Class Library How are Class Libraries Utilized? Use Individual Classes Use Package or Subset of Package Use Major Portions of Inheritance Hierarchies Tools Use at Most a “Few” Select Packages and/or Hierarchies Tools that Span Application Classes Represent Poorly Designed Software 57 Defining Component Concepts CSE 2102 A Component is Composed of One or More Classes (or Other Components) and is Intended to Support a “Constructed” Unit of Functionality A Class Utilized in Multiple Components Maintains the “Same” Semantics in All of its Contexts What are Some Example Components? Graphical User Interface Widgets (see next slide) Major “Reused” Functionality Algorithm for Searching/Sorting Database Connection/Querying Application Specific Cost Accounting Component Computational Fluid Dynamics Component Note the Wide Range of Granularity Differences 58 What are Sample Components? CSE 2102 Two Sample Components: Date Component (Always Valid Date) Address Component (Consistency in Presentation) What is Attained? Consistent View Ability to Make Isolated Changes (+4 to zip) Changes Seamlessly Included in Next Build 59 Components vs. Objects CSE 2102 Components Objects TechnologyOriented Business Oriented Coarser Grained Standards Based Fine Grained Multiple Interfaces Language Based Single Interface Provide Services Provide Operations Fully Encapsulated Use Inheritance Understood by Developers Understood by Everyone 60 Types CSE 2102 Application Template Data Model Data Structure System Architecture Process Model Process Definition Prototype Plan Skeleton User Interface Skeleton/GUI Process Skeleton Utility Components Security Process Etc. & Benefits Organizational Perspective Shorten Development Time Reduce Costs Increase Competitiveness Personnel Perspective Increase Productivity Customer Perspective Achieve Greater User Satisfaction Through the Production of More Flexible Products 61 Component-Based Development Process CSE CSE 2102 2102 TOP-DOWN: To determine what is needed to satisfy this need. OTHERS: Consider the similarity among concurrent projects. FUTURE: Consider the possibility of reusing in future projects. BOTTOM-UP: To determine what is available to satisfy this need. 62 Supplier /Consumer Model CSE CSE 2102 2102 SUPPLY Build New Wrap Existing Buy CONSUME Assemble Applications MANAGE Publish Subscribe Catalog Browse 63 Component CSE CSE 2102 2102 Specification How to Use Interfaces Implementation The Code Executable The “Bean” 64 Complexity of Component CSE CSE 2102 2102 Components as Assets can Grow 65 Design Patterns CSE 2102 Emerged as the Recognition that in Object-Oriented Systems Repetitions in Design Occurred Component at Design Level Gained Prominence in 1995 with Publication of “Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable ObjectOriented Software”, Addison-Wesley “… descriptions of communicating objects and classes that are customized to solve a general design problem in a particular context…” Akin to Complicated Generic Usage of Patterns Requires Consistent Format and Abstraction Common Vocabulary and Descriptions Simple to Complex Patterns – Wide Range 66 The Observer Pattern CSE 2102 Utilized to Define a One-to-Many Relationship Between Objects When Object Changes State – all Dependents are Notified and Automatically Updated Loosely Coupled Objects When one Object (Subject – an Active Object) Changes State than Multiple Objects (Observers – Passive Objects) Notified Observer Object Implements Interface to Specify the Way that Changes are to Occur Two Interfaces and Two Concrete Classes 67 The Model View Controller Pattern CSE CSE 2102 2102 68 The Observer Pattern CSE CSE 2102 2102 69 2000s – Web/Distributed Applications CSE 2102 Distributed Computing/Applications are … Systems of Systems Interoperation of New & Existing Applications Legacy, Databases, COTS, New Clients, etc. Network Centric Environment Multi-Tier Solutions Distributed Computing Applications must … Manage, Control, Access, and Modify Data Allow Humans to Interact with Data Provide High-Availability and Performance Evolvable Over Time Present & Future Systems Exhibit All of These Characteristics and More! 70 What is a Distributed Application? CSE CSE 2102 2102 System of Systems Heterogeneity Hardware OS, PLs Network Centric Environment DB Client Legacy Client Legacy Database COTS Dynamic Environment High-Availability Performance Java Client Server Server Legacy Java Client Database COTS COTS Client Increase Productivity New/Innovative Transparent Interoperation Information Use 71 Another View – Today’s Reality CSE 2102 Premise: Artifacts - set of DB, Legacy, COTS, GOTS, Each w/ API Premise: Users New and Existing Utilize Artifact APIs Distributed Application, DA Artifacts + Users What are the Issues? How Do they Interact? Heterogeneity Security Concerns Different Programmatic Models Etc. Etc. Etc. Database COTS Legacy Legacy Client Java Client GOTS NETWORK GOTS Client Legacy Database Database Client COTS Client 72 Why is Distributed Computing Needed? CSE 2102 Today’s Environments Contain Applications … Created with Multiple Prog. Languages Executing on Heterogeneous Platforms Locally and Geographically Distributed Distributed Computing Applications Must … Allow Seamless and Transparent Interoperation Provide Tools for Engineers and Users Result: Inter-Operating Environment Utilize Information in New/Innovative Ways Leveraged to Increase Productivity Support Diverse User Activities Dynamically Respond to Changes 73 Striving for New Techniques/Technologies CSE 2102 We Must Diverge from Business as Usual C Programming with RPC Customized Development without Reuse Solutions that Aren’t Extensible and Evolvable Cobbling Together Solutions w/o Method or Reason is Unacceptable and Doomed to Fail! We Must Face Today’s Realities Legacy Code is Fact of Life New Technologies Offer New Challenges Adopt to Leverage Their Benefits We Must Draw Careful Balance to Opt for Mature Technologies While Targeting Emerging Technologies with Potential! 74 Who are the Players? CSE 2102 Stakeholders Software Architects (Requirements) System Designers (Solutions) Application Builders (Implementation) Stakeholders Striving to Provide … System Interaction and Information Exchange Utilization of Existing Applications in New and Innovative Ways End-Users at Various Skill Levels and with Specific and Limited Access Requirements Novice vs. Adept vs. Expert Who Uses What When and for How Long? 75 Why a Distributed Application? CSE 2102 Reasons: Data used is Distributed Computation is Distributed Application Users are Distributed 2 Key Issues for Solution: Platform-Independent Models and Abstraction Techniques Hide Low-Level Details Provide a WellPerforming Solution Works Today and Tomorrow! • Easy to Re-use • Easy to distribute • Easy to maintain 76 Java Client with Wrapper to Legacy Application CSE CSE 2102 2102 Java Client Java Application Code WRAPPER Mapping Classes JAVA LAYER Interactions Between Java Client and Legacy Appl. via C and RPC C is the Medium of Info. Exchange Java Client with C++/C Wrapper NATIVE LAYER Native Functions (C++) RPC Client Stubs (C) Legacy Application Network 77 COTS and Legacy Application to Java CSE CSE 2102 2102 COTS Application Legacy Application Java Application Code Java Application Code Native Functions that Map to COTS Appl NATIVE LAYER Native Functions that Map to Legacy Appl NATIVE LAYER JAVA LAYER JAVA LAYER Mapping Classes Mapping Classes Network Java Client Java Client Java is Medium of Info. Exchange - C/C++ Appls with Java Wrappers 78 Three-Tier Example CSE CSE 2102 2102 79 Four-Tier Architecture Example CSE CSE 2102 2102 80 Today’s and Tomorrows Applications? CSE CSE 2102 2102 Mobile Computing is Changing the World! Computing Power and Versatility Unmatched for Price $700 Tablet with 128G, and 500 Phone with 32G In 1987, Sun Workstation (black and white, local system drive, files remote) - $20,000 Is Java’s Write Once Run Anywhere Still Relevant? Consider Titanium Platform Cross Platform Apps from Single Javascript Codebase iOS, Android, Windows, BlackBerry, HTML5 Dramatically Changes Game Why Design and Develop Anyway Else? 81 Chapter 1 - Summary CSE 2102 Computing is Pervasive Throughout Society! Software Engineering Behind Hardware Advances? CPU Speed (and Multi-Processors) Memory Size 1982: PDP 11/44 with 256K 1993: Sun 4 with 32M 1997: Sun Ultra with 64M/PC with 32 M 1998: Suns and PCs with 128M 2006: PCs with 1-2Gigabytes 2013 Tablets with 128 Gigabytes Disk Capacity 1982: 60M with 2’ by 3’ by 3’ Footprint 1993: 200M inside your PC 1997: 2 to 4 G inside your PC 1998: 8 or more G inside your PC 2006: PCs with 160G+, NW Storage Devices, etc. 2013: Gigabyte Drives a Norm/Memory Cards vs. Drive 82 Chapter 1 - Summary CSE 2102 Critical aspects of our lives depend on software Software development lacks the rigor and discipline of mature engineering disciplines: Software engineering aims to bring discipline/rigor to the building and maintenance of software systems Study of software engineering focuses on three key elements: process, methods and tools Software products are often expected to satisfy various non functional requirements: Relative priorities of these requirements depend on the nature of the application. May or may not be able to satisfy all the requirements, tradeoffs may be necessary. 83 Chapter 1 - Summary CSE 2102 Software Becoming More Complex and Appearing in More and More Places (Embedded Computing) Software Engineering Must Evolve to Embrace Engineering Concepts, Approaches, and Rigor! Technology Component-Based, Distributed, Web, Mobile, etc. Embedded (TVs, Refrigerators, etc.) Education Software Engineering MS Degrees (Now) Software Engineering BS Degrees (On Table) Licensing of Software Engineers (Texas?) Provide “Rules” for Software Engineering Chapter 2 - What are Qualities of Software? Chapter 3 - What are Principles of Software? 84