East Hartford Public Schools Physical Education Curriculum Document Subject Grade Unit Title PSS © Physical Education K, 1, 2 Dribbling and Ball Handling With Hands (Basketball) 8 Lessons (4 Weeks) Connecticut State Standards Priority Grade Level Expectations and Supporting Standards 9.1: Demonstrate coordination in gross motor and fine motor tasks using control, balance, strength, and coordination; and demonstrate progress toward the mature form of selected fundamental motor skills. 9.2: Demonstrate the ability to stop and start on a signal; combine sequences of several motor skills in an organized way; and move through an environment with body control. 10.1: Demonstrate an understanding of body awareness concepts by identifying large and small body parts; show understanding of quality of movement concepts and apply them to psychomotor skills (e.g. demonstrating momentary stillness in balance activities, distinguishing when to kick a ball softly or with force); and show understanding of space concepts by demonstrating personal and general space. 11.1: Engage in physical activities when presented with opportunities and with teacher encouragement. Engage in a wide variety of gross-motor activities that are childselected and teacher initiated. 13.1: Demonstrate safe behavior for self and toward others by following established class rules, procedures and safe practices with teacher guidance and reinforcement. Common Core State Standards Literacy.RI.2.1: Describe the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text. Math.1.NBT.A.1: Count to 120, starting at any number less than 120. In this range, read and write numerals and represent a number of objects with a written numeral. Math. 1.MD.C.4: Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories; ask and answer questions about the total number of data points, how many in each category, and how many more or less are in one category than in another. Standardized Assessment Correlations (CT PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST) Connecticut Physical Fitness Assessment. Subject Grade Unit Title PSS © Physical Education K, 1, 2 Dribbling and Ball Handling With Hands (Basketball) 8 Lessons (4 Weeks) Big Ideas Essential Questions Participation in ball handling activities will lead to skill development that will be necessary to play basketball in future physical education classes and as a lifelong activity. Concepts (what students need to know) 1. How to use “Finger Pads” to dribble basketball style with hands. 2. How to move and dribble under control. 3. What muscles and body parts are used to dribble? 4. What an athletic body position looks like. 5. Shooting at a lowered hoop. 6. Bounce Pass to a partner. 1. What are the essential learning cues needed to be a successful dribbler with your hands? 2. What part of your hand do you dribble with? 3. What is an appropriate height for the ball to bounce when dribbling? Skills (what students need to be able to do) 1. Dribble a ball using “finger pads”. 2. Start and stop while dribbling. 3. Dribble under control (waist high). 4. Dribble with dominate hand. 5. Dribble with non dominate hand. 6. Dribble with head up. 7. Knees Bent 8. Both hands on the ball 9. Chin up/push/elbows out. 10. Eyes on the rim. 11. Chest Pass. DOK 1, 2, 3, 4. Assessments Pre-Assessment “Dipsticks” (Informal Progress Monitoring) Teacher observation using rubric/checklist of each student dribbling. As determined by: Universal Assessments Pre-Assessments Individual Teacher Assessments Data Team Discussions Post-Assessment Teacher observation using rubric/checklist of each student dribbling Teacher observation of student dribbling in modified basketball activity. Skills assessment checklist (pre/post) rubric Assessment Guides (Rubrics) EHPS HPE Skills Assessment Rubric (see attached) Instructional Planning REQUIRED Resources and Materials Recommended Resources and Materials Doherty, J., & Brennan, P. (2008). Physical Youth basketballs, playground balls, education and development 3 - 11: A cones, floor spots, hoops, pinnies. guide for teachers. New York, New York: Rutledge. Graham, G. (2007). Children moving: A reflective approach to teaching physical education. (7th ed.). New York, New York: McGraw Hill. Holt Hale, S. A. (2007). On the move: Lesson plans to accompany children moving. (7th ed.). New York, New York: McGraw Hill. Mitchell, S., Oslin, J., & Griffin, L. (2003). Sport foundations for elementary physical education: A tactical games approach. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics. Technological Retrieved from http://www.pegames.org/ Retrieved from http://www.peuniverse.com/ Retrieved from www.pecentral.com Instructional Planning (continued) Effective Teaching Strategies Enrichment, Intervention, and Differentiation 1. Check for understanding. 1. Relay team games that allow for 2. Constant reminders for dribbling individual dribbling during group cues. activity. 3. Teacher demonstration of proper 2. Dribbling at different speeds, cues dribbling. (starting and stopping) 4. Student demonstration to peers 3. Dribbling against a defender. of proper dribbling patterns. 4. Extensions and refinement of 5. Provide recognition to students. dribbling skills. 6. Identify differentiation strategies following pre assessment. East Hartford Public Schools Physical Education Instructional Block Plan Unit Objectives & Standards: 9.1-Demonstrate coordination in gross motor and fine motor tasks using control, balance, strength, and coordination; and demonstrate progress toward the mature form of selected fundamental motor skills. 9.2-Demonstrate the ability to stop and start on a signal; combine sequences of several motor skills in an organized way; and move through an environment with body control. 10.1-Demonstrate an understanding of body awareness concepts by identifying large and small body parts; show understanding of quality of movement concepts and apply them to psychomotor skills (e.g. demonstrating momentary stillness in balance activities, distinguishing when to kick a ball softly or with force); and show understanding of space concepts by demonstrating personal and general space. 11.1-Engage in physical activities when presented with opportunities and with teacher encouragement. Engage in a wide variety of gross-motor activities that are childselected and teacher initiated. 13.1-Demonstrate safe behavior for self and toward others by following established class rules, procedures and safe practices with teacher guidance and reinforcement. Unit: Ball Handling Grade(s): K - 2 Class #1 Intro/Warm- CTPFT Warm up: Ups/Stretches Game History Expectations Safety Core Spot dribbling Activity: progressing into open space dribbling. Right hand then left hand. Application Line Dribbling Activity Freeze Dribble (Game): Assessment: Dribbling Pre Test Assessment Time: 45 Minutes Class #2 CTPFT Warm Ups/Stretches. Expectations Safety Class Periods: 8 Class #3 CTPFT Warm Ups/Stretches Expectations Safety Spot dribbling progressing into open space dribbling. Right hand then left hand Ready, Step , Bounce Pass Bounce and hit target Bounce and hit wall Dribble Knock Out Freeze Dribble Team Challenge Dribble Relays Teacher Observation of dribbling skills. Passing Team Relay Races ( Bounce Pass) Passing Pre Test Assessment and Rubric. CCSS Alignment Questions What were the main ideas in my introduction of dribbling? Questions (DOK) Create a pattern using dribbling at different levels and in different pathways. Class #4 Intro/Warm- CTPFT Warm up: Ups/Stretches Expectations Safety Core Partner Bounce Pass Activity: Application Activity (Game): Assessment: CCSS Alignment Questions Questions (DOK) With your partner, determine who has the more or less dribbles during the timed dribbling activity. Create two different strategies for maintaining a dribble during the dribble knockout game. Count to see how many times you can pass the ball to your partner in the activity time. Create a way to pass to your partner at the three different levels. Class #5 CTPFT Warm Ups/Stretches Expectations Safety “BEEF” Method Students will shoot a basketball using the following cues: balance, elbow makes and “L”, eyes on the hoop, and follow through. Class #6 CTPFT Warm Ups/Stretches Expectations Safety “BEEF” Method Students will shoot a basketball using the following cues: balance, elbow makes and “L”, eyes on the hoop, and follow through. Shoot at lowered hoops. Partner Bounce Pass Minute to Win It. Shoot at lowered hoops. Teacher observation of passing skills. Use supportive statements to prove why it is important to follow the bounce pass skill cues. Design a task sheet to teach a partner how to perform a bounce pass. Shooting Pre Test Class #7 Intro/Warm- CTPFT Warm up: Ups/Stretches Expectations Safety Complete the shooting log and determine who has to most shots made in the class. Create a dribbling pathway to the hoop before shooting the basketball. Class #8 CTPFT Warm Ups/Stretches Expectations Safety Teacher observation of shooting skills Count to see how many times you can dribble to ball in one minute. Analyze your partner in the shooting activity to determine if the skill cues were followed. Class #9 Core Activity: Application Activity (Game): Assessment: CCSS Alignment Questions Questions (DOK) Dribble Knock Out Ready, Step , Bounce Pass Bounce and hit target Bounce and hit wall Shoot at lowered hoops. Steal the spot shooting. Basketball skill stations: Assessment station. Dribbling station. Shooting station. Passing station. Locomotor station. Teacher observation of shooting skills. Final Basketball Assessment/Performance Rubric Describe the basketball game you have created in a narrative. Skill Stations. Interpret the dribbling log data to determine if you have shown an improvement in your dribbling this unit. Why was it important Create a basketball game to give a bounce pass that you can play at to your partner? recess with a friend. What kind of pass would you use during a game and why? East Hartford Physical Education Skills Checklist Teacher: School: Grade: K-2 Lesson Content: Dribbling & Volleying Date: Classroom Teacher: Facility: Gymnasium Directions: Select the appropriate score and place the score in the box under the corresponding skill and student name. Scoring: 0: Not performed 1: Performed Grading: E: 4 P: 3 M: 2 I: 0-1 Student Names Can strike with both hands Hand moves forward after contact Contact with ball using flat hand Overhand Volley Eyes on the ball before contact Can strike with both hands Hand moves upward after contact Contact with ball using flat hand Eye on the ball before contact Underhand Volley Athletic position while dribbling All skills: ____ Eyes look forward while dribbling Overhand Volley: ____ Contacts ball using fingerpads Underhand Volley:____ Underhand Volley Overhand Volley # Ss Proficient Dribbling: ____ Dribbling with ha Total # Students: _____ Keeps ball at waist level Dribbling with hands Total Score Name: ______________________ Classroom Teacher: ____________________ Dribbling Exit Slip #1 Directions: Answer the following questions using two sentences. 1: What are the four main cues used to dribble a basketball? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________ 2: Describe different ways you can improve dribbling skills this year. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ __ Name: ______________________ Classroom Teacher: ____________________ Dribbling Exit Slip #2 Directions: Complete drawing below. Draw a basketball court and a basketball player dribbling up the court towards the basket.