PE Pacing Guide 4x4[1]

Physical Education
A/B day
Week One
Day 1 Objective - students receive an introduction to PE, Syllabus, Procedures, sell /buy uniforms.
Review – rules, dress – out procedure and return syllabus.
Day 2 Objective - students will be able to demonstrate procedures in PE class, review syllabus, sell/buy uniforms, establish
squads and begin light activity. Encourage students to bring their own gloves.
Review- students will dress out on day two or three. A/B or 4 x 4. Students need to be encouraged to dress out.
Day 3 Objective - students will be able to demonstrate a base line for the Fitness Test. Muscular strength/muscular endurance
Warm up Routine, Fitness Activity - walk lap one jog lap two, walk lap three, jog lap four.
Equipment needed: blue mats for sit – ups.
Fitness Pre – Testing Sit ups/Push -ups Sit – ups – arms crossed, grab shirt and elbow to knees. The student should attempt as
many as possible in one minute with partner holding feet and counting. Push – ups- regular push up w/ no time limit. If student
knees, thighs or stomach touch the test is over. A student can’t redo the test that day. The student must keep their body
straight and come down within one inch of their partners fist with their chin or nose.
Review-end of class procedures, dressing out rules and encourage students to exercise outside of school.
Week Two
Day 4 Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate a base line for the Fitness/Skills Test. (All test scores on separate
sheet). Cardiovascular exercise.
Objective II - students will be able to demonstrate basic rules of softball and drills to exhibit proper throwing using “the
throwing progression.”
Warm up Routine, Fitness Activity - walk/jog one lap each. Fitness Pre – pre test 400
Anticipatory set – 10 questions about softball. Introduction to Softball rules, history and strategies. Assign softball report.
Examples and procedures of The Softball Report. (see below)
Equipment needed: gloves and softballs.
Throwing progression
1) Students will partner up facing each other from 5-10 yards away. Students may form a triangle with a group of three.
2)How to put on glove 2) wrist flips 3) one knee check with arm side knee on ground “ L check” 4) upper body torque no step
throw 5) complete short throw 6) long throw
3) Catching fundamentals – glove “up” when the ball is shoulder high or above and glove “down” when the ball is below the
waist. Get behind or under the ball and use two hands.
Review- reminders to bring their own gloves and assign Softball Report due by Day 13.
Day 5 Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate a base line for the Fitness/Skills Test. Anaerobic Exercise/agility
Objective II - students will be able to demonstrate proper technique to use the glove to catch and drills to exhibit proper
throwing and fundamentals of fielding a ground ball and fly ball.
Warm up Routine, Fitness Activity - jog tennis courts, Fitness test, pre -test Shuttle run.
Equipment needed – two cones for shuttle run and one “base” for every two students.
Activity -Throwing fundamentals/progression. Catching- direct throws, grounders and high fly balls with a glove.
Equipment needed: gloves and softballs, bases or circle mats for first base.
Students will be in partners and work on fundamentals on fielding a ground balls and fly balls.
Ground ball technique -right foot toes splits left foot, get behind the ball, glove on ground and open palm up, crow’s hop to a
throw to the first baseman. First baseman skills will be right foot on bag for right handed and vice versa.
Review- glove placement for fielding and foot placement for first baseman.
Day 6 Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate a base line for the Fitness/Skills Test. Cardiovascular exercise.
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper technique to use the glove to catch and drills to exhibit proper
throwing using “the throwing progression.”
Warm up Routine, Fitness Activity - Hills and Bleachers
Equipment needed: gloves, bases and softballs and bat.
Activity – infield and outfield skills Students will be divided into two groups (infield and outfield). The teacher will hit grounders
to students to field. There will be lines at all six infield positions
Review- attacking the ball and arm in L shape to throw.
Day 7 Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate a base line for the Fitness/Skills Test. Aerobic exercise
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper technique on hitting.
Warm up Routine, Fitness Activity –pre test 800
Activity – Hitting (Point system) Hitting fundamentals 1) stance in batter’s box 2) hand grip 3) the swing, torque and foot
movement. Keep the back foot on the ground by pivoting, front foot steps toward pitcher. Students are allowed three swings
and they will run on the third swing no matter what.
Equipment needed: gloves, bases and softballs and bat.
Review- stance, the swing and follow through.
Day 8 Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate a base line for the Fitness/Skills Test. Cardiovascular endurance
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper technique on hitting and strategies of when to run and when not to.
Warm up Routine, Fitness Activity –pre test one mile run.
Activity – Base running/hitting- Base running situations with batters running on one swing no matter what. Example – man on
first with one out and the ball is hit to the ss, they throw it to second base (should they tag the base or runner) what should the
runner do?
Equipment needed: gloves, bases, softballs and bat.
Review- situations that occurred pertaining to when to tag the runner or the base and decision making of the runner.
Week Three
Day 9 Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate a base line for the Fitness/Skills Test. Agility/fitness
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper technique on hitting and strategies of when to run and when not to.
Warm up Routine, Fitness Activity basketball ladders 1, 2, 3, 4 – pre test- Kicking
Activity – Hitting/ situations Hitters get three swings and they will run on the third swing. Discuss the situations as they occur.
Equipment needed: gloves and softballs, bat.
Review- situations that occurred pertaining when to tag the runner or the base and decision making of the runner.
Day 10 Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate a base line for the Fitness/Skills Test and exhibit how to monitor
their heart rate. Agility/cardiovascular endurance
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate fundamentals and rules of softball.
Warm up Routine, Fitness Activity - Z balls. Pre test – The Cooper Test/ Heart rate
Activity – Hitting simulated game (point system)
Equipment needed: gloves, bases, softballs and bat.
Review- situations that occurred pertaining when to tag the runner or the base and decision making of the runner.
Week Four
Day 11 Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate a base line for the Fitness/Skills Test. Cardiovascular endurance and
muscular endurance
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate fundamentals, rules and strategies of softball.
Warm up Routine, Fitness Activity – hills and bleachers. Practice Catching skills test with glove.
Equipment needed: gloves, bases, softballs and bat.
Activity – softball game
Review- explain situations that occurred during the game.
Day 12 Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate a base line for the Fitness/Skills Test. Cardiovascular endurance
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate fundamentals, rules and strategies of softball.
Warm up Routine, Fitness Activity - three laps jogging straights and walking the curves. Practice throwing test on four spots on
the wall or on tennis courts.
Equipment needed: gloves, bases, softballs and bat. Hand out review sheet.
Activity – softball game /softball review softball report due NEXT CLASS.
Review- discuss the review sheet and remind students of the written test.
Day 13 Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate short relay races competing against other groups. Anaerobic exercise
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate a 90% or above on written test and a base average of 5 to 10 points per day.
Warm up Routine, Fitness Activity – relay races
Equipment needed: gloves, bases, softballs and bat.
Activity – Softball Written Test and Skills test for Softball is a running total of points each day. TURN IN SOFTBALL REPORT.
Review- Once the students have all handed in their test, review over the answers.
Day 14 – Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate proper technique to execute abdominal exercises on balance ball
and different steps while jumping rope.
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper techniques of dribbling and passing in soccer. Muscular strength and
cardiovascular endurance.
Warm up Routine, FITNESS –Abs balls and jump roping
Equipment: soccer balls and cones.
Activity –Anticipatory set – 10 questions about soccer Introduction to soccer rules, history and strategies. ASSIGN SOCCER
Soccer Unit Intro Dribbling /passing students will work in partners with one ball. They will face each other from 10 yards and
work on contacting the ball with the inner part/top of the foot. Foot and hand placement will be stressed. The receiver will
work on stopping the ball with their foot by placing their foot on the top of the ball. Students will continue to kick back and
forth. Students will work on dribbling the ball with both feet using the inside part of their foot while maintaining the ball
within 1-3 feet of them. They will go around a cone and back, they will trap it and pass it to their partner. The next drill is to
dribble through cones and back. Students will work in tandem to pass back and forth to each other while moving around a
cone and back.
Review- discuss tips on dribbling and passing
Day 15- Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate a nine or 10 minute mile. Cardiovascular endurance
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper techniques of soccer style penalty kick and defensive goalie
techniques to prevent a goal.
Warm up Routine, FITNESS – one mile run.
Equipment: soccer balls, nerf balls and cones.
Activity- Shooting in goal/ goalie skills -students will take proper angles to kicking the ball straight as well as foot placement
on the ball to move in desired direction. Students will take shots at the goal with and without a goalie. When there is a
goalie students should use a nerf ball.
Review- discuss strategies on the penalty kick and why it would occur in a game.
Week Five
Day 16 – Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate anaerobic exercises to complete short sprints. Anaerobic
exercise/agility drills.
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper techniques and strategies of soccer.
Warm up Routine, FITNESS - basketball ladders and moving agility drills.
Equipment: soccer balls, nerf balls, pennies and cones.
Activity -Soccer Game discuss modified rules. Pick up teams and play games.
Review- discuss sportsmanship in games.
Day 17- Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate a variety of jump roping steps. Anaerobic exercise/agility drills.
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper techniques and strategies of soccer.
Warm up Routine, FITNESS – Jumping Rope
Equipment: soccer balls, nerf balls, pennies and cones.
Activity -Soccer game - discuss modified rules. Pick up teams and play games.
Review- discuss situations that occurred in the games.
Day 18 – Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate a lower body workout (glutes, hamstrings, quads) Cardiovascular
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper techniques and strategies of soccer and perform 3 out 5 kicks for skills
test. Warm up Routine, FITNESS – Bleachers and hills Equipment: soccer balls, nerf balls, pennies and cones.
Activity – Soccer Game/World Cup/kicking skills test Review- review grading scale for skills test.
Day 19 – Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate a low impact workout for a timed mile. Cardiovascular endurance
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper techniques and strategies of soccer and perform 3 out 5 kicks for skills
Warm up Routine, FITNESS – 16 minute walk one mile.
Equipment: soccer balls, nerf balls, pennies and cones.
Activity – Soccer Game kicking skills test /soccer review REMIND STUDENTS THAT THE SOCCER REPORT IS DUE NEXT CLASS.
Review- discuss the review sheet and remind students of the written test.
Day 20 - Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate a nine or 10 minute mile. Cardiovascular endurance
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper techniques and strategies of soccer and to achieve a 90% or higher on
written test.
Warm up Routine, FITNESS – one mile
Equipment: soccer balls, nerf balls, pennies and cones.
Activity- Soccer written test and game TURN IN SOCCER REPORT
Review- review the answers of the test once the test is over.
Week Six
Day 21 – Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate agility steps within a “ladder routine”. Agility
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper techniques of the set and pass during drills.
Warm up Routine, FITNESS – steps with the ladder
Equipment: volleyballs
Anticipatory set – 10 questions about softball. Introduction to volleyball rules, history and strategies. Assign volleyball report.
Activity -Intro to Volleyball – Set and pass
Activity – Set/pass pass fundamentals are hand and finger placement, contact point on the forearms, behind the ball and lift
the ball up using the legs. The pass should be used when the ball is below your chest and usually on the back line. Set – put
hands in triangle form, use fingertips and power the ball up using the legs under the ball. The set is used when the ball is above
your shoulders and setting up a spike. Students are in partners and one will throw the ball to the other five times before
switching. Used for the pass and the set. The second step is to work on continuous passing and setting. Circle pass/set with
person in the middle. The goal is to get 10 hits or more within the groups. Students should yell “mine” or “I got it” to work on
communication skills.
Review- emphasize fingertips in the set and arms straight during contact of the pass.
Day 22 – Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate a variety of sit-ups and a variety of push -ups. Core Strength and
muscular strength.
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper techniques of the set and pass during drills.
Warm up Routine, FITNESS - Blue Room – Push -ups and sit ups
Equipment: volleyballs
Activity – Set/pass pass fundamentals are hand and finger placement, contact point on the forearms, behind the ball and lift
the ball up using the legs. The pass should be used when the ball is below your chest and usually on the back line. Set – put
hands in triangle form, use fingertips and power the ball up using the legs under the ball. The set is used when the ball is above
your shoulders and setting up a spike. Students are in partners and one will throw the ball to the other five times before
switching. Used for the pass and the set. The second step is to work on continuous passing and setting. Circle pass/set with
person in the middle. The goal is to get 10 hits or more within the groups. Students should yell “mine” or “I got it” to work on
communication skills.
Review- emphasize fingertips in the set and arms straight during contact of the pass.
Day 23 - Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate a lower body workout (glutes, hamstrings, quads) Cardiovascular
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper techniques of the overhand serve.
Warm up Routine, FITNESS – Bleachers/ hills
Equipment: volleyballs and nets
Activity – Serving - students will partner up with one person on each side of the net,. The server will serve towards the wall
and the receiver will roll it back under the net to the server. Each student will serve five times and rotate. Serving
fundamentals is the toss of the ball as high as you can reach, cupped hand (no palm), throwing motion remember the “L”
while throwing. Turn the body facing the right with the left foot forward. The student should palce the ball in the left hand
and toss it up, use a throwing motion with torque and give a “high five”.
Review- emphasize the toss.
Day 24 – Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate interval training. Cardiovascular endurance
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper techniques of the overhand serve.
Warm up Routine, FITNESS – three laps, jog straights and walk curves.
Activity – Serving KING OF THE COURT 6 on 6.
Review- emphasize communicating on the floor.
Day 25 – Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate a nine or 10 minute mile. Cardiovascular endurance
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper techniques of volleyball and rules of the game.
Warm up Routine, FITNESS – one mile
Activity – Rotation and Game
Review- emphasize the rotation and keeping score.
Week Seven
Day 26 – Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate interval training. Cardiovascular endurance
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper techniques of volleyball and rules of the game.
Warm up Routine, FITNESS –Walk one stop, jog lap two stop, time lap three
Activity – Set/pass drills and game
Review- discuss situations of games.
Day 27 Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate a variety of sit-ups and a variety of push -ups. Core Strength and
muscular strength.
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper techniques of volleyball and rules of the game.
- Warm up Routine, FITNESS –Activity - Blue Room – Push - ups and sit ups
Activity -Volleyball Game
Review- discuss situations of games.
Day 28 - Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate a lower body workout (glutes, hamstrings, quads) Cardiovascular
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper techniques of volleyball and rules of the game.
Warm up Routine, FITNESS –bleachers/hills
Activity -Volleyball Game practice serving for skills test
Review- discuss scoring and feedback to improve scores.
Day 29 – Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate interval training. Cardiovascular endurance
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper techniques of volleyball and rules of the game and achieve a 90% or
better on serving skills test.
Warm up Routine, FITNESS – three laps, jog straights and walk curves
Activity – Volleyball Game/Skills test on serve
Review- discuss scoring and feedback to improve scores.
Day 30 - Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate a nine or 10 minute mile. Cardiovascular endurance
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper techniques of volleyball and rules of the game and achieve a 90% or
better on serving skills test.
Warm up Routine, FITNESS – one mile run
Activity – Volleyball Game /Skills test on serve Review-- discuss situations of games.
Week Eight
Day 31- Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate (see skills/fitness test standards) Muscular endurance and cardio
vascular endurance.
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper techniques of volleyball and rules of the game and review the rules,
history and strategies for a written test.
Warm up Routine, FITNESS -Sit up Fitness test and 400 Test
Activity – Volleyball Game/review remind students that the volleyball report is due
Review--- discuss situations of games.
Day 32 – Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate (see skills/fitness test standards) Muscular strength and agility.
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper techniques of volleyball and rules of the game and achieve a 90% or
better on written test.
Warm up Routine, FITNESS-Push up Fitness Test and Shuttle Run test
Activity – Volleyball Test and Game TAKE UP VOLLEYBALL REPORTS.
Review-discuss the answers of the test once it’s over.
Day 33 – Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate (see skills/fitness test standards) Cardiovascular endurance.
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper techniques of dribbling, ball handling and layups.
Warm up Routine, FITNESS- 800 Test and Kicking test
Anticipatory set – 10 questions about basketball. Introduction to basketball rules, history and strategies. Assign basketball
Activity – Intro to basketball dribbling/ball handling/ lay ups dribbling fundamentals 1) fingertips 2) ball below waist 3) ball to
the side4)alternate hands. Ball handling- stationary and moving. Lay-up fundamentals 1) steps are left right left with one dribble
on the first step 2)proper angle between box and line 3) jump one step from the basket 4) follow through hitting the top right of
the square.
Review-emphasize fingertips and steps on the lay-up.
Day 34 – Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate interval training and students will be able to demonstrate (see
skills/fitness test standards. Cardiovascular endurance
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper techniques of lay –ups and shooting.
Warm up Routine, FITNESS – Jog 1 min and walk one minute for 16 min Catching skills test
Activity – layups/shooting stations
Day 35 – Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate (see skills/fitness test standards) Cardiovascular endurance
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper techniques of passing and defense.
Warm up Routine, FITNESS – Cooper Test/heart rate
Activity – Passing/defense, Shooting, games stations – bounce and chest pass defensive footwork, stance and movement.
Shooting fundamentals –feet , hands, set , motion, hands.
Stations: 1) lay – ups 2) Free Throws 3) 3 on 3 4)shoot to 10 5) knockout 6) one on one game.
Review- types of passes and when to use?
Week Nine Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate (see skills/fitness test standards) Cardiovascular endurance
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper techniques through six different stations. 1) lay – ups 2) Free Throws
3) 3 on 3 4)shoot to 10 5) knockout 6) one on one game
ReviewDay 36 – Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate (see skills/fitness test standards) Cardiovascular endurance
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper techniques through six different stations. 1) lay – ups 2) Free Throws
3) 3 on 3 4)shoot to 10 5) knockout 6) one on one game.
Warm up Routine, FITNESS – Jog one min and walk one minute for 16 min
Activity – Basketball stations/ games/ skill work
Review- proper arch
Day 37 – Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate (see skills/fitness test standards) Cardiovascular endurance
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper techniques through six different stations. 1) lay – ups 2) Free Throws
3) 3 on 3 4)shoot to 10 5) knockout 6) one on one game.
Warm up Routine, FITNESS – One mile test
Activity - Activity – Basketball stations/ games/ skill work
Review- feedback on skills.
Day 38 – Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate a lower body workout (glutes, hamstrings, quads) Cardiovascular
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper techniques through six different stations. 1) lay – ups 2) Free Throws
3) 3 on 3 4)shoot to 10 5) knockout 6) one on one game.
Warm up Routine, FITNESS -Bleachers/ hills
Activity – Basketball lay- up skills test, games and stations
Review- feedback on skills.
Day 39 – Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate a low impact workout to achieve five laps in 20 minutes.
Cardiovascular endurance
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper techniques through six different stations. 1) lay – ups 2) Free Throws
3) 3 on 3 4)shoot to 10 5) knockout 6) one on one game and to achieve a 90% or higher on a lay – up test.
Warm up Routine, FITNESS- 20 minute walk
Activity – Basketball lay- up skills test, games and stations review for test. Remind students that the basketball report is due
next class.
Review- feedback on skills.
Day 40 – Objective I - students will be able to achieve a 90% or higher on the written test. Agility
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate proper techniques through six different stations. 1) lay – ups 2) Free Throws
3) 3 on 3 4)shoot to 10 5) knockout 6) one on one game .
Warm up Routine, FITNESS- z balls
Activity – Basketball test, games and stations. Take up the basketball report.
Review- discuss answers of the test once it’s over.
Day 41 – Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate kicking, catching and throwing skills during a game of Mat Ball.
Cardiovascular endurance
Warm up Routine, FITNESS - Jog two laps timed 3:15 -4:00 minutes.
Activity – Mat Ball
Review- discuss situations and strategies.
Day 42 - Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate safety procedures of the pool and exhibit basic swimming skills.
FITNESS –swimming
Activity – Swimming
Review- discuss safety
Day 43 – Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate a lower body workout (glutes, hamstrings, quads) Cardiovascular
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate throwing, catching, kicking and basketball shooting skills during a game of
Warm up Routine, FITNESS – Bleachers/hills
Activity – Speedball and review for semester exam
Review- review for exam.
Day 44 – Objective I - students will be able to demonstrate interval training. Cardiovascular endurance
Objective II- students will be able to demonstrate throwing, catching, kicking and basketball shooting skills during a game of
speedball and achieve a 90% or higher on written exam.
Warm up Routine, FITNESS – Jog one min and walk one minute for 16 min
Activity – Exam and Speedball
Review- discuss health class.
Activities; softball, volleyball, soccer, basketball fitness testing.
Duty – 7:00 – 7:10am Boys Locker Room
7:15-8:45 1st block – A/B day classes ninth grade PE/Health
PE – gym Health – room 116
8:51-10:31 second block – A/B day PE Team Sports and Racket and Paddle
10:31-12:37 third block – Wt. Training
12:43-2:15 fourth block- Planning
Participation, dress out, 10 components of skills/fitness test. Reports on 1) fitness 2) softball 3) volleyball 4) soccer
5) basketball and written tests.
Reports should include: source (2 points), history one paragraph (2 points), rules one paragraph (2 points), strategies
one paragraph (2 points), three interesting facts about the game, great players or great teams (2 points). Total 10
points. All reports should have all five parts and in order. All reports should be typed.