CSE 314 Digital Computer Logic (3, 1, 4) Instructor: S. M. Faisal Iradat Class: BS(CS) – III Semester: Fall 2009 Prerequisite(s): None. Counseling Hours: 8:30 – 9:45 WS Course Text: DIGITAL SYSTEMS – Principles and Applications, 10th Ed. by R. Tocci, N. Widmer and G. Moss, Prentice Hall, 2007. Additional class handouts, articles / resources (if required will be made available). Supplementary Texts: Digital Fundamentals, 10th Ed., by T. Floyd, Prentice Hall, 2008. Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design, 1st Ed., by S. Brown and Z. Vranesic, McGraw-Hill Science, 2002. Digital Computer Electronics, 3rd Ed., by A. Malvino and J. Brown, Career Education, 1992. Course Description: This course is an introduction to the basic principles of digital electronics and logic design. At the conclusion of this course, the student will be able to quantitatively identify the fundamentals of computers, including binary number systems, special number systems, binary coded number systems, arithmetic and logic operations, logic gates, Boolean algebra, Karnaugh mapping, combinational logic, flip-flops, adders, counters, and registers. Student will gain the practical skills necessary to work with digital circuits through problem solving and hands on laboratory experience with logic gates, encoders, flip-flops, counters, shift registers, adders, etc also by using different software’s. S.M. Faisal Iradat firadat@iba.edu.pk Tel: 111-677-677 (ext 1336) Course Outline: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. Introductory Concepts Number Systems and Codes Digital Arithmetic Describing Logic Circuits Combinational Logic Circuits Flip-Flops and Related Devices Counters and Registers Integrated Circuits (if time permits) Detailed topics outline covered per class will be distributed at the beginning of each session. Software: I. II. III. LogicWorks 4.0 NI Electronic Workbench Multisim 10.0 Altera’s AHDL I. II. http://www.prenhall.com/tocci/ http://www.rosehulman.edu/Class/ee/yoder/ece130/LogicWorks%20Tutorials.pdf http://www.electronicsworkbench.com/ http://www.altera.com/support/examples/ahdl/ahdl.html Web Sources: III. IV. Grading Policy: The distribution of weights for the exams, homeworks and projects is as follows: Assignments Quizzes Midterms Final Examination Total 15% 15% 30% 40% 100% The final exam is cumulative. However, material covered after the third hourly will be emphasized. Students are encouraged to participate in class. NOTE: Cheating at any time in this course will cause you to fail the course. S.M. Faisal Iradat firadat@iba.edu.pk Tel: 111-677-677 (ext 1336)