Disruptive Behavior Disorders
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Conduct Disorder
Disruptive Behavior Disorder Not Otherwise
Juvenile Delinquency
Antisocial Personality
Disruptive Behavior Disorders
Children who display a broad range of behaviors that
bring them into conflict with their environment
Age-inappropriate actions and attitudes that violate family
expectations, societal norms, and personal property rights
of others
Behaviors fall along a continuous dimension of externalizing
behavior, which includes a pattern of
 Impulsivity
 Over-activity
 Defiance
 Aggressiveness
 Delinquency (*legal term)
General Disruptive Behavior
50% of preschoolers display disobedience
26% of preschoolers destroy property
60% of teenagers engage in more than one
type of delinquent behavior
Referrals for males outnumber females
anywhere from 4:1 to 6:1
Diagnosable Behavior Problems
One of the most common referrals (1/32/3 of all child referrals)
8-12% of children meet specific DSM
criteria for diagnosis of ODD and/or CD
DSM-IV Criteria
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
A recurrent “pattern of negativistic, hostile, and defiant
 Lasting > 6 months
 During which > 4 of the following are present:
a) often loses temper
b) often argues with adults
c) often actively defies or refuses to comply with adults' requests
or rules
d) often deliberately annoys people
e) often blames others for his or her mistakes or misbehavior
f) is often touchy or easily annoyed by others
g) is often angry and resentful
h) is often spiteful or vindictive
Video Clip
ODD – Development and Key Features
Average Age of Emergence
(NYU Child Study Center)
Age 3 – Child acts stubborn
 Age 5 – Defies adults, temper tantrums
 Age 6 – Irritable, argumentative, blames
 Age 7 – Annoys others, spiteful & angry
Extreme negative impact on parent-child
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Characteristics should occur more often
than expected for age and developmental
Developmental considerations
Toddlers: difficult temperament, frustration with
Preschool: discipline problems
Middle childhood: poor peer relationships,
diversification of negative overt behaviors
Adolescence: association with deviant peers,
covert conduct problems, delinquency
Case Examples
Brandon's teachers in the daycare center
report that he is the "terrorist of the 4- yearolds." He punches or bites children and
pushes them off the swings in the
playground without provocation. He swings
the class pet rabbit by the tail in spite of
being told how it hurts the animal. His
parents report that he has been difficult to
manage since he was an infant.
What is different from ODD?
Case Examples
Eleven-year-old Paul, known as The
Prankster in his family, was suspended
from school after leaving half-eaten candy
bars in all the girls' lockers. He had
previously been suspended for leaving
poison pills for the frogs in the biology class
What is different from ODD?
Case Examples
Robin, l6: "When I was 13, that summer
was a blast. One time we picked up some
older guys in a bar and tried a new kind of
speed. We got really wild and we smashed
in some car windows and somebody called
the police. My mother freaked out and tried
to punish me by locking me in my room, but
I would just skip out on her through the
What is different from ODD?
DSM-IV Criteria
Conduct Disorder
A. "a repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior
in which the basic rights of others or major ageappropriate societal norms or rules are
 4 Symptom Domains
aggressive behaviors
behaviors that result in property loss or damage
deceitfulness or theft
other serious rule violations (e.g., running away
from home, truancy)
DSM-IV Criteria
Conduct Disorder
As manifested by the presence of three (or more) of the following
criteria in the past 12 months, with at least one criterion present in
the past 6 months:
1. Aggression to people and animals
a) often bullies, threatens, or intimidates others
b) often initiates physical fights
c) has used a weapon that can cause serious physical harm to
others (e.g., a bat, brick, broken bottle, knife, gun)
d) has been physically cruel to people
e) has been physically cruel to animals
f) has stolen while confronting a victim (e.g., mugging, purse
snatching, extortion, armed robbery)
g) has forced someone into sexual activity
DSM-IV Criteria
Conduct Disorder
Destruction of property
h) has deliberately engaged in fire setting with the
intention of causing serious damage
i) has deliberately destroyed others' property (other
than by fire setting)
Deceitfulness or theft
j) has broken into someone else's house, building, or
k) often lies to obtain goods or favors or to avoid
obligations (i.e., "cons" others)
l) has stolen items of nontrivial value without
confronting a victim (e.g., shoplifting, but without
breaking and entering; forgery)
DSM-IV Criteria
Conduct Disorder
4. Serious rule violations
m) often stays out at night despite parental
prohibitions, beginning before age 13 years
n) has run away from home overnight at least
twice while living in parental or parental
surrogate home (or once without returning for a
lengthy period)
o) is often truant from school, beginning before
age 13 years
CD: Key Features
Severe behavior
Experience accompanying problems
E.g., Poor school adjustment
E.g., Poor peer relationships
Parents feel helpless
Families often have own problems
Marital discord, unemployment, psychological
DSM-IV Criteria
Conduct Disorder
Childhood-Onset Type: 1+ problem with conduct before age 10
Adolescent-Onset Type: no problems before age 10
More likely male
More likely aggressive
Linked to neurological deficits that interfere with development of
language, memory, and self-control
Equal male/female
Less likely to commit violent offenses
Less likely to persist over time
Linked to temporary situational factors
 Mild (minor harm) to Severe: (considerable harm)
Video Clip
Deficits in CD
Little concern for feelings & well-being of others
Lack empathy & feelings of guilt
Misperceive the intentions of others in ambiguous
situations as more hostile and threatening
Fail to inhibit antisocial behavior regardless of
knowledge of potential punishment
CD – Development & Course
Typically, mild delinquent behaviors emerge 1st followed
by more severe behaviors gradually surfacing later
Average Age of Emergence of CD symptoms
(NYU Child Study Center)
Age 8 – Lies, fights
Age 9 – Bullies, fire setting, weapon use
Age 10 – Vandalizes
Age 11 – Physical cruelty
Age 12 – Steals, runs away from home, truant,
breaks and enters
Age 13 – Forced sexual activity
CD: Associated Features
Cognitive and verbal deficits
School and learning problems
Family problems
Inflated, unstable
Peer problems
Underachievement, grade retention, dropout
Self-esteem deficits
Lower IQ
Discord, instability, harsh discipline, conflict
Health-related problems
Risky- behaviors (drug use, sexual promiscuity)
Adult CD Outcomes
School dropout
Substance abuse
Disabling injuries
Difficulty forming
lasting relationships
Criminal behavior
Poor parenting
Empirical Dimensions of
Disruptive Behavior Disorders
Frick et al. 1993:
meta-analysis of 60 factor analytic studies
228,401 children/adolescents with conduct
Conclusions: Most Conduct Problems could
be classified by
 2 orthogonal dimensions
“Covert – Overt”
“Destructive –Nondestructive”
Disruptive Behavior Classification
Frick, et al., (1993)
Substance Abuse
Less social
More resentful
More anxious
More irritable
Low social support
High family conflict
Disruptive Behavior Classification
vandalism fighting
Classification – Age Progression
CD - Property/Deceit
Stealing, fire setting,
vandalism, lying (3rd)
CD – Aggression
Cruelty, assault,
fighting, bullying,
spite, animal cruelty
(2nd) ***HIGH RISK
CD – status offenses
Truancy, substance
abuse, running away,
curfew violations (4th)
ODD (1st)
Tantrums, arguing,
Defiance, annoying
Etiology of Disruptive Behavior Disorders
Biological influences
Genetic contribution ~50% of variance
Difficult temperament
Reward deficiency syndrome
Neurobiological factors
Overactive behavioral activation system:
stimulate behavior in response to
Underactive behavioral inhibition system:
produces anxiety and inhibits behavior
Testosterone levels
Etiology of Disruptive Behavior Disorders
Social cognitive factors: egocentrism and
lack of perspective taking
Encoding: Seek less information before acting
Interpretation: attribute hostile intentions to
ambiguous situations
Response Search: generate fewer and more
aggressive responses
Response Decision: choose aggressive solution
Enactment: poor verbal communication; strike
out physically
Etiology of Disruptive Behavior Disorders
Family Factors
Poor disciplinary practices
Lack of parental supervision
Family conflict and violence
Coercion theory (Patterson) Box 6.5
Child learns to use increasingly intense forms of
aversive behavior to escape and avoid unwanted
parental demands
Poor attachment/bond to parents – thought to
lead to association with deviant peers
Family instability and stress
Etiology of Disruptive Behavior Disorders
Peer influences
Association with deviant peers
Etiology of Disruptive Behavior Disorders
Societal Factors
Neighborhood crime
Family disruption
Media: TV violence
Multiple interacting etiologies in the
development of CD
No one factor has been determined to be “the
Rather than finding a single etiological factor, it
seems more likely that there are numerous
possible combinations of contributing variables
that can result in the clinical manifestations of
CD and ODD
ODD – CD Relationship
Persistent ODD symptoms often precede and
predict early onset of CD (Loeber et al., 2000)
Achenbach and Edelbrock (1981) study of 2,600
children (4- 16 yrs)
Data collected from mothers on symptoms at different ages
Youngest children tended to display oppositional behaviors
At later ages, behaviors such as stealing and fire setting
Other serious conduct disordered behaviors such as truancy,
vandalism, and involvement in substance abuse developed
Disruptive Behavior: A Continuum
Typical Child
Behavior Problems
2/3 of children with
ODD do not go on
to develop CD
Defiant Disorder
Conduct Disorder
Almost half of children
with CD also meet criteria
for a diagnosis of ODD
Antisocial Personality
Antisocial Personality Disorder
“pervasive pattern of disregard for, and
violation of, the rights of others that begins
in childhood or early adolescence and
continues into adulthood”
Must have history of some CD symptoms
before age 15
Risk factor for psychopathy
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Three or more of the following:
1. Failure to conform to social norms (behaviors
warranting arrest)
2. Deceitfulness (lying, conning, deceit)
3. Impulsivity
4. Irritability and aggressiveness
5. Reckless disregard for safety of others or self
6. Consistent irresponsibility
7. Lack of remorse (indifference or
Common Comorbid Disorders
Between 34.7 and 48 % of children and adolescents
with ODD/CD also show evidence of ADHD
Common factors: impulsivity and poor self
~ 25% of children with ADHD diagnosed with CD
Compared to CD and ADHD alone
ADHD/CD more serious and earlier onset of antisocial
behaviors, traffic offenses, failing a grade, school
suspension & expulsion
ADHD/CD ↑ Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD) in
Common Comorbid Disorders
Comorbidity estimates ranging from 12-18%
have been found for depressive disorders
Increased risk for suicide
As many as 19% of children/adolescents with
ODD/CD qualify for a diagnosis of anxiety
Substance Use
Assessment of Disruptive
Use of parent-report questionnaires:
Specific Behavior Problems
Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory (ECBI): parents
endorse the frequency and intensity of problems
Broad Measures: frequency ratings
Behavior Assessment System for Children (BASC)
Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL)
Assessment of Disruptive Behavior
 Interview:
should include both parents
and the child
Important to ask about the child’s
misbehavior and strengths
 Parenting styles and discipline strategies
 Semi-Structured Diagnostic Interviews
Children’s Interview for Psychiatric Syndromes-Parent
Version (P-ChIPS); Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IVTR (KID-SCID)
Assessment of Disruptive
Observation of parent-child interaction
Child-directed and parent-directed interaction +
Record parent’s and child’s
Negative behaviors
 Parent: commands, questions, criticisms
 Child: non compliance
Positive behaviors
 Parents: reflection, praise, description, affection
 Child: non compliance, aggression
Treatment of Disruptive Behavior
Most promising: EARLY and
Most popular approach is behavioral in nature
Parent Management Training (PMT)
 Psychoeducation
 Contingency management techniques
Reinforcement of prosocial behavior
 Praise/Acknowledgement/Recognition
 Tangible Rewards (e.g., Token economy system)
Punishment of antisocial behavior
 Time-out
 Removal of privileges
Focus on Communications
Treatment of Disruptive Behavior
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy
Treatment of Oppositional Defiant
and Conduct Disorders
Problem-Solving Skills Training (PSST)
 Effective problem solving skills
Identify problem
Brainstorm possible solutions
Evaluate solutions
Choose a solution
Evaluate outcome
Modification of cognitions
 Hostile attribution bias
 Maladaptive self statements
Treatment of Oppositional Defiant
and Conduct Disorders
Multisystemic Treatment
Intensive approach
Involves external systems
School, family, juvenile justice etc
Involves: PMT, PSST, Marital Therapy,
Specialized academic interventions
Home visits
Addresses hypothesized etiological factors
Juvenile Delinquency
Some children not only show oppositional
defiant behavior and features of conduct
disorder – they also come into conflict with
the juvenile justice system.
The legal term “delinquency” is applicable
to such children and adolescents
Juvenile Delinquency
It refers to a juvenile (usually under 18 years)
who is brought to the attention of the juvenile
justice system for committing a criminal act or
displaying a variety of other behaviors not
allowed under the law
These "other behaviors" are usually referred to
as status offenses:
truancy, curfew violations, running away, the use of
These are only violations of the law due to the
child's age and his/her status as a minor
Treatment of
Juvenile Delinquency
Treatment of children has frequently been
conducted in institutions or within community
based programs
Research suggests that treatment within
standard institutional programs is often
unsuccessful, with as many as 70-80% being
rearrested within a year or so after release
However, data suggests that the inclusion of
well-conceived behaviorally-based programs
can result in positive outcomes
Treatment of
Juvenile Delinquency
Illustrative of such an approach is the Cascadia
Project, conducted in Tacoma, Washington by
Irwin Sarason and his colleagues at the
University of Washington
In this program residents were provided with:
modeling and role-play/discussion experiences
taught a variety of adaptive skills to decrease the
likelihood of future delinquent behaviors (e.g., learning
how to resist temptation from peers, to delay gratification,
to apply for a job, how to behave appropriately when
stopped by police, etc.)
Treatment of
Juvenile Delinquency
Gains were seen at post-treatment
5-year follow up data evidenced recidivism rates
for treated youths was less than half than that of
those who did not receive treatment
skills-based treatments that
promote a pro-social lifestyle may be of value in
decreasing the likelihood of future delinquency
Booster-sessions after release may maximize
the durability of skills
Treatment of
Juvenile Delinquency
Teaching Family Model (Achievement
Place) from University of Kansas
Community-based program
Residents live in a home-like setting with 78 other residents and 2 house parents
trained in behavior management skills
Treatment of
Juvenile Delinquency
Residents attend school and have a
variety of work responsibilities
 An extensive token economy program
serves as the basic focus of treatment
rewards for appropriate behaviors (e.g.,
completing homework assignments, increased
academic performance, improving conversational
skills with adults, modifying aggressive
statements, improving problem solving skills with
fined for showing inappropriate behaviors