Youth, Crime and Delinquency: protecting children and reducing crime Martin Davis Head of Engagement & Partnerships Introduction – the issues Urban safety – Habitat Agenda Prevalence of Youth Crime and Disorder Risk Factors Regeneration based programmes Citizen focused and locally based initiatives Neighbourhood Management and Neighbourhood Policing Safer Communities Four out of ten males and one in ten females are likely to be found guilty or cautioned for an indictable offence at some point during their lives. “….. Urban safety is today about increasing choices for men and women, girls and boys to move freely without threat, harassment, sexual assault, rape, or intimidation because of gender, ethnicity or community affiliation. It is also about responsive and inclusive governance.” Anna Tibaijuka - Executive Director UN Habitat September 2007 Prevalence of Youth Crime Young people found guilty by youth courts or cautioned has fallen in England and Wales over the past 20 years. Youth crime is far more prevalent than recorded crime suggests? Young people are responsible for 40% of crimes such as theft, burglary, robbery and violence Police recorded crime statistics and national surveys of the victims of crime show offences most often committed by young people - such as violence - risen dramatically over the same period. Individuals more often break the law when they are young. Young people who become involved in crime before they are 14 tend to become the most persistent offenders, with longer criminal careers. Risk Factors Individual Factors - includes hyperactivity and impulsive behaviour; early onset of aggressive and other problem behaviour; being male Family - poor parental supervision; harsh or erratic discipline; family conflict; parental criminality; low family income Peers - delinquent peer group; high proportion of unsupervised time spent with peers School - low attainment; low commitment/truancy; aggressive behaviour and bullying; exclusions; school disorganisation Community Poverty - disadvantaged, neglected neighbourhood; community disorganisation, high turnover and lack of social ties; drug availability Institutional responses – criminalisation of youth and youth services Mitigating Risk Factors/Protective Factors Little attention has been paid to factors that protect young people, especially those from high-risk backgrounds, from offending. Protective factors that are known include having: a resilient temperament; a warm, affectionate relationship with at least one parent; parents who provide effective supervision, pro-social beliefs and consistent discipline; and parents who maintain a strong interest in their children's education. An understanding of how to build on the positive features influencing individuals, their families and communities can be used to increase the effectiveness of prevention strategies. Programmes to Challenge Youth Crime Whole support and diversion programmes such as: Communities that Care - CTC was established in the UK in 1997 with the support of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. It takes an evidence-based approach to identifying the main risk and protective factors for young people within a local area and then engages commissioners in the development of an holistic children and young people's action plan. Kids Company - Project aims to provide emotional and practical support to children to bring about positive changes to their lives. The charity seeks to emotionally re-engage young people and encourage them to value their lives and futures, which has a significant impact on youth offending levels (independent observers estimate that in 10 years Kids Company has saved more than 3,000 children from going to prison or committing violent crime or murder). Citizen Focused Services LSP/CDRP/Voluntary Sector Working with an in-depth understanding of the needs and expectations of individuals and local communities Young People Police Authority Contributing to the development of citizen focused Community Advisory Panels PCCG Local Business Local Authority Housing, Social Services, Education, Environment etc. North Tyneside - example Small dedicated Neighbourhood Management Team (NMT) leads the development of the initiative, working with residents, community groups, councillors and service providers. Identifies local needs and priorities and then puts in place initiatives to improve the local area and get things done. NMT is accountable to local residents and ‘visibly taking responsibility at the sharp end’. NMT plays a major role in supporting voluntary and social enterprise activity, and in helping develop residents associations and community groups.etc MPA Youth Scrutiny – Understanding young peoples needs . The Metropolitan Police Authority are currently undertaking an in-depth scrutiny of the Metropolitan Police Service’s interactions with young people about the causes, effects and impacts of young people’s involvement in crime as victims, witnesses and perpetrators and how this influences their interactions and relationships with the MPS. Reducing youth victimisation and youth offending is a key concern for the MPS for a number of years. However, this concern has been given added impetus by a number of different factors. Recent research indicates that: victims are young and getting younger; criminals are also getting younger and the crimes that they are committing are increasingly serious; and young people are being increasingly criminalised in public discourse. The scrutiny is time limited and the final report is to be presented at the April 2008 Full Authority meeting. Conclusion Youth Crime Reduction within a broader policy context – Habitat Agenda and regeneration. Need to tackle risk factors in early years Need to challenge youth crime through understanding and positive intervention – justice and welfare No easy assumptions about youth intervention needs – need to guide and encourage the young and not demonise and build their capacity to challenge crime and disorder and drug misuse Home area basis for developing services through responsive, citizen focused services which enable Safer Communities Neighbourhood management and neighbourhood policing useful platform to develop such services