Neurodegenerative Disorders

Pediatric Neurology Quick Talks
Neurodegenerative Disorders
Michael Babcock
Summer 2013
-2 yo female
-parents bring child to clinic due to speech concerns
-does not say any words
-he sat at 7 months, began walking at 16 months, though has not walked for
last 2 months
-does not make as good eye contact as before
-has recurrent episodes where he will staring with behavioral arrest
Developmental Regression
-This is not the kid that has recently learned how to walk, though has stopped
with an intercurrent febrile illness
-Developmental regression is persistent and un-yielding decline in
developmental skills
-Can also be seen in a child that has a persistent decrease rate in attaining
milestones or who has a prolonged plateau.
Differential diagnoses
-Grey matter disease
-white matter disease
-Mitochondrial disorders
-Inborn errors of metabolism
-hearing loss
-epilepsies – ESES
-PDDs – Autism spectrum
Neurodegenerative disease
-White matter disease
-Early signs
-Peripheral neuropathy
-vision decline
– optic nerve atrophy
-cognitive decline
-Grey matter disease
-Early signs
-Behavior change
-Cognitive decline
-vision decline
-retinal degeneration
-Late signs
-Good Early life history – pregnancy (infections, medications), delivery
(complications), birth-weight, early weight gain, early milestones.
-Good develomental history – gross motor, fine motor, speech, hearing,
-Social history – Pb risk, risk for nutritional deficiency
-Family history – Pedigree, ethnic background
Differential Diagnosis
Fragile X syndrome, Alexander’s disease,
hydrocephalus, metachromatic
Angelman’s, Craniosynostosis, CNS
malformation, injury, infection, Rett’s
Inborn Error of Metabolism, Wilson’s
Coarse facial features
Abnormal Skin
Abnormal Hair
Abnormal Hearing
Ocular abnormalities
Genital abnormalities
Adrenoleukodystrophy, NF1, SturgeWeber, Tuberous sclerosis,
Waardenburg’s, PKU
Menkes’, PKU, Homocystinuria,
Hypothyroidism, mucopolysaccharidoses
CHARGE Syndrome, Down Syndrome,
Pfeiffer’s Syndrome, Canavan’s
leukodystrophy, Smith-Magenis,
Velocardiofacial and DiGeorge Syndrome
Tay-Sachs, Congenital Syphilis,
CHARGE syndrome
Noonan’s, Fragile X syndrome
-X-linked recessive
-symptoms usual stat by age 4-10
-loss of previously acquired
neurologic abilities,
hyperactivity, seizures, ataxia
-Adrenal gland failure (Addison
-Diagnosis made by detection of
-MRI shows white matter
-Tx: dietary restriction of VLCFA,
+/- Lorenzo oil, BMTx
Metachromatic Leukodystrophy
-onset 12-24 months (infantile), or 412 years (juvenille)
-deficiency in aryl sulfatase A
-accumulation in lipid sulphatide in
myelin sheath, brain, peripheral
-cognitive function affected initially,
followed by motor difficulties
and dysarthria
-Tx: symptomatic, ? BMTx
PREP Question
A 5 year old boy presents for evaluation of problems with impulsivity and hyperactivity. His
teacher had asked if he might have ADHD. According to the boy’s mother, he has had progressive
behavioral problems and is having trouble constructing and building with toys. No behavioral
problems were noted in preschool. The family history is negative for ADHD and moss disorders.
The mother reports no disruptive changes at home or school.
On PE, you note normal mental status and cranial nerves, crossed adduction when eliciting
patellar reflexes and sustained clonus at both ankles.
Of the following, the MOST appropriate next step is:
A. Observation with re-evaluation in 6 months
B. Referral to neurology for diagnostic evaluation
C. Referral to physical therapy for gait spasticity
D. Referral to psychiatry for medication consultation
E. Referral to psychology for psychoeducational evaluation
B. Referral to neurology for diagnostic evaluation
-Abnormal neurologic exam
-most common disruptive behavior in school age children is ADHD
-BUT do a thorough neuro exam
Crossed adduction
Sustained clonus
-Emergent evaluation is not indicated
-Adrenoleukodystrophy: Demyelinating; onset~7yrs; poor executive function, emotional lability
after a period of normal develoment; X-linked, ABCD1 gene, defective oxidation of LCFA in
peroxisomes, and they accumulate in myelin, adrenal glands, etc.
-Regarding other choices:
A. observation with reevaluation: progressive symptoms, abnormal exam
C. Referral to physical therapy: evaluation of cause first
D. Referral to psychiatry: neuro exam findings indicate underlying process other than ADHD
E. Referral to psychology: Same as D
-Uptodate articles
-Review article: The Inherited Neurodegenerative Disorders of Childhood: Clinical Assessment. Percy, A.K. 1987.
Bradley: Neurology in Clinical Practice, 5th Ed. 2008 Butterworth-Heinemann.
Current Management in Child Neurology. Bernard Maria.
Clinical Genetic Evaluation of the Child with Mental Retardation/Developmental Delay