Language programs run by UWA Overseas Short Term Programs 2013 Program Coordinator / Contact Unit / Credit Points Details China Field Study Linda Cresswell, Dr Gary Sigley CHIN2801 12 points Chinese language immersion Dec-Jan, 4 weeks at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, 1 week break, 4 weeks Beijing Institute of Education Linda Cresswell, Asst/Prof Wang Yi CHIN2802 6 points Chinese Language Immersion Nov-Dec, 4 weeks at National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan CREIPAC New Caledonia French Language Program Sabine Kuuse 6 points credit granted as advanced standing French Language Immersion Jan-Feb, 3 weeks, at CREIPAC – a government specialised school in the teaching of French. German in Action Dr Kati Tonkin Chinese Language and Culture Immersion Program (Taiwan) Italian In Action Faculty Specific Indonesian In-Country 5 and 6 Architecture Summer Studios (Architecture students) 12 points German Language Immersion Exchange Program – numbers limited Jan-Feb, 6 weeks at University of Stuttgart Dr Marinella Caruso ITAL3801 6 points Italian language immersion Jun-Jul, 3 weeks at University of Bergamo (students are encouraged to spend an extra week in Rome, however this is optional.) Prof David Bourchier INDO3801or INDO3802 24 points Indonesian Language Immersion Sem 1 or Sem 2, full semester study at Gadjah Mada University Architectural Design Studios (various) 12 points Each year different studios are offered. These include Anna University (India) Stuttgart University (German)* Milan Polytechnic (Italy)* Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens (Greece) Samantha Millar, Faculty of Architecture * exchange programs – numbers limited All programs are subject to change. Please check the relevant websites or contact the program coordinators for the most up-to-date information. The UWA Study Abroad Office provides this list as a guide only, and unless otherwise specified, is not responsible for the administration of these programs. Program Television and Video Production (Communications students) Bali Art Studio (Fine Arts students) Partner University Programs Interprofessional Health Practice (Health Science students) NUS Biodiversity + Language Summer Program HKU Summer Institute: Asia as the Global Future Blair Foundation Faith & Globalisation Initiative’s Intensive Summer Course Coordinator / Contact Unit / Credit Points Details Linda Cresswell Prof Ian Saunders COMM3901 6 points Intensive three-week study in video production and television studio work, using state-of-the-art facilities at Temasek Polytechnic in Singapore Prof Paul Trinidad VISA2298 6 points Jun-Jul, 4 weeks during mid-year break IMED3303 6 points Travel to Bangalore in India for two weeks of field work with a non-government organisation. Visits to a hospital and health clinics are also arranged and some time is allocated for recreation. Jun-Jul, 3 weeks Assoc Prof Pam Nicol National University of Singapore and UWA Study Abroad Office The University of Hong Kong x.html Dr Debora McDougal EXCH0130 (Exch.Sp.Unit Natural Sci) – 6 points EXCH0943 (Exch.Sp.Unit Foreign Lang) – 6 points June – July, 5 weeks during mid-year break Exchange Program – numbers limited In Singapore (with trips to Malaysia) studying eco-systems under the guidance of field biologists, while at the same time learning either Bahasa Indonesian or Chinese in an introductory language immersion program June 23 – July 21 2013 – 4 weeks Fee paying program (deadline for applying is 15th March) Apply for advanced standing credit of 6-12 points In parallel with inspiring lectures, students will also be exposed to key issues in Asian affairs through a series of field trips in Hong Kong, Beijing and Seoul. Each of these field trips will also contain an academic component. Renowned businessmen, community leaders, and scholars will also be invited as guest speakers. June, 3 weeks McGill University, Canada Must have taken ANTH2402 Religion: Anthropological and Sociological Approaches to be eligible. All programs are subject to change. Please check the relevant websites or contact the program coordinators for the most up-to-date information. The UWA Study Abroad Office provides this list as a guide only, and unless otherwise specified, is not responsible for the administration of these programs. Program Coordinator / Contact Unit / Credit Points Details 6 credit points of advanced standing July, 3 weeks Manchester, UK Fee-paying program (applications close 15th April) Study British culture and history, and discover the contemporary city of Manchester and its region. various The Business School promotes various overseas study opportunities with partner universities. See their website for further details The University of Manchester Manchester International Summer School Business School Short Term International Study Options For enquiries, please email: or UWA Business School ents/exchange/shortterm Summer University, Denmark: Aarhus University Summer University, Aarhus Contact: Apply for Advanced Standing Credit (6 points) Sciences Po French Language Short-Term Immersions Program Sciences Po – Paris Contact: Apply for Advanced Standing Credit (6 points) Leeds International Summer School Leeds University British Studies Contact: Pembroke College Cambridge University Summer Program International Relations Pembroke College, University of Cambridge Apply for Advanced Standing Credit (6-12 points) 3rd – 31st July, 2013 Arts, Business and Economics, Business Communication, Political Science and Law, Health, Science and Technology 1st – 26th July, 2013 Applications close 15th April. French language intensive courses with social/cultural excursions. Fee paying program 6th July – 4th August (4 weeks) Fee-Paying program (some scholarships available) Learn about British culture, history and society Apply for Advanced Standing Credit 30th June – 19th July Fee-paying program, applications close 24th May International security and Intelligence Twenty-First Century Perspectives on Intelligence and the Modern Nation-State All programs are subject to change. Please check the relevant websites or contact the program coordinators for the most up-to-date information. The UWA Study Abroad Office provides this list as a guide only, and unless otherwise specified, is not responsible for the administration of these programs. Program University of Tokyo Research Internship Program (UTRIP) Research Natural Sciences University of Alberta Research Internship Program Coordinator / Contact University of Tokyo Unit / Credit Points Apply for Advanced Standing Credit Contact: Details 1st July – 9th August (6 weeks) Fee-paying program (some financial support for housing and travel) Research-centered program for students who wish to pursue postgraduate studies in natural science areas. Includes introductory Japanese language program embedded Jan – March or May – August Ranges from 10 – 16 weeks Contact Prof Sally Sandover Possible credit negotiable Scholarship of $5000CAD for successful applicants Program allows top undergraduate students to conduct research at UAlberta under the supervision of a faculty member. All programs are subject to change. Please check the relevant websites or contact the program coordinators for the most up-to-date information. The UWA Study Abroad Office provides this list as a guide only, and unless otherwise specified, is not responsible for the administration of these programs.